How To Use Citrine To Manifest

You can keep the citrine in your energy field (in your pockets or within two feet of your body) once it's been programmed, allowing it to effect your energy and consciousness on a continuous basis. The most effective way to reap the benefits is to meditate with it on a regular basis. You can envision your statement coming true by placing the citrine on your solar plexus chakra, which is a couple of inches above the navel. Imagine it in vivid detail, and feel all of the good emotions that come with achieving your goals. It will be so the next thing you know!

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2. Take a citrine bath to cleanse your system. Citrine is a powerful tool for cleansing all types of bad energy from your aura and energy system, including lower thoughts and emotions, EMFs from technology, attachments, beings, and psychic trash. Citrine has the ability to absorb negative energy and then transform it into positive energy. Citrine jewelry or citrine placed over the chakras will assist in clearing your bio-system. My favorite way, however, is to take a cleansing citrine bath. It's a relaxing and effective technique to concurrently treat all of your chakras and your entire aura. One citrine crystal and access to a bathtub are all you need, although a couple cups of salt and a few drops of purifying essential oil are also excellent additions.

With the following intention, program a citrine crystal: “All negative energy has been cleansed from my chakras, meridians, subtle bodies, aura, and entire bio-energetic system.” You can utilize your citrine for subsequent baths without having to reprogram it once you've configured it with this goal.

Fill the tub halfway with hot water. Allow the citrine to charge the water with your purifying purpose before placing it in the tub. (To avoid destroying the citrine, make sure it's not too hot.) You can also use Epsom salt or sea salt to absorb bad energy. Many essential oils, including frankincense, juniper, lavender, rosemary, and sage, have a cleansing effect. A few droplets can help to improve the experience. Soak and relax for around 20 minutes in the tub, and when you emerge, your skin will be crystal clear and gleaming.

3. Create a citrine grid in your house or office for positive energy and protection. Citrine will emit positive, rising energy wherever it is placed, cleansing and safeguarding your environment. Making a simple grid out of citrine crystals is a lovely concept. A crystal grid is a pattern made up of stones that you activate with your purpose. Building one creates a powerful force field that organizes and patterns the energy in your environment, benefiting everyone who comes into contact with it. You might make a crystal grid in your yard or around your house. You could only need to grid one area in your house or business, or you might wish to grid all of them. To activate the grid, you'll need a citrine crystal for each corner and a selenite wand or a terminated (pointed) clear quartz crystal.

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The following instructions will show you how to grid a room in your house or office. Before you begin, clean all of the crystals and place one citrine crystal in each corner of the room. In your dominant hand, hold the selenite or quartz, and express your purpose for the grid: “This grid is activated to keep the energy in this room clean, high, positive, and safe at all times.” Use a wand made of selenite or quartz to connect all of the crystals in your grid. Begin by pointing one corner at the citrine crystal. Then, while pointing the wand at the floor, walk around the perimeter of the room, pausing for a second at each citrine in the network. Repeat three times. As long as the crystals are in place, your grid will remain active. Take advantage of the positive energy!

4. Boost your body's and energy's performance. Have you been putting out both ends of the candle? Citrine might help you feel more energized if you're tired and drained. It enhances your metabolism, endocrine system, and all physical bodily processes, making it a dynamic energy source that may refresh your batteries. Put down the coffee and try this simple citrine trick to get your blood flowing:

Place a citrine crystal on your root chakra, which is located at the base of your spine or near your pubic bone. Your physical body, stamina, vitality, and general energy levels are all regulated by your root chakra. Citrine will offer this chakra and your body a boost if you place it there for at least fifteen minutes. Place a citrine directly on your adrenals or thyroid glands for fifteen minutes if your adrenals are tired or your thyroid function is poor. To maintain your energy levels throughout the day, I recommend wearing citrine jewelry or putting it in your pockets after you complete this activity.

5. Develop your intuition powers and awaken your crown chakra. Citrine appears in the golden ray, which is a color associated with the head chakra. The crown chakra, located at the top of your head, is the portal to your higher self, higher dimensions, and source energy. Citrine has a natural stimulating impact on the crown chakra, so placing it there will deepen your spiritual connection and allow you to reach higher dimensions. Citrine also helps to activate the pineal and pituitary glands by boosting the endocrine system. Your psychic and intuitive powers are increased when these glands are stimulated to a higher level.

Where do you put Citrine?

Citrine is an excellent stone to have at your workspace since it attracts abundance. Whether you work from home or in an office, you might wish to keep a piece of citrine on your desk or somewhere else in your workspace to bring more success and positivity into your working life.

How do you charge Citrine?

We recommend utilizing either the moonlight or the Himalayan salt approach to cleanse and refresh your Citrine. Citrine is a powerful yet flawless stone that should be cleaned at least once a week, especially if used as jewelry.

What does citrine crystal attract?

Citrine is a stone that brings wealth and fortune. Citrine, sometimes known as the “merchant's stone,” draws money and prosperity to the location where it is placed. So keep Citrine in your wallet or handbag to attract more money, and keep Citrine in your safe or cash drawer to attract financial prosperity to your company.

Peaceful sleep

“After a hard day, fluorite and green calcite create a peaceful and soothing energy that invites us to an ease of emotion,” Winquist explains. “Rose quartz is a stone of love, helping us to let go of any unbalanced energies or interactions we may have encountered throughout the day.”

“Howlite reduces too critical thinking while while increasing creativity,” he explains. “It contains a relaxing energy that can be utilized to alleviate anxiety, tension, and strong emotions.”

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Anxiety and sleep

“These three stones can assist to relieve tension and calm the nervous system, allowing the body and mind to rest,” she says.

According to Winquist, rhodochrosite may help with anxiety and a tight chest sensation. She suggests red tiger's eye for anxiousness that affects the entire body.

“Those who experience anxiety as tension headaches or digestion troubles can benefit from amethyst,” she explains.

It's worth noting that none of these assertions are backed up by scientific data.


“A piece of howlite placed beneath your pillow or as a crystal grid around your bed may help if you suffer from insomnia caused by racing thoughts at bedtime,” Birch adds.

“These stones provide a deep sense of calm and remind us of the universe's wonders,” she explains.

Ruby is recommended by Winquist for different causes of sleeplessness. It doesn't have to be of gem quality to be effective, she says.

If you're having trouble sleeping, arrange an appointment with your doctor to discuss treatment options.

Dreams and nightmares

“Epidote is a stone of profound comprehension. It's fantastic to improve your dreaming and connect with your smart, intuitive side,” she explains. “Black tourmaline is a stone of protection that can help you avoid nightmares, while citrine is a stone of empowerment that can help you conquer the obstacles that crop up frequently in your dreams.”

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Sleep and relaxation

Sapphire, according to Winquist, triggers mystical perception and offers a deep sense of tranquility.

“At the molecular level, Sugilite generates a sensation of meditative zen and quietude,” she says. “Celestite, also known as the angel's stone, instills grace and a yearning for serenity and tranquility in us.”

Sleep apnea

If you want to employ crystals as a supplemental therapy for sleep apnea, a disorder in which breathing pauses regularly while sleeping, Winquist recommends:

“Quartz aids in the maintenance of open energy channels throughout the body,” she explains. “Jasper strengthens us at the cellular level by infusing our blood with the energy of rejuvenation and life.”

“It ties us to the cosmic concept of harmony and balance,” Winquist says of lapis, “enabling our soul to participate in esoteric pursuits while our physical body rests and renews.”


If you want to utilize crystals as a supplement to your snoring treatment, Winquist recommends:

“These stones clear, balance, and widen the throat and nasal areas, allowing for greater energy flow,” she explains.

What chakra is citrine?

Citrine is also a gemstone that helps to balance the solar plexus chakra. Citrine can help you open your solar plexus chakra, allowing you to feel more in control and at peace spiritually and physically.

Where should I put citrine in my bedroom?

Serenity, mild vibrations, and calming properties are all features of these jewels. We also provide crystals for folks who prefer to concentrate on kindling their spiritual gifts while sleeping.

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Purple power in various colors ranging from gentle lilac to powerful black wine

What it does: If worry and anxiety keep you up at night, Amethyst is the stone for you. This gem urges you to settle down into slumber with its great relaxing energy, ability to cut through stress, and sedative approach to obtaining spiritual peace. Amethyst can also help you with any dreamwork you desire to do because of its tremendous strength and link to the head chakra. When placed beneath the pillow, Amethyst may provide answers to all questions, from astral projection to psychic visions, for those blessed with these abilities. Find out more about Amethyst's meaning.

When to use it: Amethyst can help the body, mind, and soul to pleasantly unwind if insomnia is interfering with your flow or tension is preventing you from switching off. Place a piece of Amethyst beneath your pillow to assist you in falling asleep or interpreting the hidden meanings of your dreams. Try Amethyst, and if the dreams become too disturbing to your sleep cycle, switch to another calming sleep crystal.

Rose Quartz

What it looks like: Rose Quartz is a soft, cheerful pink that screams “duvet day.”

What it does: The Rose Quartz crystal is the best bedfellow you could dream for, as it is filled to the brim with unconditional love. This stone for the heart chakra fills your space with compassion, forgiveness, and the assurance that things will work out. It prevents you from going to bed enraged and frustrated, instead opting for all those wholesome soothing sensations that promote restful sleep. Rose Quartz emits warmth and is ideal for bringing more love energy to your bed (for whatever reason). Learn more about the Rose Quartz significance.

When to use it: Stuff it under your pillow or keep an amulet on your nightstand to keep bad feelings out of your slumber. This is also a good stone to keep close by for small children, especially if they have trouble sleeping.


What it looks like: If dreams had a hue, Celestite, with its gentle shades of white and blue, would be it.

What it does: This heavenly diamond ruminates with the rarest energy, offering serenity, delicate vibrations, and spiritual blessings to those who come into contact with it. Celestite is like drinking pure relaxation as a sleep tonic. This stone calms the inner tempest, reminding us to remain peaceful and soft and let the rain wash away our worries. Celestite is all about gently, gently, which means it will not push you into overwhelm when you need to rest. Learn more about the mineral Celestite.

When to use it: If you're experiencing agitation or a sense of inner discomfort that's interfering with your sleep, have Celestite nearby so you can unwind at night. When we stop trying so hard, the answers and processes come to us. This stone should be placed beneath your pillow as you sleep.


What it looks like: Bright and sunny, the Citrine stone is more commonly linked with summer morning sentiments, but it also makes a terrific nightcap.

What it does: Citrine is excellent happy vibes, always ready to throw you over with its solar energy. This stone could be just the thing for individuals who want their bedroom to be a happy haven. Citrine can help to clear negativity from the environment, keep nightmares at bay, and ensure that you end and begin each day with pleasant play and hope. Find out more about Citrine's meaning.

When to utilize it: Wear Citrine jewelry while sleeping or put a piece on your bedside to maintain a light shining in the dark and to instantly eliminate any negative energy. You can also put it on the windowsill because it enjoys the morning sun.


Fluorite is a wonderful spectrum stone that is clear as quartz and splashed with colors of purple, pink, and green.

What it does: Purple Fluorite is an excellent dream crystal for blocking off nightmares and allowing only pleasant visuals to enter. Purple Fluorite, which acts as a dreamcatcher, is for individuals who desire to enter dreamland without fear. Rainbow Fluorite is all about mental clarity and consciousness, as well as soothing the mind before it overwhelms you and throws all your senses out the window. Find out more about Fluorite's meaning.

When to use it: When you need a firm foundation of serenity, balance, and cautious thought to get you through, Rainbow Fluorite is the stone to utilize. If you're feeling overwhelmed by anything, keep this stone near your bed and allow it do the subconscious work of guiding you to whatever solution you're looking for.


What it does: Carnelian can be the pick-me-up your evening passion needs if you desire a sleeping stone that brings you more than just sleep. This stone is a supreme sexual healer, bringing a burst of vigor back to your bed. Carnelian is not only a passion booster, but it also increases fertility, making it a good stone for individuals planning to have a family. Find out more about Carnelian's meaning.

When to utilize it: When attempting to conceive or wishing to add more passion and intimacy to your gorgeous boudoir, place Carnelian beneath your mattress or wear it on your body.

Black Tourmaline

What it looks like: As dark as the night, this lovely black stone provides extra protection.

What it does: The Black Tourmaline stone is a grounding and magnificent stone that will drape an unseen shawl around your shoulders. Black Tourmaline absorbs negative energy in a variety of ways, and keeping it close while sleeping ensures that any negative vibrations from your aura are quickly caught. As a protective stone, it aids in the prevention of nightmares, the alleviation of night terrors, and the feeling of being safe in your own area. Learn more about the significance of Black Tourmaline.

When to use it: Black Tourmaline is a fantastic stone for keeping you anchored to a sense of safety and bringing more balance and root chakra grounding into your life if you are terrified of the dark or can't sleep owing to nightmares or becoming stuck into intrusive thoughts. With this amulet on your bedside table or near your door or window, you may rest easily.


Moonstone is a light against the dark, seeming warm in hues of white.

What it does: The Moonstone is all about healthy emotional balance through and through, ripe with feminine energy and always ready to assist you find calm even during times of change. Moonstone checks all the boxes when it comes to calm or radiant direction, whether you want a talisman to lead you into the dream realm or if you want a stone to boost your sensuality. Moonstone is a magical stone that invites you to go deep into dreamwork or transcend your sexual interactions. Learn more about Moonstone's significance.

When to use it: Place Moonstone beneath the mattress to intensify your sensations of desire and elevate your bedtime encounters to a new level. Moonstone on the windowsill will attract all that celestial energy for people wishing to invoke their own inner guiding light.


What it looks like: Selenite is a wand of light with mild hues and sublime hues.

Selenite is a powerful energy crystal that is excellent in clearing sluggish energy from areas. Our bedrooms can be teeming with all kinds of energy, especially if we don't smudge or spiritually clear them out on a regular basis. Selenite can help cleanse toxic energy, unpleasant emotional build-ups, and the lingering presence of anyone who has stepped foot in your bedroom. Selenite also promotes tranquility, ensuring that your home is immaculately prepared for bedtime. Learn more about the mineral Selenite.

When to use it: Use Selenite when you need an energy shift to restore your place to the Zen-like sanctuary you require. Selenite is your safety net, whether it's to mop up an argument, fade the evidence of a shady one-night stand, or simply offer peace to any pandemonium. Selenite should be kept on an altar or in a central elevated location so that it can radiate its vitality freely.


What it looks like: Labradorite's incandescent energy combines flashing greens, golds, and blues. This jewel, like the Northern Lights, adds color and charm to even the darkest evenings.

What it does: Labradorite is a stone that exudes mystical energy, creative strength, and flawless wisdom. It's a fantastic stone for relaxing the monkey mind and following the Zen path of allowing worried thoughts to wash over you like waves that gently roll past. Finding more purpose in life can be as simple as cultivating deep inner calm and incorporating more creativity into your daily routine. With Labradorite, you may let go of negative energy, looping thoughts, and things that keep you up at night for all the wrong reasons. Learn more about the significance of Labradorite.

When to utilize it: If you're having trouble progressing with a creative project, slip Labradorite beneath your pillow and let it work on your subconscious while you sleep.


What it does: Howlite is all about soothing bliss and gently lulling you to sleep. This stone is a wonderful technique to let go of problems and go from anxiousness to silent contemplation. Howlite is an expert in guiding people away from the frustrations of insomnia because of these restorative qualities. Learn more about the definition of Howlite.

When to use it: Place Howlite beneath your pillow to promote a calmer, deeper sleep devoid of jolts and concerns.

Smoky Quartz

What it does: With the protective power of Smoky Quartz, you can protect yourself from negative energy and bad dreams. Smoky Quartz, like clear quartz stones, is an incredible amplifier, capable of releasing powerful vibrations that sweep any dead air or lingering intent out of your environment. Learn more about the significance of Smoky Quartz.

When to use it: You can tuck this gem beneath your pillow, but holding it in your hand and meditating with it before going to sleep is one of the greatest methods to channel the energy of Smoky Quartz. This will clear your energy path, quiet your thoughts, and establish a protective shield for your aura.

Is citrine sensitive to light?

is a bright golden yellow quartz variety. Citrine is one of the quartz gemstones that loses color the fastest when exposed to direct sunlight. Citrine is commonly used in larger, more dramatic pieces of jewelry that may not fit easily in a small jewelry box: if you're storing citrine jewelry on top of a vanity or bureau, keep it away from direct sunlight.

What stones pair well with citrine?

Citrine can also be mixed with other stones, such as Dzi, Hematite, Agate, and Rose Quartz, to enhance their energies. The more time you spend with Citrine, allowing its energies free and experiencing them blend with your own, the more its inner significance emerges.

Can I wear citrine everyday?

An exquisite pair of earrings is another fantastic way to show off your citrine. Citrine can be worn as a simple stud for a more casual approach, or as part of a chandelier or drop earring for a more dramatic look.

How can you tell real citrine?

  • Examine the color: Citrines, like other gemstones, have a very uniform color all over. As a result, observing the stone's hue closely is a wonderful way to tell the difference between a real and a fake. It's possible that the stone is fake if you observe an abrupt change in hue at different locations on it.
  • Examine the clarity: Citrines are known for their ability to keep your eyes clean. This means they are usually free of defects or imperfections visible to the human eye. Hold your diamond under a bright white light and inspect it from various angles while keeping this in mind. It could be a fake if there are any blemishes or imperfections on the stone.
  • Look for bubbles: Colored glass is one of the most common materials used to make false citrines, which is unsurprising. Holding your diamond up to bright light and looking at it through a microscope or jeweler's loupe is a surefire way to discover the difference. If the stone has tiny bubbles on it, it is most likely a fake.

Can I wear citrine in left hand?

After performing all of the appropriate rites, a gemstone representing Jupiter, the mighty planet, must be worn. It is said that by doing so, you will get the most out of these gemstones. Citrine can be worn as a ring or a pendant, preferably with gold settings. It can also be set with Panchdhatu if necessary. A citrine ring should be worn on the right hand's index finger. Make sure to put it on on a Thursday morning before sunrise during Shukla Paksh.

While preparing the ring/pendant for wearing, make sure you have the following items on hand. Place it in the bottom of a metal dish and layer the following ingredients on top of it one by one: one:

1. Jal Ganga

2. Leaves of Tulsi (Indian Basil)

3. Cow's milk that hasn't been cooked

4. Honeycomb

5. Ghee (clarified butter) (clarified butter)

Keep the ring/pendant in the bowl for 5-10 minutes before removing it and cleaning it with water before wearing it on the index or ring finger of the right hand.