How To Find Out Which Chakra Is Blocked?

The seven chakras, which stretch from the base of your spine to the crown of your head, are the body's primary energy centers. Lightness, alignment, and ease can be felt when all of our chakras are open. When one chakra is blocked, it can create a variety of physical and mental problems, as well as impede the flow of energy to subsequent chakras. If your root chakra is blocked, it's likely that all of your other chakras are out of balance, too.

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You can get a decent sense of which chakra you're having the most difficulty with by conducting a simple self-assessment, or by taking this brief test, to see whether you have any blocked chakras.

How do you know which chakra is off?

Leg and foot problems, rectum problems, tailbone and immune system issues are all symptoms of a root chakra imbalance. Male reproductive and prostate gland problems. Arthritis, knee discomfort, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation are all symptoms of degenerative arthritis. Worry about your financial situation.

How do you know if one of your chakras are blocked?

Symptoms of a blocked root chakra include arthritis, constipation, bladder or intestinal problems, and feelings of insecurity about money or our basic needs. Our physical and emotional well-being will be solid and stable if our chakras are aligned and open to the universe.

How do I unblock my chakras?

Unblocking Chakras with 8 Do-It-Yourself Methods You Can Do at Home

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  • Mantras. After a yoga practice, mantras are generally chanted in their entirety.

Which chakra should I unblock first?

If the word “root” conjures up an image of a plant with a thick stem connecting it to the ground, you'd be right.

The root chakra, according to certain religions, is a power that ties us to the earth.

Some people believe that this energy wheel in the human body is the basis upon which the entire chakra system is built. Some energy healers even advocate healing the root chakra before working on the rest of the body's chakras.

To begin, let's find out more about the root chakra. Discover more by continuing to read.

How do you know when you open your third eye?

The most typical sign of an open third eye is an increasing pressure between the brows, which can be rather disorienting. A pulse or an intense sensation of something expanding in the centre of your forehead are both possible causes of this sensation. In the words of's spiritual advisers, this is a harmless occurrence that will fade away in time. In addition, they say that it may appear out of nowhere, and that a sensation of warmth on your forehead as if someone were touching is quite common. So don't stress out if it does.

Is it bad to open chakras?

The chakras are said to be closed in the normal human state, which can only be opened through consistent spiritual practice, according to the yoga philosophy. This is not a disease, but rather a lack of knowledge. Being ignorant of one's true Self is a state of mind in which one focuses on the exterior world rather than on one's own true nature, which is thoughtless awareness. Despite the fact that one's chakras are closed, one can still be healthy, emotionally balanced, mentally creative, and successful in many aspects of life. Rather than enhancing one's abilities in the everyday spheres of human existence, chakra opening aims at facilitating one's journey towards the eternal essence that lies beyond our fleeting existence.

Traditional yoga sees the chakras as only having a secondary effect on physical functions.

The spine has come to be known as the sushumna nadi, or core channel, in the modern understanding of chakras as power centers within the physical body. Digestion, respiration, and reproduction are just a few of the bodily functions governed by the chakras, which are linked to the numerous spinal centers. Traditional yoga, on the other hand, sees the chakras as only having a secondary effect on physical functions.

In today's world, there is a widespread propensity to conflate the subtle body's chakras with the physical body's equivalent activities. Comparable to the physical body, the subtle body also has a similar shape. It is, however, made up of a finer matter than that of physical space, and as a result, is imperceptible to the five senses. To access it, we must enter a different realm of consciousness, which is generally only possible in a dream or after death. Without the subtle body, the physical body would not even be able to function. Although the veil of physical conditions obscures its activity, the subtle body is constantly operating within the physical body as the source of its energy.

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The subtle body's chakras are not part of its normal functioning. Only in states of heightened awareness or spiritual awakening can they play a substantial role. They symbolize the merging of the subtle body with the higher consciousness. The astral or subtle body that has been spiritually opened is a distinct entity from the physical body, yet the two can be linked and correlated.


There must be a greater source of energy for the chakras to function than the physical body can offer. Kundalini, or snake power, rests latent in the subtle body and serves this purpose. No matter how much one tries, it's impossible to control the flow of Kundalini with one's own willpower. Consistent awareness or concentration is Kundalini's concentrated energy. It is not a separate energy, but rather the energy that manifests with consciousness when it is no longer occupied by thoughts. Kundalini can only genuinely activate if one has a single-pointed focus of attention, because only then does one have the opportunity to transcend cognition.

Prana, or life force, must enter the sushumna, or core channel, for kundalini to awaken. Prana is disengaged from its attention on the external world when this occurs. Life energy cannot be withdrawn into the central channel as long as it is associated with the physical body and its functions. As a result, entering a samadhi state while trying to awaken kundalini and open the chakras is a necessary step. In the beginning, this frequently involves a trance-like state in which we lose consciousness of our actual bodies. Even in the waking state, it can be done without any physical harm, but the physical body is no longer perceived as one's actual identity at this point.

The chakras are named after the elements they govern, which is a more accurate and straightforward manner of naming them.

How do I know if my root chakra is unbalanced?

What are you looking to do to get your life back on track? Resha Patel, a blogger, explains the seven chakras and their role in regaining mental, emotional, and physical vigor.

The chakras, as they are known in ancient Indian philosophy, are seven major energy centers in the body. Each chakra corresponds to a specific body illness or physical dysfunction because it is located throughout our bodies.

Our mental and emotional strengths are also found in each of our energy centers. Weaknesses in our emotional behavior arise when we have a physical problem. Our bodies can be freed from tightness, stiffness, or malfunction by releasing stale energy.

Our emotional well-being can be improved by cleansing the energy. As a result of holding on to certain fears and emotions, we face physical limitations as well. The Chakra Mind-Body Balance is a two-way highway.” In the event that you are experiencing pain or stiffness, or if you are plagued by recurring feelings and concerns, you may be able to identify which of your chakras is inflamed or blocked.

Deficiencies in the root chakra's physical aspects include issues with the legs, feet; rectum; tailbone; immune system; male reproductive parts; and prostate gland. Degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation can all be symptoms of abnormalities in this area.

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Having problems with our basic requirements, such as money, shelter, and food, is a common symptom of emotional disorders.

When this chakra is in balance, you feel supported, protected, and grounded in the world around you.

Sexual and reproductive disorders, urinary problems, renal dysfunctions, hip, pelvic, and low back discomfort are all examples of physical imbalances.

Commitment to partnerships is also affected by emotional imbalances. Our ability to communicate our feelings. Having fun, playing depending on our desires, inventiveness and sexuality. Fears of inadequacy, betrayal, and a host of other mental health issues.

It is when this chakra is in harmony that we are able to take risks, we are creative, and we are dedicated. We're fiery, seductive, and gregarious.

Include the color blue in your life

Reiki expert Guadalupe Terrones says that crystals like lapis lazuli, aquamarine, and celestite, which are blue in color, can aid to balance the throat chakra.

It is through the throat chakra that sound and resonance are regulated. Since each mineral has a particular resonating frequency, it is one of the most efficient ways to work with the throat chakra,” she explained.

If you want to heal your throat chakra, consider wearing a necklace with one of these gems.

Do neck stretches

If you want to balance your throat chakra, you may want to try some neck-opening stretches.

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Performing simple neck stretches, suggests Terrones, can help prevent stress and tension from building up in the throat and neck area.

How do I unblock my third eye?

Prior to opening the third eye, some traditions say that all of your other chakras must be opened and aligned.

To handle the revelations of higher awareness, one is supposed to have this foundation and capacity in place. Opening the third eye, on the other hand, may cause instability, according to some.

Open your third eye chakra using these techniques, which Covington recommends if you're ready:

Activate your third eye chakra

In order to activate your third eye, Covington recommends starting with an activation practice.

Begin by saying “thank you” to yourself and the pineal gland, which governs natural circadian cycles, for your innate intuitive abilities and for your connection to nature, she says.

Supplement your diet

When it comes to accessing your third eye chakra, Covington feels that diet plays an important part. According to her, the third eye can benefit from a variety of nutrients, including:

Covington asserts that “all of these components contribute in the cleaning of the pineal gland.” To be clear, there is no scientific proof to back up this claim.

Apply essential oils

According to Covington, essential oils are “dynamic tools for healing and expanding the pineal gland, as well as facilitating levels of spiritual awareness.”

  • The oils listed above can be combined with your choice of carrier oil. Use a carrier oil instead of applying essential oils directly to your skin because their concentrations are so high for aromatherapy use. (Also, do not take essential oils internally!)
  • Essential oils and carrier oil should be blended together. To make one teaspoon of carrier oil, use six drops of essential oil.

Lemon essential oil, in particular, can cause photosensitivity in some people. After applying citrus essential oils to your skin, stay out of the sun.

Try sun gazing

Meditating by staring at the sun is called sun gazing, and it is most popular during sunrise and sunset. Spiritual connection, clarity, and energy are all believed to be improved.

“She describes the sun as a powerful energy source. “You can stimulate your pineal gland by gazing gently at the sun for a few minutes in the early morning or late evening hours.

Make sure you take necessary safety precautions if you decide to sunbathe. Otherwise, you could injure your vision.

Meditate and chant

“The pineal gland is activated by vibration and intention during meditation, according to Dr. Covington. “Visualize the pineal gland being decalcified, as its divine nature is illuminated and linked to the source.”

By way of example “A higher power or the fundamental nature of all things is what Covington is alluding to when he says “source.”

“Covington argues that chanting stimulates the pineal gland by causing the tetrahedron bone in the nose to vibrate.

To encourage gratitude and appreciation, she suggests repeating mantras.

Use crystals

Some people believe that crystals can be used to treat a variety of ailments. Covington thinks they can help you open your third eye as well.

“In her effort to activate the third eye, “crystals are powerful partners,” she explains. “Use purple, indigo, and violet colored crystals and jewels. Awaken, align, and nurture the third eye with this color palette.”

You can use a crystal grid or place the crystal or gemstone between and slightly above your brows while meditation.

How do I clear my root chakra blockage?

  • Red jasper, black tourmaline and bloodstone are among the stones/gems that may be found in this collection. When you are lying down, you can place the gemstone in the area of the chakra to help it open and align. Wear it, if you prefer.
  • The root chakra can be balanced through connecting to the soil, walking barefoot on grass, and gardening.
  • Root chakra specialized healing vibrations / sound baths. Chakra sound frequencies correspond to our mental and emotional states. A resonant Chakra sound frequency will bring the chakras into balance if you listen to it long enough; when the chakras are in balance, so are your thoughts and emotions. A specific ChakRas energy healing technique that I've studied for four years is included in my Soundbath playlist on YouTube.

When practicing Virabhadrasana I — Warrior I, be sure to stand barefoot on the ground.

In addition to enhancing your spiritual connection, the practice of meditation also helps you regain a sense of equilibrium. Connection to your higher self and faith in an entity greater than yourself can ensure your survival, even if the world doesn't always provide it.

  • Interpersonal, Psychodynamic, Object Relations, and Contemplative psychotherapy techniques for root causes and integration for healing, as well as particular behavioral remedies for symptom manifestations.
  • *Sandalwood, Rosewood, Rosemary, Black Pepper, Cedar, Clove, Ginger, Frankincense, and Myrrh are some of the most popular essential oil choices.