How To Feng Shui Your Handbag?

the 7th of february in singapore It's your bag, ladies, that holds the key to success.

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A Singaporean feng shui expert warns women not to ignore their tote bags as the Lunar Chinese New Year approaches, as Asians seek good fortune in many ways.

“A Feng Shui 0011 ( consultant told Reuters that handbags are “extremely personal” and can be used as a form of self-expression.

“In addition to their color, how ladies hold them, and what they put in them, these factors can all effect your luck,” he said. February 18 marks the beginning of the new year.

According to Lok, the best way to boost your luck and prosperity is to hold your bag on the left. One's right side represents a powerful “white tiger,” while the left side represents a “green dragon” that bestows influence.

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Keep an eye out for where you put your stuff down. On the left side is preferable if you are sitting down, unless you are with companions who are more powerful than items.

Auspicious charms, such as three coins wrapped or taped together and items in lucky colors, are evident fortune magnets.

The elements of fire, earth, water, metal, and wood are used in Chinese geomancy.

Red, pink and purple as well as geometric shapes are Lok's favorites “start the blaze.” The confidence-inducing qualities of this bag can help you land a promotion at work, so make sure to pick one with these features.

The colors yellow, orange, and brown are used in squares “You can wear them on days when you want to appear friendly because they have an earthy tone to them.

White, silver, gold, chrome, bronze, and gray bags are available in a variety of shapes and sizes “Metal” is a powerful symbol of strength and purity of thought.

Colors of green and blue, as well as rectangular shapes, are prevalent “Harmony can be maintained by using wood.

curving curves and dark shades of black and dark blue fall under this category “When the bag's owner is treated with respect, it sends a message to others that they, too, deserve the same.

In some feng shui schools, colors can either bless or curse you, depending on how they're combined.

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Feng Shui Info ( recommends black-white, red-gold, and purple-silver as favorable color combinations. Red-white, green-yellow, and blue-red are all examples of bad color combinations.

When it comes to sizing, feng shui tells ladies that bigger is preferable, especially if they're out shopping “captures” more of what you intended to purchase.

How do I feng shui my purse?

When it comes to a handbag, it's not just another handbag. You may use it as a wallet, a purse, and a fashion statement all at the same time. Both style and function play a role in making the proper choice. Gwynne Warner, a feng shui practitioner, gives her handbag sage advice!

Show Respect

At the conclusion of each day, give your purse and wallet a thorough cleaning. If you're going to place it on the floor, don't do it! If you leave your handbag on the floor, it's like letting your money “walk out the door” in an old Chinese saying.

Choose Prosperous Colors

All of these colors have different meanings: Red is a symbol of good fortune; black is a symbol of wealth; gold is a symbol of good fortune; platinum is a symbol of opulence; and green is a symbol of growth.

Activate for Wealth Luck

Add more cash to your wallet by tying three coins to a crimson ribbon and carrying ten Emperor Coins in your purse.

Do not keep credit cards or receipts (which imply debt or money going out) in the same container as your bank account or savings account. Keep your money organized and arranged in a logical manner.

At the very least, you should keep $108 (or $8) in your wallet at all times, just in case. Allow your wallet to be a magnet for more money by keeping money handed to you by a wealthy person inside, but don't use it.

Handle your handbag with gold ingots, Feng Shui coins, or even the Fook symbol tucked within.

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Keep the Chi of Your Purse Fresh

Replace your pocketbook and wallet as soon as you feel worn out, exhausted, or depleted of energy. Use only second-hand purses that are free of major flaws, like as scratches, tears, and stains. Cleansing the house with incense is a must.

Give Purses + Wallets to Others for Good Luck

Say, “I have eight different kinds of strong currencies in my wallet.” “Because I want your wealth and income to grow and benefit you for the rest of your life, I'm giving you this wallet full of money.” A Lucky Red Envelope containing money should be placed inside of a handbag if you are giving it as a gift “Gifting a “empty” handbag is a good idea.

What should you carry in your purse for good luck?

4) Rice is a symbol of long life and plenty. Having a few grains of rice in your wallet will help you attract good fortune. To maintain a constant flow of new energy, rotate the rice grains on a regular basis.

5) Having money from your parents or grandparents in your wallet can bring you good fortune. Cowries with Gomati Chakra can also be kept in the handbag.

What is a lucky Colour for a purse?

Black is the greatest color for your wallet since it symbolizes prosperity, money, and career advancements. The rushing water is blue in color. If you want to keep your money safe, don't buy a blue wallet.

Where should I put my feng shui coins?

Feng shui considers the front door to be extremely significant since it is the point of entry for the flow of energy into your home. Chinese coins threaded with red rope placed over or near the entrance door can bring good fortune to a household.

How do I change my luck in Feng Shui?

Everyone strives to improve their luck in any manner they can. There are many ways we try to ensure good fortune, from reading our horoscopes to following numerology advice. Feng Shui can be used as a way to boost our good fortune. One of the oldest forms of Chinese art, it literally translates to wind-water. In Chinese culture, both aspects are essential to good fortune.

Nature's two elements are considered to offer good fortune to those who use them. You may incorporate Feng Shui into your home in a variety of ways.

You must begin at home if you wish to attract good fortune into your life. We're here to teach you about the most important aspects of this process, and we'll explain them to you.

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  • Windows should be kept clean. Historically, the windows of a house were considered to represent its “eyes,” according to folklore. In the Feng Shui system, a home is frequently equated to the human body. As a result, you'll be able to notice opportunities more clearly if you keep your eyes clean.
  • Reduce your possessions to a minimum. Even though many people think minimalism is a recent trend, Feng Shui has been discussing it for centuries. It is not recommended to have unnecessary items in your home since they are thought to impede the flow of the wind. According to Feng Shui, wind is one of the most important components to consider. Decide to get rid of the clutter in your life by cutting yourself off from it.
  • Make sure your front door is well-lit. Positive energy can enter your home by way of your front door. It's essential to maintain the passageway clear and brightly lit at the front door. Maintain a pleasant atmosphere but don't go crazy.
  • Using Feng Shui, the location of your bed is critical to your well-being. Your bed should not be in front of the door if you want it to command attention when you walk in. It will put you in a position of vulnerability. Keep it on the other side of the door so that you can keep an eye on it without putting yourself at risk. There are both positive and negative vibrations around us at all times, according to Feng Shui, but you must be able to choose which ones you want.
  • Squeaky doors are a thing of the past. Squeaky doors not only annoy you, but they also attract negative energy and deplete the positive spirits in your home, making them a nuisance. Make sure you use oil as soon as possible to get rid of the issue. Feng Shui uses this as a foundational premise.
  • Keep some plants in your home. The presence of plants in the home symbolizes life and positive energy. Small potted plants can be included into your home's design if you keep them watered. One of the reasons for this is that you get to use water to inform both the plants and the soil. Feng Shui relies heavily on water, and how your luck changes as a result is determined on how much water you have in your home.
  • Invest in a Feng Shui fountain. A Feng Shui fountain is a little fountain with a small statue of Lord Buddha attached to it. In addition, there is a place for incense and candles. In addition to beautifying your home, it will also bring you good fortune. You can keep it near the front door of your home.

Where is the wealth corner of the house?

Wealth can be found in your home's back left corner when you're standing at the front door.

Remember that if you have a covered outdoor space attached to the back of your house, such as a covered patio, that area is also included in the living space for feng shui purposes. This may imply that your wealth corner is partially or completely outside for some of you.

What should I put in my bag?

  • Tissues for the road. If you suffer from allergies, they may be helpful.
  • Water bottle and nutritious snack are must-haves. Keep a high-protein snack in your purse to avoid feeling sluggish.

What is the best color to attract money?

If you want to attract money, renown, and affluence, gold is your best bet. It's the most potent hue for attracting money because of all of these factors. Furthermore, gold's hue may be easily decoded.

Is Feng Shui a real thing?

Ancient Chinese art of feng shui is about creating a harmonious atmosphere. Wind and water are the literal translations of this phrase (shui).