Why Is My Left Eye Twitching Spiritual

Ed Note: This installment of our scary and superstitious series continues with an examination of a famous West Indian myth. This article first appeared on AiP on October 25, 2010, and it was chosen as a ResearchBlogging Editor's Choice!

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Trinidadians have a diverse set of superstitions, many of which came to the island as a result of colonialism. These beliefs show how, in the face of globalization, ideas and explanations have been mixed here—and elsewhere. However, there is one that I grew up with that appears to be peculiar to Trinidadians. It's about an involuntary eye spasm that causes your eye to “jump” or twitch without notice or reason. Depending on which eye is damaged, the superstition has different elements and meanings:

  • You will receive excellent news if your right eye jumps. You're going to get unpleasant news if your left eye jumps (Roberts 1927: 161).
  • Someone is speaking positively of you if your right eye jumps. Someone is expressing negative things about you if your left eye jumps. (If you think of names of individuals you know, your eye will cease jumping when you name the proper person—who is speaking negatively about you.) 161 (Roberts, 1927).
  • If your left eye jumps, something behind your back is being done by a loved one or friend.

*I've seen/heard this version of the superstition reversed (i.e., right eye = someone speaking ill of you), so there appears to be some ambiguity with it. It's included in this section in a parallel form to match the other proposals.)

There are several variations on this theme, but they all emphasize the contrast between the left and right eye when it comes to terrible and happy events. The idea of the “evil eye,” for example, may date back to 600 BC, but as this is the first written reference to the belief, it could be even earlier. It's no surprise that ideas about the eye offer a forewarning as a source of vision, consciousness, and wisdom.

Superstitions are frequently viewed with skepticism. They are frequently dismissed by rational people. But they continue to lurk in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to offer a possible “What if?” Scholars (e.g., Matthews 1945; Roberts 1927) have traditionally classified superstitions as “basic” beliefs held by “simple” people, ignoring the insights they may provide into how individuals view the world. While many superstitions have religious or supernatural overtones, many others provide fascinating insights into local society. And if you look closely enough, you might find some hints as to why certain superstitions persist.

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For example, Basil Matthews (1945), in a compilation of West Indian beliefs and superstitions, recounts the Caniteel in Trinidad: a specific hour on a specific day between July 15th and August 15th during which any plants sown will fail to thrive (141). No one can say with certainty when the day or the hour occurs. Worms typically devour the plant's heart at this stage, according to what they know. This is a difficult time for Trinidadian farmers. Many people avoid planting on July 15th and instead plant on alternate days in the hopes of avoiding the Caniteel. During this time, some people avoid planting at all. Farmers have linked a factual event (worm activity) to a superstition (do not plant, this is a terrible period).

The same might be said about eye leaping. The phenomenon is largely harmless, although science appears to be baffled by it. It's known as benign essential blepharospasm (BEB), a condition that can be bothersome in severe cases, resulting in functional blindness:

Although the illness is idiographic, experts believe it is linked to exhaustion, stress, eyestrain, and/or caffeine in some way (Robb-Nicholson 2010: 8). Dr. Celeste Robb-Nicholson advises a writer in a Harvard Women's Health Watch health post on how to deal with “eyelid twitching”:

Eye leaping, which is characterized by a fluttering sensation in the eyelid, twitching of the eye, or the repetitive closing and reopening of the eyelid, can be disruptive (or at the very least, irritating). It might linger anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, or it can happen in spurts over several days. Its disruptive nature may have had a part in superstition. Consider the following scenario:

  • Because the phenomena sticks in the consciousness of the afflicted, when an unpleasant or otherwise predicted occurrence occurs after an eye jumping episode, it can easily be linked to eye jumping.

Because Trinidadians appear to believe that right = good and left = bad, it's possible that they're picking events based on stressful experiences that match the eye affected by BEB. As an example, if they are anticipating chatting with a relative who has missed a phone call, their anticipation may change to concern, causing BEB as a stress response. When the afflicted person remembers that their eye leaped and connects the two when the relative eventually calls, the afflicted person may recollect that their eye jumped and connect the two. This could also explain the flexibility with which events are assigned to the eyes. While Trinis tend to stick to the right/left divide, they have been known to blur the lines and simply state, “My eye was jumping.” It's also possible that experiences linked to the damaged eye are remembered more easily. Trinidadians, like the Caniteel, have linked a real event (BEB) with a superstition (the eye afflicted by BEB can predict or warn of events).

Superstitions, in whatever form they take, can be reassuring. They provide a means of regaining control of a situation and, in this example, reaffirming ties—note that the eye jumping superstition is linked to loved ones. They have the potential to become firmly embedded. When my eye jumps, I have a strong want to tell myself to “stop it.” To put it another way, don't stress over it. When my eye jumps, I know that my stress levels go up, but when the phenomena continues, it always makes me wonder, “What if?” The event itself adds to my stress levels, causing a persistent feeling of dread that I refuse to admit openly yet appear to acknowledge in little ways. My behavior, for example, varies little. I'm thinking about making more phone calls to people I care about. And if I learn of an occurrence that happened to one of them at this time, I'm always curious as to which eye was affected. Superstitions have a long history. It's one of the reasons they've been able to survive through time and space.

Is there a family superstition that comes up every now and then? Is there something your grandparents or parents say or do on a regular basis? Something that you, for no apparent reason, come to believe? Let's open the vaults and explore what's lurking in the shadows of our brains as Halloween approaches.

What does it mean when my left eye twitches?

Ocular myokymia is a common cause of eyelid twitching. This is harmless and does not cause any other issues. Tiredness, too much caffeine, or stress can all contribute to ocular myokymia. A disorder known as benign essential blepharospasm is one cause of persistent, recurrent eye twitching. When both eyes close or twitch at the same time, this is called a twitch. Researchers aren't sure what causes it, but it may wreak havoc on the muscles that surround your eyes. They also believe that issues with the basal ganglia (a region of the brain) may be involved. Certain genes may also have a role in eye twitching in some persons.

Eye twitching can also be caused by an issue with the brain or neurological system. The following are some of the issues:

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  • Inflammation or a stroke can cause brain damage. The thalamus, basal ganglia, and brain stem are particularly affected.

What is eye twitching superstition?

An eye twitch, on the other hand, is a sign of good or ill luck in various cultures. Eye twitching can be a sign of bad luck or good fortune in Chinese culture, depending on which eye is affected! A twitching left eye indicates good fortune, whereas a twitching right eye indicates poor fortune.

What does left eye twitching mean for female?

Omens are indicators that might foresee the future or indicate a change in astrology. The Indian school of astrology includes a scientific genre known as ‘nimitha sastra,' or the study of omens. Omens, according to sages and astrology specialists, are a way of analyzing and explaining the causes of an occurrence.

In Indian culture, twitching of the eyes is regarded as a bad omen. Left and right eye twitching are thought to have different significance. A twitching left eye is regarded auspicious for women, while a twitching right eye is considered unlucky. Men, on the other hand, are the polar opposite. A twitching right for a man indicates that he will soon meet a loved one or his partner. It might also indicate that his long-cherished desire would be realized shortly. A man's twitching left eye, on the other hand, could indicate ill fortune or bad luck. He might even get himself into trouble. If a man's left eye begins to twitch, he should be concerned.

Which eye twitching is good luck for men?

Twitching of the left eye in men or guys necessitates a great deal of effort and perseverance. As a result, flashing in the left eye is bad for men. The twitching of a female's left eye, on the other hand, is a sign of hope and good news from the family. There will be more happiness and peace. For men, the meaning of left eye blinking contains both positive and negative connotations.

Time of occurrence in Eye Twitching for Men

The right eye flashing, twitching, and blinking at different times of the day can suggest a variety of conditions. According to this, you will receive an invitation to an event if your right eye twitches between the hours of 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., the twitching indicates that something awful is about to happen.

Different Cultural beliefs for Right Eye Blinking

Flickering in the lower eyelid, according to certain beliefs, indicates that you will cry, whereas flickering in the upper eyelid indicates that you will have guests soon, and the visitors will be important. Some cultures believe that blinking one's right eye portends the death of a close relative. Another belief system suggests that twitching the right eye brings unexpected good fortune or acclaim. It's also possible that you'll meet someone fresh or unexpected.

Men's twitching right eye is an involuntary activity that can occur for short or extended periods of time and over which they have no control. It usually does not necessitate medical attention. Twitching can be linked to a neurological issue in some circumstances, therefore it's worth looking into. Excessive weariness and a lack of sleep might produce such eye movement. It's also linked to vision difficulties. If men's right eye blinking creates other issues or lasts longer than usual, they should see a doctor.

Right Eye Blinking Meaning as per Chinese Astrology

One of the oldest cultures, Chinese culture has a set of beliefs that have affected the rest of the world. The left eyelid twitching is a sign of good fortune, whilst the right eye blinking is a sign of ill luck for men. In the case of women, the idea is that twitching the right eye brings good luck, while twitching the left brings bad luck. Tearful events occur when the lower left eyelid twitches, or someone is talking about you.

Right Eye twitching Meaning as per Indian Vedic Astrology

The Indian viewpoint on eye twitches differs from that of the Chinese. When the right eye blinks involuntarily in a man, it is fortunate, according to Indian tradition. When the left eye blinks involuntarily, it is inauspicious. When it comes to women, the belief is the polar opposite: left eye twitches are good.

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Right Eye Blinking Meaning as per African Myth

In Africa, superstition plays an important role in daily life, and eye twitches are associated with specific beliefs. With lower lid blinks, you can anticipate to cry soon, and with upper lid blinks, you may have a chance meeting with a person.

Blinking Right Eye, What Science Says?

Involuntary eye twitching can be caused by a variety of factors, some of which are related to eye muscles and others which are caused by unlying disease. Eye twitching can be caused by a variety of neurological illnesses, including epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, allergies, and eye injuries, as well as stress. Such issues might arise when a person's diet is deficient in necessary micro and macronutrients.

Before consulting with an astrologer about the causes and possibilities of eye twitches in persons, it's vital to rule out any health issues. Call our online astrologers to learn more about your future.

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Which eye blinking is good for female?

Female Astrology: Right and Left Eye Blinking In Indian Vedic Astrology, the meaning is being explained. The astrology of omens, Nimitta Shastra, emphasizes the significance of omens as well as their interpretation. Similarly, the incident and circumstances surrounding an omen have an impact on its meaning. The goodness or badness of an omen is determined by the moment it occurs and the reason offered in the shastra.

The blinking of a female's eye is one such omen. Eye blinking is a positive omen, but which eye blink is best for girls? What occurs if, according to astrology, the right or left eye blinks? Medically, eye blinking is acceptable, but Shagun Shastra defines it differently.

What happens if the right eye blinks for females, according to the Right Eye Twitching Astrology? What Does it Mean if a Female's Right Eye Blinks? is also clarified. Female Blinking of the Right Eye Astrology is not a lucky sign. It could be a bad omen for her. She may experience difficulties on various levels of her life, whether personal or professional.

Right Eye Blinking for Female Astrology India is clearly not a good sign, as evidenced by the preceding reading. So, what does Female AstrologyIndia say about left eye blinking? What Does It Mean When a Female's Left Eye Blinks? Unexpected luck will fall into women's laps, according to the Left Eye Twitching Astrology for Females. She will also experience excellent fortune, pleasure, and calm in her life.

Though twitching or blinking is a natural activity, there are several widespread misconceptions about it. Before making any predictions, the science of Nimitta Shastra evaluates the timing of eye blinking. To summarize, the Right and Left Eye Blinking for Female Astrology Meaning and Interpretation warn us about impending events.

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How do you stop your left eye from twitching?


  • Warm compresses should be applied to the twitching eye, and the eyelid should be massaged gently with your fingertips.
  • Slow eyelid muscle spasms with over-the-counter oral or topical (eye drop) antihistamines.

What happens if women's right eye blinks?

FEMALE RIGHT EYE BLINKING In a woman's life, the same twitching eye will bring bad luck. Women are more likely to receive poor news regarding their careers. Twitching the eyes is thought to bring good luck and prosperity in several cultures.

Does anxiety cause eye twitching?

Anxiety twitching is a sign of anxiety that can occur. Anxiety twitching is not a symptom for everyone who suffers from anxiety.

Twitching occurs when a muscle or group of muscles moves without your conscious effort. This could be a minor jerking motion or a larger one.

Anxiety twitching can affect any muscle in the body at any time, and it can affect a large number of muscles at once. It could last a few seconds or several minutes.

When you're trying to sleep, anxiety twitching normally grows worse, but it usually stops while you're sleeping.

It's also common for it to get worse as your worry worsens. However, if you are less concerned, anxiety twitching may take some time to subside.

Can a brain tumor cause eye twitching?

Vision alterations, the most common of which are blurred or double vision, can be caused by a brain tumor in the temporal lobe, occipital lobe, or brain stem. Another sign that a brain tumor is present is twitching of the eyes.

Is eye twitching a tic?

While many individuals confuse the terms tic and twitch, there are some distinctions between the two types of movements.

Tics. Motor tics and verbal tics are the two types of tics. These brief, repetitive movements (motor tics) or sounds (vocal tics) occur unexpectedly during otherwise normal action. Tics are frequently repetitious, with multiple instances of the same motion. A person with a tic, for example, may blink several times or twitch their nose frequently.

There are two types of motor tics: simple and sophisticated. Eye-blinking, nose-twitching, head-jerking, and shoulder-shrugging are examples of simple motor tics. A succession of movements are done in the same order in complex motor tics. For example, a person might continually reach out and touch something, or kick out with one leg, then the other.

Tics are frequently categorized as unvoluntary movements rather than involuntary motions. This indicates that humans can temporarily repress their actions. The suppression, on the other hand, causes discomfort that worsens until the tic is performed to relieve it.

Tics can affect people of all ages, but they are most common in youngsters. Tics affect approximately 20% of children, according to experts. Tics are significantly more common in boys than in girls.

Tics are caused by a variety of factors that no one knows about. Both the occurrence and severity of motor tics appear to be influenced by stress and sleep deprivation.

Doctors once thought that some drugs, such as those used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, caused tics in children who were predisposed to them. However, newer research suggests that this is not the case.