How To Start A Spiritual Conversation

It's not about indoctrinating your partner to believe what you believe or enjoy what you like when it comes to spirituality. It's also not about making the other person more “spiritual” to form a spiritual relationship. Both of these methods are immature and detrimental to your relationship.

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Rather, expanding the Soul contact between the two of you is the goal of developing a spiritual connection. Vulnerability, engagement, attentiveness, openness, and receptivity to the other person are all aspects of spiritual connection.

Give more eye contact

Couples who no longer make eye contact with each other are one of the saddest things I observe. These couples communicate with each other by having long discussions without even looking at each other.

Eye contact is a very personal experience. When you make eye contact with your partner, you're basically expressing your interest in and commitment to what they're saying. Eye contact is not only a sign of respect, but it is also the most effective approach to connect with the Soul of another person. Have you heard of the term “soul gazing”? Soul gazing is based on the idea that gazing into another person's eyes allows you to bathe in the waters of their Soul.

Set aside “us time” each day

Sometimes life is simply too hectic to devote the time and effort necessary to maintain a relationship. Setting out time each day from your busy schedule to sit with your partner solely is one of the simplest things you can do. Even watching a movie on the couch in each other's arms is a terrific approach to start building your spiritual connection.

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Explore what spiritual lessons your partner is teaching you

Your partner's actions, words, and ideas can teach you a lot, even if it isn't done knowingly. Learning how to spiritually grow spiritually in your relationship is the key to having a spiritual connection. What are you learning from your partner? Remember that our partners are often aware of our “blind spots” and can thus disclose a lot about us, even if unintentionally.

Touch more

The importance of physical touch in establishing a spiritual connection cannot be overstated. The delicate energy communicated through touch is extremely binding, since it aids in the development of a stronger bond with your partner. Physical touch is relaxing and pleasant, and it can frequently convey a lot more than words can.

Have meaningful conversations

What's on your mind? What is something that means a lot to you and that you'd like to share with someone? What kind of revelations have you had? Begin a conversation with your partner. During our morning walks, I prefer to have meaningful chats with Luna. Share whatever is on your mind and make it a habit to do so at a regular time and place.

Find ways to laugh together

Laughter instantly expands the heart and strengthens your spiritual connection. Learn to laugh lightheartedly at yourself, your partner, and together with each other. Even just watching humorous movies together can strengthen your relationship.

Openly communicate your feelings

The majority of estranged relationships are characterised by a lack of open communication. The capacity to share your opinions and feelings honestly while respecting the other person is known as open communication. Marshall Rosenberg, a psychologist, refers to this as “nonviolent communication” (I recommend that you read his book for more guidance). Express your feelings to them when you are wounded, angry, lonely, or any other emotion. Make no assumptions about your partner's ability to read your thinking. An honest relationship built on mutual caring, respect, and love requires open communication about how you feel.

What is a spiritual conversation?

A spiritual dialogue is an open conversation between equals in which participants meet to acknowledge and examine the forces that speak into their life as they attempt to answer the question, “Who am I?” There is a depth of personhood beyond many of our talks that we rarely delve into.

What are some questions to ask a spiritual person?

I rapidly understood that this mindset was a rabbit hole, and I started to pursue other ideas about the meaning of existence.

Looking back now, 8 years later, I understand that documenting my perspective at the time would have been intriguing. I would have been able to analyze where I came from and better comprehend my personal progress if I had kept a spiritual diary.

I recently came across a set of 20 questions that eloquently accomplish this goal. These questions were presented to major spiritual leaders of today, including Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, and the Dalai Lama, and were featured in the 2005 documentary film One.

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As much as a yoga session or profound meditation, I recognized that answering these questions myself would provide a snapshot of my current ideas. And who knows what insight these polaroids will bring if I repeat the exercise in 5 years, 10 years, or 25 years?


In a blank document or blog post, copy and paste the questions below. Answer each question as completely as possible, then post your responses on your personal blog.

1. What causes the world's poverty and suffering?

2. How do science and religion relate to each other?

3. What is causing so many individuals to be depressed?

4. What is it that we are all so terrified of?

5. When is it acceptable to go to war?

6. What would God want us to do if we were confronted with hostility or terrorism?

7. What is the best way to achieve true peace?

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8. What does it mean to be present in the moment?

9. What is our most significant source of distraction?

10. Is today's religion fulfilling its mission?

11. What happens once you pass away?

12. Explain how to get to paradise and how to get there.

What is the purpose of life?

14. Write a description of God.

15. What is the most important attribute that people have?

16. What holds people back from reaching their full potential?

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17. Act out what you perceive is the current state of the world nonverbally, using just motion or gestures.

18. What is one wish you have for the world?

19. What does knowledge entail, and how do we acquire it?

20. Are we all the same person?

How do I connect with spirituality?

Seven Ways to Boost Your Spiritual Well-Being

  • Examine your spiritual foundation. You are merely asking yourself questions about who you are and what you mean when you explore your spiritual essence.

How do you talk to your soul?

There's a distinction to be made between your ego and your soul. Your ego is your social mask and picture of yourself, whereas your soul is who you truly are beneath all the labels and titles. It is eternal, heavenly, and intrinsically valuable.

Life seems to flow more effortlessly and taking action is less of a challenge when you learn to align more with your spirit each day.

You feel more liberated, joyful, satisfied, empowered, and at peace with yourself. Even when things don't go as planned, you sincerely love and accept yourself.

Unfortunately, we're not taught how to align with our soul, and it can take a little patience to find our way to this area of safety and strength within us after years of being governed by our ego's fears, worries, and incessant chatter.

Here are ten ways to reconnect with your spirit. Making time for one or two of these once or twice a week can make a huge difference in your happiness, well-being, and life.

Spend time in nature.

Nature has a calming impact on us and encourages us to slow down, take deep breaths, and enjoy the moment. Go for a walk in the woods, a run on the beach, a picnic in the park, or some stretches by the water.

Write a soul journal.

It's similar to keeping a standard diary, however you'll delve deeper. You ask your soul questions such as: “How can I get out of this?” in addition “What's holding me back from reaching my goals?” Then, without any self-censoring, you write down your immediate thoughts and feelings to observe what inner wisdom emerges.

Schedule solo dates.

We might become so preoccupied with checking off items on our to-do lists and keeping up with others that we forget to check in with ourselves. So organize a weekly solo adventure to learn more about yourself. Take a coffee break, go to a gallery show, read a book, enroll in a creative class, or explore a new neighborhood.

Take yoga classes.

Yoga is a wonderful method to bring your mind and body together. You get an opportunity to calm your mind and build a lasting sense of inner serenity as you focus your attention on your breathing and positioning for the remainder of the day.


Your inner guide has a moment to talk to you when you tune out from the cacophony of the world and your own internal worries and circling thoughts. Try meditating for five minutes with a soul-calming mantra like “I have nowhere to go, nothing to do.” “There's nowhere to go and nothing to do.”


It could be as basic as changing your commute or as grand as planning a vacation around the world. In either case, breaking up your routine and seeing new places forces you to break out from your comfort zone and old patterns. This allows you to rely more on your instincts and inner guiding.

Offer to help others.

You temporarily forget all of your ego-based cares and troubles when you give your time, energy, and love to others, and align with your true spirit, which is kind and open-hearted.

Make time to just be.

For a few moments, just sit and do nothing. Listen to the sounds around you, scan your body for feelings, and take a few deep diaphragmatic breaths. “One conscious breath in and out is a meditation,” Eckhart Tolle says.

Lose yourself in something you love.

It might be anything from dancing to cooking to writing to running to painting. When you're immersed in something you truly enjoy, your mind quiets and your soul takes over. It's a lovely, liberating sensation that we should all try to have more often.

p.s. Do you have trouble with self-doubt or confidence? Have you lost sight of yourself and your radiance? Do you want to be a magnetic queen and own your worth? I have a gift for you. My Self Love online course is a step-by-step journey to self-worthiness and wild self-love. You may read about it here.

What spirituality means?

Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature. True spirituality necessitates the opening of one's heart.

What to talk about with a spiritual mentor?

The term “spiritual disciplines” may sound scary, but it simply refers to the spiritual habits we develop in order to connect with God. Prayer, reading the Bible, fasting, and giving money are all spiritual disciplines through which God meets each person individually. Inquiring into your mentor's unique ways of encountering God on a daily basis can provide you with encouragement as well as a larger understanding of how God operates in the world.

How do I ask about spirituality?

  • What do you imagine occurs after we've lived here for a while? What do you believe it takes to get into heaven?
  • What are your thoughts on the Bible? Have you ever taken the time to read it for yourself? What were your thoughts on what you read?