You can search for certain characteristics in those who manipulate others. They are as follows:
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- They persuade you to give up something vital to you in order to increase your reliance on them.
- If they succeed in manipulating you, they will keep doing so until you are able to escape the situation.
What is a spiritual abuser?
Spiritual abuse is any attempt to utilize religion, faith, or beliefs to exercise authority and control over someone. Spiritual abuse can occur in a religious setting or in a personal connection.
Spiritual abuse affects people of all faiths, denominations, and ethnicities. It can occur in any religious organization as a kind of child or elder abuse, or as a form of domestic violence. Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, affects people of all ages, genders, socioeconomic classes, ethnic groups, and geographical areas.
Abuse is a pattern in which one person (whether an intimate partner or someone in a position of authority) controls another by fear, intimidation, violence, or other means. Abuse can be traumatic and have a negative influence on your mental health. It's critical to realize that you are never to blame for abuse.
What are examples of manipulation?
People may control others intuitively, without realizing it, while others may actively try to improve their manipulation techniques. Manipulation can be identified by the following signs:
Because the motivations for manipulation might range from unconscious to malicious, it's critical to determine the conditions of the manipulation. While breaking things off in circumstances of abuse may be necessary, a therapist can assist others in learning to deal with or confront manipulative behavior from others.
What is spiritual Lukewarmness?
In spiritual theology, lukewarmness or tepidity refers to a state of soul that lacks the warmth and zeal of charity but has not yet devolved into the coldness of indifference and hatred. The admonition sent to the Church of Laodicea (Rv 3.16), which has been so frequently recounted by preachers that it is possibly the best-known text of Revelation, is the classical origin of the phrase. The verse before this one
What do manipulators say?
Manipulators know that stating “you're lying” puts you in a defensive mindset, making you more vulnerable and likely to comply with their demands. Listen, know who you are, and don't let others smear your self-image with their subjective ideas, or worse, influence you with your feelings.
How do you outsmart a manipulator?
The researchers came to the conclusion that ignoring others during stressful social situations saves mental resources.
A negative person can be deceptive and manipulative at times. Different tactics must be used in these situations. Here are eight ways to deal with people who are manipulative.
Ways To Deal With Manipulators
1. Don't pay attention to whatever they do or say.
The biggest error you can make when dealing with a manipulative individual is to try to correct them.
People who are manipulative will use your aggravation and bewilderment to get you into a fight. They want to elicit an emotional response from you so they can observe your behavior.
They'll use the things that trigger you to influence your actions once they've figured out what triggers you.
If you can't delete them immediately away, such as if they're a supervisor, coworker, or family member, agree with them and continue about your business.
2. Make contact with their center of gravity.
They'll hold your prior deeds against you. They'll befriend your buddies and then turn them against you. They'll dangle a small prize in front of you and force you to hunt it downevery time you get close, they'll yank it away.
If you're dealing with a manipulative person who refuses to leave you alone no matter how hard you try to ignore them, go on the attack.
This center could be a friend, manager, or subordinate of the manipulative individual. It could be a high-level skill or a thorough comprehension of a subject. It could be a specific resource that they have control over.
Make allies among their friends, hire someone with their skill sets and knowledge base to take their place, or siphon off their coveted resource.
This will throw them off and drive them to concentrate on their own profession and life, rather than yours.
3. Have faith in your own judgment.
It is the ability to listen to one's own beliefs that distinguishes winners from failures, not the ability to listen to other people's opinions.
By establishing your own views and clinging to them tenaciously, you can keep manipulative people out of your life.
4. Make an effort not to blend in.
The notion that consistency is good or linked to success is a fallacy.
People that manipulate you want you to remain constant so that they can count on you to forward their goals.
They want you to come to work for them every day at 9 a.m. for minimum wage. They expect you to arrive on time, tidy the house, and make them feel good.
The only way to avoid being manipulated is to aggressively challenge all of the boundaries that people attempt to impose on you.
Work to be unique in every manner imaginable and to never repeat yourself for too long.
By definition, personal progress necessitates a lack of constancy. It necessitates continuous modification.
5. Don't make concessions.
Manipulative persons will use guilt as one of their weapons against you. They'll make you feel bad about past mistakes and failures, or they'll make you feel bad about being happy and confident.
They'll try to develop in you a sense of self-doubt. You have doubts regarding your ability and worth.
When you are unsure, their impact grows stronger. When you're uncertain, they have a better opportunity of persuading you to compromise on your values, ambitions, and self.
You owe no one anything when it comes to your own job and life. You have earned the right to feel good about yourself and be proud of your achievements.
It is neither moral nor enlightened to compromise on your happiness. It's a form of self-destruction.
6. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
The issue is that we've been conditioned to beg for permission all of the time. We're told to line up and wait our turn to speak.
We're so used to waiting for approval that we sit in meetings silently, reluctant to speak out of turn or even raise our hands.
What if you stopped worrying so much about being nice and making others feel at ease?
Manipulative persons want you to believe that you are bound by some fictitious norm or ideal that states you can't take action without first consulting them.
7. Develop a stronger sense of mission.
Because so many people don't realize what they're striving for, manipulators continue to prosper in this world.
When you don't have a sense of purpose in your life, you'll believe anything. You'll go to any length. Because nothing is truly important.
People who don't have a goal in life are just wasting their time. They have no idea where they're heading or why they've ended up here.
To avoid from going insane, they work at jobs they despise and keep themselves occupied by sending boomerang emails and attending the same useless meetings.
Manipulators keep aimless individuals under control by selling them meaningless information and activities.
If you're always distracted, consuming meaningless content, and trying to keep yourself occupied…
8. Take personal accountability for your actions.
If someone deceives you once, they should be ashamed of themselves. You're an idiot if someone deceives you ten times.
Stop allowing manipulators to take advantage of you. Don't be a punching bag. No one cares about you, and you're only making yourself seem horrible.
Have enough self-awareness and respect to refuse those who mistreat you.
You are alone accountable for your achievements and failings. It's your fault, not theirs, if people outthink or outstrategize you.
Don't keep putting your trust in the same shady character. Allow them to go. Take them out of your life.
Commit to being around by nice, like-minded people who aren't out to take advantage of you.
It's now your turn. What tactics have you employed in the past to deal with manipulative people? How well did your strategies work out? Tell me in the comments section.
Check out Black Hole Focus: How Intelligent People Create A Powerful Purpose For Their Lives, my book of personal and professional guidance.
What is spiritual trauma?
Spiritual trauma is the result of a person's reaction to a belief system that dismisses and degrades them on behalf of a deity or a set of deities. More information can be found here. Christians are frequently encouraged to recruit for their religion, and losing a Christian friend or family member can be devastating.
Unfortunately, the desire to “reach” to the “lost” and the desperate need to reclaim lost territory with the emergence of the “nones” sometimes lead well-intentioned Christians to say hurtful things to those who have already been terribly hurt by the tradition. Words are important to someone who is just beginning to break free from destructive thinking habits. Here are some of my thoughts.
What does religious trauma look like?
Confusion in thinking (black vs. white, right vs. wrong), conflicts with people in your community or religious teachings, inability to make judgments, inability to trust yourself, and a constant search for clarification
Isolation, relationship issues, sexual difficulties, socially stunted and awkward conduct, being hyper-aware of others' emotional state and emotions, being hyper-aware and feeling responsible for others' internal state and emotions
Symptoms of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may also be present. This can include flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, restlessness, a lack of enjoyment in activities you used to like, hypervigilance, avoidance, and other symptoms.
What is religious trauma?
Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) is a collection of symptoms that develop in the aftermath of traumatic or stressful religious experiences. While Religious Trauma Syndrome is not a recognized diagnosis in the DSM-5, it is a typical experience shared by many people who have fled cults, fundamentalist religious groups, abusive religious environments, or other difficult religious experiences. Religious Trauma Syndrome has symptoms that are similar to those of complex PTSD.
Religious Trauma Syndrome is still in its early phases of research, but it's starting to acquire momentum as a valid diagnosis. The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms associated with Religious Trauma Syndrome.
Other PTSD symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, dissociation, emotional problems, and so forth.
Religious Trauma Syndrome can be induced by a variety of factors in different persons. Many people get RTS as a result of growing up in a religious or faith community that is authoritarian. RTS patients may have black-and-white thinking, irrational views, difficulties trusting oneself, low self-esteem, or a sense of owing something to a group of people. In toxic religious cultures, distorted conceptions of sex, discipline, emotional management, relationships, and self-expression are common.
If you believe you are suffering from Religious Trauma Syndrome. You're not on your own. There are many people who are experiencing the same feelings as you, and there is hope for recovery. You may reclaim control over who you are and who you want to be through talk therapy and EMDR. You can begin to create the life you want to live by moving past experiences that are too painful to think about.
What are the 4 stages of manipulation?
- Make a concerted effort to establish yourself as someone the young person can trust and rely on.
- provide the young person with protection against peer bullying and harmful adults.
The stage of a loving relationship. Following the establishment of trust, the alleged abuser or offender may:
- Isolate the young person from their friends and family, making them feel reliant on them (and their network) for social connection and friendship.
- Showing pornography to a young kid, for example, can help to lessen their inhibitions.
- engage the young person in unlawful activities, such as the consumption of alcohol or the use of narcotics
- be inconsistent in their feelings, such as making promises they don't intend to keep or being kind one day and aloof the next.
The prospect of rejection by the accused abuser or offender, as well as increased social isolation, can be a potent strategy to induce compliance for young people who seek social connection and acceptance.
- By decreasing the young person's self-esteem and verbally assaulting or humiliating them, you can reinforce their reliance.
- entice the young person to stay in the relationship by suggesting they owe them money or threatening them in some other way.