How To Walk In The Spiritual Realm

A person who has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit is no longer bound by sin. The flesh's pull can be resisted by the Spirit. “Putting to death the actions of the body” is essentially the same as “saying no to sin,” but unlike the anti-drug effort of many years ago, simply saying no will never work. You will never be able to continuously overcome sin by simply saying no. So, what are your options? By the Spirit, you must say no.

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What does it mean to walk in step with the Spirit?

I'm sure you've heard of the concept of walking and living by the Spirit. But what exactly does it imply? Why should Christians care about walking in the Spirit in the first place? How do we live and act in accordance with the Spirit in our daily lives? What happens when we walk in the Spirit's footsteps? I'll give you a hint: it's one of our Christianity's most significant elements. Our Christian journey will be far more difficult than it needs to be if we don't live and move by the Spirit.

Who is the Holy Spirit? Why do we need him in our lives?

I want to remind you of the importance of the Holy Spirit in our world and in our lives before I get into what it means to live and walk by the Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, we know that the Holy Spirit was poured forth on believers. Observers nearby heard the early believers speaking in different tongues, praising God and declaring the gospel in their own languages. But how did we come to Pentecost in the first place? Before that, what happened?

Through Moses, God gave the law to his people. The law was intended to instruct and teach them about God's character. Their emotions, on the other hand, were not in the right place to follow the rules, and they continually failed. However, trusting and obeying God is an important component of one's relationship with Him. We can be sure that we know the Lord if we fulfill his commands, according to 1 John 2:3. So, how can people who do not love and obey the Lord transform their hearts? Through the Holy Spirit's indwelling.

A New Heart and New Spirit

I'll give you a new heart, and I'll instill a new spirit in you. And I'll take out your stone heart and replace it with a fleshly heart. And I will place my Spirit within you, causing you to walk in my statutes and obey my regulations. 36:26-27 ESV Ezekiel 36:26-27 ESV Ezekiel 36:26-27 ESV

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God promised to give his people a new heart and spirit, as well as the Holy Spirit. They would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to obey the Lord. They would no longer battle to uphold the law and constantly fail miserably. Instead, the Spirit would guide their lives and choices, equipping them to obey God as He should be.

The Pentecost event was the fulfillment of this prophesy, as well as many others, prophesied by Ezekiel and others. God's Spirit descended upon his people and began to dwell inside them.

The Situation of Galatians

Paul was inspired to write about remaining in step with the Spirit because of a specific difficulty in the Roman province of Galatia. Certain people from Jerusalem came to Galatia and told the Gentile Christians that they needed to be circumcised according to Jewish law in order to be right with God. This was diametrically opposed to the gospel. Through Christ, we are brought into right standing with God, and the Spirit then empowers us to live righteously.

Perhaps this is why, in Galatians 5, Paul emphasizes freedom. The law's curse was lifted from Christ's people. Only Jesus provides justification, not the law. “How do we make sure we're living righteously?” must be a query that has arisen in their minds. Paul's response is straightforward: “By the Spirit.”

But, I say, walk in the Spirit and you will not satisfy your fleshly needs. For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the desires of the Spirit, and the wants of the Spirit are opposed to the desires of the flesh, in order to keep you from doing what you want to do. ESV Galatians 5:16-17

Why do we assume we can obey God without the Spirit if the Israelites couldn't? The Spirit should guide and direct every element of our lives. I know it's not easy, but there is no other way to live. If we try to live without the Holy Spirit, everything may appear to be going well at first, but our efforts will inevitably fail.

What does it even mean to walk by the Spirit?

Following the Spirit's lead is what it means to walk by the Spirit. Stoichmen is a Greek word that means “Let us stroll together.” It alludes to marching in formation or adhering to piety and virtue. The term has its origins in ancient Judaism “The term “walk” referred to a person's way of life. Walking was frequently connected with breaking the law. So, rather than calling believers to live according to the law, Paul instructs them to live according to the Spirit.

Consider being on a tour or marching in a line with others. When you're on a tour, you follow the tour guide exactly. They have prior experience in the field in which they are guiding you, whereas you do not. Following them closely is the easiest way to avoid getting lost.

Similarly, because the Holy Spirit is God, he is well-versed in God's ways. You could try to navigate your relationship with God without the Spirit, but you'd end up getting lost. Instead, if you pay attentive attention to the Spirit, you'll stay on the right route.

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The works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit

Paul goes on to discuss the fruit of the Spirit and the works of the flesh. Sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, rivalry, jealousy, fits of wrath, rivalries, dissensions, division, envy, drunkenness, and orgies are examples of deeds of the flesh. (Galatians 5:19-21, NASB) Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, on the other hand, are the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23; Galatians 5:22-23; Galatians 5:22-

We do not live out the works of the flesh when we walk by the Spirit. Instead, we see the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Looking on Jesus for guidance is what it means to walk by the Spirit. “What does the Lord want me to do today?” we question ourselves on a daily basis. What will pleasure and honor him?” It entails reviewing our lives and, if we recognize the deeds of the flesh within us, repenting and seeking the help of the Holy Spirit.

Without the Holy Spirit, fighting sin and temptation is fruitless. Legalism is attempting to live a godly life without God. The Mosaic rule was good, but it wasn't enough to keep people from falling prey to the flesh's actions. Similarly, you may employ a variety of strategies to assist you in living a godly life. Some of those techniques may be beneficial. They are, however, worthless without the Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can guide us to godliness.

Living Lives Controlled by the Holy Spirit

I'd want to conclude by saying that the Holy Spirit should direct and control our life. He should have complete control over us. The Spirit should guide all of our judgments and choices. The Lord's Spirit resides within you. He instructs you on how to live. However, it is critical to take the time to listen. Spend time in prayer and reading the Bible. Keep an ear out for his quiet, little voice.

We become more like Christ when we walk in the Spirit. Isn't that what we're aiming for? We aspire to be like the One we see. We cannot become more like Christ by following the law, our own morals, or our own norms. It must always be by the Holy Spirit.

How can I see my spiritual eyes?

  • Pray with your eyes closed. You don't have to close your eyes, but there's something about tuning into God's realm and shutting out the earthly sphere that allows us to see what He sees.

How do you let the Holy Spirit lead you?

It's critical to know how to allow the Holy Spirit lead your life if you're a Christian.

If you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, incredible things occurred at the time of your conversion:

  • You were justified – made right with Him – and He is constantly sanctifying you – refining you to become more like Him.

You've also been sealed as a deposit by the Holy Spirit, who stands by you and your salvation. (See Ephesians 1:13 and 2 Corinthians 1:22 for further information.) You've been filled with the Holy Spirit.

However, just because you're filled with the Holy Spirit doesn't imply you'll live as if you are.

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Letting the Holy Spirit Lead

It's a conscious choice you must make each and every day if you want to let the Holy Spirit direct your life and walk by the Spirit. Pray that the Lord will pour out His Spirit on you. Pray that you will follow the Spirit's lead.

Watch and listen for opportunities to obey the Spirit's promptings throughout the day. Do it when you know in your spirit what you need to do (and it's in keeping with Scripture). Obeying is crucial, even if it isn't always pleasant or simple.

What does it mean to keep in step with the Spirit?

Let us keep in sync with the Spirit if we live by the Spirit. ESV Galatians 5:25

Wow! What a wonderful verse! As I was reading today, this jumped off the page at me. I've been contemplating on this topic for a while now, and this passage really perfectly summarized what has been on my mind all week. (Imagine that…the Word putting things into perspective:)

What does the Holy Spirit do within us?

As our relationship with the Holy Spirit deepens, He will move us away from the things in our lives that don't suit Him. The idea is that when He is working in your life, you can see it all around you.

1. The Holy Spirit helps us to become more like Jesus.

We already know that the Holy Spirit's mission is to transform us into more like Jesus, but how does he accomplish this? Sanctification is the term for this process. No, it isn't as difficult as it appears!

Sanctification is the process through which the Holy Spirit cleanses us of our sinful habits and purifies us. Consider it as if you were peeling an onion. There are several layers. The Holy Spirit transforms us by removing our sinful features and replacing them with godly ones. His activity in us causes us to become increasingly like Jesus.

2. The Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses.

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The Holy Spirit empowers Christians to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ, just as it says in Acts 1:8. He gives us the courage to testify about the Lord Jesus Christ in situations where we might otherwise be afraid or timid. We are encouraged by 2 Timothy 1:7:

How do you know if you have the Spirit of God?

A person who will talk about how God is speaking to them and providing them direction or instructions for every move they take is displaying signs of the holy spirit's presence. God desires for us to listen to the voice of His Spirit. “These are sons of God to the extent that they are directed by the Spirit of God.”