What Does The Bible Say About Manifesting Your Dreams

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will lead you in the right path. 3:5 (Proverbs)

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When we manifest, we are putting more trust in our own thinking rather than seeking God's Will for our predicament.

However, Proverbs 3:5 tells us that we should put our faith in God rather than our own understanding.

He loves us and wants the best for us, so we should entrust our dreams and goals to Him and ask for His assistance in realizing them.

Is manifest a sin?

If you're trying to materialize something great, like a new home, a romance, or a new job, manifesting isn't a sin.

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If you strive to generate something negative that will harm someone else, however, you are committing a sin.

Even if you aren't religious, you should never strive to generate something negative since it will “bite” you in the end.

You will always get back what you put into the world, so if you want to be a better person and have more positive things in your life, don't try to create anything negative.

What does God say about achieving your dreams?

We talked about setting objectives last Wednesday as part of working toward a more structured existence. I thought we'd take a look at some Biblical principles to goal-setting, as well as 25 Scripture verses that can be applied to goals and the hard work that goes along with them. We can see from the Scriptures that creating goals is reasonable, prudent, and biblical.

We must always tread carefully when applying Scripture verses to our goals because we must first ensure that our goals are in line with God's will for us. They should not compromise God's Word and character.

There's a difference between stating, “I want to make a million dollars so I can feel wealthy and secure,” and then applying the verses below to it, and saying, “I want to save up six months' worth of emergency funds and then concentrate on developing a responsible savings account to provide for my family.”

Examine the aim of your goal first, and then look at it through the lens of these biblical principles.

I believe we will be amazed not only at the destination of our objectives, but also at the trip, if we consult the Lord before and during our goal preparation, seeking His guidance and submitting to His will.

Are you all set?

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Faith – We serve a powerful God who is capable of doing the seemingly impossible.

There's nothing He can't accomplish.

We can trust that He is with us on our path and always has our best interests at heart.

He is dependable and loyal.

Humility – We never want to be in a position where we have to demand that things go our way or that all of our objectives are met exactly as we stated.

The will of the Lord always takes precedence over our own.

Before our holy and majestic God, we must ensure that our attitude is one of humility.

Perseverance – We will have setbacks and disappointments, but we must endure.

Please don't give up!

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Alignment with God's Word and Will – As previously said, are we operating within the bounds of God's Word and character?

Preparation & Planning – Have we done our homework before beginning our task?

Have we calculated the price?

Motivation – We must ask the difficult questions.

What are our objectives and why are they important to us?

Do we have self-serving intentions or do we have a healthy heart?

15:7 in 2 Chronicles “But, as for you, be brave and persevere, since your efforts will be rewarded.”

20:4 (Psalm) “May he grant you your heart's desire and make all of your goals come true.”

33:11 (Psalm) “But the Lord's designs are eternal, and his purposes are carried out throughout all generations.”

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Psalm 37:4-5 is a psalm written by David. “Take pleasure in the Lord, and he will grant you your heart's desires.

3:6 (Proverbs) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't depend on your own understanding; submit to him in all your ways, and he will make your pathways straight.”

13:16 (Proverbs) “All prudent people act wisely, but fools show their folly.”

16:3 (Proverbs) “Whatever you do, commit it to the Lord, and he will bring your plans to fruition.”

16:9 (Proverbs) “Humans plot their paths in their hearts, but the Lord directs their steps.”

19:21 (Proverbs) “Many plans can be found in a person's heart, but the Lord's purpose always wins.” Text-Enhancement “> >

21:5 (Proverbs) “As surely as haste leads to poverty, the diligent's plans lead to profit.”

24:27 (Proverbs) “Put your outdoor labor in order and prepare your fields before beginning to construct your home.”

29:18 (Proverbs) “People are unconstrained where there is no vision, but fortunate is he who obeys the law.”

17:7 (Jeremiah) “But blessed is the one who puts his trust in the Lord and puts his faith in him.”

2:2-3 Habakkuk 2:2-3 Habakkuk 2:2-3 Habakk “Write down the revelation and make it explicit on tablets so that anyone reads it will be able to run with it.”

17:20 in Matthew “You can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,' and it will move if you have faith as little as a mustard seed. Nothing will be too difficult for you.'

14:28 Luke 14:28 “Assume one of you wants to construct a skyscraper. Will you sit down and calculate the cost to see if you have enough money to finish it?”

6:27 (NIV) “Work not for perishable food, but for food that will last forever, which the Son of Man will give you. God the Father has put his mark of approval on him.”

2 Corinthians 12:2 “Don't follow the world's pattern; instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you'll be able to put God's will to the test and approve it as good, pleasant, and perfect.”

3:13-14 Philippians

“I don't consider myself to have grasped it yet, brothers and sisters. But there is one thing I do: I push on toward the goal of winning the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.”

4:8 Philippians “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—consider these things.”

10:35-36 (Hebrews) “So don't squander your self-assurance; it will be well repaid. You must endure in order to obtain what God has promised once you have done God's will.”

12:1-2a Hebrews “Because we are surrounded by such a large cloud of witnesses, let us cast off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles us. And let us run the course set out for us with endurance, fixing our gaze on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

4:13–15 James “Now hear me out, you who say, “Today or tomorrow, we'll go to this or that place, spend a year there, do business, and make money.” You have no idea what will happen tomorrow, do you? How is it going in your life? You are a mist that appears for a brief moment before dissipating. “If it is the Lord's will, we shall survive and do this or that,” you should reply instead.”

* If you're working on a huge goal, Holley Gerth's book is a wonderful read “You Were Created to Live a God-Sized Dream.”

My full review may be found here.

What does Bible say about Law of Attraction?

The Bible contains numerous texts that reinforce the Law of Attraction and explain how to use it spiritually.

I'll share a few of these Law of Attraction Bible scriptures with you, along with my own interpretations.

Genesis 1:25

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every creature that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

God, our Father, is the Master Architect and Designer as well as the Creator.

In The Law of Attraction, this idea is known as “everything is generated twice” or “thoughts become things.”

Because we were made in God's image and likeness, He empowers us to imitate him and perform miracles in His name.

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be changed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may demonstrate what is God's good, acceptable, and perfect will.

This verse, along with others in the Bible, teaches us how to reframe our thinking so that they are in line with God's Will and Word.

This notion is known as cognitive reframing, or reframing thoughts in The Law of Attraction (from the negative thoughts into positive thoughts).

When I find myself relying on my own interpretation of a circumstance (Proverbs 3:5), I reframe it by remembering what God says about it in the Bible.

…or when I'm in pain or depressed, I turn to Romans 8:28 for solace.

When we anchor our beliefs in the Truth, we rejuvenate our minds, since the truth will set us free. And, as James 1:5 indicates, when we lack understanding, we must pray to God and put our trust in Him.

Proverbs 23:7

This Bible scripture is one of my favorites. It indicates that our thoughts shape who we are, thus we must be mindful of what we think.

This is arguably the most repeated scripture by individuals who believe in both the Bible and The Law of Attraction, because the Law of Attraction appears to be solely about focusing on positive thoughts at first glance, but it is much more than that.

Everything we do or don't do, on the other hand, starts with a thought, and our ideas reflect where our hearts are and who we are becoming.

God instructs us to'set our minds on things above' (Colossians 3:2), because this will lead to acts that are also in line with “things above.”

Luke 17:21

We know in our Christian faith that we believe and act not for the sake of the world, but for the sake of God's Kingdom.

We learn in this verse that God has planted the seeds we need within us in order for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, as we read in Matthew 6:10.

We do not succeed only by our own efforts or strength, but rather through God's will and grace.

“We don't ask for God to do His own will, but for us to be able to do what He wants done by us; and in order for that to happen, we need that will, that is, God's help and protection;”

We are given spiritual gifts that enable us to accomplish godly things, and when we behave in accordance with the fruits of the Spirit, we bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

The Law of Attraction says that we can materialize wonderful things and create what we want, and those of us who accept Jesus as our Savior know that the merit belongs to God, who created our intellect.

“Whatever the human mind can conceive and feel it is capable of doing,” is only true if God permits it.

Matthew 21:22

“And you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer if you believe.”

The three basic components of the Law of Attraction that most people are familiar with are asking, believing, and receiving.

Despite the fact that prayer is not mentioned in the Law of Attraction literature, when someone “Whether they call it prayer or not, when someone “asks, seeks, and knocks,” they are praying to God.

Only God can make what someone requests for a reality, whether they give God credit or not.

Indeed, one of the basic concepts of the Law of Attraction is that it works whether you believe it or not, and that you are practicing it whether you realize it or not.

While it may appear that things would be better if everyone believed in and called my God Father, I do not possess all understanding, and I am not one to question God's magnificent plan.

I try to see the commonalities in people rather than the differences, to bless everyone on their journey, and to meet them where they are, just as I hope they do for me!

Matthew 9:29

It is implied in this Bible text that something will be done to us based on our faith in God.

No, I don't believe that our reality is created by our trust in the universe or in ourselves, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in manifestation.

God does not discriminate against anyone, according to Romans 2:11, and Matthew 5:45 “He sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous and makes his sun rise on the evil and the good.”

Now, I must stress that we must be cautious of what we call “evil” and “unrighteous” and refrain from criticizing people based on their ideas that differ from ours by a little (or a lot).

The idea is that, even if I am extremely deliberate in addressing God as my Father, I can presume He will not reject one of His children simply because they address Him as such “We know He created the universe,” we say.

To put the concept of manifestation into context, consider the following: “Faith without works is dead,” says the Bible (James 2:17). What is the significance of this?

So, whether you're asking for something in His name or praying in His name, “You will not see a virtuous desire manifest in your reality until you act in faith, until you take the steps that faith needs.

We read about one of Moses' numerous feats in Exodus 14:21-22, when he parted the Red Sea. He had to stretch his staff in faith before anything happened, if we think about it.

We now know that the Israelites were needed to cross the waters before they were split apart!

The main truth is that God will move anytime anyone takes a step of faith because He loves all of His children.

Philippians 4:6-7

“Be anxious for nothing, but make your requests known to God in everything through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.” Through Christ Jesus, the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds.”

Being appreciative for what we have not yet received as though we have gotten it is one of my favorite Law of Attraction notions.

When I first saw Rhonda Byrne's The Secret in the early 2000s, I felt motivated to keep a thankfulness notebook and add a lot more appreciation to my prayers.

This is what Paul means when he says “grateful therewith,” which means “grateful in” whatever is going on.

It's no surprise that one of my fundamental principles is gratitude, which I define as “abounding in thanksgiving.”

Reminding myself that God is my Provider and that I can trust Him and yield to His Perfect Will brings me immense calm.

Mark 9.23

When Peter thought he could walk on water, he did (Matthew 14:29), and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego survived King Nebuchadnezzar's blazing furnace, according to the book of Daniel.

I decided to walk on hot coals and become a firewalker after attending a conference called Unleash the Power Within, or UPW for short, in 2009 “Firewalker,” he says.

It felt incredible, and instead of believing in my own power, I kept returning to Paul's words:

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and knowledge.” 2 Timothy 1:7; 2 Timothy 2:7; 2 Timothy 2:8; 2

When we act in faith, and what we desire is God's plan for us, the mind over body idea of the Law of Attraction means that everything is truly possible.

Habakkuk 2:3

“Write the vision,” Yahweh instructed. Make it legible on tablets so that everyone can swiftly read it. Because the vision is still awaiting an appointed time, but it will speak and not lie at the end: wait for it, even if it takes a while; it will come, and it will not be late.

In the Law of Attraction, writing down a vision for your life and expecting it to come true, commonly known as “creative visualization,” is mentioned multiple times in the Bible.

Visualizing our actions before performing them has a scientific basis as well, which is notably visible in sports.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish,” Proverbs 29:18 says, “but he who keeps the law, happy is he.”

Joseph's siblings taunted him and eventually sold him as a slave after he had a dream that he would rule over them. It took a long time for him to see this idea come to fruition, and there were many setbacks along the way — he almost lost everything!

He preserved his faith, as well as the law (even though there were no prohibitions at the time), and his vision came true at the allotted time.

What does the Bible say about manifestation of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is a gift from God to every Christian. As a result, every Christian has a spiritual life “power” and should be using it to its full potential. Remember what Jesus stated about believers having power when the Holy Spirit comes.

But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive authority, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

What was the power that Jesus was alluding to? It's the ability to hear from God, speak in languages, prophesy, perform signs, miracles, and wonders, among other things. In other words, we have the ability to exhibit the gift of the Holy Spirit inside us. The divine nature, which is sealed in each Christian by the gift of the Holy Spirit, cannot be detected by the five senses. It can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. ‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 12:8-10″ ver=' (REV)'>1 Corinthians 12:8-10, nevertheless, the holy spirit within can be revealed, brought forth into evidence, in the nine ways listed in'href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 12:8-10″ ver=' (REV)'>1 Corinthians 12:8-10.

‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 12:7″ ver=' (REV)'>'href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 12:7″ ver=' (REV)'>

12:7 in 1 Corinthians

The Greek term phanerosis means “a manifestation, a making apparent or observable,” therefore the word “manifestation” is a reasonable translation.

The five senses can detect a manifestation. We are constantly confronted with manifestations. Light and heat are produced by the electric energy in a light bulb. A rash with little pimple-like lesions is one of the symptoms of chicken pox. We can't see the virus that causes chicken pox, but we can see how the disease manifests.

The multifunctional “A good example of the difference between a gift and a manifestation is the Swiss Army knife. Traditional knives feature red handles and often include two blades (large and small), two screwdrivers (flathead and Phillips), a can opener, an awl, scissors, a file, and a pair of tweezers (nine!). If you receive a single multipurpose knife as a gift, you can cut, snip, tweeze, and so on using any or all of its implements. There are numerous manifestations of a same gift. Similarly, the holy spirit is the one gift that God bestows on each believer, and it manifests itself in nine different ways.

The light bulb, chicken pox, and Swiss Army knife examples are meant to demonstrate the distinction between a gift and a manifestation, and each example has its own set of constraints. The examples are meant to demonstrate that one gift can have multiple manifestations, and that when a person has the gift, he also has the capacity to manifest it.

Our five senses are unable to identify or observe the gift of the Holy Spirit. Its presence within the Christian is revealed when it is manifested, or made visible, in the world of the senses. It may be obvious only to those who have the Holy Spirit, such as when God gives someone a message of wisdom that is only known by the one who receives it, but it is still obvious in the senses world.

According to the Bible, “Each one” (‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 12:7″ ver=' (REV)') is given the manifestation of the spirit. Because every Christian possesses the Holy Spirit, he or she can express it. Many Christians, we know, have never expressed the gift of the Holy Spirit in a way that they recognize, and this has caused them to doubt their ability to do so. We believe that this book provides compelling evidence that a Christian, even if he has never done so before, can manifest the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10 (Author's translation)' href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 12:8-10″ ver=' (REV)'

(8) For one is given a message of wisdom through the spirit, and another is given a message of knowledge by the same spirit;

9) by the same spirit, to a different onefaith; and by the same spirit, to anothergifts of healings;

(10) and to a different oneworking of miracles; to a different oneprophecy; to a different onediscerning of spirits; to a different onedifferent kinds of tongues; and to a different onethe.

We'll look at each of these manifestations separately, but first, let's go over some foundational information about them. To begin with, these verses appear to indicate that each Christian only receives one manifestation, which has perplexed many Christians. Despite the fact that these passages utilize the phrase, “It does not follow that each individual will manifest only one of the manifestations. Every person can express all nine manifestations, as we have seen briefly and will see in greater detail later. At any particular moment and place, however, not everyone will express the spirit in the same way. Ensure that things in the Church are completed “At any given time, the Lord energizes distinct manifestations in different believers” (‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 14:40″ ver=' (REV)'>1 Cor 14:40-KJV). At a Christian gathering, for example, one person will speak in tongues and interpret, another will prophesy, another will heal, and so on. It is critical to emphasize that believers must take advantage of what the Lord is igniting in them. He often works in someone to pray, talk in tongues and interpret, prophesy, and so on, but the person is afraid to move forward and manifest. The Lord will take care of his part; all we have to do now is make sure we're taking care of ours.

Second, the Bible expressly states that the revelation of the Holy Spirit is for the benefit of the people “It is for the common good.” When Christians do not walk in the power of the Holy Spirit's manifestations, they miss out on some benefits or suffer some consequences. Imagine a Bible without such miracles—no mention of Moses smiting the rock, Joshua stopping the Jordan River, Samson destroying the pagan temple, Samuel anointing Saul as king, Elijah bringing down fire from heaven, or God telling Jonah to go to Nineveh.

If God's power were gone from the pages of the Bible, it would be far less fascinating and deliver far less hope and blessing. Ananias would not have enjoyed the blessing of healing Paul if he had not walked in the power of the manifestations (‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”Acts 9:10-18″ ver=' (REV)'>Acts 9:10-18). Peter would not have been the first to lead Gentiles into the new birth if he had not walked in the power of the manifestations (‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”Acts 10:9-46″ ver=' (REV)'>Acts 10:9-46). Eutychus would have died if Paul had not walked in the power of the manifestations (‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”Acts 20:9-12″ ver=' (REV)'>Acts 20:9-12). If a Christian does not talk in tongues, he is missing out on God's sign that he is saved (‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 14:22″ ver=' (REV)'). Similarly, there are ramifications if the manifestations are missing or misapplied. An unbeliever may get the mistaken impression if everyone in the assembly talks in tongues at the same time (‘ href=”SIT” onclick=”return false;” rel=”1 Cor 14″ ver=' (REV)'>1 Cor 14: 23).

Third, we must keep in mind that God has divided the manifestations into three types. Most versions read, “In the above verses, most versions read, “In the above verses, most “to another” a total of eight times. However, allos and heteros are two separate Greek terms that are translated in the same way “to a different.” Allos refers to a numerical difference and means “another of the same sort,” but heteros refers to a qualitative difference and means “another of a different sort” in Greek. When things on a list are said to as allos, it means they are of the same kind or nature. They are heteros in nature when they are described as such. Thus, we find God dividing the manifestations into three categories in this part, which are separated by the term heteros, which we displayed in brackets when we cited the verses. When the Greek term was allos, we used “another,” and when it was heteros, we used “different one.”

Two of the manifestations are revelation (hearing from God), five are tied to God's might, and two are worship oriented, as we can see from the groupings.

What does Bible say about dreaming big?

As his soul absorbed the words sent by the Spirit to his captured conscience, the Lord instructed him to write them down. Simple and to the point. Commit. Wait for God's timing… linger.

What huge dream do you have for the coming year? Do you want to start a family? Isn't it a dream to have a family full of individuals who adore one another and can't wait to spend time together? Isn't it your desire to work in an environment where everyone is motivated by a common goal? A job you look forward to going to every day? Isn't it a dream to be surrounded by people who put others before themselves? Do you wish for a life that isn't so full of drama and pain, but rather one that is stable and healing? A life with meaning? Relationships that aren't perfect but are growing and satisfying? A group of friends with common goals who have spent time getting to know one another but still cherish and adore one another?

As you wait for the Lord to complete his work in and through you, spend time with him. Allow God's love to devour your “doing” so that your “being” might be fully adored by him. He can guide you to the areas you need to go from your place of serenity and contentment. Although your circumstance may appear to be dominated by confusion, you can trust Jesus to have the final say and to utilize bad to accomplish good for his purposes.

Make a list of what the Spirit is saying to your heart. Yes, documentation is dangerous since it can lead to failure. But it's better to fail by faith than to do nothing because you're afraid. Faith is what keeps the righteous alive. With your huge God, dream big aspirations and watch him do big things. Slowly, steadily, and steadily, keep an eye out for his work! It will not be late, even if it is only a day late.

While you wait, take advantage of the time you have with him. Enjoy the waiting as a form of worship, anticipating what he will accomplish.

The year 2019 has only just begun. What major goal must you pursue in order to keep dreaming? Or, what enormous dream has God given you that you need to share with others humbly and generously? To him, no dream is too great or too tiny. He adores you and wishes for you to bring everything to him.

In Jesus' name, I pray, amen. Heavenly Father, I trust you to line my aspirations with your desires and to give me the desires of my heart for your glory.

Does God want my dreams to come true?

I believe we've all been taught a falsehood about these dreams, and we've all believed it at times. Never give up on your dreams, we've been taught. That if we want something badly enough, we can achieve it. We've all heard that if we put our minds to anything, we can achieve anything. We've been informed that we have the ability to manifest all of our desires. We can believe a lie even though we are Christians. If we love and delight in God, our heart's wishes will be fulfilled (Psalm 37:4-5).

What does the Bible say about being ambitious?

What your objectives urge you towards should be your greater purpose. Matthew 6:33 confirms this by revealing that God is aware of our wants. He understands what motivates us, and if we aren't intending to ruin someone, He wants to provide us with the things we desire.

What does 828 mean in the Bible?

The number “828” can be read as 8:28, which could refer to Romans 8:28, a bible text that is particularly relevant to the plot of the program, as Bustle initially pointed out. There are dozens of distinct English translations from a variety of Bible versions, but one seems to be the most frequently accepted: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

The meaning becomes as subtle as a sledgehammer if you understand the verse's phrasing. The passengers on Flight 828 are being “called” according to God's plan, which is to aid others selflessly – a core Christian principle. The authors also want you to connect the dots. They wouldn't have gone to the bother of displaying Michaela's (Melissa Roxburgh) mother's custom-made pillow with the verse stitched on it if that weren't the case.

Given all of this information, it's difficult to argue that the show's heavy use of the number “828” is purely coincidental. Is that, however, the only allusion to the Christian religion in the show?

What does the Bible say about meditation?

The word meditate or meditation appears 23 times in the Bible, including 19 times in the Book of Psalms alone. When the Bible mentions meditation, it frequently follows with a command to obey. The Book of Joshua is a good example: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may accomplish everything written in it. Because then you will be successful, and you will achieve great success.”

What are the 7 signs of the Holy Spirit?

Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. While some Christians regard them as a comprehensive list of precise characteristics, others see them as illustrations of the Holy Spirit's work through the faithful.

How do you know if the Holy Spirit is in you?

The presence of the fruit of the Spirit is one indicator that you have received the Holy Spirit. Love, joy, peace, long patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruit of the Spirit. If you used to get your joy and happiness from outside sources, it now comes from within.