According to the Bible, three forces are vying for control of your heart: the world, the body, and the devil. God, thankfully, is greater than all of them.
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The world and spiritual warfare
People are encouraged to think and act in certain ways by societies and cultures around the world. Some aspects of every community or culture can point you to Jesus, while others are neither good nor evil and directly conflict with your ability to follow Jesus and have a close relationship with God.
The things that a society values whatever it pays attention to are usually a good predictor of how God's commands are viewed in that culture. Physical appearance, personal prosperity, and independence from social duty are only three examples of things the world urges you to put before God in our Western culture.
Scripture warns us that if we want to walk closely with God, we must be aware of how we are influenced by those around us.
Everything in the world, including the passion of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, comes from the world, not from the Father.
As you pray on a regular basis, ask God if there are any areas in your life where you are prioritizing what the world values over Him.
Although the world's influence is powerful, you must also recognize that the fight to move away from God can originate from within you from your own faults and desires.
Paul fought with his flesh as a missionary who helped spread the early church and produced much of the New Testament. He painted a vivid image of what it's like to be in this situation:
It occurs so frequently that it has become predictable. Sin is there to trip me up the moment I decide to do good. I genuinely enjoy God's commands, but it's clear that not everyone shares my enthusiasm. Parts of me secretly revolt, and they take over when I least expect it.
Request that God probe your heart and reveal any ways in which you are choosing to be the god of your own life. Ask for His pardon and the strength to live according to His plan for you as He reveals things to you.
In the end, the devil has been defeated by what Jesus accomplished when He died on the cross. Jesus' victory over death is demonstrated by His resurrection from the dead. The devil, on the other hand, seeks to blind people to the truth of what Jesus has accomplished.
The devil's attempts to throw us off track in our connection with God date all the way back to the beginning of time. He was the one who introduced humanity to its first temptation.
The devil's temptation of Adam and Eve, as described in Genesis 3, gives us a clear picture of what to expect from him:
He wants you to believe that God is limiting your freedom when, in fact, He is protecting you.
By teaching you that you deserve to be the supreme authority in your life, he pushes you to rebel against God.
Keep in mind that our adversary, the devil, is a genuine person. He is a ruthless and dangerous opponent, so use caution when dealing with him. God has given you enormous resources by placing the Holy Spirit within you if you follow Jesus, but you must reject the temptation to fight the enemy on your own.
Bring any feelings of being under attack by the devil to God in prayer. Thank Him for the safety that only He can provide, and trust Him to fight for you.
By Mark Bubeck
Father in Heaven, In front of You, I bow in worship and praise. During this moment of prayer, I cover myself in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for protection. In every area of my life, I entirely and unconditionally give myself to You. I take a stance against all Satan's schemes that would obstruct my prayer, and I exclusively pray to the true and living God, refusing to allow Satan to interfere with my prayer.
I adore You and worship You, Heavenly Father. I acknowledge that You are deserving of all glory, honor, and praise. I pledge my loyalty to You once more, and I ask that the Holy Spirit would guide me in this time of prayer. I am grateful to You, almighty Father, for loving me from the beginning and sending the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to die as my substitution so that I might be redeemed. I am grateful that the Lord Jesus Christ came to represent me, and that You have forgiven me entirely; You have given me eternal life; You have given me the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am now justified. I am grateful that You have made me full in Him, and that You have volunteered to be my daily support and strength through Him.
Come and open my eyes, Heavenly Father, so that I may see how wonderful You are and how full Your provision is for this new day. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take my place in the heavenlies alongside Christ, with all principalities and powers (dark spirits and evil spirits) under my feet. I am grateful for the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ won for me on the cross and in His resurrection, and that I am seated with the Lord Jesus Christ in the heavenlies; therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that all principalities and powers, as well as all wicked spirits, are subject to me.
I'm grateful for the armor You've given me, and I've donned the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals of peace, and the helmet of salvation. I raise my faith shield against all the enemy's fiery darts, and I take the sword of the spirit, the Word of God, in my hand, and wield Your Word against all the forces of evil in my life; and I put on this armor and live and pray in complete dependence on You, dear Holy Spirit.
I thank you, almighty Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ ruined all principalities and powers, making a public spectacle of them and triumphing over them in Himself. Today, I claim all of that victory for my life. All of Satan's insinuations, accusations, and temptations are rejected from my life. I declare that God's Word is true, and I choose to live today in accordance with it. I choose to live in obedience to You and friendship with You, heavenly Father. Open my eyes and show me the areas of my life where You would be dissatisfied. Work in my life so that Satan doesn't have a stronghold against me. Show me any flaws you have. Show me any aspect of my life where I need to improve in order to please You. Today, I stand for You and the Holy Spirit's work in my life in every way.
I throw off the old man and stand in all the victory of the crucifixion, where the Lord Jesus Christ offered cleansing from the old nature, by faith and in dependence on You. I put on the new man and take up all of the victory of the resurrection, as well as the provision He has created for me to live a life free of sin. As a result, I am putting off the old nature with its selfishness today and putting on the new nature with its love. I removed the old nature's fear and replaced it with the new nature's courage. I removed the old nature's flaws and replaced them with the new nature's strength. Today, I threw off my old nature with all of its deceptive lusts and put on my new nature with all of its righteousness and purity.
In every way, I claim my place in Christ, victorious with Him over all the enemies of my soul, in the victory of the ascension and glorification of the Son of God, where all principalities and powers were brought subordinate to Him. I ask that You, Holy Spirit, would fill me. Come into my life and demolish every idol and expel every opponent.
I am grateful, heavenly Father, for the way You have revealed Your will for my everyday life in Your Word. As a result, I claim all of God's will for today. I am grateful for all spiritual blessings in heavenly realms that You have bestowed upon me through Christ Jesus.
I am grateful that by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, You have given me a live hope. I am grateful that You have provided a way for me to live today full with the Spirit of God, filled with love, joy, and self-control. And I understand that this is Your will for me, and I reject and resist Satan's and his demons' attempts to deprive me of God's will.
I refuse to believe my feelings today, and I raise the shield of faith against all the accusations and insinuations that Satan would want to instill in my mind. For today, I claim the entirety of God's will.
I entirely give myself to You, heavenly Father, as a living sacrifice, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I've made the decision not to adhere to this world's expectations. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, and I hope that You will reveal Your will to me today and empower me to walk in all of God's will.
I am grateful, dear Father, that the weapons of our struggle are not carnal, but mighty through God in tearing down strongholds, throwing down imaginations, and bringing every thought into obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, in my own life today, I am tearing down Satan's strongholds and smashing Satan's plots that have been constructed against me. I break down Satan's mental fortifications and surrender my thoughts to You, precious Holy Spirit. I declare, almighty Father, that You have not given us the spirit of fear, but rather the spirit of power, love, and wisdom. Today, I destroy and smash Satan's strongholds built against my emotions, and I surrender my emotions to You. Today, I demolish the strongholds that Satan has built against my will, and I surrender my will to You, choosing to make the correct decisions of faith. Today, I crush the strongholds that Satan has built against my body, and I surrender my body to You, acknowledging that I am Your temple; and I delight in Your kindness and goodness.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You would quicken me today and show me how Satan is obstructing, enticing, lying, counterfeiting, and distorting the truth in my life. Allow me to be the type of person that pleases You. Allow me to be assertive in my prayer. Allow me to be mentally combative, to think Your thoughts and to give You Your rightful place in my life.
I now cover myself in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that You, precious Holy Spirit, would bring all the work of the crucifixion, resurrection, glory, and Pentecost into my life today. I give myself over to You. I'm not going to give up. You are the all-hopeful God. You have demonstrated Your strength by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, and I claim Your triumph in every way over all evil powers working in my life, which I reject, and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with gratitude.
How do you pray for someone who is suffering?
I pray to you, loving God, that you will comfort me in my pain, strengthen the hands of my healers, and bless the methods utilized to cure me. Give me such faith in the power of your grace that I may put my complete trust in you, even when I am terrified; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
How do you pray to God for protection from evil?
As I begin this day, I pray for Your protection. You are my safe haven, and I can always find sanctuary under Your wings. Keep me safe from harm wherever I go, and keep evil at bay. I shall look to You as my Protector, the one who battles for me every day, no matter where I am.
Your love and constancy, as well as Your goodness and mercy, surround me on a daily basis, so I will not be afraid of anything. God, I put my trust in You and thank You for Your kindness and protection.
How do you pray against the enemy?
I command the storm of destruction to gather upon every satanic power that is against my health IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! I decree and declare great casualty upon witches and wizards operating in my neighborhood, the judgment of God shall torment the powers of darkness working against me both at night and in the morning, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that are standing against me, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that
RIGHT NOW, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, my prayers have become earthquakes and storms in the devil's camp that is against my life; the Lord shall gather his armor against powers that are against my intellectual growth; all sickness in my life, known or unknown, receives heavenly storm; all conspiracy against any part of my body receives destruction now!
I order the deep wells inside me to be freed and broken forth in the name of JESUS!
How do I activate God's healing power?
Jesus has sent and equipped every Christian to heal the sick. The issue is that many of us have no idea how to carry out this duty in practice. We either believe that miraculous healing is no longer possible, that the healing ministry is exclusively open to a select few, or that God just chooses who He heals.
Randy Clark, an international evangelist, teacher, and apostolic voice, gives you eight practical, Bible-based strategies to help you begin praying for the sick and seeing them supernaturally healed in his book Power to Heal.
Learn the incredible truth about supernatural healing and how God wants to use you to release His miraculous power right now!
Interact with others and offer your prayers to them
You may feel motivated to pray for others if you've established a foundation in Christ and your faith is increasing. You can accept prayer requests from friends and family, or you can use your gift of prayer to help others in your church and community, including people you may not know.
What is Psalm 109 used for?
This psalm is one of the Imprecatory Psalms against deceitful enemy, according to the New Oxford Annotated Bible, and is titled “Prayer for rescue from enemies.” It begins with the psalmist's plea in verses 15, then moves on to a lengthy imprecation (verses 619, concluding or summarizing in verse 20). The resumed pleading in verse 21 includes appeals to Yahweh's steadfast love, specifics of the psalmist's own misery, and a prayer for revenge against the adversaries, but the lament concludes with the promise to praise (verses 3031), which is so typical in this style of psalm. The psalmist's curse ‘extends through three generations' in verses 814: on the person (verse 8), the person's children (verses 913), and the person's parents (verse 14). Psalm 55 reflects the shift from many foes (verses 25) to a single individual (verses 619).
In verse 4, evil is provided ‘in exchange for my affection.' The curses in this chapter are in line with Proverbs 17.13, which states that “if evil is given for good, evil will not depart from their house.” Returning evil for good is also found in other Psalms, such as 41, 69, and here in 109, as portending Judas as a ‘anti-friend' character who returns evil for good or even friendship.
In contrast to the introduction of Psalm 110, when God calls a man to sit at his right hand, made eternally like the priest king Melchizedek, the end of Psalm 109 shows God at the right hand of the impoverished man.
How do you say powerful prayer?
I adore Luke 5:16 because it demonstrates that, like you and me, Jesus needed to recharge his batteries and spend time with his Heavenly Father. The life of Christ is meant to serve as a model for us to follow and learn from. So, despite being God incarnate, Jesus didn't use his superpowers as the Son of God to deal with life's difficulties. Instead, he would “sneak away” to pray when he was tired, burdened, or in need of spiritual refreshment, tapping into the power, perception, and purpose that can only be found in God's presence.
Prayer is one of the most potent tools God has given us, and I believe it has never been more vital for God's people to be on their knees than it is now, as we look ahead to 2022. However, knowing how to pray isn't always simple. The followers of Jesus were perplexed as well. They were familiar with the Torah's frequently repeated prayers. But Jesus prayed with a might and authority they had never seen before, as if God was listening! So, according to Matthew 6, when they came to Jesus, they didn't say, “Teach us another prayer.” “Lord, teach us to pray,” they prayed.
Christ's response is the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:913). It's a lovely prayer that every Christian should remember; I challenged my granddaughter to do so. I don't believe Jesus intended it to become another ritualistic prayer, as beautiful as the words are. It was intended to serve as an example of how to pray.
Here are eight strategies to developing a more strong and effective prayer life that I've discovered. I hope they inspire you to make the year 2022 a year of prayer.
How do you deal with enemies according to the Bible?
The basis of the gospel of Jesus Christ is how we treat others. Love, compassion, forgiveness, and long-suffering are central to his message. These abilities enable us to treat people, including our foes, with kindness. Christ cautioned: