What Is A Spiritual Breakthrough

A spiritual breakthrough is defined in Christian communities as a period when a person is saved, develops a greater grasp of biblical truth, receives an answer to prayer, or overcomes a troubling sin. Paul's spiritual experience on the road to Damascus could be regarded a watershed moment.

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What does it mean when God gives you a breakthrough?

So, here are three clues that God is preparing you for a great breakthrough that is just around the corner.

1. If God is removing harmful people, places, and things from your life, it could be a sign that a breakthrough is on the way.

God does not construct on sloping ground. God does not strive to cultivate seeds in unsuitable soil. And God will wash you of all sin before bringing you into his presence. My argument is that before God can execute a magnificent work in your life, you must first go through a season of preparation.

Before God blesses you with a breakthrough, he may first remove the people, places, and things in your life that are causing heart damage. If God blessed us before preparing us, we may overlook the blessing of misusing it after we have it. Take a look at what Jesus said in John 15:1–5. It reads:

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My Father is the vinedresser, and I am the genuine vine.

He prunes every branch that bears fruit in me that does not bear fruit, and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit so that it bears more fruit… I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him bears abundant fruit, since you can do nothing without me.”

In John 15:2, you'll notice something interesting. Even if you are bearing fruit for God, Jesus indicated that by pruning you, he will cause you to bear even more fruit for him. This is an excellent illustration of how God frequently requires us to go through a painful season of preparation before he can create even more fruit in our lives. Pruning is the process of removing superfluous material from your life so that more can be produced.

This pruning process can be very difficult and painful if God is removing the people, places, and things in your life that are impeding your growth. Just remember that this is all part of the process leading up to your breakthrough.

How do you get a breakthrough?

The first stage is to hit a low point, which may seem counterintuitive. There is no purpose to have a breakthrough if there isn't a low point. A breakthrough is unmistakably the result of a low point in one's life.

You don't need a breakthrough if you aren't at a low point; you only need some personal adjusting. If, on the other hand, you are not experiencing a low moment but would like to have more success, you can convince yourself that you are.

The mind can be persuaded of anything, and you may often take advantage of this. You unleash the power to create a significant change by deciding to have a breakthrough. The whole goal of a breakthrough is to go through so much change that you don't recognize your prior life at the end.

How do you pray for a spiritual breakthrough?

Breakthrough prayer points with Bible passages

  • In Jesus' name, Lord, as I pray for a breakthrough in my life, may your will and promises for my life be fulfilled.
  • In the name of Jesus, I decree the manifestation of all of God's blessings and favor in my life.

What is a breakthrough anointing?

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberation to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, set at free those who are afflicted; to announce the Lord's acceptable year.” 4:18–19 Luke 4:18–19

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Not only did Jesus come to save, heal, and deliver others, but He also came to save, heal, and deliver us! We don't have to be poor in spirit, finances, relationships, or anything else. He came to mend our hearts that had been broken. He came to announce liberty to us so that we could walk in it (Galatians 5:1; John 8:36 ). Jesus doesn't just want to restore bodily vision; he wants to restore spiritual perception as well.

Look at 2 Samuel 5:17–21 to see King David's breakthrough. David had three anointings, and he had a destiny. The first was when Samuel anointed him with a prophetic anointing. The priestly anointing was the second, during which he served in the palace and studied protocol. The third was the kingly anointing, in which he was anointed as Israel's king. When the Philistines learned that he had been anointed as king, they revolted.

It's reassuring to know that nothing we've ever gone through has gone to waste; rather, God has utilized it all to bring us to this time and place of anointing. These three anointings are also available, but the assignment is for a particular period of time. While we wait for our anointing to allow us to enter the assignment, we are being trained by the Lord to be able to manage it.

We must pray in response to the prophecy and promise that God has given us, and then walk in extreme obedience. Sometimes we remain motionless, while other times He declares a matter, but it won't happen unless we join forces with Him. To carry the Blessing, we must have soul prosperity so that its weight does not work against us, such as when someone obtains a money blessing from winning the lottery and is unable to handle it and spends it all (3 John 2). To receive the Blessing, we must align with God in all areas of our lives.

Now is the moment for the kingly anointing and the victory over the adversaries who have sought to block you from fulfilling your destiny. The area where David vanquished the Philistines was dubbed Baal-Perazim, which means “anointed to break through!” When the Philistines attacked David, he prayed to the Lord God for guidance. He didn't merely take it upon himself to repeat the strategies that had worked in the past. As a result, it is critical that we ask the Lord what we should do each time we face a conflict. We don't fight in our own strength; rather, the Lord fights for us (2 Corinthians 10:3–5; 2 Chronicles 20:15).

The anointing breaks the yoke and lifts the burdens (Isaiah 10:27). God desires to be our provider, to heal the deep wounds in our souls, to set us free so that we can walk freely and see clearly again. To receive the Blessing, we must align with God in all areas of our lives. This month, we'll take a closer look at inner healing and deliverance.

Allow the Word of God to purify and transform you by renewing your mind as you meditate on it (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:25-26; Psalm 51:1-10). The Word of God, which is truth, must be the cornerstone of our beliefs (John 17:17). As we reflect on and obey the realities of God's Word, it purifies our thoughts and motives (Hebrews 4:12).

Stay connected to Him and rely on Him all of the time (John 15:4-5). We can enter His presence in whatever state of mind, including fear, anxiety, and so on, but we should not leave in the same state. In His presence, we are altered and transformed from glory to splendour (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Immerse yourself in the Holy Spirit's presence (Ephesians 5:18; John 14:16-17).

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Pursue the Spirit's gifts to help you fulfill your calling (1 Corinthians 14:1). Not what you can do, but what you are called to do.

Be a friend of God who is motivated by your heart and ideals rather than your achievements. Learn how to display the life of Christ and live a life that pleases Him.

Accept the mentality of Christ and walk in God's understanding. Declare over your life what God has said about you.

We don't always understand why things turn out differently than we hoped or expected, but we trust God to work everything out for our good (Romans 8:28). Delay and deceit are used by the enemy to persuade us to believe a falsehood and give up before we achieve our breakthrough. We do not alter our beliefs as a result of a negative experience. In part, we know, and in part, we prophesy. We may not always be able to comprehend. God is trustworthy! His Word has the power to heal and deliver even today.

Do you have a strategy for getting better? Ask the Lord to show you what you need to do to be healed, and then do it. It could be getting healing texts from the Word in your heart and declaring them over your life by meditating on them. It could be attending a healing or deliverance event or conference, or listening to a teaching He guides you to. Perhaps it's time to seek out some help with inner healing and deliverance. Some people may require a different diet and exercise regimen to get in shape and prepare their bodies for the days God has set out for them.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your anointing at work in our lives, shattering every yoke of slavery and setting us free. Thank You for Christ's finished work on the cross. As we work together to destroy every enemy in our life, please help us to follow the Holy Spirit's lead and obey Him. According to Psalm 107:20, I send Your Word to bring healing and deliverance from disaster to those who are reading this now. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for healing us via Your stripes and for becoming our Deliverer. Thank you for your anointing, Holy Spirit. Amen, in the name of Jesus.

How do you pray to open doors?

I pray to you, God of Heaven, that I may see doors and see heaven open. Allow the clouds to pour down righteousness from above, O heavens. Allow the earth to be opened up, and salvation and righteousness to spring up along with it. I pray for the opening of closed doors, and I thank You in advance for the breakthrough You will provide. Amen, thank You for being who You are.

We beg You, Heavenly Father, to open up Your heavens and come down to us. We pray that You, Father, will reach down from above and rescue us from those who would persecute us. We shall sing a new hymn to You and honor Your Name. We worship You, Lord, since You are the One who assists us in winning our conflicts. Amen, we hope that Your will for us in heaven coincides with our lives on earth.

Greetings, Lord! I praise You for who You are and the divine power You wield. I ask that, just as You sent Your angel to unlock the prison gates, You will open doors in my life as well. I hope that You will open the sky to allow me to receive my breakthrough here on earth. Amen, I thank You for opening doors for me and allowing heaven to descend on me.

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I'm looking to You right now, Lord. You are the door of the sheep, according to Your Word. So, Father, we put our faith in You because You will open doors that have previously been closed to us. I thank You for opening these doors and pray for Your divine direction via them. There's always a way with You, but we'll stay stuck if we're on our own. Amen, thank You for being the everlasting door.

A day in Your presence is better than a thousand outside, Lord. I pray, dear Father, that I may have divine access to Your spiritual realm; please open the gates of heaven. I'd rather stand on the threshold of my God's house than live in the tents of wickedness. Lord, please lock all wicked doors in my life and open those of heaven in accordance with Your will, Amen.

Father in Heaven Thank you for always being aware of me and my requirements. Your Word says that if I ask for something, it will be given to me, and if I seek something, I will find it. For I must believe that everything I ask of You, I will receive. What I'm looking for will be discovered. When I knock, You answer, so Father, I thank You for always being the open door; thank you Father, Amen.

Keep me holy and true, as You have been to me, just God. I declare that no one will close the doors You have opened, and no one will open the doors You have closed. I declare that You have authority over my life and the lives of others with whom I come into contact. I thank You for the open doors You've set in front of me that no one can close since You see how powerless I am in my natural state. You are the supreme authority, and you see that I have maintained Your Word and have not denied Your Name, Amen.