Within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the terms prophet, seer, and revelator have various meanings. John A. Widtsoe, an apostle of the LDS Church, explained the definitions of the phrases and the contrasts between them:
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A teacher is a prophet. That is the meaning of the word in its most basic sense. He teaches the body of truth, the gospel, as revealed by the Lord to man, and explains it to the people under inspiration. He is a truth expounder. He also demonstrates that obeying God's law is the path to human happiness. He exhorts people who have strayed from the truth to repent. He becomes a warrior in order to bring the Lord's plans for the human family to fruition. His life's mission is to uphold the Lord's salvation plan. All of this he accomplishes via personal connection with the Lord, until he is “filled with power by the Lord's spirit.” (See also D&C 20:26, 34:10, and 43:16.)
Before someone can teach, the teacher must first learn. As a result, there have been prophetic schools in both ancient and modern times, where the mysteries of the kingdom have been taught to men who would go out to preach the gospel and fight the Lord's battles. These “prophets” don't need to be summoned to a position; they are always and everywhere instructors of truth.
The Lord gives revelations to prophets as well. These could be new truths not previously known to man, or explanations of previously known truths. These kinds of discoveries are always limited to the official viewpoint in question. The revelations for the higher office will not be given to the lesser.
Over time, the term “prophet” has evolved to denote, probably most notably, a person who receives insights and instructions from God. The primary duty of a prophet has been misunderstood as foretelling future events, or uttering predictions, which is merely one of several prophetic functions.
The titles “seer and revelator” just magnify the greater and inclusive meaning of the word “prophet” in the sense that a prophet is a man who receives revelations from the Lord. However, there is clearly considerable wisdom in the particular declaration of the prophet's functions as seer and revelator, as done in Church conferences.
A seer is a person who perceives things via spiritual sight.
He is an interpreter and clarifier of everlasting truth because he recognizes the meaning of what others find enigmatic. He sees into the future by looking at the past and present. This he accomplishes either directly through the Lord's power or indirectly through the use of divine tools like as the Urim and Thummim. In other words, he is one who sees and walks in the light of the Lord with open eyes. (Mosiah 8:1517 in the Book of Mormon)
With the Lord's guidance, a revelator makes something previously unknown known. It could be a new or forgotten truth, or a new or forgotten application of known truth to the needs of man. The revelator always deals with absolute truth (D&C 100:11), and it always comes with the heavenly seal of approval. Revelation can be received in a variety of ways, but it always requires that the revelator live and act in such a way that he is in touch with the divine spirit of revelation, the spirit of truth, and thus capable of receiving divine messages.
In conclusion, a prophet is a teacher of established truth; a seer is a perceiver of hidden truth; and a revelator is a bearer of new truth. In its broadest sense, which is the most generally used, the term “prophet” encompasses all of the prophet's other titles and characteristics, such as teacher, perceiver, and carrier of truth.
What is the job of a seer?
A professional diviner, a seer (mantis) was an adept in the art of divination. Since he or she combined the roles of confidant and personal adviser with psychic, fortune teller, and homeopathic healer, there is no exact modern equivalent. Seers did not claim to be able to “predict the future,” nor did they claim to have a “paranormal” ability that was not dependent on the inspiration or dispensation of a god. Due to the inaccuracy of Greek religious terminology, a mantis dealt with a wide range of religious activitiesanything that a freelance religious expert would be expected to handle. From upper-class professionals who accompanied generals on campaign to possessed mediums at oracular sites, to street-corner purifiers and dream interpreters, the term encompasses a wide range of prophetic types. Despite the fact that both claimed divine inspiration, the poet (aoidos) and the seer (mantis) had to be distinguished at some point in Greek society. They had highly varied social roles and always fulfilled different functions.
Who was the seer in the Bible?
And therefore, via words, constructing a picture for the here to see into those three precise points in time at the same time.
A seer is a Hebrew word Hosea that means visionary, gazer, or one who receives a message in a vision, a beholder of dreams, or one who sees open visions, according to Amos chapter 7 verse 12. And the majority of these are obtained through trances.
While Amos did not come from a heritage of prophetic voices, he was one of God's chosen prophets. He was just a regular guy whose father worked as a farmer. During that time, however, God chose him to be a gazer, a person who experienced trance visions and ecstatic or ecstatic times.
What is a seer anointing?
Do you get the sense that God is doing something significant in your life, but you have doubts and skepticism that it will ever come to pass?
It's time to release the spiritual prophetic eye, activate the seer anointing, and see your circumstance through God's eyes. To activate the spiritual seeing eye, you must tune your body, soul, and spirit to what God is saying and trust that He will carry out what He has promised. The key to activation is to prepare your mind by surrendering your ideas to the Lord and enabling Him to mold your thinking into one that is ready for manifestation.
By putting on the mind of Christ, Curt Landry teaches how to see with spiritual eyesthat is, how to activate the seer anointing. The trick is to move your mind into your heavenly identity as kings and priests, canceling the carnal mind that causes dread and anxiety to arise.
Is a seer greater than a prophet?
Ammon, a Nephite missionary, offered a sermon on prophethood, seership, and divine translation in Mosiah 8. He mentioned it in response to King Limhi's request for a translation of some sacred records (Mosiah 8:1112) “a man who can interpret the records; for he has the means to look through and translate the ancient records; and it is a gift from God.” Ammon referred to them as “translation tools.” “Only when divinely commissioned may “interpreters” be used. “Whoever is obliged to gaze in them,” Ammon explained, “is known as a seer” (Mosiah 8:13).
Limhi reasoned that, given this information, “A seer is superior to a prophet” (Mosiah 8:15). Ammon agreed and went on to say,
A seer is also a revelator and a prophet; and no one can have a higher gift than a seer, unless he possesses the power of God, which no one can; yet, a man can have enormous power given to him by God. A seer, on the other hand, can see into the past as well as into the future, and through them all things will be revealed, or rather, secret things will be made manifest, and hidden things will be revealed, and things that are unknown will be made known, as well as things that would otherwise be unknown. 8:1617) (Mosiah 8:1617)
Ammon explained the difference between prophethood and seership. A prophet, or God's representative, has divine authority to predict what will, could, or should happen if people act in particular ways (such as promised blessings for keeping the commandments or promised woes for falling into apostate behavior). Individuals, both men and women, can act as prophets or prophetesses (lowercase P) in their respective lives, families, and ecclesiastical roles. While each dispensation has great Prophets (capital P) who stand at the head of God's covenant people or God's church with priesthood keys, individuals, both men and women, can act as prophets or prophetesses (lowercase P) in their respective lives, families, and ecclesiastic (cf. Exodus 15:20; Numbers 11:29; Judges 4:4; Isaiah 8:3; 2 Kings 22:14; Luke 2:36; Acts 11:27; 21:10; Revelation 19:10).
A seer, on the other hand, is more than a prophet who foretells the future or pronounces divine judgment. A seer is someone who can “perform enormous marvels through faith” by using “means” (divine instruments) prepared by God (Mosiah 8:18). As Ammon indicated, seership is superior to prophethood because it allows a seer to unlock mysteries, secrets, obfuscated teachings, lost text, and hidden wisdom from the past. The instruments of seership, as Limhi admitted, are “undoubtedly prepared for the purpose of revealing all such mysteries to mankind's progeny” (Mosiah 8:19). In this approach, a seer goes beyond the prophetic gifts and is thus called a seer “greater” in terms of both power and duty
The Book of Mormon's description of seership fits right in with ancient Israel's worldview. In the end, “People receiving spiritual manifestations through tangible items such as rods, a brass snake on a pole… an ephod (a portion of the priestly garment that included two precious stones), and the Urim and Thummim are mentioned in the Bible.” Indeed, seers are mentioned in the Bible as having once been present in Israel (1 Samuel 9:9, 11, 19; 2 Samuel 15:27; 24:11; 2 Kings 17:13; Micah 3:7; Amos 7:12; Isaiah 30:10) “The Old Testament oracles “Urim and Thummim” (Exodus 28:30; Leviticus 8:8; Numbers 27:21; Deuteronomy 33:8; 1 Samuel 28:6) appear to have been used in biblical religion. In this case, the Book of Mormon is in keeping with biblical tradition.
Joseph Smith has been identified as a prophet “In the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, the term “seer” is used (2 Nephi 3:6; Doctrine and Covenants 21:1). He has every right to be termed such since, using divine instruments, he not only translated the Book of Mormon but also saw into ancient America's far past. According to Richard E. Turley Jr., Robin S. Jensen, and Mark Ashurst-McGee, “Seer stones… are mentioned in historical narratives of Joseph Smith and the translation of the Book of Mormon.” The precise nature of the Book of Mormon translation is unknown. Nonetheless, historical evidence suggests that Joseph the Seer first saw and then read the Book of Mormon's translated words, which were found with the plates in either the Nephite “interpreters” (also known as “spectacles” or later the Urim and Thummim) or in his seer stone, which he had acquired in his youth.
The gift of seership was restored with the restoration of God's ancient order in our time. “The ancient calling of seer continues active through current times,” according to Steven C. Walker, “as members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles serve as seers in the present Church.” These fifteen apostolic officials are known as prophets, seers, and revelators, and they use divine revelation to guide the Church.”
Steven C. Walker is a writer “Seer,” in Daniel H. Ludlow's The Encyclopedia of Mormonism (New York, N. Y.: Macmillan, 1992), 3:12921293.
Richard E. Turley Jr., Robin S. Jensen, and Mark Ashurst-McGee, Richard E. Turley Jr., Robin S. Jensen, and Mark Ashurst-McGee, Richard E. Turley Jr “Ensign, October 2015, 4954, “Joseph the Seer.”
From Darkness to Light: Joseph Smith's Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon, by Michael Hubbard MacKay and Gerrit J. Dirkmaat (Provo, UT and Salt Lake City, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, and Deseret Book, 2015).
Ralph A. Britsch and Todd A. Britsch, “Prophet: Prophets,” The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4 vols., ed. Daniel H. Ludlow (New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing, 1992), 3:11641167; David Noel Freedman, “Prophet: Biblical Prophets,” The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 3:11671170.
According to the 1838 account of Joseph Smith, the angel Moroni told the boy prophet that “In ancient or past times, the ownership and use ofwere what constituted'seers'” (Joseph SmithHistory 1:35).
The Urim and Thummim: A Means of Revelation in Ancient Israel, Cornelis Van Dam (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997).
What are a seers powers?
Heart Seeker (Passive), Focus Of Attention (Tactical), and Exhibit are the three talents available to Seer (Ultimate). The identification of close opponents is crucial to all three of them. He's also a Recon Legend, which means he, like the other Recon Legends Valkyrie, Pathfinder, Bloodhound, and Crypto, can scan Survey Beacons strewn throughout each map to disclose the next ring position.
Below, we'll go through each of Seer's skills in detail. We'll also go through the adjustments made to his powers since his first release at the start of Season 10. But don't worry, Seer fans: despite the nerfs, we still think Seer is one of the best Apex Legends characters. Understanding the limitations of each of his talents, as with all other Legends, is the key.
How do I become a seer?
Get in touch with your intuition while you're meditating and in everyday life. Your intuition is most likely a thought or innate sense of truth that appears to originate from no particular logic or mental process that you can control. It may also be accompanied by an unexplainable sense of rightness or truth. Learn to distinguish between intuition and other mental processes by becoming aware of regular thought processes (such as hypothesis or association) as well as your own wishes and worries so you can set them aside.
Who was the first seer in the Bible?
) was a prophet or seer recorded in the Hebrew Bible and Jewish historian Josephus' writings. He was one of King David's personal prophets, and some of his writings are thought to be incorporated in the Books of Samuel, according to Talmudic tradition. He is referenced for the first time in 1 Samuel 22:5, when he tells David to return from Moab's shelter to the woodland of Hereth in Judah.