The motivational spiritual gift of a Christian is what God works in him to change his outlook on life and motivate his words and actions. “Basic motives” are characterized by natural attributes or capacities within a believerthe Creator's unique workmanship within him or heras described in Romans 12:38.
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God makes believers aware of needs that He wants to meet through them for His glory through motivational gifts. Then, with maximum efficacy and minimal exhaustion, believers can serve to others through the ministry and manifestation gifts of the Spirit, in ways that go beyond human power and imagination.
The temperament, background, age, gender, culture, and circumstances of each individual will influence their behavior. Individuals with the same motivating talent, on the other hand, are likely to share similar features. The following are some broad qualities that persons with the motivational gift of exhortation commonly display.
General Characteristics
The basic motivational drive of an exhorter is to encourage believers to mature in Christ and spiritually grow. Exhorters frequently try to encourage others' growth through discipling, teaching, and guiding them.
- God's sovereignty is an exhorter's “favorite” quality of God.
- Trials are seen as opportunities for progress by exhorters. They acknowledge that because God is in control, whatever happens has the potential to glorify God and shape believers to the image of Jesus Christ. The exhorter sympathizes with the suffering Christian, but he sees the anguish through the lens of God's sovereignty, not suffering. (On the other hand, someone with the motivating gift of mercy would see the pain through the lens of suffering.)
- When given the option of aiding someone “spiritually” or physically (by bringing him a dinner or mowing his lawn while he's in the hospital), the exhorter chooses spiritual help. When given the option of encouraging through empathy or exhortation, a person with this motivational gift will always choose exhortation.
- Wise advice comes from the heart of an exhorter who knows how to spot precepts and principles in God's Word.
- For advising someone who is dejected, exhorters and mercy-givers constitute an excellent team. The individual who has the gift of mercy empathizes with the downhearted person because he understands how he feels. The exhorter exhorts because he understands how the person must feel! The role of the exhorter is to provide hope by offering a biblical perspective on the situation and reminding people of God's power, love, and faithfulness. Because he regards empathy as encouragement to wallow in self-pity, an exhorter avoids weeping with others (as the mercy-giver would). The exhorter wishes to “move on” from the anguish and seize the chance to grow in Christlikeness.
- An exhorter answers to challenges by prescribing precise measures to take; his goal is to make the plan so simple to understand that people will recognize its potential, accept it, and progress as a result of doing it.
An Exhorter's Strengths
- Exhorters are willing and eager to stand by a Christian brother or sister during difficult times.
- The exhorter values Scripture memorization and meditation because he wants to be able to draw insight from the well of truth that is stored in his spirit.
- Every tiny detail, including the timing of every incident, is seen as part of God's good and loving design by an exhorter.
- Exhorters constantly remind people of God's sovereignty and love because they see hardships in a positive light, which is the reverse of how the world sees them.
- An exhorter appears to be able to express gratitude in all seasons and circumstances, even the most trying.
- Exhorters recognize that spending time reading and studying God's Word results in more than just information; it results in transformation.
An Exhorter's Weaknesses
- They have a tendency to oversimplify answers, resulting in discouragement rather than encouragement.
- Surprisingly, even while exhorters make terrific advisors, they can be terrible listeners. They are sometimes so concentrated on telling you how to see your circumstance through God's eyes that they fail to listen to your point of view.
- Exhortation from mature exhorters is based on God's Word. As a result, their advice is frequently effective. Unfortunately, exhorters are often tempted to sell principles as formulas, and the formulas as cure-alls, as a result of their success.
- Because an exhorter is so desperate for Scripture to provide a successful step of action to solve a problem, he may take Scripture out of context or imply that it says something it doesn't, justifying his actions by claiming that the result justifies the means. For the exhorter, this is a deadly trap.
What's the difference between exhortation and encouragement?
Today is the last day of our Philippians study! In Philippians 4, Paul encourages the Philippians to rejoice despite their circumstances. Everyone should be aware of reasonableness. To keep in mind that the Lord is near! In Christ Jesus, we are to put on what is true and guard our hearts and minds. This episode concludes our semester-long study of Philippians!
- 1st verse “As a result, my beloved brethren, whom I adore and wait for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord.”
- Exhortation is a type of instruction.
- It motivates you to follow the steps laid out in God's Word.
- 3rd verse “Yes, loyal partner, I also ask you to assist these ladies, who have labored alongside me in the gospel alongside Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are written in the book of life.”
- 4th verse “Always rejoice in the Lord; I'll say it again: rejoice.
- Let everyone know how rational you are.
- The Lord is near; so not be concerned about anything, but make your requests known to God in everything through prayer and petition with thanksgiving.”
- “Reasonableness,” according to the ESV Study Bible, implies “seeking what is best for everyone, not just for yourself.”
- According to the ESV Study Bible, “The phrase “the Lord is at hand” refers to Jesus' return as a judge who will hold people accountable for their actions.
- 8th verse “Finally, brothers, think about these things: what is true, what is honorable, what is just, what is pure, what is beautiful, what is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise.”
- What are we occupying our minds with? And what do we allow into our heads? Are they motivating us to worship God and encourage others to do the same?
- 9th verse “Practice what you've learned, received, heard, and seen from me, and the God of peace will be with you.”
- Paul is correct in encouraging the Philippians to follow in his footsteps.
- He is following in the footsteps of Jesus.
- The believer will be strengthened to do the activities to which God has called them.
- Verse 19 and 20 “And my God will meet all of your needs through Christ Jesus, according to his riches in glory.
- Forever and ever, glory to our God and Father. Amen
- 21st verse “In the name of Jesus, greet every saint.
- “The brothers that are with me are really proud of you.”
- In Caesar's household, there are believers with Paul.
- Is it possible that Paul has assisted in the conversion of inmates?
- Workers in Caesar's household who heard and accepted the Gospel message.
We hope that by studying this material, you will be able to better answer the question, “What is God's will for my life?” We hope that through reading Paul's epistle to the church of Philippi, you will have a greater understanding of what it means to live a good life! This is what God has called us to, and it is only through His son, Jesus, that we may do it.
Thank you for joining us on our journey through Philippians!
We've loved being able to go deeper into God's word with you!
Consider who you're talking to. You should have a strong sense of who is reading the text, just like any other effective piece of writing. This will aid you in appealing to their interests and persuading them to share your point of view. For example, if you're writing an exhortation recommending institutional transformation, you might write a substantially different paper for the institution's leaders than you would for the members.
Investigate the subject. It's likely that if you're writing an exhortation, you already have an opinion on something you want to communicate with others. Proving that you have done your homework is the finest method to communicate why the reader should feel the same way. Find evidence to back up your statements and trustworthy sources to back them up.
Write an introduction that includes a well-developed thesis statement as well as information about the topic. With a quotation, story, statistic, or a lead that draws on the reader's emotional connection to the topic, your introduction should immediately attract the reader's attention.
Include evidence to back up your point of view. In-text citations, such as snippets from books or quotes from notable thinkers who support your position, give your argument more weight. Consider what makes you feel the way you do based on the knowledge you have. These details will help to personalize and empower your writing.
Finish with a final exhortation to the reader to take action. Now that your audience is aware of your point of view, they should be able to figure out how to proceed. This is your last chance to get the reader's attention on the issue, so make sure you define it properly in the final paragraph.
Who is an Exhorter in the Bible?
Exhorter was the original title for what the United Methodist Church now refers to as a lay speaker, or someone who is not ordained but is certified to hold meetings, lead prayers, and evangelize. Exhorter was a prerequisite for becoming a lay preacher. Many laypreachers were arrested and imprisoned by local authorities when Methodism emerged in the 1740s, and the group of devout speakers who developed to fill the void were known asexhorters. Though people had long been filling the function, the office of exhorter was officially established in Britain in 1770 and in the United States in 1784. It needed annual certification and frequently identified those who had been called to the ministry. Exhorters had a crucial part in the early Methodist Church, which often originated as separatist organizations inspired by an exhorter, who would exhort the audience to action after the assigned clergy had preached thesermom in towns and rural places where preachers were few. Aimee Semple McPherson, who received an exhorter's license in Philadelphia in 1920 and went on to become a well-known faith healer and evangelist in California, is the most well-known exhorter.
What is an Exhorter in the church of God?
Exhorter (beginning level), Ordained Minister (intermediate level), and Ordained Bishop are the three levels of credentialed clergy recognized by the Church of God (highest level). Exhorters have the authority to preach, evangelize, and lead churches as pastors. Baptizing converts, receiving new church members, administering sacraments or ordinances, solemnizing marriages, and establishing churches are all things that ordained ministers are allowed to do. Ordained Bishops are entitled to assist in ordination ceremonies in addition to the rights and privileges enjoyed by Exhorters and Ordained Ministers. Administrative Bishops are state/regional overseers, Executive Bishops are members of the International Executive Committee, and the Presiding Bishop is the General Overseer. Women are permitted to serve as Exhorters and Ordained Ministers, but only men are permitted to serve as Ordained Bishops. Licensed Ministers of Christian Education and Licensed Ministers of Music are also available.
What is the difference between sermon and exhortation?
Exhortation and preaching differ as nouns in that exhortation is the act or practice of exhorting; incitement to desirable deeds; incitement to that which is good or commendable, whereas preaching is the act of delivering a sermon or comparable moral teaching.