Why Wear Turban In Kundalini Yoga

When you walk into a Kundalini Yoga session, you'll notice a lot of people wearing white scarves and turbans around their heads. Many religious and spiritual traditions, including Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism, wear head coverings as a sign of faith. Kundalini Yoga, which has its roots in Sikh Dharma, borrows some of the faith's customs, such as mantra chanting, early morning sadhana (practice), not shaving one's body hair, and wearing turbans, to name a few. Although head coverings are not required in Kundalini Yoga, here are some reasons why you might want to consider wearing one.

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Covering the head focuses the energy at the third eye.

Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the West, stressed the necessity of wearing a head covering during practice to focus and contain your energy as well as clarify your thoughts, resulting in a meditative focus at your third eye, or Ajna Chakra.

A snugly-tied turban creates a natural cranial adjustment.

A neatly tied turban, according to Kundalini technology, stabilizes the many small bones in the skull that affect our neurological system and electromagnetic field. A light pressure on the cranium, according to proponents, induces a sense of serenity and wellness.

A turban can symbolize your devotion to your practice.

Covering your head and sitting in front of an altar or sacred area, for example, might help establish the tone for a deeper practice by indicating a shift from the physical to the spiritual realm. When I sit in front of my altar, which is decorated with photos of gurus and departed loved ones, light incense, anoint my wrists with essential oils, and cover my head, I find that I am preparing my body and mind to relax and embrace my practice with joy and reverence.

Why wear white?

According to Yogi Bhajan, your aura extends nine feet around your body, but the color white extends it by an additional foot, offering more protection from bad energy and allowing you to send your positive energy outward to inspire others and attract prosperity into your life.

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Why do Kundalini practitioners wear white?

In 1975, Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Americanized Kundalini, addressed the significance of wearing white for the first time, saying, “We ask that you wear white so that you can mirror what is going on outside while also going inside.” Wearing all white clothing, in other words, is claimed to increase one's size “Serve by extending your “light” energy by at least one foot.

Why do psychics wear turbans?

Turbans are worn by psychics for a variety of reasons. Turbans cover the temples, shielding you from other people's mental or psychic toxicity. The Turban's pressure alters the pattern of blood flow to the brain.

What do you wear to a Kundalini yoga class?

Wear clothing that allows you to sit comfortably. I like to wear roomy trousers with a vest or leggings and a small dress or t-shirt. I usually advise women to wear a bra because you never know when you'll be hopping around a lot. Covering your head will help you meditate more effectively.

What is the difference between Kundalini and Hatha yoga?

The physical poses of Kundalini yoga are derived from Hatha, which is the physical practice of yoga. The most significant distinction is that Kundalini yogis combine physical positions with mantras and breathing exercises. In comparison to Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga places a greater emphasis on meditation and mantras.

What does a white turban mean?

Vattan Wali Turban, Amritsar Shahi Turban, Barnala Shahi, and Taksali Dumala are the most common turbans worn by modern Sikh males. Darbara Singh Dummala, Dastar Bunga (the Khalsa's initial turban), and Puratan Nok Pagg are some of the more traditional Turban forms.

Blue, white, and black are the most prevalent turban colors worn by Sikhs, while other colors are also popular. Blue and yellow are very prestigious colors, and they are frequently worn during religious occasions like Vaisakhi. The white turban denotes a saintly person who lives an exemplary life, whereas an off-shade color of white denotes someone who is learning the Sikh religion. The blue turban represents a mind as vast as the sky, devoid of prejudice. The black turban denotes humility and acts as a memorial of the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre. The Basanti, or yellow turban, is connected with the revolutionary struggle, and Sardar Bhagat Singh donned one for this reason as well. Royal blue is typically worn by Sikhs who are well-versed in the faith and proud of their heritage and culture. Green is a color associated with farmers. The orange turban is a symbol of bravery and wisdom. Sikhs from Akali Nihang adorn their blue turbans called Dumallas with miniature weapons known as shastars. Although none of the prominent turban colors are exclusive to any single group of Sikhs, the color of the turban may reflect identification with a specific group of Sikhs. Pink is the chosen color for Sikh weddings. Families use all hues of this color for the happy event, from magenta to baby pink. For weddings, some people like scarlet, maroon, or orange turbans, but pink is by far the most popular. In Sikhism, turban colors are largely a matter of personal preference, with many Sikh men selecting colors based on fashion or taste, or to match their clothing. Some colors have a history; for example, orange and black turbans are commonly worn at political protest rallies, whereas red and pink turbans are used at weddings and other joyous events.

Why do gurus wear turbans?

A really religious person, according to the Sikh faith, is one who cultivates their spiritual self while also serving the communities around them — also known as a saint-soldier. The saint-soldier concept is applicable to both men and women.

Sikh women and men uphold five tenets of religion, also known as the five Ks, in this spirit. Kes (length, uncut hair), kara (steel bracelet), kanga (wooden comb), kirpan (small sword), and kachera are some of the items (soldier-shorts).

The five Ks continue to give the community with a collective identity, connecting individuals together on the basis of a shared belief and practice, despite the lack of historical evidence to explain why these specific articles were chosen. As far as I can tell, Sikhs regard these religious artifacts as gifts from their gurus.

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Turbans have a vital role in Sikh culture. Turbans can be worn by both men and women. Sikhs see their turbans as gifts from their adored gurus, just as they regard their articles of faith, and their meaning is extremely personal. Wearing a turban once represented one's social rank in South Asian culture; monarchs and rulers wore turbans. The turban was adopted by Sikh gurus to remind Sikhs that they are all sovereign, royal, and ultimately equal.

Where is Kundalini yoga from?

Harbhajan Singh Puri, a Pakistani-born economics major, boarded a plane with a one-way ticket from Punjab, India to Toronto, Canada in 1968. At the age of 16, Yogi Bhajan, as he would later be known around the world, was declared a master of Kundalini yoga, and he was the first to openly teach Kundalini yoga to the public, revealing a lineage hitherto shrouded in secrecy. Yogi Bhajan founded the 3HO, which stands for “Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization,” a nonprofit dedicated to spreading Kundalini yoga principles, in 1969.

Kundalini is a technique that is a bit outside the box for most Westerners who equate yoga with a flowing physical activity. While physicality is one facet of Kundalini yoga, it also incorporates spiritual elements, such as mantras like “Sat Nam,” which means “truth is my essence,” pranayama, or breath control, meditation, and kriyas, or repeated body motions designed to enhance energy flow. Turbans and white garments are worn by both teachers and students. According to Yogi Bhajan, the color white is cleaning, expands the aura, and protects against negative energy. The crown chakra, the physical body's topmost energy point, is protected and contained by the head covering. Kundalini yoga can be performed by anyone, regardless of age or physical fitness level, due to the range of practices offered in a Kundalini class, particularly those that draw more on the subtle body.

Kundalini has an interesting and fascinating history. The technique is derived from Raj Yoga, which has been practiced in India since 500 BC and is recorded in the famous Vedic collection of scriptures known as the Upanishads. Kundalini yoga is distinct from other kinds of yoga in that it is descended from a Sikh tradition, a religion created in 15th century Punjab that promotes love, equality, and service to others and is distinct from Hinduism and Islam. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, studied and practiced yoga, and Yogi Bhajan, a Sikh, combined their teachings. Many of the meditations in the Kundalini practice stem from the Sikh tradition, thanks to the junction of yoga and the Sikh heritage through Guru Nanak. For example, Guru Nanak's enlightenment experience while learning with the yogis inspired him to employ the mantra Sat Nam in Kundalini yoga.

Is Kundalini yoga for Beginners?

While anyone can practice Kundalini yoga (unless they have a pre-existing medical problem), this kind of yoga is especially beneficial for those who want to combine a spiritual practice with a physical workout.

Although Kundalini yoga is a demanding practice, its physical and mental benefits make it an excellent choice for both beginners and seasoned yogis. There's a reason the discipline has exploded in popularity, attracting everyone from yoga aficionados to celebrities.

Is Kundalini yoga a workout?

“The powerful use of breath, as well as the amount of time each posture is held, give the practice enormous intensity,” says Veronica Parker, a wellness mindset coach and certified Kundalini yoga instructor in Voorhees, New Jersey. The poses, breath, and chanting in a conventional Kundalini yoga class are strung together in a sequence called a Kriya.

What are the benefits of Kundalini yoga?

According to Parker, there are hundreds of Kriyas in Kundalini yoga, and each stance inside a Kriya is designed to enhance different body systems, such as the endocrine and nervous systems.

“You are training your neurological system to handle and integrate the powerful life force energy inherent in your body when you practice Kundalini yoga in a conscious way,” explains Kristen Fletcher, a Kundalini and Yoga Alliance-certified instructor in New York City.

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It may sound a little woo-woo, but these assertions are backed up by science: According to a 2018 study published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, Kundalini yoga can help alleviate symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder by calming restlessness and edginess. Furthermore, a 2017 study indicated that practicing Kundalini yoga can help reduce cortisol levels and perceived stress in 26 adults who participated in three months of courses. Finally, evidence suggests that Kundalini yoga may aid in the prevention of cognitive decline as well as the alleviation of depression symptoms.

The benefits of Kundalini yoga on mental health, in particular, can have a significant impact on how you approach life, which leads us to our next point: Kundalini awakening.

What is a Kundalini awakening?

Many Kundalini yoga practitioners claim to have had a Kundalini awakening, which is when the life force energy within you rises from the base of the spine. When you have more energy, vitality, mental clarity, and awareness, you're undergoing a Kundalini awakening, according to Parker. This transient sensation permits you to focus on life's potential rather than the obstacles in your way.

“You will notice a sense of lightness within you, and you will find your mind is clearer and has fewer thoughts and chatter flowing through it,” Parker explains. “You'll feel more at ease because you won't have as many anxieties or fears.”

As the energy goes through the body and spine during a Kundalini awakening, people may feel their bodies trembling or heating up, according to Fletcher.

Is Kundalini yoga a good workout?

While the purpose of Kundalini yoga isn't always to enhance strength and flexibility like other varieties of yoga, it's still a terrific workout since it incorporates unique variants of common yoga positions that can push your body in unexpected directions. Most Kundalini yoga classes last longer than an hour, sometimes up to 90 minutes, so you'll be active for a long time.

“Kundalini yoga, in my experience and those of my students,” Parker says, “may help you get healthy, flexible, and strong.” “I've had a lot of students who had done Hatha or Power yoga and found Kundalini yoga to be challenging.”

What to expect at your first Kundalini yoga class

Your tutor will most likely lead you through some basic positions and chants. “We recite ‘Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,' which roughly translates to ‘I bow to the subtle wisdom, the divine teacher within,' before performing Kundalini,” Fletcher says. This will assist you in setting an objective for each practice and putting you in the correct frame of mind before you begin the Kriyas.

Because Kundalini yoga places a strong emphasis on breathing, you can expect to use a breathing technique called breath of fire. “A fire breath is a continuous inhalation and exhale via the nose with no pauses. “Exhale deeply through the nostrils while pressing the navel point into the spine,” Parker advises. “You can go as quickly or as slowly as you like. The most important thing is to breathe evenly in and out, because energetic breath effectively eliminates pollutants while also strengthening the nervous system.”

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Imagine yourself panting like a dog, blowing air in and out of your mouth and forcing your navel into your spine. Start with one minute of breath of fire and gradually build to three minutes. You can close your mouth and breathe in via your nose once you've mastered this method of breathing.

Kundalini yoga poses for beginners

Because Kundalini yoga is built on the basis of energy flowing from the spine, many of the postures you'll complete in class will focus on strengthening and stretching the posterior chain. Yoga positions such as cat-cow, spinal flex, and spinal twists are frequent in basic Kundalini yoga programs.

However, other yoga postures, such as Kundalini yoga frogs, are unique to the practice. “This is a terrific pose to boost energy and vigor because it helps flow energy up the spine from the first three bodily centers (chakras),” Parker adds.

Soul Body

Our Soul Body is the first of our bodies. Our Soul Body is our spiritual flow, our connection to infinity, and our very Soul. This body is our genuine self and provides us with the power to live from our hearts. The Soul Body responds to all heart labor and Kundalini Kundalini Kundalini Kundalini Kundalini Kundalini Kundalini Kundalini Kun (the life force energy that rises up our spine).

Negative Mind

Our Negative Mind is our second body. Before you get all “negative,” keep in mind that our Negative Mind is our first and often most powerful “body,” continually assessing our environment and situations for danger or negative potential. Our Negative Mind keeps us secure and alive while also giving us a “longing to belong,” as Yogi Bhajan put it. Discipline and integrity help to balance the Negative Mind.

Positive Mind

Our Positive Mind is our third body. Our Positive Mind evaluates what is beneficial, encouraging, and positive. This “body” recognizes opportunities and assists us in locating resources. The Positive Mind provides us with both willpower and playfulness. This body benefits from whatever we do to strengthen our navel point (think strong core) and boost our self-esteem.

Neutral Mind

Our Neutral Mind is our fourth body. Our Neutral Mind takes in and analyses the feedback from the Negative and Positive Minds, then gives us advice. Our Neutral Mind is empathetic, intuitive, and capable of detecting polarities. Meditation is an excellent way to bring this body back into balance.

Physical Body

Our Physical Body is our fifth body. In some way, shape, or form, this body is the temple where all the bodies reside. The physical body gives us the ability to balance ourselves and our life, as well as the willingness to make sacrifices for our ambitions, dreams, and the greater good. This body also houses the Teacher's energy. Regular exercise and sharing what has been learned are two things that the Physical Body enjoys.


Our Arcline is our sixth body. Your Arcline Body can be visualized as a halo that extends from earlobe to earlobe and encompasses the hairline and brow. A second Arcline runs over the breast line in women. Our Arcline Body allows us to both project and intuit information. This body enables us to concentrate as well as meditation. Pituitary gland sequences, as well as drishti (gaze) to the third eye, have a positive effect on the Arcline.


Our Aura is our seventh body. Our electromagnetic sphere of energy that surrounds our physical body is this body. Ironically, I frequently feel as if I'm slipping into the realm of fantasy when discussing the Aura, despite the fact that the Aura is both scientifically measured and scientifically confirmed! Our aura serves as a container for prana, or life energy. This body also serves as a protective shield and allows us to elevate ourselves both energetically and consciously. Wearing natural fibers and meditation are both useful. White is thought to enlarge and enhance our aura because it contains all of the hues of the spectrum.

Pranic Body

Our Pranic Body is our eighth body. We are continually working with our Pranic Body to bring in life force by breathing. This body bestows upon us the gift of energy, which allows us to take action and achieve our goals. All forms of pranayama will benefit our Pranic Body.

Subtle Body

The Subtle Body is our eighth body. This body enables us to look beyond what is directly in front of us to the universal play of all things. Our Soul Body is intricately intertwined with our Subtle Body. Our Soul is carried by our Subtle Body when we die. Many great instructors continue to affect us long after their physical bodies have died through their Subtle Body. This body houses our ability to mastery. Doing a Kundalini practice for 1,000 days in a row is a way to balance the Subtle Body, which is in line with mastery.

Radiant Body

Our Radiant Body is our eleventh body. This body does precisely what it says: it provides us our brilliance, courage, and grandeur. Magnetic and captivating people are excellent examples of well-developed and balanced Radiant Bodies. Commitment is the most important thing we can do for our Radiant Body. Committing ourselves to our practice, to kindness, truth, and excellence in life is a fantastic approach to boost our luminosity.

We have an Eleven in our comprehension of the Ten Body system. Bonus! Eleven represents embodiment, the state in which we are free of dualism and fully immersed in the flow of truth, harmony, and the divine. Each of the Ten Bodies is in its proper place. In Kundalini, eleven also denotes the sound current (which represents the beginning/source of everything that comes after), infinity, and the source of all mantra.

The balance and power of the Ten Bodies are used in all forms of Kundalini Yoga. Some methods focus on a single bodily part, while others address the entire system. A kriya is a set of postures, breathing patterns, and noises that work together to achieve a certain goal. When you practice a kriya, you start a chain reaction of physical and mental changes that influence your body, mind, and soul all at once. The following kriya, “Awakening to the Ten Bodies,” is a fantastic place to start your exploration of the Ten Bodies.