How To Write A Spiritual Letter

Journaling might be good for us emotionally, according to neurology and psychology, but after reading St. Augustine's Confessions, I discovered it can also be good for us spiritually. As a diary discussion with God, St. Augustine composed one of the most revolutionary texts in the Western Church. The entire process of hammering out his text is him writing to God as he seeks answers.

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After seeing this in Confessions, I discovered the concept of spiritual writing in Henri Nouwen's book Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith, which he describes as:

Writing is a method of discovering what is within of us. What is living in us is revealed by the writing itself. The most satisfying aspect of writing is that it allows us to discover new spaces within ourselves that we were unaware of before we began to write. To write is to go on a journey for which we have no idea where we will end up.

Both of these writers are describing a type of prayer that can be highly transforming and is really different from any of the methods I have learnt to pray in their own unique ways. When we engage in spiritual writing, we are granting ourselves access to a form of prayer that engages a variety of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of ourselves.

How does one go about writing spiritual material? To paraphrase Voltaire, the crucial point is not to allow perfection become the enemy of the good.

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All we need now is a pen and a piece of paper to write on. Any form of pen and paper will suffice. I know that I can spend far too much time fussing over the perfect journal or pen. This might lead to accidie (boredom and dejection), so we must be aware of our excuses and keep moving forward. There are apps on our phones that can assist us, but writing by hand is likely to be more beneficial to us than typing. Find a writing instrument and a writing surface.

Then begin writing, keeping in mind that you are writing for and to The Divine. Allow your prayers, anxieties, and resentments to flow freely through you and onto your paper. Not hiding anything from The Light is a crucial component of spiritual writing. Don't be afraid to confront any of your darker thoughts, for only by acknowledging them can they be cured. Nothing can be cured in the dark.

The optimum strategy, of course, is to make this a daily habit. At first, don't be concerned. Perhaps begin by penning a love letter to Love before St. Valentine's Day. Then once a week for the rest of Lent. If you make it a habit to have paper with you, you'll start looking for opportunities to write spiritually. You don't need to write hundreds of pages. You might find it helpful to scribble a few lines before or after a meeting, after the kids have gone to bed, or whenever you feel off-kilter. You can find more methods to incorporate time spiritual writing into your routine as you spend more time praying in this manner and it gets easier.

How do you write a powerful letter?

The content is discussed in the overview sentence. It's a single sentence that serves as a table of contents. “This letter will explain why we refused your benefits, what you can do if you think we're wrong, and how long you have to reapply,” for example, if the main message is “Your benefits have been denied…” The material in the letter should be presented in the same order as the overview statement.

  • The overview sentence functions similarly to directions in that it informs the reader of what to look for along the way.
  • Use heads like road signs in lengthier letters to let the reader know when they've arrived.

How do I write my spiritual life?

Spiritual Autobiography is one of the numerous varieties of concentrated memoir. A spiritual autobiography is a chronological account of one's spiritual influences and life milestones. My own autobiography, for example, might include high school and college graduations, a job path, and marriages, births, and divorces. But there are insights and epiphanies in my spiritual autobiography! It includes a story about a good pastor who was driven out of town by hypocrites, prompting me to leave the church as a teenager, as well as a transcendental experience that led me to seek out a guru. The work route becomes a tool for serving others and meeting new people. The unsuccessful marriages become a preparation for true and lasting love, rather than a tale of naiveté and suffering.

Writing about your own spiritual journey helps you to understand what you've learnt and where you've been. Spiritual autobiography is a cleansing process because of the goal, creation, and assessment that it entails.

Begin by stating your intention in your present spiritual practice, such as prayer or meditation. Make a list of the events in your life that influenced your attitude and philosophy in a brainstorming framework. Did you find a new path after a particularly trying period? Next, think about persons who have had a positive impact on your life. Do you have a spiritual text that was given to you with love? Did someone reach out to you and assist you in overcoming a challenge? These recollections will start to flow soon. Return later to write the stories based on your outline. Continue on the spiritual path that has affected you. If you like to work visually, instead of outlining, you may create a map or timeline; recalling music or speeches can be a useful aid for individuals whose ears are key conduits for the spirit.

Your spiritual autobiography can be summarized, sketched, or expanded into a book. After you've completed your account, you'll feel relieved and ready to move on to the next step. The fact that you are reflecting and seeking will attract what you require to grow spiritually in the future. You'll be adding chapters to the document or creating a new volume as you have new experiences.

How do you write a letter to a soul?

Pen to paper letter writing is a dying skill. Letters were the primary mode of communication in the “olden days” (I'm sure that's a technical term), and they were even a highly learned talent. In today's digital world, receiving a handwritten letter is either rare or quickly forgotten.

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Writing letters has the advantage of forcing you to calm down, gather your thoughts, and compose them into something guttural, literal, or metaphorical.

It stimulates creativity, contemplation, and emotion.

The procedure can bring up unresolved scars or it can heal them. Seeing your scattered thoughts transform from lofty concepts to something physical and worldly has a certain force. (These descriptors may be especially accurate if you are a Highly Sensitive Person.)

Emailing or typing on a keyboard, in my opinion, does not have the same effect as putting pen to paper. However, if writing is difficult or inaccessible to you, do whatever works best for you. There are some ways in which utilizing a keyboard or stylus can be soulful, as long as you treat it with the same care and consideration that you would a handwritten letter.

What is a spiritual message?

Our guides communicate with us through spiritual messages and experiences. They can offer advice or insights into how we can live our life, as well as providing comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone. They can even act as a reassuring virtual hug. These signals frequently provide answers or assurance that we are on the “correct” or “best” path.

Spiritual messages and experiences can take various forms and colors, but they all contain an element of synchronicity at their foundation. You're well aware that the chances of this happening are extremely tiny. They have a “different,” “magical,” “unique,” or “divinely sent” quality to them. These messages or experiences make you pay attention or at least remark, “Hmmm…something is going on here,” which is more than a coincidence.

For example, when I first began my shamanic journey, I debated whether or not I should begin giving my shamanic services to others. I sought advice from my power animal. (A power animal is a spirit guide who takes the appearance of an animal and works beside you to assist you.) Often, the animal's unique features and strengths are just what you need to solve a problem. For example, an armadillo can teach you how to defend yourself, whereas a skunk can teach you how to give and receive respect.) As I stepped off the bus and went the two blocks to my office, I asked the inquiry. As I walked to work, I noticed three people sporting some aspect of my power animal, which is unusual for me. It was enough to make me stop and think about it…and realize that my power animal was telling me that he was on board with me on this adventure and that I should go for it.

Spiritual messages and experiences can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including a song, an animal, a recurring series of numbers, a dream, a gut feeling or intuition, and strange/ unexplainable events such as lights turning on and off or the scent of your grandmother's perfume when you're alone in the house. These messages may be repeated for us to assist us remember or integrate the information offered.

I was going through one of the most difficult periods of my life a few years ago. I was emotionally shut off, in misery, and unable to fathom how I could ever be happy — let alone live — my life. I began having this dream, which lasted over a year and changed as I changed and began to come back to life. In my first dream, I went down to my house's basement and noticed a chest of drawers. I didn't remember seeing this chest of drawers before, so I went over to see what was inside. When I opened the drawers, there were dozens of live birds within. In the drawers, there were even several baby birds residing in nests. I was concerned that these birds had been confined to the drawers, and I dashed around frantically bringing them food and water.

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The dream altered when I began to sense glimmerings of optimism in my life, and the birds flew out of the drawers and hopped/flied around the basement. I was still concerned that they didn't have food or water, and I promised to provide it to them once I found them in the basement. The birds were no longer in the basement when I resumed my normal life; instead, they were flying around the main area of the house. Finally, the birds in my dream moved outside when I made significant adjustments in my life.

Over the course of a year, I discovered that the birds symbolized my goals and dreams. I had tucked my aspirations and goals away (apparently in a dresser!) when I originally had the dream because I didn't feel I could even think about them because I was going through such a horrible period. My hopes and dreams began to take tiny hops in the basement as I began to feel hope. I wasn't entirely embracing them yet, but they weren't hidden up any longer. My hopes and dreams began to see daylight (in my house) and become more a part of my day-to-day existence when I reached the stage where I had worked through my sadness (in the main part of my house). And when I went back to living my aspirations and dreams, they were out in the open (in the yard, where everyone could see them). This was a really strong dream sequence for me, and I believe it was my guides telling me that I will be able to overcome the issue and resume my normal life.

How do you write more letters on heartfelt?

Your letter's format is mostly determined by how close you are to the recipient. In the upper-left-hand corner of the first page, many letter writers prefer to put their name, address, and date. The address is retained even if the recipient discards or misplaces the original envelope. After the date, you might insert the recipient's name and address for a more formal tone. Always include a warm greeting at the start of each personal letter, as well as a sincere signature at the end.

The content of a letter is totally up to the sender, however here are some pointers to make it more pleasurable for the recipient:

  • DO write about anything noteworthy, amusing, or touching that has occurred recently.
  • DO write about memorable experiences from your history and the lessons you've gained from them.
  • DO incorporate any personal information about your reader, such as common interests and activities.

You may make your letter look as plain or as elaborate as you want. Do you like interesting stickers, bright stationery, and a range of pens and inks? Great! Request new paper from a friend, or go through your old art supplies. Making your own card by drawing or painting it will offer a personal touch that everyone will appreciate. Alternatively, does the prospect of writing an elegant letter seem daunting? Then take a piece of plain paper from around the home and doodle in the corner. It will be a hit with your friends and family!

A handwritten letter is a fantastic, intimate method to communicate with your loved ones at the end of the day. No matter how you write your letters, the extra time and effort you put into them will be noticed.

How do I write an engaging letter?

You'll need your own location to write letters because it's such a personal procedure. When writing your letters, make sure you have some alone time and think over the subject first. Remove all distractions and envision what an ideal letter for you would look like. Would it start off in a certain, unique way? What bits and pieces of your imagination would it put together? What elements might add to the complication? While you're writing the letters, try not to look at your phone or watch TV. Find a place in your house that is calm and conducive to thinking. Consider and expand on meaningful occasions you shared with the receiver. Starting the letter with a meaningful memory can give it the personal touch you desire.

What is the difference between an autobiography and a spiritual autobiography?

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to attend. Maybe you'd like to come to one of my Wednesday sessions at 10 or 11 a.m. instead of my Monday group. If you are unable to do so, Alice is certain that you will be able to attend one of her sessions this afternoon.

First and foremost, I should state that this section is a) new and b) something I developed myself. Because there isn't much published on the subject, I've posted an essay on the website about spiritual autobiography—about it's the political/historical background of women's spiritual autobiographies—please utilize it. The Puritan persecution during the Restoration is, of course, the political setting. The year is 1674. It must be after 1672 since that is when John Bunyan returned—he spent the longest stretch of time in jail of any Nonconformist, from 1660 when Charles returned until 1672 when there was a brief period of amnesty following the Declaration of Indulgence. This is the most heinous persecution in the history of Europe in the seventeenth century.

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Last year, many people used Spiritual Autobiographies for their second evaluated essay; several of them were excellent, and several of them were placed into the Early English Books Online undergraduate essay competition. By the end of January, we'll know if any of them won. For the past four years, our course has earned one or two prizes in the EEBO competition—and that means actual money for you. Look at the What's New section of the EEBO website.

1. Type of music

These are referred to as “Spiritual Autobiographies” in the collection, but they are nothing like current autobiographies. The idea isn't really self-construction; it's more like self-DEStruction. You'll see why after you comprehend Calvinism. These documents are more concerned with what God does in people's lives than with what people do in their lives… They must demonstrate God's work in the soul, and the way they do so is by illustrating how Nonconformists believe God works. As a result, the accounts all follow the same pattern. In some ways, it isn't accurate to claim that these are literary patterns; rather, they are patterns prescribed by their theology. These manuscripts have a perspective that is significantly different from current autobiography. It's experience, but it's experience defined in a spiritual sense, and it has to do with the relationship with Christ.

This is a part from Isaac Ambrose's 1652 guide to the Christian life, Prima Media Ultima—the First, the Middle, and the Last Things in the Christian Life. The journals originate from the center—Media. In the book, this is image 190. The previous chapter dealt with Experiences; the types of experiences that should be recorded, as well as their significance, were listed.

1. The Wicked's Judgment

2. The Love of God for the Saints

3. Various Afflictions and Chastisements inflicted on me and others

4. Making Good on My Promises to Myself and Others

5. The enticing temptations of the world, the triumph of sin, and Satan's deception

6. Worldly Victories, Lusts, Temptations, Corruptions, and Satan

7. God's Providences Observations

10. Beguiling heart deceptions

Here are the first two examples that Ambrose offered us, which were most likely drawn from his own journal. Preston's perspective of events during the Civil War is fascinating…. (picture 177)

In one of them, vengeance for drinking occurs, and Puritans expected retribution—there is no doubt that Agnes' father was punished for his abuse of Agnes. Mr Farrow, an anti-Puritan, is also chastised in Agnes' writings, though I don't believe he is a Papist like the unfortunates in Ambrose's diary.

Evidences—Isaac Ambrose's own Evidences—are on the next page of your handout. You can probably tell where this originated from now. It stemmed from a desire to demonstrate that you were elected. Everyone was invited to present their ‘Evidences for Heaven,' which mainly dealt with how holy they thought they were. Edmund Calamy published Elizabeth Moore's renowned funeral sermon, which featured hers, as ‘Evidences for Heaven.'

Agnes Beaumont took evidence very seriously—it was practically a life or death situation for her. She was suspected of murdering her father, which was minor treason—consider how patriarchal this society is—almost as horrible as genuine treason, and both carried the death penalty. I believe that the attractiveness of this story at the time it was written was as confirmation of her innocence. It was even published under the title ‘Real Faith' a little over 100 years later, proving Agnes Beaumont's religion was correct.

We're dealing with a society that considers words to be proof. To be fair, we still do it in court, under oath—but not with bits of writing.

I just wanted to point you how subjective all of this “proof” is.—

Beaumonts and Ambroses Even more subjective than ‘experiences,' which can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Would any of them be considered “proof” today? They're all about feelings, which is significant because feelings WERE evidence for Puritans. On the opposite side of the Evidences page, you'll notice that they occasionally had to make do without the correct sentiments—and then they had to believe in God's promises in the Bible, which is why the feelings are backed up by a column of Bible references. This is also true of Agnes' story, which is filled with emotions and Bible connections.

I'm not sure about you, but I don't think today's diaries are full of such events. Journaling reveals the types of self-concepts you're working with. What are the contents of today's? Emotions, feelings? These would have appeared self-indulgent at the time because they were not regarded important. I know what was in my diary as a teenager, and I was shocked to learn recently that my mother and sister had figured out how to open the simple lock on it. It was all about the boys I was interested in. But that was because I considered my marriage to be the most essential aspect of my life. As a result, my life was a romance that ended before I reached my mid-twenties, and then there was a long void… I could have done with my own Media and Ultima! But, of course, I was reading romances…. I'm hoping things have changed since then. However, this meant that certain details became more important—you read things into glances, conversations, and minor incidents…

I hope you can see how what you think to be your life's fundamental pattern explains how you interpret daily events—a it's framework within which you interpret things.

Agnes Beaumont's journals could be seen as evidence of her love connection with God. There are hints that God is speaking to her, possibly through the Bible. Bunyan came by when she needed a lift to the meeting, which was a nice thing to happen. Dreams that are meaningful. Things that she believes God has placed in her thoughts are coming to her mind. One of the thoughts that came to her was that she should spend the night in the barn with God. This is a historic occasion. God names her ‘beloved' because she is miraculously warm and pleasant. She receives messages from God that she interprets as occurrences in her life—'consider it not unusual concerning the burning tribulations which are to try you,' she says. Of course, these are all taken from the Bible.

All of these events are meaningful to Agnes, but I'm curious whether you've considered how much effort it takes to present them as significant. She wants to present her father's permission to go to the meeting as a work of God, so she describes how stubborn he is, then describes how she must always pray, and finally describes how much God speaks to her when she arrives at the meeting—all of this is done so that we can grasp the full significance of ‘going to the meeting' in her narrative proper.

—as a result, dreams can be prophetic. The apple tree that had fallen to the ground was her dream. This is a very effective storytelling device that can be used in two ways. 1. It creates suspense because she tells us at the time that this dream was significant and relates it to her father's death, which makes it more interesting. 2. It demonstrates God's favor by giving her this dream—and she tells us she had no idea what it meant at the time, which is significant since it proves the dream is genuine. (Of course, it's possible that all of this is just rhetorical—what do you think?)

All of these ‘events,' according to Ambrose, should be recorded in a journal.

This type of thing may be found in most spiritual autobiographies. I believe journals and autobiographies are the same thing—the current concept of autobiography hasn't taken off yet, and I believe most people at the time would find it incredibly self-centered. As Ambrose explains, gathering experience is crucial because it allows you to figure out where you are in your Christian life and what God is doing with you. This material, according to Ambrose, is Evidence—proof that God is operating in you, and as Calvinists know, that stuff is gold dust. This is why autobiographies are filled with the kinds of events outlined above—they serve to establish that you are a member of the chosen few. That, I believe, is why so many journals, manuscripts that no longer exist, are mentioned in funeral sermons as proof that the deceased person was elected.

Because they can help others understand what it's like to be a member of the elect, they're frequently shared in manuscript form as a kind of'scribal publication.'

You have the manuscript sources for Agnes Beaumont's account on your handout, both of which are at the British Library. They're from the Manuscrpt Catalogue of the British Library. These entries have a message for you.