What Does Number 6 Mean In Chinese Numerology

In Mandarin, the number 6 (, pinyin: liù) sounds like “slick” or “smooth” (, pinyin: li). 6 (Cantonese Yale: lok6) means “good fortune” or “happiness” in Cantonese (, Cantonese Yale: lok6). As a result, 6 is said to be an excellent business number.

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What does the number 6 represent in China?

There are many phrases or expressions associated with the number eight, such as “Bamian laicai” («éè2 â ‘8 sides coming wealth'), which means âwealth coming in from all corners of the worldâ and “Bamian chunfeng” («éé£ â ‘8 sides spring wind'), which means âspring wind from eight directionsâ and expresses the wish for someone to have luck wherever they go or whatever they are working on.

People in China prefer to use the number 8 as the time and/or date of noteworthy events. For example, on August 8, 2008, the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games began at exactly 8 minutes and 8 seconds past 8 p.m.

The Chinese love for the number 8 may be found in a variety of places, including house numbers, phone numbers, number plates, wedding dates, business opening dates, and so on. Because it has importance in both ancient and modern cultures, the number 8 is regarded lucky and favored by the Chinese.

The Number 6

6 (­), pronounced liu, is a lucky number because it sounds like the term ‘to flow,' and it can imply easy life advancement. It can also refer to someone who is wealthy. In the same way that 8 is preferred in number plates and phone numbers, 6 is preferred in number plates and phone numbers. When a couple becomes engaged, the guy gives the girl's family a gift, which is usually money (RMB 6,666 or something similar), and this gift symbolizes the pair's future happiness.

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It is a special event to commemorate a person's 66th birthday. The number six is considered lucky in the business world. On dates with the number 6 in them, new initiatives or contracts are signed.

The Number 9

The number 9 (ä1), pronounced jiu, is a popular one, just like the numbers 6 and 8. It sounds similar to the term “everlasting.” On Valentine's Day in China, it is customary to give your loved one 99 roses. The number 9 is the greatest single digit number, and it denotes completeness.

This made it immensely popular among Emperors, who employed it in many facets of their administration, including splitting the empire into nine continents, donning nine-dragon imperial robes, and establishing a nine-rank system for officials, among other things. The Dragon is reported to have nine children in Chinese mythology.

Is 6 a good feng shui number?

In Feng Shui, the number 6 is considered lucky because it represents ‘flow' in Chinese. The number 6 is often associated with joy and blessings. The number 6 is displayed in a lot of businesses to attract good luck and wealth. The number 6 is associated with domestic pleasure, harmony, and stability, according to numerology.

What number is bad luck in China?

However, because the number four sounds a lot like the word “death,” it is considered unlucky in China, and as a result, Chinese structures rarely have a fourth level (much as American buildings occasionally skip the 13th), and Chinese vehicles avoid license plates that end in four.

Is number 6 lucky in Chinese?

In Mandarin, the number six (, pinyin: liù) sounds like “slick” or “smooth” (, pinyin: li). 6 (Cantonese Yale: lok6) means “good fortune” or “happiness” in Cantonese (, Cantonese Yale: lok6). As a result, 6 is said to be an excellent business number.

What is Chinese numerology?

Other civilizations share the Chinese notion of numerology, which is founded on mystical and I-Ching traditions. The general assumption is that particular numbers are linked to good or evil.

The punning and word play possible in a many-tone language is what makes numbers good or awful in Cantonese. The number two, for example, is fortunate since it is akin to “It's simple.” The number three is associated with life or giving birth, the number eight with wealth, and the number nine with eternity or power. Number combinations are particularly treasured for their clever connections to good luck and prosperity, which are two of the most important concerns for many Cantonese. When naming businesses and clubs in the hopes of attracting consumers, this concept that particular numbers bring good luck is commonly put into effect.

People take what the numbers say very seriously, and they will sometimes spend a lot of money to make sure the figures are in their favor. Because the words six and longevity are tone variations of the same core word, a Hong Kong businessman spent more than $60,000 for an automobile license plate with the number six in 1970.

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The government of Hong Kong recognizes the importance of numbers in the lives of its residents, thus it sells off lucky car license numbers. These auctions raised more than $3 million between 1973 and 1980. This phenomenon has now spread to the United States. Count the number of personalized car license plates ordered by Chinese with the numerals eight or nine, which, of course, represent the owners' treasured emblems of longevity and success.

The Year of the Dragon, 1988, was marked by a surge in interest in numerology. On the latter days of that year, throngs of Chinese ladies raced to the hospital, requesting Caesarean births so that their child would be born a Dragon child with double prosperity blessing. (It's also a Year of the Dragon on the Western calendar!)

You should also avoid certain numbers. Unlucky numbers include one (the lonely number), four, and seven, which symbolise death. When certain numbers are mixed with others, they can bring ill luck. Chin and Ng, for example, are both prevalent Chinese surnames. Chin can be translated as “money,” whereas Ng can be translated as “no” or “zero.” As a result, a man named Chin should avoid marrying a lady named Ng, because they will become Chin-Ng, or No-Money.

The Chinese, particularly the Cantonese, have an endless supply of probable omens related with numbers and sounds of numbers. As a result, let us all rejoice that the Chinese Summer Festival falls in 1998, a year associated with longevity and wealth. May it bring us all both!

The quantity “In Chinese culture, the number 3 is frequently employed. I can only think of one reason for this: it's listed in the I Ching (pronounced E Ching). Heaven, Earth, and Man are represented by this symbol. It is customary for us to bow three times when offering incense. The designs in bonsai and ikebana follow an uneven triangle to symbolize the trinity of heaven, earth, and man.

What is a 6 house in numerology?

Love, service, compassion, creativity, and artistry are all vibrations associated with the number six. A 6-House is truly a heartfelt home. Everything its residents undertake, from the arts to social duty, will reflect this enthusiasm.

What does the number 6 mean spiritually?

The number six is cited in the Bible for a variety of reasons, but it is first mentioned in Genesis 1:31, when God created man on the sixth day.

According to Bible scholars, much as the number 7 usually denotes wholeness or perfection, especially in the case of God, the number 6 is one short of that, implying imperfection. It primarily alludes to man's imperfection, as well as his sin and frailty.

As we all know, after eating the forbidden fruit in the garden, Adam severed the link between heaven and man, allowing sin to enter the world. The number 6 is known as the “number of man” because of man's flaws.

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