Is Sex A Spiritual Thing

Spiritual sex is not founded in any one faith, contrary to popular belief. While specific forms of spiritual sex may be associated with various religious traditions, anyone can engage in spiritual sex. Spiritual sex is supported in works by intellectuals from a wide range of religions as not only conceivable, but also significant components of personal religious worship. Spiritual sex is never required, but it is a choice that you can make regardless of your beliefs. In fact, research suggest that persons who identify as spiritual are more likely to engage in sexual activity on a regular basis.

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What is the name of spiritual sex?

Tantra is an ancient Indian technique that has been practiced for over 5,000 years. Tantra is a Sanskrit word that means “woven together.” Tantric sex is used by Buddhist and Hindu meditation practitioners as a technique to “weave” the physical with the spiritual.

This practice combines spirituality with sexuality, emphasizing the value of closeness during sexual encounters.

Tantra, on the other hand, isn't just about sexual pleasure. It's all about appreciating your body and experiencing increased sensuality. Spirituality, sexuality, and mindfulness are all intertwined in this practice. It promotes a pleasurable encounter that can be shared alone or with a companion.

Tantric sex's purpose is to achieve spiritual or energy touch while having a pleasurable encounter. This is a gradual process, and the goal isn't necessarily to achieve orgasm. Instead, it's about having a strong and enlightened connection with your partner or with yourself. To ignite sexual energy, it comprises breathing, sounds, and movements.

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