For our purposes, we'll describe it as the dissection of an idea, practice, tradition, belief, or system into smaller components in order to analyze its foundation, truthfulness, utility, and impact.
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What is the deconstruction movement?
Deconstructivism is a postmodern architectural trend that emerged in the 1980s. It gives the idea that the created building is fragmented, as seen by the lack of visible harmony, continuity, or symmetry. Constructivism and “Deconstruction,” a form of semiotic analysis established by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, are combined in its name. Zaha Hadid, Peter Eisenman, Frank Gehry, Rem Koolhaas, Daniel Libeskind, Bernard Tschumi, and Coop Himmelb(l)au are among the architects whose work is frequently classified as deconstructivist (though the architects themselves typically reject the title).
In contrast to the Russian Constructivist movement during World War I, which “broke the laws” of classical architecture through the French language, the phrase stems from the movement's roots and does not automatically refer to the style's deconstructed graphics as the English adjective suggests.
Deconstructivism, in addition to fragmentation, frequently manipulates the structure's surface skin and employs non-rectilinear shapes that appear to distort and dislocate established architectural features. Unpredictability and controlled chaos characterize the final aesthetic look.
Are Rhett and Link religion?
Rhett and Link met in first grade in Harnett County, at Buies Creek Elementary School in Buies Creek, North Carolina, on September 4, 1984. They went on to write a song and make a documentary about the encounter: Ms. Locklear is the person I'm looking for. They said they had to stay in during recess because they had both scrawled swear words on their desks, according to an interview on The Tonight Show. Their YouTube channel is called Good Mythical Morning because they were given coloring books to fill with mythical creatures (such as unicorns).
They wrote a screenplay called Gutless Wonders and began filming a film based on it when they were fourteen years old. They only shot a few sequences, and the film was never completed. Eventually, this screenplay was read in several episodes of Good Mythical Morning. They made a 25-minute cinematic spoof of Oedipus Rex's tragedy in high school. Oedipus was played by Rhett, and Link was his father's servant. As youths, Rhett and Link were both members of “The Wax Paper Dogz,” a Christian punk rock band.
They started college in 1996 and were roommates at North Carolina State University, where Rhett studied civil engineering and Link studied industrial engineering. Rhett received his magna cum laude diploma in December 2000, while Link received his summa cum laude diploma in May 2001. For a time, they both worked in their fields, Link at IBM and Rhett at Black & Veatch. They also performed comedic routines and filmed videos for Cru, a Christian organization. They began creating their trademark comic style as a duet while at Cru, and later decided to pursue a career as full-time entertainers.
Soon after graduating from college, Rhett and Link left their employment as engineers to focus on Christian evangelism with Cru. After being inspired by the host of the first weekly Cru meeting they attended as freshmen at North Carolina State University, they began making hilarious videos for meetings and conferences. They eventually stopped doing Christian preaching and focused only on making hilarious YouTube videos.
What does it mean to be ex evangelical?
Exvangelical refers to those who have abandoned evangelicalism, particularly white evangelical congregations in the United States, in favor of atheism, agnosticism, progressive Christianity, or any other religious belief. Blake Chastain invented the hashtag #exvangelical in 2016 in order to create “a safe space for people to feel solidarity with others who have gone through similar experiences.” Exvangelical is a podcast created by Chastain, and other famous exvangelical podcasts include Almost Heretical and Straight White American Jesus.
What does Progressive Christianity believe?
- TCPC's Eight Points: a declaration of agreement on Christianity as a foundation for tolerance and human rights;
- Crosswalk (Phoenix, AZPhoenix )'s Affirmations include twelve points that define Christian love of God, Christian love of neighbor, and Christian love of self.
- Hal Taussig's piece “Grassroots Progressive Christianity: A Quiet Revolution” appeared in the MayJune 2006 issue of The Fourth R.
- Roger Wolsey's book Kissing Fish: Christianity for People Who Don't Like Christianity uses the following working definition:
Progressive Christianity is a post-liberal and postmodernist approach to Christianity that proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as Christ, Savior, and Lord; emphasizes Jesus' Way and teachings, not just His person; emphasizes God's immanence, not just God's transcendence; leans toward panentheism rather than supernatural theism; emphasizes salvation here and now rather than primarily in heaven later; emphasizes being saved for robust, abundant life (is non-exclusive).
Progressive Christianity, as Wolsey points out, “leans toward panentheism rather than supernatural theism…” In Progressive Christianity, panentheism changes the focus from belief to contemplative practice and experienced faith. As a result, contemplative or meditative forms of worship are common in Progressive Christianity. Finding God in the Body: Finding God in the Body is possibly the most profound statement of this. Benjamin Riggs' A Spiritual Path for the Modern West:
The Kingdom is practically undetectable. It's tucked away in basic awareness. The ordinary is revealed to be the extraordinary when viewed through the lens of God's knowledge. The fire of direct experience has set the globe ablaze. The walls are alive, the ground is breathing, and mere mortals reflect the sky's light. It's as though the world is looking back at us through the same lens as our own. God's Mind is where we live… The completeness of God's Will encompasses all of creation.
How do you do deconstruction?
The first step is to challenge the text's common understanding or prevalent theories. When deconstructing, it's important to begin with a posture of critical opposition. You can only assume that the text's meaning is in flux, and that what others have told you about it is based on their own assumptions. To put it another way, you must be skeptical from the start. You can't presume Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18, which opens, “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day,” is about a woman or that a woman is necessarily an ideal object for summery metaphorical language. What if the poem's speaker is gay or making a caustic reference to an ex-lover? Break out from standard interpretations and delve into the text's details. Look for evidence to support other viewpoints like a scientist on the verge of a breakthrough.
Does link actually have OCD?
- The two first-graders established their bond by coloring in pictures of mythological animals during their “detention,” hence the name of their fanbase, the Mythical Beasts.
- Link's biological father works as a handyman/contractor and is quite hairy.
- Link does not want his wiki page to mention that he uses a flat iron, despite the fact that he does not actually use one.
- Link was not usually seen wearing spectacles. In fact, in the first RhettandlinKast, he wore them for the first time in video format.
- Apart from “Link: The Linkster,” LinkyPoo, and Link Sausage are some of Link's other nicknames.
- A star has been named after Link. Rhett Mclaughlin gave him “Linkstar” as a birthday present, and it can be seen with the naked eye.
- Link eats cereal every morning because he enjoys it. Frosted Mini-Wheats are his favorite.
- In third grade, Link began collecting travel brochures and arranging them in an order of interest. He sold his collection for five bucks a few years later.
- Even after multiple close calls, Link has the ability to keep the GMM mug on the edge of the GMM desk.
- It gives millions of people distress. They went so far as to make a film about Link's mug collapsing. On the historic day of January 19, 2016, and again on January 24, 2017, the mug finally collapsed.
- Link despises scary things, including movies, literature, and even myth retellings. When he's in the same room as his sleeping wife, he might sometimes scare himself with a white sheet he's carrying.
- Link learnt how to blow bubbles with gum from his grandmother, who chewed it for him and prepared it for maximum bubble-blowing capability before handing it over to little Link to complete the task.
- Link is a Yo-Yo enthusiast who can execute a variety of tricks, including Rocking the Baby, Around the World, and Yo-Yo Fusion.
- Link is ambidextrous, which means he can write with both hands, according to Rhett.
- Link seemed to be extremely pleased with himself (ex. he once stated that he “has standards”).
- Link suffers from OCPD (not to be confused with OCD) and organizes his closet by color and size.
- Link obtained a 5-month-old pet dog despite the fact that he didn't think he was a dog or pet person. Especially if you have a pet at home. Jade is the name he gave her after he adopted her. Initially, they had her for a ‘two-week trial.' “She melted his heart and peed on every rug in the house,” says the narrator.
- Link's hair had been chopped into a completely different style since Episode 832 of Good Mythical Morning.
- Link was a big fan of professional wrestling as a kid and still keeps up with what's going on in the sport.
- Link has owned a variety of vehicles, including a “Nissan 1987 truck” and an unidentified, current Honda minivan with a rear-view camera, which he refers to as his “child transportation vehicle,” and which is likely to have power seats. He and Rhett used to own a 1992 Ford Bronco together as a company car and for camping. They've also owned a Ford Fusion, which they utilized as a company car for commuting and carpooling.
- The ceremonial person of honor for Season 14 is Link's mother's husband, “Louis/Lewis.”
- “It doesn't taste like a tomato,” Link says of fried green tomatoes. In their Fried Boiled Food vs. Boiled Fried Food debate, they argue that fried boiled food is superior to fried fried food.
- Link adores the chips that fold over and “flip over on themselves” in practically every episode where he eats chips (or crisps, if you prefer).
- The brownie bits in Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream, according to Link, are big.
- Link once purchased a sack of rocks at the state fair and soaked them in water. He claimed it reminded him of Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream in the Ice Cream Taste Test Tournament: Chocolate Flavors.
- Until the Surprising Food Combos Taste Test, Link had no idea what Unagi was. He was also unfamiliar with jasmine tea.
- Link claims he dislikes Butterfingers. He stated in their 100 Years of Candy Taste Test that he will begin to enjoy them. He then went on to say that he was going to start loving everything on GMM.
- When talking about ice cream, Link says pecan like pe-CON, and when referring to the nut, he says pee-can.
- Link adores cookie dough and is irritated when his cookie dough ice cream is insufficient.
- Link is usually not allowed to use knives or other sharp things on the program due to his proclivity for mistakenly aiming them at people, despite the fact that no one has been hurt thus far.
- Link has been known to flat-iron his hair in the past, but since January 11, 2016, he has begun styling it.
- Link didn't start eating yogurt until after he got married. In his book “Edible Slime Smoothie Taste Test,” he says this.
- Link claims that cleaning is relaxing for him since it provides him “a sense of control.” #746 GMM
- GMM#1961 “Reacting To Weird Science Experiments” was Link's first peanut butter cup, which he attempted in 1983.
Did Rhett and Link actually get vasectomies?
McLaughlin, who has two children, and Neal, who has three, are both happy with the amount of children they have now. They planned to go to the same doctor on the same day to get matching vasectomies to avoid any unwelcome additions to their individual households. They videotaped the procedure, discussed their insights on male sexual health, and provided each other with the kind of moral support that fans have come to expect from their endearing friendship.
What is religious trauma?
Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) is a collection of symptoms that develop in the aftermath of traumatic or stressful religious experiences. While Religious Trauma Syndrome is not a recognized diagnosis in the DSM-5, it is a typical experience shared by many people who have fled cults, fundamentalist religious groups, abusive religious environments, or other difficult religious experiences. Religious Trauma Syndrome has symptoms that are similar to those of complex PTSD.
Religious Trauma Syndrome is still in its early phases of research, but it's starting to acquire momentum as a valid diagnosis. The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms associated with Religious Trauma Syndrome.
Other PTSD symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, dissociation, emotional problems, and so forth.
Religious Trauma Syndrome can be induced by a variety of factors in different persons. Many people get RTS as a result of growing up in a religious or faith community that is authoritarian. RTS patients may have black-and-white thinking, irrational views, difficulties trusting oneself, low self-esteem, or a sense of owing something to a group of people. In toxic religious cultures, distorted conceptions of sex, discipline, emotional management, relationships, and self-expression are common.
If you believe you are suffering from Religious Trauma Syndrome. You're not on your own. There are many people who are experiencing the same feelings as you, and there is hope for recovery. You may reclaim control over who you are and who you want to be through talk therapy and EMDR. You can begin to create the life you want to live by moving past experiences that are too painful to think about.