Can I Spray Colloidal Silver In My Mouth?

Colloidal silver may be harmful if swallowed. In colloidal silver, the silver is deposited in the skin and other organs. When this happens, the gums might turn a permanent shade of blue.

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What is colloidal silver Spray good for?

Colloidal silver supplements, on the other hand, are being marketed as a cure-all by some companies. In addition to reducing symptoms of viral infections like the common cold and COVID-19, they believe it can also strengthen your immune system and alleviate congestion in your chest. It's possible that colloidal silver is used to cure a wide range of illnesses, from cancer to HIV and AIDS. However, there is no evidence to support these claims.

How do you use colloidal silver for an abscessed tooth?

When you suddenly acquire a toothache, it's one of the most terrible things you can go through. The pain and discomfort can be relentless, incredibly distracting, and downright miserable. Regardless of what you think caused your toothache, it's best to see your dentist as soon as you notice any discomfort. If you're experiencing a toothache, tell your dentist about your symptoms and follow his or her recommendations for therapy. Your dentist may ask you to come in for a checkup so that he or she can receive a professional examination and quickly determine what has to be done to stop the tooth from hurting. Natural home remedies, on the other hand, can be used as a temporary fix until you can see a doctor.

Cloves are a common ingredient in many home cures for toothaches, and many people swear by them. In order to alleviate pain, either chew on a whole clove or purchase some food-grade clove oil from a health food store. To relieve toothache, some people use a fresh lime slice rubbed on the affected area. Raw onion or wheat grass can also be used in the same way as raw garlic in the belief that it will help alleviate a toothache. In rural India, people with toothaches use salt and pepper, rubbed into the affected area, to relieve their discomfort. To alleviate the pain of a toothache, you may want to try applying an ice cube to the area where you are experiencing discomfort.

Colloidal silver is another folk cure that was popular in the past and is still popular among some people now. In health food stores or so-called “natural” pharmacy sections of retail outlets that sell vitamins and organic or alternative health items, you may frequently find this liquid chemical compound. People who use colloidal silver as a home cure for a toothache commonly dip a cloth in the liquid and then press the cloth against the tooth or gum to apply a little amount of the colloidal silver.

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You should know that not all home cures for a toothache or any other health-related problem or condition will be effective for everyone. And don't forget that some home remedies, drugs, foods, and/or other things that may be used in a recipe for a home remedy might cause serious allergic responses or other adverse effects in some people. Keep those considerations in mind before attempting a do-it-yourself toothache cure. Doctors or dentists who are licensed and knowledgeable in treating and prescribing remedies may be the best option for those who have a history of unpleasant reactions to foods or drugs and such.

How do you use colloidal silver for sinus infection?

Antibiotics, on the other hand, are ineffective against fungal infections, which will continue to grow. Because they are administered systemically, antibiotics spread throughout the body, even if they're only needed in the sinuses. An altered microbiome can lead to other infections, thus it's important to avoid this.

Understanding the enemy

First, there is the fact that the issue is multifaceted. To begin with, you're using an active chemical that exclusively kills bacteria to combat the fungi-bacteria symbiotic interaction. Another problem is that the germs can only be killed by using antibiotics. Antibiotic-resistant microorganisms will take over the feeding grounds that were previously occupied by the ones that were killed.

Making a bad neighborhood worse by murdering out only the weakest criminals is a prescription for disaster.

Many fungi can be found in the sinuses. Because they feed on sinus-lining mucopolysaccharides (mucus), they produce exotoxins that inflame and damage the sinus membranes. Molds, germs, and viruses are constantly present in the air we breathe, and the immune system works hard to eliminate them.

To make the situation even more difficult, fungus functions as an insulating layer on which bacteria can thrive and grow.

2 Mucopolysaccharide conversion by the fungus can be digested by bacteria, which can then grow on top of them and survive. It is in this way that they are protected from antibiotics, which are distributed through the microcapillary bed.

Searching for solutions

Only a partial answer can be found by using a systemic antibiotic to destroy the germs. You need an antifungal to reduce the number of molds in the sinuses and protect the germs from the immune system and medications. 3

For one thing, taking medications orally is a big strain on the body, but in many situations the pathogens are not actually exposed to much at all. The infection must be treated with an antibiotic.

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Antimicrobials that can destroy all bacteria are also necessary. Different kinds of bacteria can be killed in three distinct ways by antibiotics. Antibiotics can only kill a small percentage of the organisms in a given environment.

When looking for an antibiotic, you want to make sure you're not just killing the weaker bacteria, but also killing any fungus that may be present.

Pure aqueous colloidal silver is both antifungal and antibacterial, according to research (although it is more effective against bacteria than it is against fungi). It destroys all bacteria, albeit some are more effective than others.

As long as the colloidal silver has a potency of more than 35 ppm, it can kill more than 1 million organisms in less than 20 minutes when mixed with a surfactant, such as polysorbate 20.


Enhanced colloidal silver has been demonstrated to be considerably superior to sinus surgery or medications in the treatment of simple sinus infections.

For additional convenience, the nasal spray can be sprayed directly into the sinuses rather than taken orally. Allows a massive reduction in the amount of material required.

Because the antimicrobial is solely applied where the infection is happening, the patient avoids having a potent antibiotic flowing through their entire body.

Protocols for use

In most cases, when someone has a sinus infection, their mucosal flow is quite big as well. To flush an antibiotic from the region in less than ten minutes, use this. 5 Antimicrobial agents must be replaced in the environment every 20 to 30 minutes if this therapy is to be effective.

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If you don't apply the antimicrobial frequently, the mucus will remove the antimicrobial and the bacteria and fungus will double in numbers every 20 minutes. Spraying them repeatedly to death is the only way to keep up with their reproduction rate. The key to making the therapy work is to apply it every 20 to 30 minutes.

When treating sinusitis holistically, it is important to use the right active agent, at the right concentration, in the correct location, and according to the correct protocol. Using this method appropriately, the patient can lessen the infection while saving the normal microbial population, re-establishing the nose's natural equilibrium.

Using a Neti Pot, you can be confident that it reaches all of your sinuses. Bacteria and fungi thrive in saltwater and the only benefit of utilizing it in the Neti Pot is that some would be rinsed away. 6

It is possible to employ a potent antibiotic (such as enhanced aqueous colloidal silver) to fill the sinuses and then seal them with your fingers. More germs and fungus can be killed in 10 minutes than in a week with medications.

When pumped into the sinuses, aqueous colloidal silver stings a little, but it quickly finds osmotic equilibrium and the irritation goes away. When done in the morning and at night, this can be extremely effective in resolving difficult sinus infections.

1 Hampton T. Antibiotic Resistance: New Programs and Discoveries. 2015; 313(24): 2411-2413.

“Bacterial biofilms on the sinus mucosa of human individuals with chronic rhinosinusitis,” by Sanderson AR, Leid JG, and Hunsaker D. 116 (7): 1121–6 in The Laryngoscope, 2006.

3) Singh PK and Parsek MR. Biofilms: a new link to disease pathophysiology. 57:677-701 in Annual Review of Microbiology.

There are now 4 members of the board of directors (2006). Silver Iontophoresis and Silver Colloids as Antimicrobial Agents (p. 84-88). Klearsen Corporation is based in Boulder, CO.

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Edelstein DR and Erlandson RA are co-authors on the paper. Patients with severe chronic sinusitis have altered nasal epithelium, according to a clinicopathologic and electron microscopy investigation. The Laryngoscope. 1998;108:1816-1823.

A study by the following authors: 6Mukerji SS6, Kim HM6, Adams ME, and Terrell JE A randomized controlled study of nasal saline for the treatment of chronic sinonasal symptoms. Arthroscopy of the Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon.

How many tablespoons of colloidal silver can you take in 1 day?

The suggested daily dose of colloidal silver is one tsp per day, despite the fact that it is absolutely nontoxic and can be consumed in any quantity.

When should I start spraying colloidal silver?

How soon before flowering is the ideal time to utilize colloidal silver? Every day until male sacs begin to form, spray fresh growth with colloidal silver (typically 10-18 days.)

Can I drink colloidal silver?

Even the air you breathe has a trace quantity of it.

Although the environmental and health implications of silver nanoparticles are unknown, colloidal silver is deemed dangerous to eat

Argyria is the most serious complication of long-term exposure to colloidal silver.

Due to the deposit of silver metal particles in the skin and body, argyria results in blue-gray skin. These organs are not the only places where silver deposits can build up.

Can you use colloidal silver on your gums?

The use of colloidal silver as a treatment for dental abscesses, tooth discomfort, and infections is not supported by any studies or data. It's possible that ingesting colloidal silver could be harmful for you. The following are three possible outcomes to be on the lookout for:

  • Argyria, a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, nails, eyes, internal organs, and gums, is the most prevalent side effect of colloidal silver, according to the Mayo Clinic.
  • There is a risk of colloidal silver interfering with the absorption of certain antibiotics and thyroxine, a medicine used to treat thyroid dysfunction, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Penicillamine, quinolone antibiotics, and tetracycline have all been reported to interact with and inhibit it, according to the Mayo Clinic.
  • The Mayo Clinic further advises that excessive colloidal silver ingestion may also cause irreversible renal damage and neurological disorders, such as seizures, even though these are extremely rare.

How much colloidal silver should I take for a toothache?

Colloidal silver should be taken multiple times a day, but not more than 8 ounces (230 grams) in a single day.

How do you use colloidal silver as a mouth wash?

Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds with a 10 ml measuring cap, then spit it out. Once or twice a day, after brushing your teeth is ideal. Avoid rinsing to get the best results.

Can you use colloidal silver as a nasal spray?

The use of silver to prevent the transmission of disease has been around since the beginning of time. Even after the advent of modern antibiotics, it was still used as a natural antibiotic. Silver is used as an antibacterial coating on medical instruments and as a wound dressing in traditional and today's medicine.

FDA decided in 1999 that colloidal silver products (silver particles suspended in a liquid) were “neither safe or effective” for OTC use. It is therefore impossible to market items for medical purposes or to advocate unproven uses without FDA approval as a brand new medication.

The FDA's decision required the sale of Colloidal silver products as “homeopathic medicines, immune system supports and dietary supplements (silver is a mineral, but not an essential mineral supplement).” Silver is not an essential mineral supplement. Despite FDA assurances of safety and efficacy, consumers continue to buy Colloidal silver products for a variety of ailments, particularly for infections both internally and externally..

Patients in our Wellness Center have been using colloidal silver products for the past five years, and we've been keeping an eye on their progress.

1.Products advertised as “colloidal silver” generally fall into one of three categories: 1.

Solutions based on ionic silver, silver protein, and colloidal silver are all included. The size of a silver colloidal particle, according to the encyclopedia of chemical technology, is between one and one hundred nanometers. Larger than 100 nanometer-sized silver particles are hazardous. This means that any product that falls within the range of 1-100 nanometers is a true colloidal silver.

Only the best colloidal silver items will be available from us. High-quality products are quite important. Pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver nanoparticles, no additives, and only pharmaceutical grade water are the hallmarks of superior products. A high-quality product will have an amber tint and be free of any visible particles, as well as being tested by reputable third-party labs.

In addition to tinctures and suspensions, colloidal silver products can be used externally or topically in the form of sprays, gels or ointments. Tinctures and topical products can both contain herbal ingredients such as oregano, echinacea, and olive leaf in addition to antiseptics such as tea tree oil or healing agents such as aloe vera gel for topical application.

The strength of colloidal silver products is expressed in parts per million (PPM). The darker the suspension's amber hue becomes, the more PPM it has. Higher PPM products allow for fewer daily doses, making them more convenient.

Incredibly, we have found that colloidal silver has the power to eliminate all three types of germs (bacterial, viral, and fungal) in a short period of time. Researchers at The Silver Institute, Richard Davies and Samuel Etis, claim that silver ions cling to oxygen molecules and attach themselves to cell membranes in this manner. These two actions work together to disrupt the oxidation process of germs (cellular respiration), killing them and preventing their replication.

In the face of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” this ability to destroy all bacteria holds considerable promise for the future of medicine.

23,000 individuals in the United States die each year as a result of antibiotic-resistant illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Patients are advised to take a high dose probiotic (living bacteria; on an empty stomach) while taking an internal silver product as a powerful antibacterial agent. Probiotics can be taken up to three hours after taking the silver product.

Patients with acute or chronic sinusitis, in particular, have found that nasal sprays containing colloidal silver were extremely beneficial (50 ppm; four sprays into both nostrils up to five times a day). When used in warm water, the spray can be used as a throat gargle. To use as a nasal wash or douche, you can add a few drops of silver to your “neti pot” (adding salt to the neti pot may reduce the power of the silver).

Colloidal silver gives tremendous hope for curing sinus infections caused by viruses or fungi (mold), but it will also be effective in the 20 percent or more of situations when sinus infections are caused by bacteria.

Recent study suggests that concealed microbial infections may be the cause of respiratory inflammation associated with allergies and asthma. Colloidal silver may provide good relief for allergy patients who are allergic to pollen or other airborne allergens. In other cases, patients add 5 to 10 drops of liquid silver (250 ppm) directly to their nebulizer and utilize it three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. A few drops of liquid silver and a few drops of essential oils can also be added to 3 inches of boiling water and inhaled through a cloth.

If the pathogen is viral or medicines have failed, colloidal silver may be able to help in the fight against bronchitis and pneumonia when eaten internally. Colloidal silver (250 or 500 ppm) can be taken twice a day for 5 to 7 days with little to no side effects.

In addition to treating burns, we've discovered that colloidal silver, either alone or in combination with raw honey, is particularly successful in treating thrush, periodontitis, and other topical disorders including ringworm, psoriasis, and eczema. 6. Additionally, colloidal silver has the power to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, according to Robert O. Becker, MD.

For HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, shingles, warts, chronic Lyme disease (and possibly hepatitis C), the use of colloidal silver as an antiviral agent is very intriguing and promising. In the words of Dr. Martin Hum, from the Institute for optimum nutrition, “colloidal silver is a natural therapy that prevents infections fast by actually suffocating the virus.” Colloidal silver, along with elderberry tonic, zinc supplements, and high doses of vitamin C, may help prevent colds and flus and shorten the recovery time after an infection.

Colloidal silver has also been used to successfully treat pink eye and stye caused by highly infectious virus or bacteria (1 to 2 drops mixed into a pH balance eye wash and administered by eye cup up to six times a day or five drops mixed into a bottle of OTC artificial tears) and ear infections caused by bacteria or fungal (1 to 2 drops added to glycerin or olive oil base; warm solution and place three drops into affected ear three times per day and p.) (5 to 10 drops applied directly to affected area.)

There are some medications that colloidal silver may interact with and should not be taken during pregnancy or while breast-feeding, or by infants. Since colloidal silver is slow to exit the body, it should not be used for more than 14 days in a row since it will deposit silver in organs like the skin, liver, liver spleen and kidney as well as the brain. An irreversible blue-looking skin that first shows in the gums can be caused by long-term exposure to nicotine. The skin's melanin production may also increase as a result of long-term use, resulting in darker spots.

After 14 days of utilizing colloidal silver to treat chronic diseases like Lyme disease, patients are advised to take a 30-day break before resuming use. A health expert should be consulted if there is a long-term pattern of use.

While colloidal silver products can be used safely with pets, it is recommended that pet owners get professional advice on dosage and duration of administration before administering it.

Our colloidal silver study will continue, and we will continue to hear from our patients. As the healthcare system continues to evolve, colloidal silver has the potential to be a safe and cost-effective therapy choice.

Where do you spray colloidal silver?

Colloidal silver is a solution of small silver particles suspended in a liquid basis that is touted as a treatment for a variety of health issues. Some products are sprayed, applied to the skin, or injected into a vein, while others are taken orally.

From tuberculosis and arthritis to herpes and cancer, silver had been hailed as a miracle drug for generations. In the modern era, many alternative practitioners think that colloidal silver has health benefits through strengthening the immune system and preventing or curing both common and severe infections.

However, colloidal silver has no known role in the human body. In fact, the FDA concluded in 1999 that these colloidal silver products were neither safe nor effective and sued a number of manufacturers for deceptive health claims.

Get Treatment

In spite of the many at-home remedies for sinus infections, it is always best to see a doctor for treatment. Because we use cutting-edge diagnostic techniques to pinpoint the source of your infection, this is the most expedient option. This is especially crucial if you have recurring sinus infections that keep you from doing the things you enjoy due of pain or activity avoidance.

Since of this, you might avoid an outside BBQ with friends because you're scared the surroundings will elicit an allergic reaction, which could result in a sinus infection. The allergens that cause your sinus infections can be identified and either treated with allergen immunotherapy or managed so that you don't have to miss out on social events or stay home because an allergen could be present.

The Pneumovax test is also used to measure your immune response to pneumonia germs, which are commonly the cause of recurring sinus infections.' We use immune globulin replacement therapy to treat people who have reoccurring sinus infections because their immune systems aren't strong enough to fight off pneumonia germs and prevent sinus infections. Identifying the underlying cause of your sinus infections will lead to a faster resolution to your symptoms.

Flush Your Sinuses

Using a Neti pot to flush your sinuses might be an excellent home treatment for a sinus infection. For hundreds of years, people have relied on this method to alleviate the symptoms of a sinus infection. To flush the nasal passages, neti pots utilize filtered water and a salt solution. Use this therapy on a regular basis to keep your sinuses clear and prevent them from becoming infected.

Use a Medicated Over-the-Counter Nasal Spray

Using an OTC nasal spray may be the quickest approach to alleviate the stuffiness caused by a sinus infection, due to the medicine's rapid entry into the sinus passages and subsequent reduction in inflammation. Consider your spraying method carefully. Your disease may worsen if you use some medicinal sprays for longer than the recommended three days. Longer use of a saltwater spray results in greater efficacy.

Use a Humidifier

An infection of the sinuses will only worsen as a result of the irritation caused by dry air. In contrast, breathing through your nose is made simpler by humid air, which lowers inflammation and soothes sore throats. For states in the western United States, where the climate is inherently dry and there isn't much water in the air, this is especially critical. In pharmacies and big-box retailers, humidifiers can be purchased for a reasonable price.

Use Steam

Create steam to humidify the air if you don't have a humidifier or can't get one. Breathe in the vapor from a bowl of hot water or take a hot shower. Your nasal passages can be opened up and reduced in irritation by using these methods. To ease the pain of a sinus infection, place a warm, moist towel over your nose and eyes to lessen the swelling.

Drink Water

If you're suffering from a sinus infection, staying properly hydrated is a great method to lessen the inflammation that comes with it. With water, mucus in the body can be more easily blown out of the nose or flushed from the sinuses. Inflammation and difficulty removing mucus can be caused by dehydrating liquids such as sodas and alcohol, caffeinated coffee and caffeinated tea.

Get Plenty of Rest

As with staying hydrated, resting will not immediately alleviate your symptoms of a sinus infection, but it will aid in the healing process. Rest will improve the efficiency of the other home cures on this list. It's a win-win situation. While it may be necessary to elevate your head in order to help your sinuses drain and improve your ability to sleep, rest is essential for healing, as your body is able to fight the infection better when it isn't overwhelmed with other tasks.

Take Vitamin C

An additional way to avoid sinus infections is to take more vitamin C every day. Allergy symptoms are lessened thanks to vitamin C's protective and immune-boosting properties. Vitamin C should be a part of your defense against sinus infections because both immunity and allergies can cause them. Vitamin C, despite the fact that it won't alleviate your current symptoms, will help prevent future infections.

Eat Some Spice

As you may know, the eustachian tube connects your nose, ears, and throat, and as a result, what you eat impacts your nose. Caffeinated beverages like kombucha or beer can also help open your sinuses more rapidly. However, if you have a bacterial illness, this response may only be transient. A few minutes to a few hours of relief is possible with spice, which can be nearly immediately effective.

Take Over-the-Counter Medications

OTC drugs such as antihistamines and decongestants can provide fast relief depending on the underlying cause of a sinus infection. Antihistamines can be used to treat allergies, whereas decongestants can be used to treat bacterial infections or stuffiness caused by a virus, such as a cold. To assist you choose the appropriate medication for your needs and minimize the guesswork that often comes with it, we provide a wide range of formulae from many different companies.

Inhale Diffused Eucalyptus Oil

In many cases, the strong odor of eucalyptus oil helps alleviate the symptoms of sinusitis. People who use eucalyptus oil to treat sinus infections recover more quickly than those who don't, according to a study. Inhaling or rubbing eucalyptus essential oil on your temples and chest will help clear your airways. Food-grade eucalyptus oil can be applied to the roof of your mouth to alleviate symptoms.

Inhale Menthol and Camphor

When it comes to opening up the sinuses, menthol is one of the most commonly utilized ingredients in ointments that are used to cure a stuffy nose. It's not just the overwhelming aroma that helps reduce sinus pressure, but the combination of eucalyptus oil and camphor in these ointments. It is possible to get the calming effects of this ointment by applying it beneath your nose and on your chest. This ointment should not be swallowed, unlike eucalyptus oil.

Get a Prescription

Seeing a doctor if over-the-counter drugs and at-home cures don't help alleviate your sinus infection symptoms is the next step. The root cause of your sinus infections will be determined before a prescription is written. An antibiotic prescription won't help if your sinus problems are caused by an immune system weakness or allergies.

As an alternative, we may use budesonide or macrolides like erythromycin, azithrin or clarithromycin to lessen the inflammation in your nasal passages to treat your chronic sinus infections. If you're suffering from chronic sinus inflammation that isn't primarily due to an immune deficit or an allergic reaction, anti-inflammatory drugs like these can help alleviate your symptoms quickly. Medications may be used in conjunction with other therapies.

During your first visit, we'll do a thorough medical evaluation to see if a prescription for medicine is warranted. Then, following a thorough examination, we'll conduct diagnostic testing, including the use of Pneumovax to measure your immune response to infection-causing microorganisms. As soon as we identify the root cause of your sinus problems, we'll devise a treatment strategy that goes beyond simply relieving your symptoms.