This category includes lightworkers who are motivated to help living beings and the Earth by using mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual techniques to healing. They are often very aware of others' feelings and emotions, and can usually alleviate pain and suffering within minutes of interacting with humans or animals.
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What's the definition of a Lightworker?
Simply said, a lightworker is someone who is here to assist in the transformation of darkness into light. They're usually folks who have gone through some kind of adversity and/or trauma in their life and have learned that obstacles aren't meant to break them. Instead, they see adversity as an opportunity for growth and healing, allowing them to share their knowledge and experience with others.
What's the opposite of a Lightworker?
How might a darkworker attain higher states of consciousness, such as unconditional love and peace?
Lightworker-biased explanations of the planes of awareness were used in the beginning.
The level of unconditional love directed inwardly by a darkworker is love of self.
It's like a supercharged version of arrogance.
It may not appear externally as a cocky attitude, but the person comes to believe that he or she is the most important person on the planet and should act accordingly.
Honoring this viewpoint can lead to a level of serenity that is almost the polar opposite of humility.
While some may refer to the darkworker path as evil, I prefer not to use words like good or evil to describe it.
They're essentially two sides of the same coin.
Recognizing that he or she is God and living a life of service to self, a darkworker finds unconditional love.
A lightworker learns to see God in others and lives a life dedicated to what he or she believes is the greater good.
Both pathways eventually lead to the same destination.
The more distinct they appear, the lower the degree of consciousness.
As you progress through the stages, the barrier between lightworkers and darkworkers blurs, and their activities become increasingly identical.
This is because, once you attain the level of awareness to notice it, self-service and service to others become synonymous.
Consider it this way:
We are all unique cells in a greater body called humanity.
The darkworker route entails dedicating one's life to doing what is best for one's own cell.
The way of a lightworker is to do what is beneficial for the entire body.
You, the individual cell, will eventually discover that these two roads lead to the same spot as you get more aware (i.e. smarter).
Without healthy cells, a healthy organism cannot exist, and vice versa.
These two approaches appear distinct at lower levels of consciousness because the individual cell does not yet have the understanding to determine what is genuinely beneficial for itself or the entire organism.
As a result, it makes a lot of bad decisions and mistakes.
The darkworker cell competes with other cells, stealing resources as needed to maintain its own existence, believing that this is a smart strategy to advance.
However, other cells in the body suffer as a result.
To protect the body's health, there is eventually a reaction against the darkworker cell.
It is penalised for causing bodily harm.
This is referred to as Darkworker Syndrome.
It's what happens when a darkworker isn't awake enough to understand that his or her personal good and the good of all is inextricably interwoven.
Similarly, the newbie lightworker cell makes the noble decision to sacrifice its own well-being for the greater good of the whole body.
The body may benefit at first, but if one lightworker cell persuades too many other cells to do the same, we'll witness far too many pointless sacrifices, and the body will suffer.
Consider your heart giving up its life to preserve your brain.
I refer to this as Lightworker Syndrome.
It's what happens when a lightworker isn't conscious enough to see how the good of all is inextricably related to his or her own good.
It wouldn't matter if a single cell in the body was extraordinarily intelligent, whether it was a lightworker or a darkworker.
It would realize that its personal well-being and the well-being of the entire body are the same thing.
It would be wise enough to make judgments that would benefit both its own long-term well-being and that of the entire body.
This cell would act as a role model for others, and the entire body would prosper if every other cell followed in its footsteps.
Individual humans, on the other hand, aren't particularly bright.
We don't yet have the mental clarity and awareness to make the best decisions in every circumstance.
The information on which we must make decisions is constantly incomplete.
We acquire significant clarity in decision-making as well as drive to act by choosing one option or the other and focusing solely on it.
Consider the road of the darkworker.
Many decisions that might have previously perplexed you become crystal evident when you devote your life to doing what is absolutely, positively best for you as an individual.
Things that were merely shoulds have now become requirements.
You reawaken a previously dormant degree of motivation and ambition.
Are you adhering to the ideal diet for you?
Are you exercising in the most effective way for you?
Do you have a job that is a good fit for you?
Do you have enough money to satisfy all of your desires?
No flimsy excuses from a darkworker when it comes to optimizing all of these.
A lightworker, on the other hand, will continually be asking, “What can I do to improve my service?”
This adds a lot more clarity, and those shoulds turn into musts.
Of course, you must keep your health in check.
Of course, you must surround yourself with people who are supportive of you.
Of course, you should choose a profession that allows you to serve others in a meaningful way.
Again, avoiding the task is not an option.
Lightworkers, on the other hand, have no such excuses.
The intriguing part is that these paths all go to the same location.
When we operate as darkworkers out of pure self-interest, for example, we soon realize that we must account for the health of the entire body.
If the body dies, we die with it, which is counterproductive to our own needs.
When we operate as lightworkers out of a desire to help others, we soon realize that our own health has a significant impact on our ability to serve.
We aren't much good to anyone else if we don't thrive as people.
However, you must recognize that if you do not choose a route and devote your entire life to it, it is quite improbable that you will find happiness.
You'll never be able to tap into your highest levels of motivation, and you'll constantly wonder what may have been.
Instead of action and results, your life will be filled with excuses.
“Why bother?” or “I don't have the energy” will become your motto.
That is your option if you truly want to live out your days as a helpless drone.
However, make sure it's a conscious decision rather than one that has been conditioned into you.
The road of the darkworker and the path of the lightworker are not for everyone.
As I have stated, I believe that less than 1% of people are either lightworkers or darkworkers; the majority are neither since they have not chosen to polarize.
Polarization is a fast-track to personal development.
You get a far deeper awareness of what is genuinely ideal for you as a person on the darkworker path, and you take action to optimize your life to make it better and better.
The lightworker path broadens your vision to consider the good of the entire globe, and it teaches you how to maximize the contribution you bring to the world.
Most people, on the other hand, never grasp this crucial decision and wind up living their life without ever learning to tap into their deepest levels of motivation and passion.
Those who haven't become polarized should strive to live a balanced existence.
However, they are just drawn in by distractions, and their lives reflect this.
They picked occupations that do not fulfill them and do little benefit for the environment.
They live in a haphazard fashion.
They don't have any fire in their eyes.
They have no idea why they've come, so they go through the motions in a trance, like a cartoon figure who has just been hit in the head.
A lightworker or darkworker, on the other hand, is a person who is deeply committed.
They understand why they're here, and they live their lives around it.
It's either complete and total self-service or total and complete service to others.
They're both capable of tackling challenges that would terrify someone who isn't polarized.
These people are vibrant and enthusiastic.
This entire situation “The website “Personal Development for Smart People” is focused squarely at those 1%.
It's not a joke “This is a “for dummies” website.
It is not my responsibility to teach everyone on the planet how to tie their shoes, eat breakfast, or create a CV.
My job is to help those who are meant to be in the top 1% understand what that means and accept the responsibility that comes with it “eing a “clever individual.”
One truly educated and conscious person has far more leverage to make a difference on this planet than a thousand drones, thus I believe my greatest leverage is to assist and encourage people who have the capacity to make significant differences on our planet in the years ahead.
I believe this is the best way for me to be most effective.
While I am biased in favor of lightworkers, I also want to encourage those who want to follow the darkworker path since, as long as they continue to grow in awareness, we will all gain.
What is light work and shadow work?
The processes of flashing light and obtaining it from darkness are so intertwined that it's hard to tell if light work and shadow labor are really distinct. In truth, light and shadow work are the same thing. Darkness, unconsciousness, and hard labour are all connoted by the term “shadow work.”
How do I start a shadow job?
Here are several easy methods to get started with shadowing.
- Recognize your own shadow. We are blind to the shadow, just as we are blind to the darkness.
- Don't make the shadow feel bad. Don't shame or criticize your shadow self once you've recognized it.
What is my shadow type?
The'shadow' is the side of your personality that houses all of the aspects of yourself that you don't like to acknowledge. It's an unconscious side at first. We can only recognize our shadow if we make an effort to become self-aware. Although many people believe the shadow is ‘negative,' this is not the case.
How do I start a shadowing journal?
Finding those terrified aspects of yourself in the dark and loving them back into the light is what shadow work is all about. It's a delicate and patient process.
It's not about rehashing previous wrongdoings in order to further victimize or blame, but about releasing your heart from the shackles that have kept you safe for so long.
It takes a certain amount of bravery and willingness to go into one's darkest self in order to emerge more enlightened, real, and connected to oneself.
- As you practice this new way of being, decide on your new direction while being patient with yourself.
For Women
If you're a lady, two to three shots of vodka should enough. You will become inebriated after drinking 5 to 6 shots of vodka glasses. This is the maximum amount of money you can spend. If you drink another, you will be fully inebriated and will almost certainly suffer from a hangover.
For Men
Men have a stronger tolerance for vodka. Three shots of vodka are plenty to get a little tipsy. If you continue to drink up to 8 to 9 shots, they will become more inebriated. For men, the top limit is ten shots of vodka. They will be highly inebriated if they exceed this limit.
Men, on the other hand, can drink up to 0.5 liters of vodka and yet not feel really inebriated. As a result, this data applies to regular persons who drink on occasion.
In addition, one shot of glass contains 30ml of vodka with a 40% alcohol content.