How To Raise Vibration To Manifest

These 15 high-vibe techniques will assist you in raising your vibration and manifesting your most cherished dreams.

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Practice gratitude

Gratitude is, without a doubt, one of the most high-frequency feelings we may experience.

We send out the energy that we are ready to accept in more when we express thanks for what we already have.

This is the polar opposite of a sense of scarcity and desperation, which is one of the most common feelings.

How can I increase my manifestation?

As far as I'm aware, the Universe hasn't given us a rule book that tells us when we're entitled to a raise, more money, or the relationship of our dreams. I'm pretty sure a rule book like this doesn't exist. We are the ones who decide what we deserve. No one else is doing it. So, if you want to build a glass blowing business in Costa Rica, don't sit about waiting for someone to convince you that you deserve it. I don't think we can be given such a large capacity for feeling and then told we couldn't have it. Desire is the driving force behind all we do. That is how we were created to live.

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What vibration is best for manifesting?

While I don't believe there is anything intrinsically wrong with social media when utilized responsibly, I do believe that overuse and misuse of the platform can cause more harm than good.

If you're anything like me, you'll find that if you're already struggling, social media might exacerbate your problems.

I know that getting on Instagram when I'm depressed is a prescription for disaster since it simply makes me compare myself to others, which makes me feel even worse.

When you're feeling down, I recommend taking a break from social media and focusing on other activities that you know can help you feel better.

In general, try to keep your social media usage to a minimum and be aware of how you're using it.

Listen to vibe raising music

Music is a strong tool that can assist you in reaching a variety of vibratory states.

Make a playlist of music that you know pump you up and make you feel good if you want to raise your vibration.

Put on your playlist whenever you need a mood boost and allow yourself to get lost in it.

How do I align my vibration?

Do you make an effort to make things happen in your life? Perhaps you believe in the Law of Attraction and are attempting to manifest your wishes, bringing them into the physical realm, but you're having trouble figuring out why.

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Your energetic system—your vibration—has a lot to do with your lack or ability to generate what you desire in your life.

The world is a vibratory environment. We are surrounded by sound and color vibrations, as well as vibrations from almost everything. In fact, the chair I'm sitting in is nothing more than energy vibrating in space. It is either physical or not physical depending on how fast it vibrates.

Line Up Your Vibration

We are beings of vibration. Like energy attracts like energy, therefore our energetic vibration attracts like energy. You won't attract what you want if your frequency isn't aligned with it.

You aren't the only one who struggles to manifest. I agree, and I frequently write about it.

I recently came to a halt and remarked, “You know what? My frequency is off right now, thus I'm not manifesting the things I want. “My vibe does not match what I desire.”

It's not always necessary to become joyful. We have a tendency to become stuck in our negative emotions, and while we are focused on such thoughts and sensations, our vibration drops. You must boost your frequency if you want to materialize something. Concentrate on good feelings and thoughts.

How to Raise Your Energetic Vibration

For example, while driving home earlier today, I made sure that every time a sad music came on my iPhone, I switched it to a joyful tune. I'm sad when I listen to sad music. They don't make me feel more energized. I'd like to increase my vibrational energy by listening to cheerful music. I look for uplifting music that makes me happy.

What can you do to boost your energy and align yourself with your goals? Here are a few suggestions:

Do something to raise your energetic vibration whenever you feel it is low. Take actions that make you happy, joyful, ecstatic, and enthusiastic.

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First, raise your frequency; secondly, work on manifesting your desires. When you can boost your vibration on a regular basis, you'll start to attract the things you want. Your attempts to apply the law of attraction to your life will be fruitful.

I'd like to know what works for you in terms of raising your vibration and manifesting your wishes. Leave a comment in the box below. Please share this article with your friends if you liked it.

What frequency do humans vibrate at?

The natural frequencies of the human spine and head are relatively big in all sections, as seen in Table 1. This is because the majority of these two sections are made up of hard bodies with a low degree of flexibility. Because both the thoracic cavity and the heart are muscular tissues with a high degree of flexibility, their frequency is roughly 5 Hz, which is quite low. Other areas, such as the pelvic cavity and the abdomen, have natural frequencies that are in the middle.

As a result, resonance is likely to develop within the cab, across the vehicle, and among the operator. If the special equipment driver is exposed to vibration for an extended period of time without control, motion, urinary, digestive, nervous, and cardiovascular system problems will develop. As a result, the vibration of the equipment must be kept within a suitable range to preserve the driver's physical and mental health. It has a frequency that is similar to the natural frequency of the chest and heart. As a result, it is vital to drive near to the seat in order to minimize resonance affecting the two sections. It can be combined with the seat to improve the natural frequency of the car as a whole while avoiding self-resonance. The vibration frequency of the most critical elements of the human body is usually between 3 and 17 Hz. The sensitive range in the vertical vibration of the human body, according to the International Standard ISO 2631, is 6 Hz–8 Hz. Due to the vibration, the EMG and EEG energies will significantly increase in this range. The skeletal muscle contracts tightly when the body vibration frequency reaches 10 Hz–20 Hz. The tendon reflex will thereafter be suppressed. According to the results of this unique equipment's tests, the machine has a natural frequency of around 4.8 Hz. The vehicle cab's first three order frequencies are 7.1 Hz, 7.8 Hz, and 12 Hz, which are near to the equipment's typical work condition frequency and the physical attributes of the driver. The skull and spine's inherent frequencies are closer to them. As a result, head fittings can be installed in the cab seat, and the head should be as close to the fixed slot as feasible, as well as the back of the body. By combining the seat with the rest of the system, it is able to efficiently avoid the resonance frequency region. Finally, the drivers' pain can be minimized to the greatest extent possible.


A special equipment cab system hammer test and the entire vehicle flat road motion test were conducted using the “people-oriented” concept in order to limit the operator's long-term operation of the special equipment, which may cause physical and mental health harm. The following conclusion can be drawn:

Can listening to music raise your vibration?

Music is one of the most underappreciated ways to instantly increase your frequency. Because music is essentially vibrations, sound has a significant effect on humans, and listening to certain vibrations can help you raise your vibe.

Music has been proven to influence your mood and even work as a sort of therapy, not just to assist increase your mood but also to relieve anxiety and tension, according to studies.

The best part is that music is always available to you. So, the next time you're down, turn on your favorite playlist and enjoy the advantages of sound healing through music in a matter of seconds.


I often preach about using movement as a method to raise your vibration because I believe it is vitally necessary for releasing low vibration emotions. How do you expect higher vibes to flow in if you don't let go of the lower vibe emotions?

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It's similar like purchasing a new couch: the old one must be moved to make way for the new.

You can use movement to move energy that has been stagnant or imprisoned in your body. It enables you to let go of anxieties, anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions. And I'm sure I don't need to cite a study to show that exercise can improve your mood; it's just common knowledge these days.

However, a full workout isn't required to boost your vitality. While I love yoga, I also believe that ordinary activity, such as walking, is beneficial. Have a dance party if you need something even faster!

Close your eyes, switch on some music (you're now using two tools!) and simply let your body move to the music in whatever way it wants. That is true magic, and I guarantee you will feel much better in a matter of seconds.

Appreciation & gratitude

Gratitude and appreciation have the same frequency, therefore practicing one or the other can significantly improve your mood. It could be as simple as saying thank you or sending a text to a buddy to express your gratitude.

Gratitude and showing appreciation require very little effort, but because it is not a habit, people find it difficult to do so on a regular basis. However, if you're committed to raising your vibrational frequency, you can do so quickly and effortlessly at any time of the day to reap the benefits right away.

I love this video that shows how sending a letter of appreciation to someone makes you happier, and then taking it a step further and phoning the person you wrote the letter to and reading it to them makes both of you happier.

Smiling and laughing

This is the simplest instrument for changing your vibration, and all it takes is for you to remember to do it, which is to grin! It doesn't matter whether you're cranky, depressed, or gloomy AF; just smiling for a second can fool your brain into thinking you're happier.

Just like frowning might make you feel sadder, scowling can make you feel more serious.

Also, when you laugh, you produce feel-good chemicals and experience an increase in happiness!

If you need a good laugh, turn on a humorous video on YouTube or go through your favorite meme account on Instagram. You'll feel better in no time!

Change your surroundings

People often make excuses for not using this tool, arguing that they can't change their environment, but I invite you to consider whether you're overcomplicating it.

You don't have to change your surroundings indefinitely; it could simply be for a few minutes to get you out of your current situation.

If you're at work, a quick walk to the bathroom or up and down the hallway a few times will help you feel better.

I work from home, and I go insane if I work from home every day or in the same room. I frequently go to a coffee shop to work in order to mix things up, be inspired by different settings, and keep my spirits up so I don't get bored working in the same area all the time.

Connecting to nature is the best approach to shift your vibration with your environment. Get outside if you can, breathe in the fresh air, hug a tree if you feel so inclined, stroke the bark with your fingertips, or take off your shoes and feel the grass blades on your skin.

Nature has also been shown to improve your mood by assisting you in becoming more nicer, happier, and creative.

The most important message from this post is that you can modify your vibration right now with simple techniques.

If you're worried you'll forget to use these strategies to raise your vibratory frequency, set reminders on your phone or computer's calendar or set alarms that simply remind you to move, smile, listen to music, get outside, or express thankfulness.

Enjoy your day, my reader, and may it be full with high-vibrational ideas, positive energy, and plenty of enjoyment!

What music raises your vibration?

So, while it may not be “healing,” listening to music may surely increase your frequency, in my experience.

Whether I'm relaxing, meditating, or doing activities (see the following section for a list of suggestions), simply listening to high-vibe music lifts my mood and frequency.

Another idea is that listening to music that reminds you of something else will re-energize you. For example, the high-vibrational music I've been listening to reminds me a lot of the music played at spas and meditation sessions, two locations I connect with relaxation and positive energy.

Allow yourself to be soothed and uplifted by the soothing tones and uplifting songs. Allow your energy to rise as you go.

Does smiling raise your vibration?

What exactly does it mean to “increase one's vibration”? Simply said, it means to boost one's mood. To change one's mood from one that is negative to one that is more positive. To shift your focus from stifling concern to energizing gratitude. Instead of rage or judgment, express love and kindness. We radiate goodness when we are happy. And right now, the world needs a whole lot of goodness!

  • Smile. In the mirror, make a happy face. People should be smiled at. Animals deserve a smile. People at the store should be greeted with a smile. As you read something inspiring, smile. Because you're you, smile. Right now, you should be smiling. Smiling triggers the production of feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine in your brain.
  • Journal. Journaling will assist you in releasing whatever is bothering you. Let it go and release it. There's no need to read it again.
  • Commit Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs). Kindness should be practiced. Allow individuals to pass through your doors. Allow others to pass you in traffic. Do something nice for a senior citizen. Tell a friend how much you appreciate them by calling or texting them. Kindness doesn't have to be extravagant. They bring joy to both you and your recipient when done spontaneously.
  • Clear and sanitize. Detox with methods including dry brushing, showering, salt baths, saunas, and sound baths. You will automatically raise your vibration by expelling poisonous stagnancy.
  • Chant. Repeatedly chanting a yogic, or Sanskrit, mantra can assist to improve brain function and reduce stress and anxiety. These mantras are intended to raise the vibration of your system. Choose a mantra that resonates with you and repeat it 108 times per day for the best results.
  • Move. Static energy is moved by movement. Exercise. Dance. Practice yoga. Take a walk in the woods, where all the high-vibe negative ions can help you earn bonus points. We feel better once we remove stagnated energy. The higher your vibration, the better you feel.
  • Meditate. Meditation assists you in tuning into your own Divinity. It can also help you receive guidance from unseen (or unseen) sources. Meditation can assist you in tuning into higher vibrations of love, serenity, and gratitude.
  • Gratitude should be expressed. Gratitude is a wonderful tool for helping us move away from a place of scarcity and lack. We fill ourselves with sweet thankfulness and a feeling that all is fine by enjoying even the simplest things in our lives.

Contact me for a free 30-minute consultation in which I'll help you figure out how to appreciate, care for, and enjoy your sensitivity.

How does the 369 manifest method work?

Writing down what you want to materialize three times in the morning, six times during the day, and nine times in the evening is part of the 369 method.

This method gained traction on TikTok (of course), with videos using the hashtag “369method” accumulating over 165 million views. It's not difficult to discover people on the app who claim the approach has helped them manifest new relationships, significant sums of money, and other things.

Nikola Tesla, a renowned inventor, was the first to believe that the numbers three, six, and nine were potent numbers for manifesting in the twentieth century. “He believed these sacred numbers were the key to opening the universe,” spiritual adviser Diana Zalucky tells mbg.

Aside from the numbers, the 369 practice follows the law of attraction, which holds that we attract what we focus on.

Shauna Cummins, a hypnotist and author of Wishcraft, adds that focusing on what you want, especially on a regular basis, may help your brain “discover what it's looking for, and thus more likely to magnetize your desires into action.”

How do you know if you are aligned with the universe?

Here are seven indicators from the Universe that you're on the right track:

  • Number sequences or Angel numbers like as 1111, 2222, 444, 333, and 555 are frequently seen.
  • Over and over again, you hear the same song or receive the same message.

How do you align with manifestation?

You set your intention, make a wish on a shooting star, imagine, and map out your desires, and suddenly they're out there for everyone to see. You're aware that the stage has been prepared, and you're left to contemplate and speculate on how the Universe will deliver your goods.

However, when people consciously experiment with the manifesting process, they often overlook a few essential factors, such as how to truly connect with your aspirations.

The easy part is being amazing at dreaming up wonderful things to manifest in your life. The more difficult part is aligning with the things/people/experiences you wish to attract. This is the key to getting into the stash of goodies…

It is stated that by the time you get your vibration awakened, over 90% of the manifestation process has been finished. That your wish's vibrational element has already manifested in the non-physical realm. Your main goal is to align with your desires in order for them to manifest in your physical reality.

What has occurred in the etheric plane is merely a reflection of what has occurred in our physical domain. So all we have to do now is play catch-up and free the desires from their energetic prison, allowing them to manifest. The distance between intention and manifestation must be bridged.

Yes, thinking about this can make your brain hurt a little. However, you must ALIGN with the frequency of the things you desire in order to activate The Law of Attraction. This will allow you to access it.

You must ACT AS IF THEY HAVE MANIFESTED ALREADY. You should FEEL as if your desired objects have already manifested. This will bring the non-physical and physical worlds closer together.

This was covered in Part 1 of this series, How to Manifest Anything You Want Using the Law of Vibration.

Here are the four steps to manifesting and how to use the alignment process to activate the Law of Attraction.

  • Step 3: Use the alignment method to act as if you have already created your desire, bringing it even closer to you. Raise your vibration even further.
  • Step 4: Trust, surrender, meditate, and divert your attention away from the pot, as a watched pot never boils. Trust that the Universe is on your side and that your purpose will be fulfilled in Divine time.

The 10 Things Successful Manifestors Do Differently will be discussed in Part 3 of this blog series. This is one you don't want to miss…

How can I be more aligned with the universe?

Perhaps you enjoy running outside, going to the gym, doing yoga, or taking long walks. Be active in a way that you enjoy—it shouldn't feel like a chore, but rather something you look forward to doing every day or many times a week.

Also, keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum. Alcohol is OK in moderation, but too much will deplete you physically, psychologically, and emotionally, making it difficult for your body to function at its best.

Practice Gratitude

Simply saying thank you is one of the simplest, quickest, and most effective things you can do. You may boost your frequency and attract new situations, experiences, and things to be grateful for by thanking the universe for the excellent things you already have.

Perhaps you keep a thankfulness diary or make a list of things to be grateful for each morning as you get ready for work. There is no right or wrong method to do this; what matters is that you do it every day.

It's fine if you have trouble making a thankfulness list at first. It doesn't have to be elaborate or well-considered; in fact, the first ideas that come to mind are usually the greatest. Don't try to force it; just go with the flow.