How Much Is A Spiritual Cleansing

Our energy cleansing Ritual Kits are intended to purify and eliminate negative energy from your home, office, or sacred area. To meditate, open your chakras, heighten your senses, and center yourself, use these spiritual cleansing kits to raise your vibration.

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What do you put in a spiritual bath?

Natural salt is one of the most effective ingredients for clearing your energies of any negative junk. Pink Himalayan salt, natural sea salt, and Epsom salt are all excellent choices that are widely available. Regular table salts should never be used since they contain anti-caking chemicals and have been refined to remove many of the useful minerals. Use no more than a couple of nice handfuls.

What is spiritual cleanliness?

Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and seeking His guidance every day through the study of the Bible, His holy word, and direct communication with Him via prayer is the key to being cleansed of sin and living a healthy moral and spiritual life.

How do you cleanse your space?

Smudging is an old spiritual ritual that may simply be added into your weekly routine or meditative practice for purification, eliminating negative energy, and enhancing mood.

Salvia, the Latin name for sage, is derived from the word “heal.” Wisdom, clarity, and greater spiritual awareness are also considered to be related with sage when it is smoked.

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Palo Santo: Palo Santo, which means “holy wood” in Spanish, is a sacred tree that grows in portions of South America and is a natural insect repellent. It's been used by shamans for ages in ritual prayer, ceremonies, and healing, and it's known for its grounding and centering properties, which can boost creativity, productivity, and good fortune.

Simple Smudging Ritual

  • Smudging is a ceremonial cleansing of a physical place, object, or person's energy. You can smoke Sage or Palo Santo before your meditation practice if you have one. This will help you connect more easily by preparing your energies and mind for meditation.
  • To begin, set a simple intention to focus on eliminating negative energy from your environment and mind.
  • Once you've decided what you want to achieve, ignite the Sage or Palo Santo and hold it at a 45-degree angle with the tip pointing down towards the flame. Allow 30 seconds for it to burn before blowing it out.
  • Place it on any heat-resistant burning surface, such as an abalone shell, an Indigenous American vessel that signifies the element of water.
  • If the stick is left to rest for 5 minutes, it will smolder and emit smoke. If you're using it for smudging, fan the smoke over the area, space, object, or person while focusing on purifying and eliminating negative energy.
  • To preserve balance, after you've finished smudging and removed the bad energy, you'll need to push positive energy into the space. Declare your intention aloud or silently in your brain to accomplish this.

How is sage cleansing?

“Sage, simply put, kills microorganisms in the air.” Sage smoke has a high rate of delivery to the brain and a high rate of absorption in the body. Sage can kill up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria and purify the air, according to scientists. When sage is burned, negative ions are released, which have been associated to improving people's moods. The term heal is derived from the Latin word salvia, which means sage. When sage is burned, it is said to provide wisdom, clarity, and an increase in spiritual awareness.”

How do I cleanse the energy in my room?

Cleaning is all the rage when it comes to our homes. But what exactly is “cleansing”? Cleaning a space (not to be confused with good, old-fashioned cleaning) is an excellent method to start a new home, apartment, office, or office with new energy, or to improve the general atmosphere in a space—for those who value such things. Having stagnant energy in a location, on the other hand, might make you feel anxious, weary, and angry.

You might consider purifying a room while trying to overcome a harmful habit, after a rough recovery, or after a break-up, not only for that new property you bought for an oddly below-market price.

It's also vital to consider what you want to bring into a room rather than what you want to remove. Knowing what kind of energy you want to create in your area (protection, stress alleviation, grounding, etc.) will aid you in selecting the correct tools—or “ingredients”—for your practice. For all of your space-cleaning needs, check out the list below for techniques and inspiration.

To be clear, many components of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Native American culture have been incorporated into new age activities. We recommend reading Occult America if you want to learn more about how these rituals inspired modern mysticism. If you want to go deeper into any of these rituals, we recommend doing so with the permission and guidance of someone who is knowledgeable about the culture's history and customs.

Incense and herbs

Smudging, or the ritual of burning herbs or incense, has roots in some of the world's oldest societies and spiritual rituals.

Although sage bundles are the most common smudging item (with these practices dating back to some indigenous civilizations in the United States), any herb with medicinal characteristics, such as bay leaf, lavender, or lemongrass, would suffice. Most smudging practitioners begin by meditating; the idea is to be calm and present in your surroundings. Light your smudging instrument of choice when you're ready, bearing in mind that it should be lightly smoldering rather than totally consumed in flames.

Walk around each room that needs to be cleansed as your stick or bundle burns. With the smoke, trace entrances, dark nooks, and window frames. Use this time to mentally imbue the room with your good intentions and positive thoughts. Due to concerns about overharvesting of white sage, we recommend dried cedar or lavender, incense, resin, or palo santo as replacements.

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In terms of sustainability, Wintner believes that we are all personally responsible for what we consume. “The greatest approach to monitor consumption is to be a responsible consumer,” she says, “so do your research before buying anything, just like you should with anything else.” If you don't have access to a stick or bundle, you can smudge by burning herbs in a flame-resistant dish or shell.


Different therapeutic powers are connected with different crystals. Amethyst, for example, is supposed to offer calming and protecting powers and to absorb bad energy like a sponge. Amethyst crystals can be placed on a mantel or in a central location in a home to purify as much of the space as possible.

Selenite is commonly placed on window sills to bring extra light into the home and is claimed to circulate positive vibrations and a sense of tranquility. When in doubt, chuck a black or dark-hued stone into the room that needs a good energy cleansing. Believers revere black tourmaline, onyx, hematite, and smokey quartz for their abilities to protect, ground, and cleanse.

Crystals need to be cleansed every now and then since they tend to cling on to the energy they absorb. You can clean your stones in a variety of methods, including soaking them in salt water (more on salt later), bathing them in moonlight, or smudging them (see above). Or, if you're like me, a few weeks of Swiffer action will suffice. “Home blessings, travel protection, and keeping energy balanced and aligned in a room,” Bakara says about amethyst.

Essential oils

If lighting a bundle of dry herbs on fire isn't your thing, make an essential oil blend instead. Room sprays, reed diffusers, and aromatherapy humidifiers are all fantastic options (we see you Muji).

When it comes to oils, there are limitless options—and even more combinations—as there are with the herbs used in smudging. Lavender essential oil is widely available and well-known for its calming and de-stressing properties. Lemon, peppermint, and rosemary essential oils are also purifying and energizing.

To produce a room spray, fill a spritz container halfway with water and add a few drops of an essential oil blend. If you want to go all out, add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt to the mix, which is also recognized for its energy-cleansing effects. The same room- and aura-cleansing advantages can be obtained by burning candles prepared with essential oils. To determine what works best for you and your environment, experiment with different combinations of oils, herbs, and procedures. Wintner's favorite scents are “earthy and grounding,” and she recommends diffusing “frankincense, ylang ylang, vetiver, and cedarwood.”

*Before using essential oils into your home or self-care routine, please check your doctor. Some oils are potentially dangerous to pregnant women and can irritate certain medical problems.

High-frequency sounds

Sound waves can also help to detoxify an environment. The appropriate music can dust away the proverbial cobwebs, just like your favorite song may quickly put you in a good mood.

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Sound cleansing techniques range from as basic as ringing a bell or using tuning forks to contemplative singing bowl practices. If you're not ready to buy an instrument yet, YouTube has a lot of possibilities; try searching for nature sounds, Gregorian or Buddhist chants, solfeggio tones, or Tibetan singing bowls.

Regardless of which technique you pick, the goal is to have the sound's vibrations and resonance force out any bad juju. These high-frequency noises are said to have chakra-cleansing characteristics in addition to being healthy for your space. Sound baths are becoming increasingly popular, so this could be a good duel-cleansing approach to explore.

Wintner claims that she uses sound to cleanse herself in her own rituals “Heal” her vitality. “I occasionally use a singing bowl, but sound healing is also music. Healing is always available through all five senses. So, if you chose to listen to Ariana Grande while cleaning your house ritualistically, that's what your brain will heal to—and more power to you.”


Another burgeoning wellness fad is salt treatment, or the application of salt to the skin “The practice of meditating in a room filled with Himalayan sea salt is known as halotherapy. This technique is associated with a number of health benefits, but it is most known for its ability to reduce inflammation, enhance respiratory function, relieve stress, and promote tranquility.

Before you turn your spare closet into a salt chamber, there are a few simple methods to reap the advantages of this ancient technique in your own house. Himalayan salt lamps are a popular and easy-to-find home addition that have the same cleansing properties as Himalayan salt lamps but on a smaller scale.

These lamps have three functions: they filter negative energy, electromagnetic radiation (the energy emitted by modern technology), and air toxins. Sprinkle or set bowls of salt in the corners of rooms that need energy cleansing if you want to get a bit witchy with your salt. The salt will absorb any bad energy or poisons, and you can vacuum it up or chuck it out after a few hours. Houseplants can also be used as a natural cleaning, but please don't discard them after only one use.

With a grain of (pink Himalayan) salt, these strategies should bring you and your place joy. Smudging, sound, and crystals can all be beneficial, but you will have the most impact on the energy of your place.

Although it may feel like magic, Wintner understands that your positive attitude, headspace, and wellbeing are far more powerful than any of these cleansing rituals. “Rest. Embarrassing television. Food. Comfort. Friendship. Laughter. Work that you are passionate about and believe is meaningful. The difficult part is magic. “What fills us up is life.”

What does bathing with salt do?

Muscle pain is relieved, and circulation is improved. Another advantage of taking a sea salt bath is that it stimulates circulation. Muscle cramps are relieved. assisting in the relief of joint stiffness

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How do I cleanse my soul?

There are several advantages to doing a digital detox, but even a little break from your electronic devices might be beneficial. Start simple by leaving your gadget at home while you go for a walk or by turning off all of your electronic devices for the day.

  • Take a stroll through the park. Try meditation techniques with step-by-step instructions in a quiet environment.
  • Make today a low-tech affair. Turn off the television, computer, mobile, and any electronics.
  • Soak in the tub. Leave your phone in another room and concentrate on enjoying your time in the warm water.