- Over the last 30 years, psychological study on a number of spiritual issues has been done. Spiritual problems are one spiritual issue that has garnered a lot of attention.
- People are affected not only psychologically, socially, and physically by major life challenges, but also spiritually.
- Natural disasters, accidents, sicknesses, and other stressful circumstances can put people's spiritual lives in jeopardy or cause them to struggle spiritually.
- Spiritual coping problems are attempts to protect or transform people's relationships with whatever they consider precious, such as their connection to God/Higher Power, spiritual identity, and religious community connections.
- Terminology. Many studies on spiritual difficulty use the phrase “negative religious coping,” but we and other researchers have started to use the term “spiritual/religious problems.” Why?
- Spiritual conflicts can be watershed moments in human development or “forks in the path.”
- According to several research, persons who are able to resolve spiritual conflicts over time gain and grow from them.
- Others may choose to temporarily or permanently withdraw from spiritual challenges.
- Others who are stuck in their troubles emotionally and physically deteriorate.
- Even atheists and non-religious people may deal with spiritual issues such as feeling distanced from, unhappy with, angry with, or abandoned by God.
- See Constructs/Our Measures for more broad background information on spiritual problems.
- Spiritual conflicts refer to disagreements with God/Higher Power, oneself, and others over spiritual topics. Distressing feelings and doubts about one's spiritual journey in life arise as a result of these tensions.
- Internal/intrapsychic spiritual conflictsinner conflict about spirituality or religion
- Spiritual conflicts with other family members, friends, clergy, community members, or the greater culture concerning spirituality or religion are interpersonal/communal spiritual challenges.
- The 7-item Negative Religious Coping subscale from the Brief RCOPE is most typically used to assess spiritual problems (Pargament, Feuille, & Burdzy, 2011). For the entire Brief RCOPE and lengthier scales to more fully examine spiritual problems, go to Constructs/Our Measures.
- For additional information on how we define these two overlapping concepts, see Defining Religion & Spirituality.
What comprehensive empirical research on Spiritual Struggles in Coping with Marital Problems has been conducted?
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- Despite substantial research on spiritual issues in other areas, there has been essentially no systematic research on spiritual struggles in marriage. Nonetheless, the Relational Spirituality Framework emphasizes that serious or persistent marital issues, such as infidelity, can lead to private or communal spiritual challenges with God.
- Prior research on spirituality and marital problems has relied on indirect indicators to determine if people feel spiritual struggles as a result of marital problems, such as frequency of religious attendance or overall value of religion in everyday life. We employ definitions and measurements of spiritual challenges established in past research on non-marital stressors to stimulate more in-depth study on spiritual struggles with marital problems (e.g., natural diasters, health problems).
- In practice, we have concentrated our research on Divine Spiritual Struggles rather than Internal or Interpersonal Spiritual Struggles in relation to marital issues.
- When it comes to interpreting and reacting to marital problems, we characterize Divine Spiritual Struggles with Marital Problems as having a confrontation with God. It's helpful to define conflict before delving into this definition. We define conflict as an individual's internal or external conflicts over his or her life goals and/or paths to achieving those goals. When troubles emerge, humans can be in conflict with God, just as they might have internal or interpersonal conflict. Problems in marriage can jeopardize life ambitions. An individual may have a disagreement with God about why marital difficulties have arisen and what should be done to resolve them. These conflicts with God might lead to negative feelings and thoughts regarding one's relationship with God.
For psychological research, how do we measure Divine Struggles in Coping with Marital Problems?
- We used the following three sub-scales (three items each) from Pargament's R-COPE to assess divine spiritual struggles with marital troubles in our transition to parenting study. These nine items were mixed in with R-COPE sub-scale items from other sub-scales. For additional information on the history and development of the R-COPE and Spiritual Struggles Sub-scales, see Constructs/Our Measures.
- Instructions for dealing with marital troubles include the following: The sentences that follow outline particular ways that people might manage with the inevitable marital problems that arise from time to time. When you think about the challenges you've had in your marriage, how much do you use each of the following to deal with them? When I'm having marital issues, I…
How might Divine Spiritual Struggles in Coping with Marital Problems benefit or hinder a marriage or couple relationship?
- To the best of our knowledge, our study on the transition to parenthood is the first attempt to investigate how much married couples experience spiritual struggles as a result of marital difficulties, and what impact these divine spiritual struggles have on the marriage and each spouse's psychological or spiritual well-being. We are presently doing analyses and will report back when we have more information.
What is spiritual conflict in literature?
A spiritual conflict is another sort of character conflict. This form of conflict does not mesh with the character vs. ego conflict because spiritual conflict assumes a higher being. If the character believes that his family or church believes he should be a missionary, but he has a passion for acting and singing, he will be in conflict.
It's possible that the conflict stems from his desire to distance himself from his roots. It's possible that he'll go against his family and church while maintaining his beliefs. It could be a matter of figuring out how to combine the two. It could mean following his family's or church's wishes, but
As a result, animosity develops. Finally, these are conflicts and struggles between the character and the role faith plays in his or her life. A spiritual character conflict is depicted in “Chariots of Fire.”
How do you deal with spiritual conflict?
It's heartbreaking to see a relationship fall apart, especially one between a husband and wife, mother and daughter, or father and son. A happy family relationship goes a long way toward making our lives happier, and a broken family relationship is exceptionally traumatic and has long-term consequences.
Here's some advise on how to deal with relationship disputes whenever they arise.
1. Stay away from confrontational postures.
We must approach every conflict resolution from a perspective of wanting reconciliation rather than hostility. If we start with a confrontational strategy, we'll almost certainly fail to resolve the problem.
Many individuals really want to resolve their issues with their loved ones, but they are unable to do so because they are ignorant that every time they try to talk things out, they are pitted against each other as if they were in a battle. They armed themselves involuntarily with a brick wall, folded arms, and a threatening posture.
2. Take the ego out of the picture.
The ego was implicated in every quarrel that arose. Our ego has a mental tendency of wanting to win, be right, point fingers, and pass judgment on others. The ego refuses to understand that continuing to practice this habit is harmful to not only this relationship, but all relationships. That is why, despite changing partners, friends, professions, and homes, we continue to end up in conflict situations. Conflicts are caused by internal factors rather than external events, circumstances, or individuals. The true culprit is our own mental perceptions.
To resolve any disagreement, we must be consciously aware of this and, as a result, remove our ego from the equation.
3. Be wary of the mental habit of blaming or judging others.
Nobody enjoys being blamed or condemned, not you nor the person with whom you are having a disagreement. When settling a problem in a relationship, we must be careful not to go back into our old mental habits of blaming or condemning. Blaming and judging the ego naturally activates the ego's defense mechanism. Unconsciously, many people's best defense is an offense. As a result, they launched an attack without realizing it, escalating the conflict rather than healing the wounds.
4. Concentrate on the solution rather than on the desire to be correct.
We stopped desiring to be right, blame, or judge when we removed the ego from the problem. Rather, we concentrate on finding a solution that is acceptable to both parties. In most circumstances, if the ego is willing to give way to a rational approach, a solution may be found for each problem.
Our pride frequently prevents us from achieving a beautiful and loving relationship. We want things our way and would rather ruin the connection, although subconsciously, than not get what we want.
Many relationships have been irreparably damaged throughout history due to pride. Would you rather have your relationship saved or have it included to the statistics? Doesn't it actually depend on what you value most in your life?
5. Be willing to forgive and let go.
The willingness to forgive is probably the most significant aspect in settling any problem. To forgive is exactly the same as letting go. What do we give up? We let go of our propensity of holding on to resentments, aches, and hurts in our minds. We let go of our tendency to blame, judge, and carry grudges. We let go of our need to be right or have our way in life. We simply let all of them go.
The ability to let go of our mental habit of holding to our resentments, aches, and hurts is not only beneficial for resolution, but also necessary for our own mental, emotional, and physical health. The instant we forgive and let go, we begin to heal.
Finally, it's crucial to understand that not all relationships should be retained in their current state. It may be preferable to end the connection or turn it into something else at times. Even when it is in both of our best interests to end a relationship, we can choose to do it amicably and remain friends rather than rivals.
What spirituality means?
Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature. True spirituality necessitates the opening of one's heart.
What does spiritual resilience mean?
- The ability to retain a positive attitude in the face of hardship is referred to as spiritual resilience. In order to get through challenging conditions, you can seek support from a “higher” power (independent of your religious membership).
What is supernatural person conflict?
A character vs. supernatural conflict arises when a supernatural power, such as fate, magical forces, otherworldly entities, religion, or dieties, opposes the character. (Though keep in mind that character vs. God can be a distinct form of conflictwhen God is a guiding force that molds a character's journey and forces him or her to confront personal religious views.)
What is spiritual decline?
Then we looked to see if spiritual growth, spiritual decline, and meaning-making could moderate the link between religious difficulty, anxiety, and life satisfaction. People who try to understand their struggle and whose difficulty is a source of positive changes in their world view, relationships, and aspirations or sense of self are more satisfied with life and have less anxiety, according to the theory (spiritual growth). Anxiety rises and life satisfaction falls when struggle leads to unfavorable changes in an individual's world view, connections with others, or life goals (spiritual decline).
For four types of struggle, we discovered that the mediation impact was significant: demonic, moral, interpersonal, and theological doubt. Spiritual progress and spiritual decline were important mediators in demonic and moral conflict. As we expected, demonic and moral problems can lead to increased life satisfaction, but spiritual decline can lead to increased anxiety. Spiritual decline was found to be a key factor in the link between interpersonal conflict, anxiety, and life happiness.
We conclude that the impact of moral conflict on anxiety and life satisfaction is determined by how moral pressures are addressed. When people are confronted with moral defects and personality weaknesses (religious struggle), noticing good changes in self-perception, viewing the world, and perceiving others increases their contentment with life. Moral conflicts, on the other hand, cause anxiety since they lead to unfavorable alterations in self-image and view of the world. Some psychological theories (e.g., Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development or Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development) emphasize the role of moral conflicts as a transitional stage that can lead to both regression and maturation, as well as a higher quality of life (e.g., Erikson 1968; Kohlberg 1976).
Strengths and Limitations of the Study
The study's primary flaw is its cross-sectional design, which precludes any inferences on causeeffect relationships. The interpretation strategy used in this work is based on theoretical assumptions. Longitudinal research are needed to determine the health and well-being effects of religious conflicts. Because the study relied on people's self-reports, there was no way to control for response bias. It's possible that the findings are influenced by social desirability. However, the fact that respondents completed the measures anonymously and were questioned about positive and negative results may mitigate this potential. They wouldn't have supported negative outcomes if they were aiming to present themselves in a favorable way, right? Regardless, studies in the future should include scales that assess social desirability, and if required, control for it. We also assumed that the survey instruments' performance characteristics were unaffected by their translation into Polish.
What are the 4 types of conflict?
A protagonist with a problem is always the focus of a script. Motivation, opposition, and aim are the crucial words. The protagonist is driven to solve his situation and/or accomplish some objective. There should always be opposition on this mission; else, the story would be dull. The story's opposing force, conflict, is divided into four categories: conflict with oneself, conflict with others, conflict with the environment, and confrontation with the supernatural.
The internal conflict that a lead character confronts with himself is frequently the most powerful. Most people despise being their own antagonist, yet if done well, it can lead to excellent narrative. Fans ultimately saw Anakin Skywalker succumb to his dark side and become Darth Vader in Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith. Self-confrontation has always been a theme in the Star Wars universe. Luke, like his father, is torn between his identity and destiny.
What is negative spirituality?
“It makes obvious that the more religious or spiritual you are, the healthier you are,” said Brick Johnstone, a neuropsychologist and professor of health psychology at the University of Missouri School of Health Professions. “However, some people's health is worsened even if they have the tiniest amount of bad spirituality basically, when people believe they're sick because they've done something wrong and God is punishing them.”
Johnstone and his colleagues looked at nearly 200 people to see how their spiritual beliefs influenced their health. Some of the participants in the study had cancer, severe brain damage, or chronic pain, while others were in good health. The participants were divided into two groups: those who reported feeling abandoned or punished by a higher power, and those who did not report feeling abandoned or punished by a higher power, according to the researchers. Participants were asked about their mental and physical well-being, as well as physical pain.
Negative spirituality was associated with much worse pain, as well as physical and mental health, whereas positive spirituality was associated with better mental health. The researchers discovered that having any level of negative spiritual belief contributed to lower health outcomes, even if people expressed favorable spiritual views.
“According to previous study, roughly 10% of people hold negative spiritual beliefs, such as believing that if they don't do something perfectly, God will abandon them,” Johnstone said. “It's a negative feature of religion when people believe that God is against them.' What type of hope am I holding out for?' People with a firm belief that God loves and forgives them despite their flaws, on the other hand, have much better mental health.”
People who have negative spiritual ideas are less likely to engage in religious practices and have lower degrees of positive spirituality and forgiveness. According to Johnstone, interventions that help battle negative spiritual ideas and encourage positive spiritual beliefs could help some people improve their pain and mental health.
The study was published in the Journal of Spirituality and Mental Health and was titled “Relationships Between Negative Spiritual Beliefs and Health Outcomes for Individuals With Heterogeneous Medical Conditions.”
What is spiritual suffering?
Spiritual distress, also known as spiritual suffering, can occur when religious beliefs and practices fail to provide meaning or have a negative meaning, such as feelings of God's abandonment (Peteet & Balboni, 2013) or when a person's illness experience contradicts their core beliefs (Bartel, 2004).