Our essential and ultimate nature is Hridaya, the Spiritual Heart. It is the indescribable aspect of our being. It's a different term for atman (the Supreme Self). The Supreme Consciousness, the ultimate Subject, the pure “I,” is the Spiritual Heart. It's the Witness Consciousness, our own observer of all our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, as well as the entire Universe in both its inner and outer dimensions.
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Where is your spiritual heart?
The physical heart is the biological organ that we are all familiar with. It continuously circulates blood, supplying oxygen and energy to all cells. This heart, which is placed in the left chest, is essential to the body's survival. The Anahata, or heart chakra, is an energy center in the subtle body that is placed in the middle of the chest. For the most part, something is partially stuck or blocked, resulting in bodily and emotional difficulties. The spiritual heart, which is somewhat to the right of the body's midline, is the most important heart. Only serious spiritual searchers who are on a quest to understand the True Self inside can glimpse this heart.
What does God say about a pure heart?
According to what Jesus said, “The pure in heart are blessed, for they will see God (Matthew 5:8).”
This benediction, one of the beatitudes that opens the Lord's Sermon on the Mount, serves as a powerful reminder that pleasing God requires more than just doing the right things. It's a question of the heart. While mankind may judge by appearances, God judges by the heart (cf. 1 Samuel 16:7). And while we may deceive ourselves about the state of our hearts, God is never deceived. As the adage goes, “In his own eyes, a man's actions are right, but the Lord considers the heart (Proverbs 21:2; ESV).”
Part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount included a reminder of the necessity of getting one's heart right with God. Adultery is wicked, but Jesus also warned us that lust is a filthy interior sin of the heart (cf. Matthew 5:27-30). While murdering others was undoubtedly wrong, Jesus told out that another sin of the heart, anger, would also lead a person to hell (cf. Matthew 5:21-22). We shall be held accountable for our actions in the body (2 Corinthians 5:10), but we will also be held accountable for our thoughts.
The blessing that Jesus bestows on those who have a pure heart makes sense: if we are evaluated by our hearts, then those who have pure hearts will be the ones who will enter heaven. The blessing granted, like several other beatitudes, is a figure of speech describing redemption. “Be comforted,” “Inherit the earth,” “Receive Mercy,” and “See God” are all different ways of conveying “They will be in Heaven.”
On the other hand, if our hearts are not clean, we shall not be in heaven on the last day (cf. Psalm 24:3-5). The Pharisees and scribes were given this warning by Jesus. He advised His followers that they wouldn't be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven until they outperformed the Pharisees in holiness (Matthew 5:20). Pharisees, he subsequently warned, were blind guides who would lead their followers to disaster (Matthew 15:14), and that they were keeping themselves and others out of the Kingdom (Matthew 23:13). According to Jesus, part of the problem, if not all of it, was that the Pharisees' inward parts were wicked, despite their external piety. As a result, Jesus offered them a colorful description, saying, “Woe to you, hypocrites, scribes and Pharisees! For you are like whitewashed tombs that appear beautiful on the outside but are full of dead people's bones and filth on the inside. So you, too, appear upright on the outside but are full of hypocrisy and wickedness on the inside. (ESV; Matthew 23:27-28) ” The Pharisees were a religious sect “I have a heart condition.”
Despite this, “Although “heart difficulties” can be difficult for males to recognize at times, there are specific warning indicators we can look for to determine if we have such a problem.
There is, of course, the issue of sin. The Pharisees' hearts caused them to reject Jesus and want to kill Him. Such behavior does not come from good hearts. Instead, as Jesus said, “Murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander are all bad thoughts that flow from the heart (Matthew 15:19; ESV).” When we observe a spouse cheat on his wife, a man steal from another, or someone spreading lies and gossip, we may reasonably conclude that there is a heart problem at the root of the action. It's pointless to complain that our hearts are in the right place when our feet are speeding down the wrong road.
A pure heart will give birth to pure words and acts. We can't get salt water out of a fresh water spring, and we can't get fresh water out of the ocean, thus we can't obtain righteousness out of a wicked heart, and wickedness won't arise from a pure heart (cf. James 3:10-11).
However, there is a solution; one that is pretty obvious. The Bible exhorts us to, “God will draw near to you if you get near to Him. Purify your hands, you sinners, and your hearts, you double-minded (James 4:8; ESV).” Despite the fact that our hearts are sinful, God gives a way to cleanse them and knowledge to fill them with pure and pleasant things. It begins with a recognition of what we've done and why we've done it, followed by repentance as we draw near to God and allow Him to wash us clean.
Our continual prayer, like the Psalmist's, should be, “Create in me a pure heart, O God (Psalm 51:10).”
Why does God look at the heart?
Have you ever had the feeling that you were misunderstood? God understands us because He is aware of every detail of our thoughts and feelings. He is aware of aspects of ourselves that no one else is aware of.
That dream you've been holding in your heart but aren't ready to share with the rest of the world? God is well aware of the situation. He understands how much it matters to you. There's a high probability He put it there himself.
What about the pain you've felt and assumed you had to deal with on your own? (because explaining it all is just too hard). You don't have to suffer or heal alone any more since God knows what you're going through even if you don't say anything.
Even the humiliating stuff; our blunders, temptations, and bad decisions are all things we strive to keep hidden in our hearts.
The good news is that what God sees in your heart has no bearing on how He loves you. His devotion to you is unwavering.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, angels, principalities, or powers, things present or things to come, height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus.
You can't escape God's love for you, no matter how broken your life is. It exists in the real world and will continue to exist in the future.
God examines our hearts and sees our struggles. Our difficulties may frighten others, but they do not frighten God. In fact, instead of fleeing from our brokenness, He took a great leap forward and offered us the most wonderful love-inspired gift He could. He gave us Jesus as a gift (see Romans 5:8).
Don't be scared if you've ever been afraid that God knows your heart. His power to look into our hearts enables Him to love us properly, far better than any person could.
How many of us have had the best of intentions in difficult situations yet failed to follow through on them?
How many of us have done our hardest only for others to misinterpret our motives?
There are no misunderstandings, mix-ups, or doubts when it comes to God. He isn't swayed by appearances or misinterprets our behavior. God examines the heart and knows everything there is to know about it.
Where does it say God looks at the outward appearance but man looks at the heart?
That is God's response to the prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:7, believe it or not.
God had commanded Samuel to travel to Bethlehem and anoint the next king of Judah with the household of Jesse the shepherd. Each of Jesse's seven sons was brought before Samuel, and the Lord dismissed them all. Eliab included. “Surely the Lord's anointed is before Him!” Samuel exclaimed to God when he saw Eliab (see 1 Samuel 16:6). The Lord, to his surprise, said,
…Don't be fooled by his physical stature or looks; I've turned him down. Because the Lord sees the heart, not the outward appearance, as man views the outward appearance.”
Why does God look at the heart of man?
Our goals and objectives are revealed by our hearts. As much as we prefer to believe that life revolves around our acts, God is just as interested in what motivates us to behave (motives). God looks for signs of righteousness in our hearts in the motives of our hearts.
Our motivations reveal who we are and what we are passionate about. God can know the “why” underlying our thoughts and choices when He investigates our hearts. God, according to the Bible, evaluates the intentions of people's hearts (see Hebrews 4:14).
I, the Lord, search the heart and test the mind, giving to each person according to his ways and the fruit of his labor.
We both make decisions based on what we observe, but our vision is restricted to actions. So, while we make decisions based on behaviors and appearances, the Lord looks into our hearts.
Who knows the heart of man but God?
DR. GRAHAM, I'm writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for all you've done How can you determine if someone is a true Christian or a false Christian? I work with a man who professes to be a Christian, but if that's what it means to be a Christian, I'm not interested. He treats others like garbage, and no matter what he says, I wouldn't trust him to fulfill his word. H.P. Lovecraft
H.P., DEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR Only God knows what is in our hearts, and only He knows if this person has truly accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. “Do not judge, or you will be judged,” Jesus advised (Matthew 7:1).
What are the characteristics of a healthy spiritual heart?
We've made our New Year's resolutions, and many of us are focusing on a specific goal “A heart that is in good shape.” It appears to be having an effect.
The American Heart Association claims that “In the 1960s or 1970s, the epidemic growth in heart disease mortality came to a halt.” Over the previous 50 years, deaths from heart disease have decreased considerably. In practically every food category, heart-healthy options are available. Heart-healthy menus are available in restaurants.
In most public locations, smoking is prohibited. Diet and exercise are promoted by doctors and non-profits.
In 1982, I read Dr. Kenneth Cooper's book Aerobics for the first time. It was a game-changing book that educated millions about the importance of aerobic exercise and a nutritious diet for heart health. When I first visited Brazil, I was astounded to see hundreds of Brazilians walking and running every morning to obtain their daily exercise “Cooperation.”
The doctor's name has become a synonym for heart-healthy aerobic activity in Portuguese.
When I followed Cooper's plan, I saw results like weight loss, greater strength, and stamina. Regrettably, I have not always adhered to those guidelines, and it shows. It takes more than knowledge to develop a healthy heart.
Maintaining a healthy heart physically is crucial, but developing a healthy heart spiritually is even more important. The practices and traits of a healthy spiritual heart are clearly laid out in the Bible.
Gratitude, hope, forgiveness, and love are among them. We will have a healthy heart if we discipline ourselves to be grateful every day for what God has done, if we hope when things seem hopeless, if we forgive those who hurt us, and if we love our adversaries rather than just those who love us.
However, having a spiritually healthy heart, like our physical heart, necessitates more than knowledge. We may recognize the importance of being appreciative, hopeful, forgiving, and loving. But how can you cultivate genuine appreciation, hope, forgiveness, and love in your heart?
This necessitates a spiritual heart transplant in the spiritual sphere. God must develop a new heart within us, which He is more than capable of doing. We all have spiritual heart disease from birth. Jeremiah declares, “Who can comprehend the heart, which is more deceitful than anything else and desperately sick?” (Jeremiah 17:9)
However, he later adds, “For I am the Lord, I will give them a heart to know Me, and they will be My people, and I will be their God.” (Jeremiah 24:7) He also promises in Ezekiel, “In addition, I will give you a new heart and a new spirit, and I will remove the stone heart from your flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26).
God brought His son Jesus into the world to help us develop a healthy heart full of gratitude, hope, forgiveness, and love. He transforms a calloused, bitter, and resentful heart into one that overflowing with gratitude. Our physical hearts will eventually stop beating and our bodies will perish. However, God's spiritually healthy heart will live forever.