Designed for family members of those who have problems with alcohol or drugs. Answers concerns regarding substance misuse, its signs and symptoms, treatment options, and recovery. Addresses the concerns of children whose parents have substance misuse or addiction issues.
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Describes the impact of alcohol and drug addiction on the entire family. Explains how substance addiction treatment works, how family interventions can help children in families affected by alcohol and drug misuse, and how to help children in homes affected by substance abuse.
“It's not your fault!” and “You're not alone!” assures kids whose parents abuse alcohol or drugs. Provides a resource list and encourages kids to seek emotional assistance from other adults, school counselors, and youth support groups such as Alateen.
Children whose parents or friends' parents may have substance misuse problems are given information on alcohol and drug addiction. Advises children to look after themselves by talking about their problems and joining support organizations like Alateen.
After an Attempt: A Guide to Caring for Your Family Member Following Emergency Room Treatment
Aids family members in dealing with the aftermath of a suicide attempt by a relative. Describes the emergency room treatment process, including a list of follow-up questions to ask, and explains how to limit risk and maintain safety at home.
For People in Recovery From Mental Illness or Addiction, Family Therapy Can Help
The importance of family therapy in the rehabilitation from mental illness or substance abuse is examined. Explains how and who performs family therapy sessions, details a typical session, and provides data on its success in recovery.
What do you do when everything seems to be going wrong?
- Keep your focus on the now. Rather than stressing about the future or obsessing on the past, concentrate on what is happening right now and what you can do right now.
- Instead than focusing on the worst-case scenario, consider what else is feasible.
- Keep an eye out for the lesson. Challenging circumstances can frequently teach us what we need to know.
- Maintain a positive outlook by focusing on solutions, talents, and strengths.
- Appreciate the good times, savor the little joys, and look for the hidden gifts in the bad times.
- Allow it to stand the test of time. Consider whether this means the same thing in one, five, or ten years.
- Laugh. Take in a comedy. Make a call to a vivacious pal. Consider the situation in the context of a stand-up routine.
- Write. Write about a happier moment in your life, vent your anger about this predicament, or discuss ways to get out of it.
- Read and reread other people's motivational, inspirational, or encouraging words.
- Get out in the fresh air and be inspired. Keep an eye on the sun as it rises or sets. Pay attention to the birds. Take it all in to get a sense of scale.
- Allow yourself a moment to gather your thoughts. Assess the damage, figure out what can and can't be done, or simply get out of the way.
Substance (drug) abuse (alcohol or other drugs)
Substance abuse is a medical term for a pattern of substance (drug) use that produces severe issues or distress. Missing work or school, or using the chemical in potentially harmful conditions, like as driving a car, are examples of this. It could lead to substance-related legal issues, or it could lead to persistent substance abuse that disrupts friendships and family connections, or both. Substance abuse is defined as the misuse of illegal substances such as marijuana, heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine as a recognized medical brain problem. It could also be the misuse of legal substances like alcohol, nicotine, or prescribed medications. The most commonly abused legal drug is alcohol.
Substance (drug) dependence
Substance dependency is a medical term for drug or alcohol misuse that continues even after severe issues have arisen as a result of its use. Dependency manifests itself in the following ways:
Withdrawal symptoms can occur when you reduce or stop using a medication that you find difficult to reduce or stop using.
Continued use of the substance despite being conscious of the physical, psychological, and family or social issues that your drug misuse has produced.
How do you come back from nothing?
We've all had those moments when it seems like everything is going wrong. In similar situations, the best thing to do is concentrate on what is going well. While one difficulty may be taking up the majority of your time and energy, there are many other things for which you should be grateful, and focusing on those will help you get through even the most difficult situations.
How do you have good things happen to you?
You must first establish a good mindset before you can become inspired to begin working toward a goal. Know that you can complete whatever activity you set out to perform, no matter how long it takes or how difficult it is. Remind yourself that there's a reason you're doing what you're doing. Start with the end in mind to keep yourself thinking of where you're going and where you'll finally end up, whether it's for a monetary reward, personal improvement, or simply to prove to yourself and others that you can finish the task.
What are the 4 main psychoactive drugs?
Have you heard of the term “psychoactive substances” before? Drugs in this category work on the central nervous system, causing changes in mood, awareness, and behavior by altering its normal, everyday activity. Abusing psychoactive drugs can have substantial short- and long-term impacts on the brain because they alter the transmission between neurons (brain cells).
Depressants, such as alcohol and sleeping pills, are classified as psychoactive drugs, as are stimulants, such as nicotine and ecstasy, opioids, such as heroin and pain relievers, and hallucinogens, such as LSD.
The term “psychoactive drug” may conjure up images of substances like LSD, which alter your brain and behavior to extremes. LSD is a hallucinogen or “psychedelic” that modifies the user's view of reality and the brain. It's also a narcotic, or prohibited, substance.
However, not all psychoactive substances are banned. Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee and energy drinks, and doctors frequently prescribe opioids like Vicodin, OxyContin, or morphine to treat pain. Misusing prescription psychoactive medicines, on the other hand, is unlawful and can be just as dangerous as using cocaine or heroin. One reason they come with caution labels instructing people not to drive or operate heavy machinery is because of this. Caffeine consumption in excess is also harmful to your health (see chart)!
What are 4 types of drugs?
There are four basic kinds of drugs, classified by their principal effects, as well as a few chemicals that don't fit neatly into any of the categories. What are the different forms of drugs?
What are the 7 types of drugs?
Physicians have long known that different types of medications have varying effects on different persons. Drugs can, however, be grouped or categorised based on common symptomatologies or effects. These long-standing, medically accepted facts are the foundation of the DRE classification procedure. Central nervous system (CNS) depressants, CNS stimulants, hallucinogens, dissociative anesthetics, narcotic analgesics, inhalants, and cannabis are all classified by DREs into one of seven groups. Each of these classes of drugs has the potential to impact a person's central nervous system and impair their normal faculties, including their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.
(1) Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants
CNS depressants slow down the brain's and body's functions. Alcohol, barbiturates, anti-anxiety tranquilizers (e.g., Valium, Librium, Xanax, Prozac, and Thorazine), GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate), Rohypnol, and a variety of other anti-depressants are examples of CNS depressants (e.g., Zoloft, Paxil).
(2) CNS Stimulants
CNS stimulants “speed up,” or over-stimulate, the body by increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Cocaine, “crack” cocaine, amphetamines, and methamphetamine are examples of CNS stimulants (“crank”).
(4) Dissociative Anesthetics
Drugs known as dissociative anesthetics work by cutting off or dissociating the brain's feeling of pain. Dissociative anesthetics include PCP, its analogs, and dextromethoraphan.
(5) Narcotic Analgesics
Narcotic analgesics are used to treat pain, promote euphoria, and alter the user's mood. Opium, codeine, heroin, demerol, darvon, morphine, methadone, Vicodin, and oxycontin are examples of narcotic analgesics.
(6) Inhalants
Inhalants are a group of breathing compounds that generate mind-altering actions and consequences. Toluene, plastic cement, paint, gasoline, paint thinners, hair sprays, and other anesthetic gases are examples of inhalants.
(7) Cannabis
Marijuana is known scientifically as cannabis. THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, is the active element in cannabis. Cannabinoids and synthetics like Dronabinol fall within this category.