What Is Spiritual Leadership Definition

Spiritual Leadership and Knowledge Sharing Behaviors

Although this hypothesis has yet to be proven, Aydin and Ceylan (2009) found some support for the influence of spiritual leadership on information sharing behavior in a study. Organizational learning ability was found to be strongly positively linked with each of the spiritual leadership aspects in the study. Furthermore, the amount to which individuals acquire knowledge and share that knowledge are important aspects of an organization's learning ability. As a result, we came up with the following hypothesis:

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Hypothesis 2: Spiritual leadership will be linked to followers' willingness to share their knowledge.

What is an example of a spiritual leader?

Effective spiritual leaders were given as examples. Self-awareness, self-esteem, effective communication, decision-making capacity, and the ability to encourage and engage in healthy conflict are all important qualities to have. Each of these abilities was investigated and described. Apollo stood on the edge of a cliff.

What is a biblical definition of leadership?

Christian leadership is not based on worldly standards of success, such as a desire for wealth or power. When Jesus lectured about the necessity of serving others, he warned against this.

However, Jesus drew them all to Himself and said, “You are aware that the Gentile rulers lord it over them, and the powerful wield dominance over them. However, it shall not be so among you; rather, anyone aspires to be famous among you, let him serve you. And whomever wants to be first among you should become your slave, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

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Leaders are not to use their authority to oppress and overwhelm others, as the Gentiles did. Leaders, on the other hand, serve others, as Jesus demonstrated “He made Himself of no renown, taking the form of a bondservant and appearing in human form. And when He was discovered in the form of a man, He humbled Himself and became submissive to the point of death, even death on the cross” (Philippians 2:7-8).

Why is spirituality important in leadership?

It's difficult to say exactly what the benefits (or drawbacks) of spirituality in leadership will be because there hasn't been much scientific research on the subject. However, enough conceptual and empirical research has been done to demonstrate that including a spiritual dimension into leadership offers various potential benefits. Incorporating spirituality into leadership has the ability to create a more humane workplace with a sense of community and shared purpose from the perspective of followers. From the standpoint of the organization, infusing spirituality into leadership may lead to increased employee perceptions of trust, organizational support, and dedication, all of which could improve organizational performance. Spirituality in leadership, on the other hand, should not be viewed as a “instrument” for achieving beneficial organizational outcomes, but rather as a real philosophical belief held by leaders.

Can anyone be a spiritual leader?

As a result, anyone can become a leader. More importantly, anyone can become a spiritual leader, but it all starts with deciding to let God mold you into one. God uses our talents, strengths, flaws, personalities, and other characteristics that make us “us” in order for us to lead.

What are the characteristics of a godly leader?

Paul makes some personal requests and makes some final remarks about those who would subsequently serve to the church at Corinth at the end of his epistle to the Corinthians. He then goes on to describe the characteristics that a godly leader should have when leading the church.

Be on your alert; hold fast to your beliefs; be brave; be strong. Do everything with passion. (Colossians 16:13-14)

God appoints leaders to lead the church in accordance with His desire. R. G. Lee, a brilliant preacher and teacher from Memphis' Bellevue Baptist Church, said, “I gave them leadership because I believed I had received it from God, and they gave me fellowship in return. I used to tell my Bellevue colleagues that I had to be careful what I asked them to do. I'll hear water splash if I ask them to jump in the river. I'll smell garments burning if I order them to step in the flames.” 1

I. Be Alert. Be on your guard. ( v.13)

According to Ephesians 6:18, “and pray in the spirit with all sorts of prayers and petitions on all circumstances. Keep this in mind as you remain vigilant and continue to pray for all the saints…”

The reason for this is that we have an adversary whom the Bible refers to as the accuser of the brethren, who prowls the earth looking for someone to devour. We must comprehend his tactics since he is a devious deceiver. “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities, powers of the dark world, and spiritual forces of evil in the celestial domain,” says the author (Ephesians 6:12).

B. We must be aware of who our true adversary is and how to overcome him. He is spiritual, and only prayer and supplication for the saints can combat him on a daily basis. The enemy can have his way within our churches if Satan can direct our attention to flesh and blood (our own flock). We are to be watchmen, alert to the enemy's plans, which will be overcome via prayer.

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II. Be Absolute in Your Faith. Stand firm in the faith. (v. 13)

A. “Faith comes through hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” says Romans 10:17. We must be steadfast in our faith in God's message. R.G. Lee illustrates this with an incident that occurred at the First Baptist Church in Edgefield, South Carolina.

During my time in Edgefield, the most amazing occasion was when the people paid off the church debt. That $11,000 debt, on which I was paying 8% interest, disturbed and plagued me. That debt, with its recurring 8% interest payments, was a horrible “thorn in the flesh” for me. One night, I knelt in a small corner in my house that I named my study and prayed for guidance from God. “Quit praying, I have heard your prayer,” a voice, “the voice of God, I believe,” said authoritatively. Go to bed and get some rest. Then, the following Sunday, ask the people to pay up the loan, which they will.” I didn't say anything to anyone except my wife until the next Sunday, when I said, “Brothers and Sisters, I'm going to make an announcement.” Except for my wife and God, I haven't told anyone what I'm going to say. This announcement is unknown to everyone else. We will, however, pay off our church bill the following Sunday morning. We can do it if we work together. The chain is formed when the links are joined together. Nobody, however, is required to give more than $500. Any payment in excess of $5000 will be returned to you. I'd like everyone to contribute, but it has to be cash or a non-bouncing check. The date is set for next Sunday.” That had been a fascinating week. On Wednesday, B.B. Jones, the owner of a furniture company, a bank, a farm, and a large dwelling house who never went to church, summoned me to his office and handed me a $500 check. “Dear friends, the moment has come to pay off ourchurch debt,” I remarked after singing a song and praying. I'd like you to take a moment to stand, say your name, and tell me how much you're donating before bringing it to the altar. We received great and small sums, and the money was removed to be counted once they were all gone. The men who were counting appeared after we sung a few hymns. There was a silence in the room. “Pastor, everything has all been counted, and the people have given $14,000,” said a spokesman for the group. 2

III. Be Active. Be men of courage (v. 13)

A. Take some chances, even if you don't succeed. In relation to the conquest of Canaan, the Lord urged Joshua, “Be strong and courageous.”

B. In order to have influence, a godly leader must be daring. And influence is the same thing as leadership.

Dr. Lee was the pastor of the Citadel Square Baptist Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1927, which had a weekly attendance of over a thousand people. The search committee of Bellevue Baptist Church, which had an average Sunday attendance of roughly 500 people, approached him. The invitation to come was made by Bellevue, but Dr. Lee did not feel compelled to accept their offer to become pastor. He had a change of heart and mind three weeks later. Mrs. Watson, his secretary, was informed “I've made a blunder. Send a cable to the committee's chairman to check whether they still want me.” 3 After that, the rest is history.

IV. Be Able. Be strong ( v.13)

The big financial catastrophe struck our country in October of 1929, while I was at Bellevue. The financial strain was unbearable. Dr. Lee was chastised for putting the church on the verge of bankruptcy. “I can't support this,” other members said as they left. “You are a fine man, but you are sunk,” one banker warned. “You'll never persuade your people to pay the loan and other church expenditures too.” “You speak as if God is dead,” Dr. Lee responded. Dr. Lee taught from Deuteronomy 20:8 on “The Contagion of Faintheartedness” on Sunday. “What man there is who is afraid and fainthearted, let him go and return to his house, lest his brethren's hearts faint as well.” Never put God's resources to the test until we try the impossible. They never missed a payment, and in a year, the church grew by 600 members.4

V. Create an Atmosphere. Do everything in love. (v. 14)

A better approach is described in I Corinthians 12:31. Leadership relies heavily on the correct climate. Before you can have much influence on your congregation, you must first create this atmosphere. People will follow your leadership if they recognize your love for the Lord and for them.

Love is patient and compassionate. It has no enmity, boasts nothing, and is not arrogant. It isn't nasty, it isn't self-centered, it isn't quickly enraged, and it doesn't keep track of wrongdoings. Love is not enamored with evil, but it is enamored of the truth. It always looks out for you, always trusts you, always wishes for the best, and always perseveres. Love is unbreakable. (I Corinthians 13:4–8)


God has called you and placed you in your current location for a reason. You will fulfill His mission in your life under His supervision, and one day, like the Apostle Pauland R. G. Lee, you will hear, “Well done, my good and true servant.”

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What defines leadership?

An individual's or a group's ability to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization is referred to as leadership. Individuals with these abilities can advance to executive management or C-level positions in business, such as CEO, CIO, or president.

Does spirituality make a difference in leadership?

There appears to be a convergence of new learning organizational paradigms with growing workplace spirituality trends currently. A fundamental challenge that different types of leaderships must address is the traits and mechanisms for achieving this confluence (strategic leadership, leadership in empowered teams and personal leadership). When an organization resists making changes to incorporate workplace spirituality, success in transitioning to the learning organizational paradigm appears improbable. Spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality research is still in its early phases. With the exception of organizational theories relating to Western Christian theology and practice, as well as leadership ethics and values, there is a paucity of theoretical and research evidence in these domains (35,36).

In terms of ethics and values, spiritual leadership plays a critical role in instilling and enforcing personal, team, and corporate ideals (36). Because leadership ensures ethics and ethics is important to leadership, leadership and ethics have a synergistic relationship in spirituality. This form of synergism between the two parties is created by the nature of leadership and the need to involve followers in order to achieve common goals. However, there is a lack of significant research contributions and a solid theoretical framework in leadership ethics and values. Although this examination does not address the individual development of ethical theory or definitions of values and morals, it does cover the vision component as well as the essential values of humility and altruistic love. Greenleaf (37,38), who focused on servant leadership, gave a major role to the positive influence of business on employees and the community. In the servant leader, service and meaning come together. The servant leader serves the other ties he or she is connected to on a daily basis, such as colleagues, organization, and society, by serving essential spiritual principles to which he or she is attuned. As a result, when the term'service' is used in conjunction with the servant leader, it refers to a certain form of service rather than a specific type of leadership. The framework for servant leadership is formed by mediating the finding of inner spirit in others, acquiring and sustaining trust, service over self-interest, and good listening. As a result, the finest servant leaders are those who have a compelling vision and a willingness to serve others first, rather than those who pursue leadership positions (39).

Covey's (40,41) principle-centered leadership is another spiritual leadership paradigm. Leaders that are principle-centered are eager to serve (call) people while maintaining natural rules and values. The seven habits that govern these leaders allow them to restore harmony and sustain equilibrium in the face of perpetual change and external demands. These behaviors motivate individuals to keep learning, put others first, radiate positive energy, approach life as an adventure, be synergistic, live balanced lifestyles, and replenish themselves through exercise. Covey's (41) principle-centered leadership is guided by four master principles: I personal trustworthiness, ii) interpersonal trust, iii) management empowerment, and iv) organizational alignment. When it comes to putting these principles into action, principled-centered leaders start with inner practice and work their way outward at the individual, interpersonal, management, and organizational levels.

Leadership, according to Kouzes and Pozner (12, is “the skill of rallying people to want to strive for shared ambitions.” Process challenge, inspiring a shared vision, encouraging action, role modeling, and providing an example by fitting into shared values are five basic methods to that end. Followers use four fundamental attributes as measuring tools to praise a leader and give him/her legitimacy in motivating manpower to achieve and make a difference: Honesty, insight, the capacity to encourage others to pursue a common goal, and competence (42). When followers believe their leaders have great credibility, they show a dramatic change in their commitment to the organization and productivity. The primary human urge to belong is to be understood and appreciated, and this need relies on the support of a central practice (encouraging the heart). Being sociable and backslapping, gold stars and payoffs are not the same as encouraging the heart. It is critical to maintain people's commitment to organizations and their outcomes, as well as their dedication to achieving amazing feats and finding ways to improve one's abilities while also recognizing and appreciating the accomplishments of others (43).

Similarly, value-based leadership is founded on the leader's preaching and practicing of shared, deeply internalized principles (44,45). By tying follower effort and corporate goals to the followers' core values, value-based leaders make them more meaningful. They inspire incredible motivation, commitment, and performance in their followers by helping people envision a better future and connecting to their fundamental beliefs, instilling an inner belief in their own self-efficacy and self-worth. This motivates the followers to fully support the leaders' mission and the common vision (45). Over 50 studies have found that a value-based leader's behavior has a significant impact on follower motivation and work unit performance (31,44,45).

Barrett (46) proposed that for good performance, employees' personal, organizational, and employee-defined values must all be in sync. Each level of Maslow's (47,48) hierarchy of needs, he claims, corresponds to a level of consciousness. He proposed that the ultimate level of self-actualization be expanded to include four unique levels of spiritual awareness development: I transformation, ii) cohesiveness, iii) inclusion, and iv) union. Barrett's model is based on the premise that leaders who operate on the complete spectrum of awareness and are highly aligned with their employees' deeper values are more likely to rise to the top of the market in terms of customer/client happiness and shareholder value. It asserts, based on research, that highly aligned, full spectrum organizations produce high profits when employee contentment and customer satisfaction are prioritized.

Fairholm (49–51) has the most fully developed leadership model of all the offered models thus far. It is a comprehensive strategy that includes the organization's goals as well as the leaders' and followers' complete capacities, potential, needs, and interests, and is derived from Greenleaf's (37) concepts about servant leadership. Spiritual leaders help followers take care of their bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. By creating engaging vision and mission statements, they can create cooperation, trust, mutual concern, and dedication. They can win followers' acceptance by demonstrating their understanding of how the group works and demonstrating their competence in areas such as credibility, teaching, trust, and inspiration (42). The three major areas in which features of the eight elements specified by the model fit are leadership tasks, spiritual leadership process technology, and continual improvement. The primary necessity is for continuous advancement and improvement in service. Spiritual leadership's activities and practices eventually aim to create and run a learning organization that is constantly developing. They attempt to liberate individuals by bringing out the best in them and instilling inner peace in leaders, followers, and other stakeholders.

To summarize, religious, ethical, and value-based leadership styles appear to send a strong message that leaders must be aware of their basic beliefs and communicate them to their followers through vision and personal acts. They must try to understand the followers' spiritual survival needs and be visionary enough to encourage membership by upholding the fundamental ideals of humility, generosity, and truthfulness while serving the followers and other important stakeholders.

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