How Do I Strengthen My Heart Chakra?

Even if the heart chakra becomes blocked, it can be rebalanced by following these easy guidelines.

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  • Gratitude is a practice that should be cultivated. Write down three things you are grateful for each day in a gratitude diary.

Our mental and physical health depends on a healthy and balanced flow of chakra energy. The free flow of love, compassion, and empathy in our hearts is made possible by an open anahata charka in our hearing centers. Using simple methods, you may restore this energy center's balance and open your heart to the love and beauty that surround us all the time.

How do you clean your heart chakra?

Having a heart chakra that is clear, powerful, and harmonious will allow you to be more open and responsive to others. Isolation, fear, and bitterness will no longer plague you; instead, you'll have the bravery to offer your heart to others. In order to learn how to love others, you must first learn to love yourself. Your relationship with yourself will be defined by profound self-acceptance and love. Because of this, even if someone tries to hurt you, your heart will soften and you will feel comfortable with them instead of vulnerable and vulnerable.

Self-love is not the only benefit you'll experience; you'll also be able to let go of old poisonous habits of conduct that have come to define your interpersonal interactions. You'll stop seeing yourself as a victim or a martyr, and you'll gain more confidence in yourself. As your self-esteem grows, so will your ability to empathize and convey compassion to others. You will experience feelings of self- and other-love, expansiveness, openness, and forgiveness.

We've rounded up some of the top heart chakra healing methods on the market today.

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Go forest bathing

As green is the color of the heart chakra, spending time in nature will help you open your heart and feel more relaxed. Shinrin Yoku, the Japanese name for “forest bathing,” has been clinically demonstrated to have numerous health advantages. Don't worry if you don't live near a forest. Visit your neighborhood park, woodland, or other greenery-filled location to get some fresh air and exercise. If you reside in an urban area, you may want to consider acquiring a pot plant or indoor shrubs to help repair your heart chakra.

Do a loving-kindness meditation

A well-balanced heart is beautiful. Separation is dispelled, and loving kindness is shared with others. Try the loving kindness meditation if your heart chakra is congested. Connect with your breath by sitting down in a peaceful place. As you focus loving energy on yourself, allow your chest to relax. A loved one, a friend, a neutral person (such as an acquaintance), and an adversary or adversary are all examples of someone to focus your loving energy on. Using a mantra like “I radiate love to you” or a visualization of loving energy can help with this meditation.

Establish clear personal boundaries

Take a look at the places in your life where you allow others to cross your boundaries. It's not uncommon for people to say “yes” when they really want to say “no.” To whom do you owe a lot of your time and energy to? Are there any aspects of your life that cause you anxiety or a lack of a sense of stability? Learn to draw the boundary and gently let others know when you've crossed it. Assert yourself and take care of your health and well-being.

Use the following herbs

For opening and clearing the heart chakra, use herbs like rose, astragalus, holy basil, nettle, hops, and angelica.

Drinking herbal tea is one of the greatest methods to ingest herbs. I recommend Buddha Teas' organic and calming Heart Chakra Tea, which can be purchased here. Rose quartz essence has been used to infuse this tea.

Practice empathy by asking “What if?”

A person's mind is capable of making hasty judgments about others. Judgmental, harsh, and unloving conclusions are often drawn from these assessments. “What if?” is a powerful question to ponder when you're feeling resentful toward someone else. Ask yourself, “What if that person just lost their job?” if they're being unpleasant to you. Try asking yourself, “Was that person's childhood trauma so severe that they are unable to connect with others?” Keep in mind that there is a story behind the actions of other people.

Hug more

Loved physical contact is essential for the health and well-being of human beings. When you hug someone, your body releases oxytocin, a natural antidepressant, which helps you relax. Increase the number of times you embrace the people you care about. Try hugging oneself as a show of self-love if you don't have anybody to hug.

Show self-love by giving yourself the permission to feel

Avoiding our feelings is one of the most heinous acts we commit against ourselves without realizing it. You can't control your feelings; they are reflections of your humanity that you should accept. Give yourself permission to feel all of the negative emotions you normally avoid. Allow these feelings to pass through you by anchoring yourself in your breath. Open your heart and feel all the feelings that come with it.

Allow yourself to receive love

We tend to downplay or dismiss other people's gestures of love because of our low self-esteem and fear of rejection. Experiment with taking compliments and affection gently instead of denying them. While it may initially feel odd, this simple shift in behavior can help you feel more connected to others.

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Meditate with the following crystals

As energetic totems for your heart, you can use crystals. Meditating or holding crystals like jade, malachite and rose quartz can help alleviate stress, as can carrying gemstones like ruby, chrysocolla and green fluorite. Rhodonite is currently my favorite mineral.

Be thankful and show gratitude

It's a shame that we take so much for granted these days. One of the easiest ways to heal your heart chakra is to just appreciate all the good things in your life. Take a moment to reflect on the things you're grateful for in your life. Silently thank each one of them, or if it feels right, utter a prayer of appreciation.

Do shadow work

Closed hearts indicate that we are harboring a great deal of negative energy in our subconscious. All of your rejected and denied personality traits, thoughts, feelings, habits, and socially unacceptable ego components reside in your shadow self. In the process of embracing these hidden pieces of yourself, your heart opens up a little bit more. Learn more about shadow work and the shadow self.

Cleanse the heart chakra with essential oils

You can add essential oils such as lavender and marjoram to your bath water. A diffuser, a wrist massage, or a diffusing pendant are all options for using essential oils.

Do a forgiveness ritual

Forgiveness is a process that begins with you. How have you harmed yourself in the past? A love letter to oneself asking for forgiveness should be written and either burned or kept in a secure place. Try a self-created ceremony that contains one of the following parts if you're still harboring animosity toward another person: (earth, fire, water, wind). Prayers such as “Dear Life/Spirit may my heart release resentment towards my mother.” might help you forgive your mother. Amen.” Then extinguish the flame.

Eat more of these foods

Introduce extra kiwi fruit, spinach, kale, green apples, pears, chard, lettuce, broccoli, peas, avocados, cabbage, peppers, zucchini, grapes, and celery into your diet to support your heart chakra.

Let go of the Martyr role

St. Martyr is a person who has chosen to live a life of self-denial. There is only one problem: this role is fueled by low self-esteem, a desire for praise and admiration, and an unwillingness to take responsibility for one's own well-being. Martyrs put the needs of others ahead of their own, and to do so, they often resort to unconscious manipulation of people around them.

To avoid being the Martyr, try taking on the position of buddy, confidant, peacemaker, or helper instead. Find out how to conquer martyrdom by reading this article.

Learn how to breathe deeply

The heart chakra is governed by air, thus understanding how to deepen your breath is essential. Alternate nostril breathing and slowing down your breathing are two ways to practice pranayama. Keep in mind that our shallow chest breaths are actually unnatural. Taking a deeper breath provides our cells with extra oxygen. More oxygen in the bloodstream improves metabolism, which results in a calmer state of mind and greater health. Deep breathing can be a lifesaver for people with heart chakra disorders like social anxiety.

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Use empowering affirmations

Reprogram your unconscious mind by repeating meaningful statements that open your heart. For example, you could use the following affirmations to guide your day: “I listen to my heart; I accept who I am; I let go of any fear; I embrace who I am; I love and forgive others; I nurture my inner child; I am worthy of loving; I open myself to loving.” Each day, begin your day by repeating one of these affirmations aloud to yourself.

Do one kind thing each day

Are you a thoughtful person? Self-centeredness and even emotional numbness are common characteristics of those who suffer from blocked chakras in the heart. Doing something kind and sharing with others each day will help you open your heart. You could, for example, commend someone, say something encouraging, or carry out a kind gesture.


One of the best ways to open the heart chakra is to laugh at yourself. Every day, find a way to chuckle, even if it's only viewing funny videos of cats in costumes on YouTube.

Hum “YAM”

The heart chakra resonates to this sound. Make noises like “yyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm” by drawing out the letters. It's also possible that you'd benefit from listening to the music healing therapy called binaural beats, which uses alternating sound waves to activate and clear all of the chakras at once. Try these tunes to cure your chakras.

What Crystal is for the heart chakra?

It is possible to profit from the use of healing crystals if your heart chakra is out of harmony. When you regain your equilibrium, your life will flow more easily and your emotions will be expressed in a more healthy manner.


Bloodstone has a deep dark green color with crimson dots and patches that are easily recognizable. Bloodstone's natural luminosity and intense energy make it a gorgeous stone, but it's also one of the most dangerous.

  • A blocked heart chakra can be cleared by working through the root causes of the problem.
  • Bloodstone can help alleviate the unpleasant side effects of quitting smoking or detoxifying in any other way.

How to use bloodstone for healing

Because of its purifying properties, Bloodstone's energy is distinct from other stones'. It's like washing a window so that you can see the view that was there all along. Clearing the way for the flow of love is the primary goal of this method of therapy.

  • Keep a crystal healing notebook next to your bed if you sleep with bloodstone near or under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, write down anything comes to your thoughts. You may begin to detect a pattern in your dreams and learn to comprehend what your subconscious mind is trying to communicate to you through them.

Bloodstone properties

With the help of three zodiac signs, bloodstone emits a powerful force. Aries symbolizes the beginning of a new chapter, while Libra symbolizes the process of finding mutually beneficial solutions. Pisces is a sign of harmony and passion that can be used in good ways.

Bloodstone is related with Mars, a planet that symbolizes a desire to break into new territory. In terms of numbers, this crystal is associated with the fours and sixes: stability, and love and good fortune.

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In Australia, Brazil, China, the Czech Republic, Russia, and India, bloodstone is found in abundance.

Green Aventurine

Among crystal healers, Green Aventurine is a consensus favorite. A lot of people believe that it can help make dreams come true. Your uniqueness can be unlocked with Green Aventurine's ability to harmonize your yin and yang.

  • As a stone of discernment, green aventurine aids you in reaching your goals.
  • You may move on with confidence and welcome change after releasing old habits.
  • Those with a short temper can be soothed by it, allowing for a more healthy way of dealing with their emotions.
  • To bring you back into your natural rhythm, it might create a sense of quiet and peace.

Green aventurine properties

Aries is the astrological sign associated with green aventurine. These are times of new beginnings, soul-searching, and openness.

Green aventurine is ruled by Mercury's energy. Mercury is the planet of communication, and its energy is upbeat and upbeat.

There are a number of countries where green aventurine is mined. It has a Mohs hardness of seven.

Rose quartz

Rosy quartz is known as the stone of universal love because of its pink hue. Rose quartz is a popular crystal for beginners since it's easy to find and has a beautiful, calm yet powerful aura. People often mention it as the first crystal when discussing concerns of the heart, and it's for good cause.

Because it is the gemstone of love, rose quartz has a strong connection to the heart chakra. It has the following advantages in crystal healing:

Using Rose Quartz with Green Aventurine and Bloodstone

Using numerous crystals at once is typical in crystal therapy, although this can become confusing. If you want to get the most out of these three heart chakra stones, follow the following suggestions.

  • Green aventurine and rose quartz should be placed on the chest for a blocked heart chakra.
  • Place a piece of green aventurine on the chest for yin and yang balance, a piece of bloodstone on the abdomen to soothe anxieties, and a piece of rose quartz on the forehead to open the mind to global support and solutions.

How do you fix an overactive heart chakra?

The chakra can be calmed by focusing on your spiritual connection. Take time each day to do something that will nourish your soul. Prayer, meditation, and other self-care activities may be part of this.

How do you clear a blocked chakra?

Our modern lifestyle has led us to engage in a slew of unhealthy and toxic behaviors that are clogging up our chakras and producing emotional blockage. Invisible but crucial energy centers known as chakras are meant to transmit energy between your own field and the universal field. There are a slew of them located throughout your body. Your energy flow is also obstructed when your chakras are blocked, resulting in emotional imbalances including anxiety, melancholy, rage and grief. Meditation, yoga, and even what you eat can help you get beyond these blocks. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of energy and nutrients, and they can also help you maintain a healthy weight. Your spirit needs a good spring cleaning!

What is the mantra for the heart chakra?

The Anahata (heart) Chakra chant (mantra) is the sound YAM. YAM. Practicing mindfulness cultivates a sense of well-being and well-being in others, as well as a sense of compassion for people around you. Increase the impact of the chanting by joining in. As you re-establish a holistic connection with your heart center, you'll be able to feel the vibrations in your throat and chest. For mind, body, and soul, this is a sound and energy healing session. Emotional healing and mindfulness are also encouraged by it.

How do you tell if a chakra is blocked?

Blockage of the root chakra can lead to physical and emotional disorders including constipation as well as troubles with the urinary tract and the intestines. Our physical and emotional well-being will be solid and stable if our chakras are aligned and open to the universe.

How can I unblock my Chakra at home?

Unblocking Chakras with 8 Do-It-Yourself Methods You Can Do at Home

  • Mantras. It is common to employ mantras towards the end of a yoga session.

How do you open chakras for beginners?

Chakra of the Crown (Sahasrara) Crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara, indicates our capacity to be fully spiritually connected. It is located at the top of the head. When your crown chakra is totally opened, which is a rare occurrence.