What Is Spiritual Food

Spiritual nourishment is what we feed our thoughts and hearts. It's what our minds consider or digest during the day. Your digestive system transforms the carrots or cheese you consume into YOU, and the things you introduce into your mind offer it ideas to digest throughout the day.

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What does it mean to be spiritually fed?

The same principle applies to spiritual nourishment at church. Have we prepared ourselves to be fed before we enter into church? Have we prayed and asked God to prepare our hearts and minds to receive His Word and teachings? Have we brought the utensils (Bible) or have we left them lying on the car floor or in the closet?

What food should eat to attain spirituality?

I spent a lot of time in an ashram many years ago. Cooking in the kitchens was one of my jobs (along with less glamorous tasks like cleaning bathrooms). It was just nice. The food was basic, clean, and pure; the majority of our meals consisted solely of beans, rice, and veggies, but they tasted like five-star restaurant fare. I'm confident it was the people cooking's peace and open-heartedness, as well as the melodic chants we sung while stirring. The spirituality of the location permeated the meal – or perhaps it made us more spiritual as a result of it.

Authors Peter Farb and George Armelagos highlight in their well-known quotation from Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Eating, “Food is strongly tied to deep spiritual experiences, and it is what ties a society together to a considerable extent.” Throughout history, most religions and spiritual systems have had some sort of food-related ceremony or guideline. Fasting is one such practice; in many spiritual traditions, refraining from food is supposed to raise spiritual awareness, develop the discipline needed to resist fleshly temptations, purify the body, or atone for wrongdoings.

When they do eat, followers are careful – even strict – about what they eat. For example, according to the Hindu dietary regimen, food falls into one of three categories based on its effect on the body and spirit. Overripe, spoilt, stale, processed, or canned food is tamasic, and it causes dullness, heaviness, sluggishness, and lethargy. Rajasic food is spicy, pungent, hot, or stimulating, and it's linked to agitation, overstimulation, and overactivity. Sattvic foods, which are considered the best, are pure, fresh, and light, and they leave us feeling rejuvenated, bright, and alert. Fresh vegetables, fruits, entire grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are all examples of this. I find it touching and elegant that this ideal diet, which is generally advised for healing, was detailed more than 2,000 years ago in the Bhagavad Gita.

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Other cultures have their own set of regulations. Buddhists aren't always vegetarians; it's stated that Buddha told his students to eat whatever food was presented to them, and that refusing an offering meant rejecting the donor (without helping the already-dead animal). However, caution was issued to avoid eating carelessly: to eat aimlessly, or simply for pleasure, is to succumb to selfish impulses.

In Judaism, kashrut (in English, kosher) refers to a set of commandments that define suitable foods, but other, more subtle, spiritual norms also apply. Traditional Jewish teachings hold that the body is a gift for which we are responsible, and an early book of Jewish ethics states, “On a very practical level, the body is a gift for which we are responsible.” “When you are hungry, sick, or one of your limbs hurts, it is impossible to understand and become wise in Torah and mitzvot.”

All of these possibilities are intriguing. But, as spiritual beings, what do we eat? I requested that two Front Range retreat centers share some of their dishes with us, and they gladly consented. So there you have it: two versions of pure soul food for you.

Mediterranean Red Lentil and Spinach Stew

1. In a saucepan, melt the ghee. Add the onion and cook for about 10 minutes, or until it is nicely browned and caramelized. Cook for 2 minutes after adding the ginger and garlic. Combine the cumin, paprika, coriander, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl. Combine the water, squash, lentils, red bell peppers, and celery in a large mixing bowl. Cook, uncovered, for 30 minutes or until the lentils are cooked.

2. Combine the spinach, cilantro, currants, Bragg liquid aminos, vinegar, salt, and cayenne pepper in a mixing bowl. Allow the spinach to wilt for a few minutes. Serve immediately.

Sunrise Ranch Winter Vegetable Soup

7 1/2 cups carrots, winter squash, and yams (equal portions) (peeled and chopped)

1. In a big pan, heat the olive oil. Carrots, squash, yams, onion, and ginger should be sautéed for 3 to 5 minutes. Add the juices and spices, as well as enough coconut milk or stock to cover everything. Simmer for 25 to 30 minutes, or until vegetables are tender.

2. Puree the soup in a food processor until it is completely smooth. Return to the pot and gently reheat with the coconut milk. Season with sea salt to taste. Serve with millet patties or hummus and pita on the side.

Check out Lisa's New Inspired Eats iPhone app, which includes hundreds of original recipes for any dietary preference, ranging from inventive appetizers and salads to clean, beautiful sweets.

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What spirituality means?

Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature. True spirituality necessitates the opening of one's heart.

How do you feed yourself spiritually?

6 Things You Should Do to Keep Your Soul Satisfied

  • It's time to talk about it. You may have been taught to say a prayer before eating, sleeping, fighting, or anything else.

How do you feed your soul with the word of God?

“Pay attention to Me and consume what is good” (Isaiah 55:2 NKJV). It's like bringing a chair up to a banquet table when we give God our undivided attention and spend time in His Word. The food on God's “table” is ready and waiting for us since He is the Master Chef.

What are the five fruits of the Spirit?

“Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruits of the Spirit…”

Unbelievers are distinguished from Christians because they have been given the Holy Spirit, which enables them to bring fruit. In other words, their works reflect the sanctification process that is taking place in their hearts. What are these fruits, how are they defined in the Bible, and how do they manifest themselves in our Christian lives? This is the first of a series of posts concentrating on the fruit of the Spirit, with love, joy, and peace as the focus.


Love is defined in the Bible in a totally different way than it is defined in our world and culture today. While many people associate love with romance or a nice emotion, the Bible's meaning is much more active, depending on what we do rather than what we feel. Following Jesus' example and humbling ourselves as servants, love is self-sacrifice, putting others' needs before of our own. As stated in the well-known passage:

“Love is patient and compassionate. It is not envious, pretentious, bloated, or harsh; it does not pursue its own interests; it is not irritable; it does not stew over damage; it does not exult in wrongdoing, but rejoices in truth. It bears everything, believes everything, hopes everything, and endures everything.” 13:4–7 – 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 – 1 Corinthians 13:4–7

However, we are unable to love properly without of God. We can only put our sins and selfishness aside via the power of the Holy Spirit. We are able to show mercy to others because God has shown us mercy; we are able to exhibit love to others because God has shown us love:

“We love because he loved us first. Anyone who claims to love God but hates his brother is lying, for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. He gave us this commandment: “Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” 4:19-21 – 1 John 4:19-21 – 1 John 4:19-21 – 1

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Joy is more than a fleeting feeling; it is a long-term state of enjoyment based on more than just an emotional reaction to our circumstances: it is a conscious choice of attitude. We rejoice as followers of Christ because we have redemption in him.

When the trials of this world come our way, we can take refuge in the solace that only God can provide, and find joy regardless of our circumstances.


This world is riven with strife and division, and sin and wickedness have exacerbated the problem. As Christians, we are not immune to the effects of sin on the world, but we can express our concerns to God via prayer.

“Have no anxiety, but make your requests known to God in all you do through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. Then, in Christ Jesus, the peace of God that transcends all understanding will protect your hearts and minds.” Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

We can also take comfort in the truth that Christ has defeated sin and death. We have peace in Him because we know He is in charge, and no matter what trials we encounter in this life, we shall be promised ultimate eternal peace in Him.

“I've told you this in order for you to feel at ease with me. You will face difficulties in the world, but have courage; I have conquered the world.” – Matthew 16:33

The second episode of our Fruit of the Spirit series, which focuses on patience, kindness, and giving, is now available.

What food does for the soul?

A nutritious diet and regular exercise are critical for excellent health, disease prevention, and living longer, but there are other aspects of life that are even more critical for health and longevity.

I learned in my training as a holistic health coach that there are two sorts of food: primary food and secondary food, and that primary food has a greater impact on your life quality than secondary food (the food you eat).

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So, what do you consider to be primary food?

It's what I call it “It's soul food.” Healthy relationships, enjoyable physical exercise, a fulfilling/satisfying career, and a meaningful spiritual practice are all things that feed our heart and soul. These things have the power to satiate our deepest need for a happy and satisfying life. Your life feeds you when your primary food is balanced and satisfying, making what you eat secondary.

We will utilize secondary food to try to satisfy our hunger if we do not have a good balance of primary food to help us feel that our lives are important and joyful “hunger” that can only be satisfied by primary food.

When we're truly hungry for primary food, we often fill ourselves with secondary foods. Weight gain, frustration, guilt, low self-esteem, depression, or more serious health problems including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer can all result from this. All the food in the world will not satisfy your hunger for the essential food in your life.

1) Relationships — love feeds the body, mind, and soul.

Consider your social needs on a scale of one to ten to find the ideal balance of togetherness and solitude for you.

2) Physical Activities – Figure out which sorts of physical activity you enjoy the most and include them into your daily routine.

You'll get different types of energy from different types of exercise and activity.

Listen to your body to figure out what works best for you, then combine a variety of activities to maintain your balance.

3) Career – employment is an important aspect of our everyday lives, but how many people enjoy their jobs?

If we were performing work that we enjoyed, our lives would be much better.

Consider what you enjoy and dislike about the work you undertake on a daily basis.

If it isn't rewarding or fun, it may be time to explore a change of career.

It's not about adding more years to your life; it's about adding more LIFE to your years, so make sure you're getting a healthy mix of both “FOR A HEALTHIER, HAPPIER, AND MORE FULFILLING LIFE, EAT “FOOD FOR THE SOUL” EVERY DAY.

Susan Kimmel, H.C. is a Toxic-Free Living Specialist and a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. Susan has over 25 years of HR training and development experience in both the corporate and non-profit sectors. She taught in the accelerated degree program at Concordia University as an adjunct professor. She has considerable experience with training program development and delivery, small and large group facilitation, individual and group coaching, and public speaking. “EVERYONE BENEFITS WHEN YOU INVEST IN YOUR PEOPLE'S HEALTH!”

Which foods are sattvic?

Sattvic foods are ripe, raw, or minimally cooked foods that are freshly prepared. Sattvic foods are those that are old or improperly prepared. Sattvic diets emphasize nutrient-dense plant foods while avoiding processed and fried foods. Sattvic foods include the following:

What are the 3 elements of spirituality?

In their eternal wisdom, all shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all centuries, continents, and peoples claim that human spirituality is made up of three aspects: connections, values, and life purpose. These three components are so strongly linked that it may be difficult to tell them apart. Take a minute to ponder on each facet of human spirituality to determine the state of your spiritual well-being if this is possible. This will be a three-part monthly series, starting with relationships.

Internal (your domestic policy)—how you deal with yourself, how you nurture the relationship with yourself and your higher self—and external (your foreign policy)—how you relate, support, and interact with those people (and all living entities) in your environment—are the two categories of relationships.

What criteria would you use to assess your internal relationship, and what steps could you take to improve it?

How would you assess your external relationships, shifting from the perspective of domestic policy to international policy?