“Let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can pollute our body or spirit since we have these promises, dear friends.” And, since we dread God, let us strive for total holiness.” 2 Corinthians 7:1, New Living Translation
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In traditional African faiths, purification procedures were prevalent. Washing and cleaning rituals were used to remove curses and guilt associated with misbehavior and breaking taboos. The act of washing symbolized moral and spiritual purification.
God prescribed various purifying ceremonies in the Old Testament for Israel (Numbers 8:5-8). Priests ministering in the Tabernacle and later the Temple were subjected to some ceremonies. Other rites prepared the people for their encounter with God.
Paul instructed the Corinthians to wash themselves of “anything that can corrupt our body or spirit” (2 Corinthians 7:1), which they did by confessing and turning away from the sins that polluted or soiled them. Because God is holy and just, Paul also exhorted believers to “strive for total holiness.” Expensive rituals are no longer required, but repentance and seeking forgiveness remain.
Why Read the Bible in a Year?
The length of time it takes you to read the Bible isn't the most significant factor. What matters most is that you are spending consistent time in God's Word on a daily basis. Having a Bible with a reading plan can be beneficial to certain people.
Promised Land
To meet their own needs and to show glory to the Creator, men and women were given the responsibility of subduing the earth and governing over the creation (Gen 1:28-30). However, as humanity became enslaved by sin, they experienced alienation.
Immerse Goes to High School
“What if we gave our pupils enough credit to believe they could read the Bible if we could give them the Bible's exact words in the most basic format?” Calvin's dean of student life, Matt Laidlaw
What does God say about cleansing?
The washbasin was then put between the Tabernacle and the altar by Moses. He filled it with water so that the priests could clean up. It provided water for Moses, Aaron, and Aaron's sons to wash their hands and feet.
To him, Jesus responded, “Except for his feet, the person who has bathed does not need to wash and is fully clean. And you're all clean, but not all of you.”
“The person who is being cleaned must wash their garments, shave their heads, and bathe in water before being ceremonially cleansed. They are allowed to enter the camp after that, but they must stay outside their tent for seven days. They must shave off all of their hair on the seventh day, including their head, beard, eyebrows, and the remainder of their hair. They only need to wash their clothing and take a bath in water to be clean.
“If any Israelites or foreigners eat meat from an animal that died naturally or was ripped apart by wild creatures, they must wash their garments and bathe in water. They'll be ceremonially unclean until the evening, after which they'll be clean. They will be punished for their transgression if they do not wash their garments and bathe themselves.”
I'll be clean if you cleanse me of my sins; if you wash me, I'll be whiter than snow.
Be clean and wash yourselves! Remove your misdeeds from my sight. Give up your nefarious activities.
I will purify you by sprinkling clean water on you; I will cleanse you of all your impurities and idols. I will give you a new heart and a new spirit; I will remove your stone heart and replace it with a fleshly heart.
“Why are your disciples breaking our centuries-old tradition? Because they disobey our custom of washing their hands before eating.”
So, what are you waiting for now? Get up, be baptized, and call on his name to wipe away your sins.'
Let us rid ourselves of everything that can pollute our body or spirit since we have these promises, dear friends. And, since we dread God, let us strive for total holiness.
Let us approach God with a sincere heart and the complete assurance that faith offers, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us of our sins and our bodies washed in pure water.
And that water represents baptism, which now saves you by responding to God with a clean conscience rather than by removing dirt from your body. Because of Jesus Christ's resurrection, it is effective.
We have fellowship with one another if we walk in the light, as he walks in the light, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
If we confess our sins to him, however, he is true and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all evil.
The armies of heaven were riding white horses and clad in beautiful linen, spotless and immaculate, as they pursued him.
What is spiritual cleanliness?
Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and seeking His guidance every day through the study of the Bible, His holy word, and direct communication with Him via prayer is the key to being cleansed of sin and living a healthy moral and spiritual life.
How do I cleanse my soul?
There are several advantages to doing a digital detox, but even a little break from your electronic devices might be beneficial. Start simple by leaving your gadget at home while you go for a walk or by turning off all of your electronic devices for the day.
- Take a stroll through the park. Try meditation techniques with step-by-step instructions in a quiet environment.
- Make today a low-tech affair. Turn off the television, computer, mobile, and any electronics.
- Soak in the tub. Leave your phone in another room and concentrate on enjoying your time in the warm water.
How does God clean our hearts?
“Create in me a pure heart, and refresh in me a right spirit, O God. Take not thy holy spirit from me, nor cast me away from thy presence. Restore the joy of thy deliverance to me, and strengthen me with thy free spirit. Then I will teach sinners thy ways, and transgressors will be converted to thee.”
Our proper spirit begins in our hearts, David recognized. David understood that we must know God, appreciate God, and love God. David utters the following prayer:
To be consistently inspired by God, King David realized he had to be in God's presence.
How do we remain in God's presence? First, as we read the Bible, God speaks to us personally. Second, we communicate with God via praying. Third, we can only get blessings in our lives if we obey God's Word.
When you believe in Jesus Christ and put your love and faith in Him, God places the Holy Spirit within you. The Holy Spirit leads you in the direction of God's Word. As a result, David pleaded: “and do not deprive me of thy holy spirit.”
Then David adds, “Bring back the joy of thy redemption to me, and maintain me with thy free spirit.”
The understanding of scripture frees you to choose the appropriate paths. In Christ Jesus, you have freedom. You have the option of accepting His love, purpose, and connection. You are no longer enslaved to sin and its ramifications. You have complete freedom.
We are called sons and daughters by God. You are a child of God in Christ. You are the King's child.
Being a person of religion also entails sharing our faith with others in a meaningful way. David explains:
“Then I will teach sinners thy ways, and transgressors will be turned to thee.”
You are also being called to share your religion with others by God. We can receive a clean heart by simply trusting and loving Jesus and following Him on a regular basis.
What is self cleansing?
1The act or process of cleaning oneself of sin, turpitude, or other impurities; self-purification. 2The action or process of something automatically cleaning itself; self-cleaning.
How did Jesus cleanse us from sin?
“These are the people who have survived the Great Tribulation. They've washed their clothes in the Lamb's blood and made them white.” Revelation 7:14 is a prophecy about the end of the world.
This verse is from the apostle John's vision of heavenly worship while in exile on the island of Patmos. Patmos is a small Greek island off the coast of modern-day Turkey.
John sees a huge multitude from every placeevery language, every nation, every tribe, and so onas reported in Revelation 7:9-12. They are waving palm branches in front of God's throne. They sing praises to Jesus Christ, the Lamb, who sits atop the heavenly throne.
One of the 24 elders in John's vision, who represent both the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles, is identified as the one speaking in Revelation 7:14.
They are those who have survived the Great Tribulation. Suffering or misery is referred to as tribulation.
Our world is unquestionably troubled and distressing. It makes no difference whether you're rich or poor, well or sick, wise or foolish. If you live long enough, you're bound to run across some type of difficulty or sorrow.
Our world is frequently portrayed as fallen and sinful. We are distressed by terrifying diseases. Natural disasters wreak havoc on our lives. Persecution takes place all over the world. Even our own wicked and selfish behavior makes life difficult for ourselves and others.
In Psalm 23:4, David expresses himself succinctly on the subject of tribulation: “I will not be afraid even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death because you are with me.”
These individuals are emerging from the tribulation, this fallen and sinful world, and the valley of the shadow of death.
The elder reveals who they are after describing where they came from. They are the people who “In the blood of the Lamb, they have cleansed their garments and made them white.”
Who has ever heard of blood being used to whiten things? Blood on a white garment usually leaves a stain that is extremely difficult to remove.
Nonetheless, the Lamb's blood is characterized as cleaning. In his first letter, John also mentions that the “Jesus' blood purifies us from all sin.” (Revelation 1:7)
As David says in Psalm 23, Jesus came to be among His people to provide relief and salvation so that we would not fear evil.
His atonement on the cross atones for the world's sins and cleanses people from sin. Jesus purchased the world from sin and death, from tribulation and the valley of the shadow of death, with his precious blood.
Those who have made it through the tribulation have heard that Jesus' blood wipes them from all sin, have believed this message of forgiveness, and have rejoiced in their Savior who has purchased them and given them eternal life.
What the Bible Says About smudging?
Native peoples all across the world conduct sage burning as a spiritual ritual. Although God instructed Moses to prepare a blend of herbs and spices to burn as an incense offering, the practice of burning sage is not recorded in the Bible.
Burning sage, also known as smudging, is a ritual that involves bundling certain herbs such as sage, cedar, or lavender into sticks and slowly burning them in a purification ceremony, meditation, blessing a home or space, or for the purpose of healing, and is considered to be different from incense burning.
What does the Bible say about physical cleanliness?
Leviticus 1115 contains the Bible's principal instruction on physical cleanliness. To us, some of the rules may appear weird and severe. Other criteria, however, appear to be highly rational in light of our present understanding of how many diseases are transmitted.
The importance of separation and washing is frequently emphasized. Even now, distinguishing between different types of illness might be difficult, so it's best not to risk it. The transmission of diseases like AIDS and hepatitis through blood and other bodily fluids demonstrates the importance of medical attention.
Paul exhorts us to offer our bodies to God as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to Him. What kind of bodies do we have to offer him as we live our lives for him? We can't always prevent sickness, but are we making the best use of our physical and spiritual resources? Is our lack of hygiene endangering others? Is this a Christian attitude according to Philippians 2:4?
The Pharisees were chastised by Jesus for being clean on the surface but unclean on the inside. He advised them to detoxify themselves from the inside out. Would Jesus say something different if he were to speak to us today? What?
Paul Dean is a civil engineer and water and sanitation infrastructure consultant with extensive experience in Uganda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Pakistan.