What Is Spiritual Purpose

Finding a spiritual purpose is more about being your greatest self as you go through life than it is about discovering the meaning of life. Meditation and prayer, personal contemplation, and spiritual wellbeing are just a few of the ways you can discover your higher purpose in life.

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Pursuing a spiritual goal is a reward in and of itself. According to a study published in Psychology Today, spiritual persons have numerous good characteristics. Behaving graciously and compassionately, as well as aiming for self-actualization, are all part of this. They also take the time to appreciate life and thrive in areas like personal relationships, self-esteem, and finding meaning in life.

If you're looking for spiritual meaning, there are a variety of paths you can choose. However, understanding what you're looking for is the first step in discovering your higher purpose in life.

What is the meaning of spiritual purpose?

The spiritual mission has nothing to do with the material world. It has nothing to do with your profession or where you reside (although they might be connected). Rather, building a set of values, ideas, and beliefs that give life meaning to you and then using them to guide your decisions and actions is what a spiritual purpose is all about.

How do I find my spiritual purpose?

Here's how to do it:

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  • Be aware of your surroundings and at ease. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth for seven breaths.

Type 2 diabetes affects approximately 25.8 million people in the United States, or 8.3 percent of the population. 1 Non-Hispanic Blacks aged 20 and up account for 4.9 million (18.7%) of the total. 1 Complications of type 2 diabetes, such as cerebrovascular illness, renal failure, and amputations, are substantially more common among African Americans than in non-Hispanic Whites.1

With proper diabetic self-care, these problems can be decreased or avoided. Diabetes therapy relies heavily on self-care knowledge, skills, and activities. The intricacy of sustaining and managing daily self-care activities, such as exercise, food change, and medication adherence, makes diabetic self-care difficult. The American Association of Diabetes Educators2 lists seven diabetes self-care behaviors: being active (physical activity and exercise); eating healthy (diet composition and caloric content); taking medications; monitoring (e.g., blood glucose, weight, blood pressure); problem solving, particularly for blood glucose (high and low levels, sick days); reducing risks (to reduce diabetes complications; smoking cessation); and healthy coping (psychosocial adaptation). These behaviors have been recognized as measurable results of effective diabetes education and should be practiced at both the individual and population level to accomplish the targeted outcomes of diabetes complications prevention and physical and psychological well-being.

Spiritual and religious beliefs and activities can either help people cope with a chronic illness by providing support, confidence, and hope, or they might obstruct successful coping by causing them to ignore self-care activities in favor of prayer and/or meditation.

3 While there is evidence of a link between spirituality and hypertension self-management4, few research have looked at the impact of spirituality on diabetes self-management.

5 As a result, less is known about how spiritual beliefs and practices, as well as social support, influence diabetic self-care among African American adults. 6 Spirituality is an important source of emotional support; God is perceived as central in providing strength to deal with daily challenges; God is frequently called upon for help in controlling diabetes; and a strong belief in God, prayer, meditation, and support from church members were all sources of support in previous studies concerning spirituality, religion, and diabetes in African Americans. 3, 5, and 8 Religion and spirituality were linked to better glycemic control in Black women with type 2 diabetes in one study,9 while religion and spirituality were linked to a lower likelihood of lifelong smoking among African Americans in another. 10

Because of the foregoing findings and a gap in the literature, we decided to look into the possibilities of incorporating spiritual and religious views into diabetic self-management. Spiritual views encompass a connection to a higher being as well as an existential outlook on life, death, and the nature of reality. 11 Religious practices/rituals such as prayer or meditation, as well as interaction with religious community members, are examples of religious beliefs. While spiritual and religious views have a lot in common, the authors decided to look into both of them because they are commonly brought up when dealing with disease. It's also necessary to look into both of these concepts because some people consider themselves spiritual but don't necessarily believe in religion. While religious beliefs and practices are more easily measured, the authors intended to look at the larger context of people's belief systems, specifically their perspectives on life's meaning, disease, and existential concerns. 13 The Systems of Belief Inventory (SBI) was chosen to measure these constructs due to the requirement to examine both spiritual and religious beliefs and practices in the process of coping with an illness.

The researchers wanted to see if there was a link between (a) spiritual and religious beliefs and practices and social support, and (b) diabetic self-care activities in African Americans with type 2 diabetes. Because African Americans have numerous diabetes inequities, this is an essential topic (i.e., highest rates of diabetes, diabetes complications, and diabetes-related mortality rates). 14

Because little is known about how spiritual and religious beliefs and practices affect diabetes self-care in African American adults, this study looked at the relationship between spirituality, religion, and diabetes self-care activities in this population, such as diet, physical activity, blood glucose self-testing, and foot care behaviors. Because some evidence suggests a link between spirituality and religion and lifetime smoking in African Americans10, a negative link between spirituality and religion and smoking was hypothesized. It was expected, in particular, that those who scored higher on spiritual and religious beliefs and practices, as well as social support, would engage in more diabetes self-care activities and smoke less.

What is God's purpose in our life?

It's exasperating to wake up with no sense of direction. When you glance around, you notice that your friends and coworkers are leading lives that are passionate, engaged, and purposeful. They have strong bonds, fulfilling professions, and a sense of purpose that motivates them to get out of bed each morning with a smile on their face.

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You're confident that God has something fantastic planned for you. You don't think he wants you to live a life of drudgery in which every day is a struggle. After all, the Bible is replete with references to joy. While this does not imply that every day is a parade and circus, it does imply that you should live your life with a general sense of joy.

“For you have been my help,” David exclaimed in Psalm 63:7, “and under the shadow of your wings I shall sing for pleasure.” How are you going to get there? Where, instead of aimlessly meandering through life, you're singing for delight (or making a joyous noise if you're not a singer)?


Before we get started on this topic, there's one thing to keep in mind. You are always living in God's purpose, in a sense. God is God, and everything He does, including your life, is for His purposes. Nothing can happen unless God permits it.

“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me,” reads Psalm 57:2. This is crucial to comprehending God's plan for your life. God has counted your days and will see to it that every purpose He has for you is fulfilled.

Our decisions and behaviors, on the other hand, are extremely important. This is a riddle we can't fully comprehend in certain aspects, but that doesn't mean it's not true. We have the option of doing things that offer us more joy and give us a sense of purpose. That's where we're going in this article. We want to assist you in identifying the choices you can make to infuse your life with more enthusiasm and God-given meaning.


Let's begin with the most obvious. If you are openly disobeying the Bible, you are not living in God's will, and you will undoubtedly feel aimless in your life. We don't need to spend too much time on this one because it's rather straightforward.


You're probably not doing what you were supposed to do if you get up every day feeling apathetic, dreadful, or completely bored. God made you special, has great things in store for you, and joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Sure, there may be challenging situations that will take patience and perseverance, but overall, your days, job, and relationships should be filled with joy and enthusiasm.

It is not optional to seek joy in God. It is not a “additional” that a person can acquire after coming to faith.


You may be straying from your God-given mission if you go about your days feeling unfulfilled. Doing rewarding, meaningful, and purposeful actions brings fulfillment. From a career that utilizes your abilities and interests. From a connection in which both parties give and get. From mind-stimulating rather than mind-numbing pastimes. Yes, you'll have to do some uninteresting and unfulfilling tasks, but if your entire life is gray, it's time for a change.

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You've experienced the sense of doing meaningless job. You go to work, punch in, perform your job, then come home and pass out in front of the TV. You work on weekends and in preparation for retirement. All of your true delight comes from things other than work. From hobbies, friends, and side employment, to name a few.

“And I advocate gladness,” Ecclesiastes 8:15 states, “because man has nothing better under the sun than to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will accompany him in his toil throughout the days of his life that God has given him under the sun.”

Would you say that your life and job are characterized by this kind of happiness? If not, you might want to reconsider your plans.


If you badly want to make a change yet feel completely trapped in your life, it's almost probably a sign that you're not following God's plan. Those who are stuck desire to go in a specific direction but are unsure how to do it. So they spin their wheels, irritated beyond belief but unaware of how to put an end to it. Do you feel suffocated?


If you don't know what God's plan for your life is, you'll always feel aimless. You have the impression that you are flitting from one thing to the next without making any progress. Nothing interests you, and you don't have any precise objectives in mind. You don't even have a goal in front of you, unlike the Israelites, who wandered for 40 years and still had a goal (the Promised Land).


J.R.R. Tolkien penned a poem in his classic novel “The Lord of the Rings” that includes the line “Not all who travel are lost.” The same is true for you. Even if you feel as if you're roaming aimlessly, this does not imply that you're lost. You can rediscover your sense of purpose and learn about God's plans for your life.


Let's start with the obvious once more. If you're feeling aimless, pray to God for insight and guidance. “If any among you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives graciously and without reproach to all without reproach,” James 1:5 says.

That's tremendously encouraging news. God wants to give you a reason to live. He wants to give you divine wisdom. It's not as if God is holding out on you in order to make you unhappy. He wants you to live a happy, ambitious, and fulfilling life. Ask God for a sense of purpose, and He will provide it.


The Bible is the principal means by which God communicates with us. This means that one of the first steps in your search for God's purpose should be to dive into the Bible. You won't discover any verses telling you to become a dance instructor or a painter, but you will gain a better understanding of God's heart.

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“Your word is a candle to my feet and a light to my path,” says Psalm 119:105. God's message shines a light on otherwise dark roads. You can learn how to live intelligently in God's world by reading the Bible, which is the first step toward discovering your purpose.


God has endowed you with very specific abilities and capabilities. Perhaps you're a natural mathematician or a smart counselor. Perhaps you're interested in electronics or business. Maybe you're amazing at getting things done and organizing others. God's plan for you is likely to revolve on the skills you already possess.

This is where education can be most beneficial. Going to college or returning to college allows you to find your talents and then figure out how to put them to good use. It also introduces you to others who wish to assist you in discovering your calling.


What is one item about which you are particularly enthusiastic? This may be anything at all. Whatever it is: business, art, economics, poverty alleviation, etc. What would you like to do if money were not an issue?

Identifying your passions can frequently assist you in determining what God has called you to do. It's been stated that God works at the crossroads of our talents and interests. Where do your talents intersect with your passions? That could be God's plan for you.


“Where there is no advice, a people collapses, but there is protection in an abundance of counselors,” reads Proverbs 11:14. To put it another way, one of the primary ways God will assist you in discovering your mission is through others.

There is a caveat to be made here. People you can trust should be your advisors. It needs to be individuals who have your back and want the best for you, whether it's your lecturers, parents, or friends. You desire wise counsellors to assist you in discovering God's plan for your life.


Getting away from it all and taking some unhurried time to think, pray, and journal can be really beneficial at times. This does not necessitate a week in the woods to be effective. Even a single day away from the daily grind can be really beneficial.

Allow yourself to simply remain still during these getaways. To think about. To seek God's guidance and listen for His voice. This doesn't have to be difficult or involve any intricate ceremonies. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that people who seek God are always rewarded. He's not trying to keep his will hidden from you by hiding in the dark. He wishes to assist you.


Trying to figure out what you want to do with your life may be a stressful and daunting experience. It can appear to be a huge, perplexing, and difficult topic. You want to make progress but don't know how. You want to find your calling, yet you feel like you're traveling aimlessly.

You may, however, trust God to lead you in the direction he desires. “He guides me amid peaceful rivers,” reads Psalm 23:2-3. My soul is restored by him. For the sake of his name, he leads me down paths of righteousness.”


At PGS, we pay attention to more than just what is taught in the classroom. We're interested in how you apply what you've learnt in your daily life. Our foundation brings a Christ-centered viewpoint to whatever profession you are in.

What are the 3 elements of spirituality?

In their eternal wisdom, all shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all centuries, continents, and peoples claim that human spirituality is made up of three aspects: connections, values, and life purpose. These three components are so strongly linked that it may be difficult to tell them apart. Take a minute to ponder on each facet of human spirituality to determine the state of your spiritual well-being if this is possible. This will be a three-part monthly series, starting with relationships.

Internal (your domestic policy)—how you deal with yourself, how you nurture the relationship with yourself and your higher self—and external (your foreign policy)—how you relate, support, and interact with those people (and all living entities) in your environment—are the two categories of relationships.

What criteria would you use to assess your internal relationship, and what steps could you take to improve it?

How would you assess your external relationships, shifting from the perspective of domestic policy to international policy?

How do I find my spiritual life?

Seven Ways to Boost Your Spiritual Well-Being

  • Examine your spiritual foundation. You are merely asking yourself questions about who you are and what you mean when you explore your spiritual essence.

What is my purpose?

Take a few moments to find a quiet place to think. Take a few deep breaths, focus yourself, and consider the following question:

How did that make you feel? Was it easy for you to come up with a solution, or did you struggle? You may have stated that you get up in the morning in order to make it to work and earn money to pay your debts. Perhaps you get up because your cat meows for food or because your alarm clock goes off!

What is purpose?

However, there is very certainly a deeper depth to your response that relates to why you do those things. We find significance in what we wish to achieve and contribute when we have a sense of purpose. While your job or career can surely contribute to your sense of purpose, many people do not find it there. Even if they are related, purpose is more than just a job. Purpose is often intertwined for those who have a feeling of spirituality in their lives, frequently around a sense of meaning and connection. But purpose is about more than spiritual well-being; it's about what we value and who we are.

Why is having a sense of purpose important?

New research is surfacing that emphasizes the importance of discovering and defining one's own life purpose. Purpose, according to research, can…

This year, a groundbreaking study involving more than 1,400 senior individuals discovered that having a strong sense of purpose can help minimize the negative consequences of Alzheimer's disease. Purpose can also help with pain management; according to another study, women who have a strong sense of purpose are better at handling heat and cold stimuli.

You've probably heard horror stories of folks who appear to be in good condition yet die soon after retiring. Researchers now believe that having a strong sense of purpose is linked to aging, and that those who have a strong sense of purpose may live longer. The Blue Zones project looked at the lives of senior Okinawans and discovered that individuals who set defined goals for themselves during their lives lived far longer—well into their 100s!

People who flourish, according to Barbara Fredrickson, a major specialist on positive psychology, are “They are extremely involved in their families, workplaces, and communities. They're motivated by a feeling of purpose: they know why they wake up every day.” Having a sense of where you're heading in life and what you're living for can help alleviate a lot of the tension and anxiety that comes with not knowing where you're going. You'll feel energised, focused, and fulfilled when you're living your life mission.

How can I find my purpose?

When you can identify those three components of your identity, you'll have a better idea of how to improve your health and well-being by maximizing your sense of purpose.

An exercise

Find a time when you can sit down and write honestly without being distracted. The following questions (derived from Richard Leider's Life Map Guide) should be asked of yourself:

  • In the last week, when have I felt entirely absorbed in and focused on what I'm doing, with no stress or distraction?

Allow yourself to write openly and honestly for as long as you need to find answers to these questions, which will assist you in discovering your gifts, passions, and values. More exercises like these can be found in Live a Purposeful Life.

And keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer, and your purpose can shift over time. To come to an understanding of your own particular mission in life, you may need to take some time and re-evaluate your responses to these questions a few times over the course of a few weeks. Keep track of your thoughts and sensations throughout the day, and reflect on the times when you feel truly alive. This self-discovery process can assist you in becoming closer to your own reason for being, which can have a significant impact on your health and well-being.

What is a spiritual life?

Spirituality is a vast topic with many different interpretations. In general, it entails a sense of belonging to something larger than oneself, as well as a quest for purpose in life. As a result, it is a universal human experience that affects all of us. A spiritual experience might be described as sacred, sublime, or simply as a strong sense of aliveness and connectivity.

Some people may discover that their spiritual lives are intertwined with their affiliation with a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue. Others may turn to prayer or a personal relationship with God or a higher force for comfort. Others look for significance in their relationships with nature or art. Your unique concept of spirituality, like your sense of purpose, may evolve through time as you adjust to new experiences and relationships.