What Is A Spiritual Midwife

Spiritual Midwives are companions or advisers who assist people going through tough physical, emotional, or spiritual transitions. A Spiritual Midwife understands the process of “giving birth to something new” and sees it as holistic, with physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects all connected.

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What does the Bible say about spiritual midwives?

People were begging for spiritual guidance! The continual need for additional help to grow in grace was one of the finest things I heard throughout our mapping process last year. We need to grow the number of gifted people in the body who can guide us. We must focus on the people and resources that have already been provided to us. We want to make sure that everyone has a chance to go deep. More spiritual midwives — men and women who can assist in the spiritual childbirth process — will be required. We require them, whoever they are.

We need more midwives like Shiprah and Puah, who are the forerunners of all wonderful midwives. The following is their story:

“When you are helping the Hebrew women during labor on the delivery stool, if you perceive that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live,” the king of Egypt instructed to the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah. The midwives, on the other hand, feared God and did not do as the Egyptian monarch had instructed; they let the boys live. The Egyptian monarch then called the midwives, asking, “Why have you done this?” Why did you allow the guys to live?”

“Hebrew ladies are not like Egyptian women; they are robust and give birth before the midwives arrive,” the midwives explained to Pharaoh.

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As a result of God's kindness to the midwives, the population grew and grew. Because the midwives feared God, he blessed them with their own families. Exodus 1:15-21 —

Puah and Shiprah! Why haven't any of our most recent female offspring been named after any of these biblical figures? Is it because Moses receives the most of the attention in the Exodus account, whereas these ladies just get a few lines, making them easily forgotten? Is it because our family's story is predominantly written by and about men? Both, most likely.

Despite the fact that it is a male-dominated story, a very basic image frequently emerges: narratives of pregnancy and birth, stories of new life that redirect and reshape.

God the midwife

The birth story in the Old Testament is put in motion by pivotal women. Luke's sensitive account brings the incarnation to life. “How can this be?” Mary asks the angel. Nicodemus inquires of Jesus as to when he will be summoned to be born again. “How is this possible?”

It's possible that it's because God is the midwife. As we are inspired to pray, Psalm 22 explains it:

“That the midwife helps new life into being and protects it; even more than the mother, she is the tender guardian of its safety,” Margaret Guenther writes, “that the midwife helps new life into being and protects it…Shiprah and Puah may well stand as an icon, the foremothers of all midwives, but behind them is another guardian of new life.” I will not go hungry because the Lord is my shepherd. I will be kept secure since the Lord is my midwife” (Holy Listening p. 84).

We need spiritual midwives

We need more directors who are like midwives for new births: present to someone in a time of vulnerability, working in deep and intimate areas, assisting at a natural event, and supporting a birthing person to deeper self-knowledge. A spiritual midwife, like one who stays with a woman throughout a natural birth, sees what the birthgiver can't, recognizes transitional indications, and observes the crowning of newness. She or he understands when to confront and when to encourage, and how to do both. Our goal for 2013 is to develop a spiritual direction roadmap that will assist people understand and exercise their spiritual direction options.

We already have persons in our midst who have received spiritual direction training. We don't have to wait to be on their timetable, however. To give spiritual birth, we don't need to go to a “spiritual birthing center.” We have a number of options for meeting the demand. If one listens and does not devalue, our cells are hotbeds of spiritual direction. Our pastors, as well as our Cell Leader Coordinators, are excellent directors who are continually improving. However, you do not need to wait for a one-on-one; you can access what is being taught in our meetings, read the pastors' book recommendations, establish a spiritual companion, or participate in spiritual direction day retreats. On the subject, we're working on a full-fledged brochure.

We can put Shiprah and Puah on the front of the pamphlet, but it won't help until the people who are expressing a desire for direction also receive the presents. We require directors, as well as those who genuinely desire to be guided. It is commonly believed that when someone is looking for direction, they will discover a guide. A person who cannot be directed frequently expresses their dissatisfaction with their lack of direction.

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What is a midwife in the Bible?

The Israelites, like all traditional peoples, had health-care experts called midwives who specialized in assisting women during childbirth. God is figuratively described as a midwife in one poetry work, and midwives appear in other biblical accounts, notably the well-known story of two midwives who violate Pharaoh's order to slaughter Hebrew newborns at birth. Obstetrical handbooks have been found in ancient Near Eastern manuscripts, and Israelite midwives had access to similar resources. Midwives' experience as health-care specialists would have earned them expert standing in Israelite culture.

What are the three different types of midwives?

Midwives are medical practitioners that specialize in natural pregnancy and childbirth. A midwife might be either a man or a woman.

Their primary responsibility is to tend after a pregnant woman and her infant during antenatal care, labor and delivery, and for up to 28 days after the baby is delivered.

A midwife can give complete antenatal care as long as the pregnancy is normal.

They can also perform gynecological exams, assist with pre-conception planning, and provide advice on breastfeeding and other newborn-related issues.

Epidurals, forceps deliveries, and Caesarean sections are all surgical procedures that midwives are unable to do.

A midwife will refer the pregnant woman to a doctor who is trained to deal with unique conditions if issues emerge.

What are the different types of midwife?

Midwives who work in a hospital obstetric or consultant unit, a birth center, or a midwife-led unit are known as hospital midwives.

Midwives in the community usually work in groups and give some continuity of care. They see you at home or at a clinic during your pregnancy.

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When you go into labor, they are accessible for a home birth or, in some cases, they may accompany you to the hospital's labor ward.

Community midwives also provide postnatal care for mothers who were cared for by hospital midwives during labor.

Some pregnant women employ private independent midwives. They deal with women who are contemplating a home birth and are not affiliated with the NHS.

A home birth with an independent midwife can cost anywhere between £2,000 and $5,000, depending on where you live and exactly what services you want. If you choose to hire an independent midwife, you will still be eligible for NHS care.

A doula is not a qualified midwife, but she has been trained to assist you before, during, and after the birth of your child. Doulas are not covered by the NHS.

Where do most births take place in the UK?

The majority of midwife-assisted deliveries occur in hospitals or midwifery facilities today, however some women prefer to give birth at home.

For women with uncomplicated pregnancies, the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists promote home births, and there are no regulations requiring you to give birth in a hospital.

A home birth, on the other hand, can be particularly dangerous if you are expecting several children or if you have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or other risk factors.

If you choose to give birth at home and your doctor and midwife approve, you must always have a plan in place to travel to the hospital if complications arise during the birth.

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What relationship will I have with my midwife?

When medically possible, your midwife should be respectful, responsive, and accepting of your wishes.

It is critical that you and your midwife have a positive relationship since this will help you feel safe and relaxed, which helps facilitate delivery.

What training has my midwife had?

Many midwives train as nurses before becoming midwives, but a growing number of people are now able to become midwives without first qualifying as a nurse by studying midwifery.

Student midwives are based at a university and are pursuing a midwifery degree.

A midwife must be competent to care for women during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period, as well as newborn babies, once qualified.

He or she must be able to detect abnormalities and, if necessary, request medical assistance, as well as be trained in emergency measures.

Midwives can also help with health education and parental preparation by teaching antenatal programs.

Contacting a midwife

If you get pregnant, visit your doctor or practice nurse, and you will be scheduled for a booking clinic with a midwife.

They'll begin antenatal care and schedule scans and other routine tests for the duration of the pregnancy.

You should not need to see an obstetrician (a doctor who specializes in birthing) when pregnant or giving birth if you are healthy and have no difficulties.

A common antenatal schedule includes seeing your midwife every four weeks until you're 28 weeks pregnant, then every two weeks until you're 36 weeks pregnant, then weekly until your baby is born.

Other people also read:

Second labor: To help you relax, we asked two midwives to answer some typical questions.

Follow your obstetrician or midwife's recommendations to offer yourself the best opportunity at a faster, easier birth.

What is a doula?

A doula is a woman who assists you with emotional and physical needs during your pregnancy and labor. Doulas are not doctors or nurses. They don't give birth or provide medical assistance.

How many times is midwife mentioned in the Bible?

My first discovery while searching the Bible for references to midwives was that there are comparatively few references to midwifery in the Bible. The Hebrew Scriptures contain all of the references (the Old Testament). The Hebrew name for “midwife” (hameyaledet) directly translates to “woman who assists in childbirth.” The singular form of this phrase is ( “Only three times does the word “midwife” appear in the Bible: in Genesis 35:17, Genesis 38:28, and Exodus 1:16. The plural version is ( “Only seven times in the first chapter of Exodus does the word “midwives” appear: in verses 15, 17, 18, 19 (twice), 20, and 21. That's all there is to it. In the Bible, there are only 10 clear references to midwives.

Is a midwife a nurse?

A midwife is a skilled health care provider who assists healthy women during labor, delivery, and postpartum care. Midwives can deliver infants at birthing centers or at home, but the majority of them can also deliver babies in hospitals. They have had no difficulties in the pregnancy of women who have chosen them.

  • Registered nurses who have completed an accredited nurse-midwifery education program and passed a national exam are known as certified nurse-midwives (CNMs). They have the ability to practice in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia.
  • Non-nurse midwives who hold a bachelor's degree or higher in a health profession, have finished an accredited midwifery education program, and passed a national exam are known as certified midwives (CMs). Only a few states allow CMs to work.
  • Non-nurse midwives who have passed a national exam and have training and practical experience in childbirth, including birthing outside of the hospital, are known as certified professional midwives (CPMs). CPMs are not allowed to practice in all states.

What is a doula in the Bible?

Wendell Berry claims that we will only be able to rebuild true communities once we begin to perform the things that are required of us. He means sharing meals and feeding one another, as well as tending to the land and building dwellings. Raising a family. The act of giving birth to them in the first place.

In this world, giving birth should not be done alone. We understand this on some level, but in our highly medicalized and customized environment, we can easily lose sight of it. Pregnancy can be treated like a disease, and childbirth as a condition that must be treated in a hospital. Though medicine and hospitals have made it safer for mothers and newborns, they have also separated us from our bodies' natural awareness and need for one another. One aspect of radical Christian parenting is enlisting the support of a loving group of people to help us give birth to our children. This is radical because it implies that the medical model is insufficient. Because it emphasizes the holiness and dignity of all bodies and communities, it is Christian.

When we told Patty the news, she answered the phone and yelled with delight.

She said in all seriousness once the peals of joy faded “If you want, I'll come out there. “I'd be honored to serve as your doula.” She agreed to rearrange her work schedule, fly from Chicago to eastern Washington, and do whatever she could to assist us with the birth of our first child by accepting that offer. Patty is a talented nurse, a first-generation Gulf War veteran, a devout Mennonite, and a beloved friend. In every situation, she exudes calm strength and profound insight. She also cooks some killer baked oatmeal and has a lifetime of labor and delivery experience. All of these characteristics combine to make her an incredible person and the ideal doula. Her gracious desire to be mine humbled me.

The feminine form of the Greek word doulos, which means slave or servant, is doula. It appears throughout the New Testament. Though I was grateful to Patty for being my doula, the term “doula” is not an emotional one. Slavery is about obeying a master, not about emotional thanks. Being a doula, on the other hand, necessitates a specific type of obedience, a service to the magical dance between a mother and her unborn child. Doulas can be champions and protectors of a mother's needs and space. According to Doulas of North America, the quality of emotional care given to a mother during labor, delivery, and the immediate aftermath is a critical component in determining the emotional bond between mother and child. Doulas support, encourage, and empower moms throughout labor, allowing them to feel safe and free to give birth and care for their children. They are the slaves of happy mothers and healthy births.

Doulas benefit the health of communities as a whole since the nature of those early moments of bonding are so important for creating strong relationships later in life. Stronger ties form when moms feel more protected and present with their newborn children, leading to a cascade of healthier outcomes. The benefits of having a doula during your birth have been researched and recorded, and they should not be overlooked. The beauty of the doula's service, though, isn't just that she produces outcomes. The beauty is in the act of self-serving. That is why, as a Christian, I am encouraged by the growing number of families that use them. The ultimate Christ-like act is putting our bodily bodies in the service of another person's well-being. No, there isn't a gospel scene in which Jesus rubs the back of a laboring lady or brings her ice chips. However, there is the matter of foot washing. The breaking of bread and the sharing of wine are part of the ritual. The touching of sick individuals and the raising of the dead are both common occurrences. Christ comes to serve other human bodies in a loving manner. This is the doula's job, as well as every baptized Christian's life.

Pregnancy is similar to the Advent season in the church: watch, wait, hope, and prepare. I believe that nurturing these Advent virtues begins far earlier than pregnancy, and that raising children as Christians begins much earlier than pregnancy. It all starts when we are attracted into a caring group that can teach us how to wait, observe, and hope. Patty and her family were an important part of the caring community that taught us Christian parenting techniques. In a way, she had always been our doula.

Patty taught us that one way to welcome strangers is to have a child. That concept offered us a lot of leeway. Children aren't projects or products, and they're certainly not indicators of our success or failure. Every child is a fellow traveler on the road, a stranger to be welcomed in peace and shown hospitality, a treasured child of God who is full of surprises.

Patty, it turns out, is also fantastic at surprising people. I waddled up to meet her at the Spokane airport many months after our happy phone chat. Then came the more practical and real preparations: washing all of our new baby's little one-sie and footsie pajamas, stocking the fridge with ready-to-bake lasagna, and packing a bag to take with us to the birthing center. We popped popcorn and got under blankets to watch a movie about a week after she arrived. It was Godspell, the classic hippy musical based on Matthew's gospel, which I can't get through without crying. The sound of the shofar horn screaming over New York City and John the Baptist singing are two of my favorite scenes “Make ready the Lord's path!” I awoke with severe labor pains just a few hours after turning off the TV and going to bed. Make the necessary preparations.

The next day was a fantastic adventure filled with hard effort, surrender, and immense delight. We spent the majority of our time with two midwives at a lovely and welcoming birthing center. It became evident that we needed to transfer to the hospital after a difficult day and several hours of pushing. My disappointment as I walked out of the delivery center, my belly still quite pregnant, will stay with me forever. Our gorgeous boy was born by Cesarean section at 11:57 p.m. in a sterile but welcoming hospital room. Patty was always by my side. My recollections of that day would be filled with anguish and despair if we hadn't had her, without her care, love, strength, and knowledge. As it stands, I still lament the loss of the birth I had in mind, but I am grateful for the trip that day took me on. We were kept safe from despair and misery by making decisions with calm reserve. We travelled the path that was laid out for us, and at the end, we ran upon Arlo John, our son.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the word used to define Patty's position in our trip is also used to characterize Jesus' disciples. Servant. And I feel that what we experienced surrounding Arlo's birth was a glimpse of the actual community that Wendell Berry envisioned. But it was only a glimpse. Flying your doula in from hundreds of miles away is probably not a viable practice. Nonetheless, Patty's daring and compassionate service, her method of following Jesus, saved us from being afraid and welcomed new life into our lives. We taste a redeemed future where fear is eternally gone and all bodies are given love and worth when we do the required things, when we lovingly serve one another's bodies. Patty obeyed the invitation given to her at baptism to love and serve all creation as Christ loves and serves us by becoming my servant. This sacramental doula-hood foreshadows a community made whole by God, a people unified around resurrection hope and new birth. And, like some very tasty baked oatmeal, it's a small taste of God's dominion.

In Spokane, Washington, Liv Larson Andrews is the pastor of Salem Lutheran Church. Arlo John keeps church services exciting by running circles around her.

Was Moses mother a midwife?

Interpretations. The Talmud associates Shiphrah with Moses' mother, Jochebed, and Puah with Moses' sister, Miriam, making the two midwives mother and daughter.