When you think high-level concepts like “I rock!” you get the opposite effect. When you think and feel, “I rock,” you emanate a confident spirit that attracts wonderful opportunities into your life. Each idea you have influences your energy, which in turn influences your experiences. Your world is created by your ideas and energies.
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What is the 3 6 9 manifestation method?
Writing down what you want to materialize three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening is part of the 369 method.
This method gained traction on TikTok (of course), with videos using the hashtag “369method” accumulating over 165 million views. It's not difficult to discover people on the app who claim the approach has helped them manifest new relationships, significant sums of money, and other things.
Nikola Tesla, a renowned inventor, was the first to believe that the numbers three, six, and nine were potent numbers for manifesting in the twentieth century. “He believed these sacred numbers were the key to opening the universe,” spiritual adviser Diana Zalucky tells mbg.
Aside from the numbers, the 369 practice follows the law of attraction, which holds that we attract what we focus on.
Shauna Cummins, a hypnotist and author of Wishcraft, adds that focusing on what you want, especially on a regular basis, may help your brain “discover what it's looking for, and thus more likely to magnetize your desires into action.”
How do you use energy to attract what you want?
We send energy out into the world and get energy back as we go about our daily lives. Energy makes up our brains, bodies, and souls, which vibrates and is felt by others. Those vibrations reverberate throughout us and have an effect on our energy reserves.
This explains why we may feel warm, calm, and cheerful in the company of some people but cold, nervous, and depressed in the company of others. We carry that energy about with us, and it affects not only ourselves but everyone we come into contact with. Good energy can enhance our sense of well-being, reduce anxiety, and improve communication. Discord, strife, and resentment are all symptoms of bad energy. Your goal should be to attract positive energy while rejecting negative energy.
Raising your energy level and associating yourself with positive vibes are two ways to do this. It's not as difficult as you may assume. Start with these 9 daily keys to raise your inner vibrations and begin receiving positive energy.
How can I increase my manifesting power?
As far as I'm aware, the Universe hasn't given us a rule book that tells us when we're entitled to a raise, more money, or the relationship of our dreams. I'm pretty sure a rule book like this doesn't exist. We are the ones who decide what we deserve. No one else is doing it. So, if you want to build a glass blowing business in Costa Rica, don't sit about waiting for someone to convince you that you deserve it. I don't think we can be given such a large capacity for feeling and then told we couldn't have it. Desire is the driving force behind all we do. That is how we were created to live.
What does 1111 mean in manifestation?
11 is the number of manifestation in Angel Numbers, according to Doreen Virtue, therefore if you see 11:11, pay attention to your ideas since you're in high manifestation mode. Today is November 11, or 11/11, the Gateway period of the year, when a portal opens to the divine and our manifestation powers kick into high gear, according to certain mystics. So, on this day of all days, think solely about what you desire and stop worrying!
Is manifest a sin?
If you're trying to materialize something great, like a new home, a romance, or a new job, manifesting isn't a sin.
If you strive to generate something negative that will harm someone else, however, you are committing a sin.
Even if you aren't religious, you should never strive to generate something negative since it will “bite” you in the end.
You will always get back what you put into the world, so if you want to be a better person and have more positive things in your life, don't try to create anything negative.
How do you know if someone is manifesting you?
A sudden shift in behavior is one of the most telling signals that someone is manifesting you.
Taking inspired action is a vital element in manifesting, as I discussed in my 5 Step Spiritual Manifestation Method.
When someone is actively manifesting you into their life, they will take steps to make their vision a practical reality.
Talking to you, texting you, or wanting to meet up in person are examples of these acts.
How do I send good vibes to the universe?
Almost everyone knows someone who is always cheerful. They're the ones who have a natural ability to entice others and make them feel at ease. While channeling a serene mindset may come naturally to some, it may require some practice for others, and that's fine. Your energy not only affects how you interact with other people, but it also reflects how you feel about yourself.
It's one of those abilities that's well worth honing. When you start to change your perspective, you'll start to notice a lot more amazing possibilities coming your way, and you'll also start to feel a lot lighter. Here's how to start channeling positive energy from within:
How can I increase my vibration?
You've probably heard that anything you put out into the world will come back to you, thanks to the Law of Attraction. What attracts like attracts like. This universal rule states that you are in charge of your life and may affect change by how you direct your thoughts and emotions.
Molecules vibrating at different speeds make up everything in the cosmos. Trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions are all examples of this. Everything in the human body vibrates, from physical substance to the way you communicate and the thoughts you have. To put it another way, certain molecules vibrate quicker than others; there are higher and lower vibrations.
Lower vibrations make you feel heavy, dark, and confused, but higher vibrations make you feel lighter, happier, and more at peace. Almost all spiritual traditions refer to greater levels of consciousness, and scientific investigations (such as those conducted by consciousness researcher and spirituality author Dr. David Hawkins) have quantified the vibrations of various states of being to develop a consciousness scale.
Right now, how are you vibrating? What about the rest of the world? Here are 12 tips to help you raise your vibration frequency.
1. Thankfulness
One of the quickest methods to raise your energy is to express gratitude. Stop reading right now and take a peek around the room. Turn your focus on what you are grateful for right now (there is always something). It could be your purring cat, the lovely weather, or the fact that you have another day on this planet. “You can't feel fear or rage and thankfulness at the same moment,” life coach Tony Robbins stated. As a result, if you find yourself experiencing a low-energy mood, try shifting your focus to appreciation. Make gratitude a habit, and you'll notice a shift in your perspective as you gain spiritual awareness and appreciation for the small things.
2. Infatuation
Bring to remember someone who is simple to love and cherish them in your heart. Consider how you would feel if he or she were seated in front of you. A sense of expansion, lightness, and enjoyment will overtake your existence, and that is the transformation you are seeking. Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being (the fourth highest level on Hawkins' scale of awareness) and has the ability to lift you out of the deepest of ditches. Your vitality will soar if you tune your heart to love.
3. Charitableness
It lowers your energy and makes you feel unpleasant when you are stingy or greedy with anything (love, attention, money). In fact, when you hang your happiness on someone other than yourself, you end up experiencing the polar opposite of how you want to feel. Generosity is the antidote. Offer whatever it is you want more of in your life to someone or something else. Are you down on your luck? Donate a small amount of money to charity. Are you lonely? Make an attempt to make someone you don't know smile. Have you run out of time? Donate your time to a worthwhile cause.
4. Breathwork and meditation
The research of Dr. Hawkins was founded on the premise that the more “true” something is, the higher its degree of consciousness (or vibration). As a result, you will resonate more harmoniously with the truth if you train yourself to be present with the moment you are in. The past and future exist only in your head; the only true reality is the present. Meditating and breathing consciously soothes your nervous system, enhances your mood, and increases emotions of peaceall of which are high-vibe attributes that will benefit your overall well-being. This spiritual practice aids in quickly raising your vibration level so that you can reap the advantages right now.
5. The ability to forgive
Blame has a low energy on Abraham-Hicks' emotional guidance scale. Blame is ranked 15th out of 22 emotions (in order of highest vibration to lowest vibration). If you can strive toward forgiveness, you'll be able to let go of the lower energy that can weigh you down like a bowling ball, and you'll be able to move up the scale.
Under any circumstance, one should forgive. It has been claimed that man's forgiving nature is responsible for the species' survival. Forgiveness is holiness; forgiveness holds the universe together. The might of the great is forgiveness. Forgiving is a form of self-sacrifice; forgiveness is mental peace. The qualities of the self-possessed are forgiveness and gentleness. They are symbols of eternal goodness.
6. Consume high-vibrational foods
Prana, or life force energy, is present in everything you consume. You will lower your vibration if you consume a lot of “dead” energy (meat, fried, or processed foods). Your body literally absorbs nutrient-dense, prana-rich meals like local and organic fruits and vegetables, making you feel lighter, more vibrant, and alive. Food with a high vibration raises a person's vibration.
7. Detoxify Your Body by Reducing or Eliminating Alcohol and Toxins
While it may make you feel wonderful for a short time, alcohol is a depressive that decreases your vibration. Eliminating toxins from your body is an excellent place to start if you want to be clear, spiritually connected, and have a healthy attitude on life. Adopt a more healthy and holistic way of life instead of numbing out and see if you don't feel more energetically affluent.
8. Focus on the positive aspects of your life.
You become what you think about, and each idea you have shapes your future. If your thoughts are pessimistic, anxious, or negative in any manner, you'll probably find what you're looking for. Impatience, jealousy, and unworthiness all invite more of the same into your life, just as thankfulness does. You may feel heavy and burdened as a result of this bad energy. It just takes 17 seconds for a thought to attract another one like it and trigger the Law of Attraction, so be careful what thoughts you pay attention to. Negative energy should be pushed away, and positive thoughts should be chosen instead, as they are the path to positive change.
9. Listen to high-octane music, watch high-octane television, read high-octane books, and see high-octane
Prana encompasses everything you consume, not just the food you eat. Make sure your entertainment is high-vibrational and leaves you feeling energized rather than exhausted. Do you feel energised or insecure when you use social media? Is that violent action movie genuinely making you feel better or making you feel worse? Do you listen to music with violent or low-vibration lyrics? What impact might switching your daily commute's music from death metal to mantras have on the course of your day? You'll find newfound vitality in your day if you're as careful about your media consumption as you are about the quality of the food you eat.
10. Surround yourself with things that are beautiful.
While you're at it, make sure your home and workplace environs reflect your sense of beauty, passion, and joy in life. The appropriate lighting may make a big difference in your productivity and attitude. Hang art that makes you feel good. Use hues that will help you relax and refresh. Reduce the amount of clutter in your home and make more room for clarity. Your environment has a significant impact on how you feel on the inside and how you live your life.
11. Take a Walk in the Park
Get some workout in the great outdoors for a double-whammy boost to your vibration. Allow the sun to shine on your face while you work up a sweat. Reconnect with Mother Nature by taking a break from the incessant buzz of energy and electronics. Even a few minutes spent outside thoughtfully can drastically change your mood, which is why taking a walk around the block when you're experiencing a mental block or a lover's quarrel can be so good.
12. Ensure that your relationships are thriving.
Finally, surround yourself with individuals who will help you rather than hinder you. Spend your time only with individuals who make you feel good about yourself, who believe in you, and who share your desire to resonate at a high frequency.
It's easy to fall to a sense of powerlessness when it comes to the planet's and all of its inhabitants' futures. However, focusing your efforts on increasing your energetic frequency is one of the most valuable gifts you can give the world. You draw people up with you when you lift yourself up. This is the only way you can help to raise the world's collective consciousness.
What can you not manifest?
The Law of Attraction only works if your desires are in sync with your personality. You can't create something for someone who doesn't want it. You can't manifest against the wishes of others. For example, if you don't like someone, you can “command” them to do something bad (no, not even to a mean ex-boyfriend).
How do I write down my manifestations?
Writing out your goals will help you remember that what you want to achieve isn't just a fantasy; it's something you'll work on every day, and that can lead to genuine results.
With the pandemic disrupting our ability to maintain structure, stability, and drive, it may be more difficult than ever to achieve our objectives.
Writing down our goals is one of the simplest methods to create structure and get back on track with them. The 369 Method, for example, can assist us in manifesting our wishes. To make it even easier, use my free 369 Journal Template!
Writing Your Goals Down Helps You Manifest Them
According to a study by Dr. Gail Mathews, persons who write down their objectives are substantially more likely to achieve them than those who simply express them. The study also found that persons who wrote down their goals and forwarded them to a close friend were more likely to achieve them.
What steps can you do right now to put this knowledge into practice?
Here are some suggestions for manifesting your goals by putting them down as affirmations.
Ways to Start Manifesting by Writing
Rather than simply writing down what you want, make sure to include why you want it. In Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want – And Getting It!, you'll learn how to know what you want and how to get it. This strategy is referred to as the “result of the outcome” by author Henriette Anne Klauser.
Instead of writing down that you want a house with plenty of windows, write down I live in a lovely house with lots of windows so I can appreciate the extra light.
Discovering why your goals are important to you might assist you in focusing on their functionality and coming up with innovative solutions.
In fact, you may discover that if you focus on the essence of what you're looking for, there are a plethora of options that can help you achieve your goal.
Rather to just putting down your objective, go into great depth about how you'll feel once you've accomplished it.
This prevents the exercise from becoming monotonous.
Instead of stating, “I am now a highly successful dancer,” you may say, “I am now a highly successful dancer.” I'm currently a professional dancer with a lot of success. What a pleasure it is to be doing what I enjoy! Being around by talented individuals makes me feel so good. Being a part of something so incredible makes me feel welcomed and fulfilled.
The more you concentrate on the sensation, the easier it will be to become enthusiastic about your objective and to correlate it with happy feelings.
Spend a few minutes writing about how you'll feel in the scene, making sure to include particular details.
If it thrills you, you can do it intermittently or on a regular basis.
Choosing a goal and writing it down as if it were happening right now is one of the simplest ways to materialize by writing.
Do the exercise every day and repeat the statement 15-20 times.
Try this tip from Creative Visualization if you want to get a little more creative: Shakti Gawain's Shakti Gawain's Shakti Gawain's Shakti Gawain's Shakti Gawain's Shakti Gawain's Shakti Gawain' The author suggests writing your aim in the first, second, and third person, according to the book. Here's an illustration: Claire, I'm a well-known singer. Claire, you're a well-known singer. Claire is a well-known vocalist. To get the most out of this writing practice, do it on a regular basis.
The 369 Method is a method for incorporating affirmations into your daily routine. Writing your affirmations down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times before bed is part of the 369 Method. To make it easier, I produced a free 369 Method template that you can download.
Journals for goal setting are a fantastic method to organize the process of writing down goals.
There are plenty to choose from on the internet; all you have to do is find one that suits you. Some of them will assist you in identifying ten goals that you want to attain over the following ten years and will need you to write them down every day. Some contain a short appreciation list and room to put down one objective that you're focusing on today to get you in the correct frame of mind. Journaling in a structured format might help you become more intentional in your life. To get started, download my free 369 Method Journal template.
This advice is simple, but don't let that mislead you; it can be really successful.
Your goals are simply written as affirmations in a customized notepad.
The notebook is then placed in a sacred location or a clean drawer.
The following step is critical: you do not open the journal for several months.
This allows you to let go of your attachment to the outcome and makes manifesting more enjoyable.
After a few months or a year, you could be amazed at how many things in your notebook come true.
Just make sure you have enough short- and long-term goals in the notebook to observe some progress.
It's simple to stay motivated and intentional by writing down your goals.
You'll prepare your brain to be goal-oriented and provide yourself with the motivation to inch your way to accomplishment if you can master the discipline of writing them down.
Better better, gain the added advantage of supporting accountability by emailing or texting your goals to a close and trustworthy buddy.
I'd appreciate hearing from you: Do you make a list of your objectives? Do you have any suggestions for keeping the practice fun?