What Is Spiritual Environment

Rather than trying to cram God and His Word into every available space, I needed to go out of my way to create a spiritual environment at home. As a long-time Christian, I was embarrassed that I had neglected to read my Bible or worship, but there was no better time than now to make a difference! Here's the strategy I've been following and intend to keep following in the next days so that we might bring God back into our lives.

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Start it off right.

If I ever expect to establish a proper atmosphere, I must first turn my heart to God. As busy moms, it might be difficult to find time to spend with God, but making time for God in the midst of the chaos is a wonderful idea. It's also a good idea to begin looking for God in the smallest of details. Even if I don't have an hour and a half each morning for a long devotion, I can prioritize time with God and it will carry over.

Listen to praise music.

I don't usually listen to music in the background because the kids make enough noise. To be honest, excessive loudness makes me uneasy and agitated. However, I've discovered that listening to a good worship and praise music (like this one) is actually rather relaxing. It tends to create a quiet atmosphere when I play it as we do our Fruit of the Spirit preschool, crafts and activities, or have free play. In addition, I frequently find myself pausing what I'm doing to sing. But not just singing, but genuine worship!

Read the Bible and storybooks.

Our Jesus Storybook Bible is one of our favorites! We'll incorporate Bible stories and lessons into our homeschool preschool. I don't want Sunday School to be the only place my children hear about God's Word. We also have a number of other books with biblical stories and themes, which I try to read on a regular basis. I want the kids to have a biblical worldview, and in order for that to happen, it needs to be something that comes up naturally in our talks. It isn't always simple, but the more I try, the more simple it gets.

Pray then not later.

You know how simple it is to say, “Oh, I'll be praying for that!” Well, it's long been my objective to pray right away and keep it in the forefront of my thoughts. Otherwise, I'm going to forget about it. Throughout the day, if I remember someone is sick or something important is going on, I try to stop and pray with the kids. If they're not available, I'll add, “Oh, Nana has a big day today; wouldn't it be a wonderful idea if we prayed for her?” After that, I'll say a brief prayer. I want prayer to be always on our minds.

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Don't always be in the prayer closet.

I need my alone time with God or I'll have nothing to give, yet I don't want my children to grow up without seeing me read my Bible and pray on a regular basis. I'll admit that I have a hard time with this because I prefer to do things on my own. In complete silence! However, with four children aged four and younger, there is rarely any silence, unless they are sleeping. I'd like to improve in this area. Also, instead of using the Bible app, I'd like them to see me read my actual Bible!

Be humble.

Living modestly is one way I may always bring God into our daily life. There are always occasions to ask for forgiveness from the kids, admit when I don't know something, and show that I'm looking for wisdom in God's Word. Because I'm a strong-willed Type A, it's simple for me to appear as if I always know what I'm doing. I, on the other hand, do not! I want my children to perceive me as a Christian mother who can be trusted, but I also want them to see my heart as teachable. This, I believe, goes a long way toward creating a spiritual and friendly environment.

That's one of the ways I'm attempting to improve our home's spiritual climate. What is it that you do in yours?

What spirituality means?

Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature. True spirituality necessitates the opening of one's heart.

What the Bible says about environment?

Humans have been plainly placed in a position of responsibility over the creation by God. (1) According to Genesis 2:15, “The man was taken by the Lord God and placed in the Garden of Eden to labor and care for it.” (2) We acknowledge that all created things belong to God (3) and that as stewards of the creation, we are responsible to Him. God has given us the task of ruling over the creation in such a way that it preserves, defends, and enhances God's works, allowing all of creation to accomplish the goals God intended for it. We must manage the environment for the glory of God, not just for our own advantage.

Some may argue that humans are more important than the rest of creation, and that we should concentrate our efforts on serving human needs rather than environmental concerns. Many of our environmental issues, however, have a negative influence on people. God's people will suffer if we neglect to care for the environment in which we live. Taking care of the creation's non-human pieces and sustaining their complicated relationships is a crucial part of achieving justice for God's people.

Others may claim that environmental protection pales in contrast to other God-given responsibilities, such as sharing the gospel. However, God is concerned with both the physical and spiritual worlds, and the restoration of creation is part of Chris' good news. (4) We must not abandon the responsibility of communicating the good news of Christ's redemptive work in our lives, but we must also not forget the task of evangelism “Taking care of the garden.” Taking care of God's creation is an important aspect of our service to God and our role as servant leaders in God's kingdom.

There are several things we may do in our daily lives to assist safeguard God's creation, such as energy conservation and waste reduction. These factors have no bearing on our ability to witness to nonbelievers. Rather, they strengthen our witness by allowing people to watch us live out our faith. Our care for the environment may provide opportunity to explain to nonbelievers how our service to the creation stems from our love for the creator.

We worship God the Creator more fully when we witness His glory in creation and engage in His task of maintaining and restoring right connections within it.

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“God divided the wild animals into different kinds, the cattle into different kinds, and all the creatures that move across the earth into different sorts. It was good in God's eyes. ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the sea animals and the birds of the air, over cattle, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground,' God said. So God made man in his own image, in the likeness of God; male and female, he formed them. ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it,' God blessed them and said to them. Rule over all marine creatures, all birds of the air, and all living things that move on the ground.”

You made him a little lower than the angels and bestowed glory and honor upon him.

You made him master over your handiwork; you placed everything beneath his feet:

All things swim in the courses of the oceans, including the birds of the air and the fish of the water.”

  • In Genesis 2:15, the Hebrew phrases “labor” and “take care of” can also be translated “serve” and “preserve.”

“For he placed it upon the oceans and established it upon the waters, the earth is the Lords, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

“The land cannot be permanently sold since it is mine and you are aliens and tenants.” You must pay for the redemption of the land throughout the country that you possess.”

“We know that up until now, the entire creation has been moaning as if it were in birthing pangs. Not only that, but we groan inwardly as we await our adoption as sons and the redemption of our bodies.”

“For God was pleased to dwell in him and to reconcile all things to himself through him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood shed on the cross.”

What is spiritual in health and social care?

“Having a healthy and meaningful inner spirit is what spiritual welfare or spiritual health is all about.” There isn't always a religious component. Spiritual wellbeing can be expressed in a variety of ways, including humanistic, religious, and non-religious ways, such as the sense of well-being derived through art, music, and other forms of expression.

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What are the 3 elements of spirituality?

In their eternal wisdom, all shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all centuries, continents, and peoples claim that human spirituality is made up of three aspects: connections, values, and life purpose. These three components are so strongly linked that it may be difficult to tell them apart. Take a minute to ponder on each facet of human spirituality to determine the state of your spiritual well-being if this is possible. This will be a three-part monthly series, starting with relationships.

Internal (your domestic policy)—how you deal with yourself, how you nurture the relationship with yourself and your higher self—and external (your foreign policy)—how you relate, support, and interact with those people (and all living entities) in your environment—are the two categories of relationships.

What criteria would you use to assess your internal relationship, and what steps could you take to improve it?

How would you assess your external relationships, shifting from the perspective of domestic policy to international policy?

What are some spiritual activities?

Finding meaning and purpose in life may be a lifelong process that changes over time as a result of unique circumstances, personal experiences, and global events. A person's level of spiritual wellness, like the other dimensions of wellness, varies throughout their life. It's common to feel a range of emotions on the route to spiritual healing, both positive and negative (hope, forgiveness, acceptance, joy) (doubt, fear, disappointment, conflict).

Spiritual wellbeing has the power to make our decisions and choices easier, to center us during times of change, and to provide us with the resiliency to face hardship with grace and inner peace. Having a spiritual component in our lives may even assist us in healing whether we are afflicted with a physical or mental ailment.

Personal Reflection

Take a moment to measure your spiritual well-being by answering the following questions.

  • Do I make an effort to broaden my understanding of various ethnic, racial, and religious groups?

Practice Spiritual Wellness

When it comes to spiritual wellness, it's vital to identify the strategy and approach that works best for you; unlike the other dimensions of wellness, there is no “one size fits all” solution.

  • Volunteering in your community, spending time in nature, and appreciating music and the arts are all good things to do.

In future articles regarding spiritual wellness, we'll look at ways to figure out what your meaning or purpose is, as well as activities that can help you maintain or improve your spiritual wellness.

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What are the elements of spirituality?

The Latin words “spiritus” (meaning breath, courage, vigor, or soul) and “spirare” (meaning to breathe) are combined to form the word “spirit” (1). Meaning, worth, transcendence, connecting (with oneself, others, God/supreme power, and the environment), and becoming (life's growth and progress) are five qualities of spirituality (2).

Since the inception of spiritual health and its different definitions, it has been five decades. Spiritual health is concerned with one's relationship with one's own self (personal dimension), others (social dimension), nature (environment), and God (transcendental dimension) (3). The following are the main qualities of spiritual health: a healthy lifestyle, social connections, inquiring about the meaning and purpose of life, and transcendence (4). For many researchers, spiritual health is so important that it is considered one of the most important aspects of health (5). Spiritual health leads to improved mental health (6) and is favorably associated to physical health, for example, it may assist patients experience less pain, according to multiple research conducted on diverse patients (7).

Scientists and researchers have looked at spiritual health from various perspectives and offered various definitions, but they have yet to come up with a comprehensive definition. Providing a complete definition for spiritual health, identifying the components and markers of spiritual health, and its impact on other areas of health are all major obstacles in treating spiritual health issues. Despite the fact that a number of studies have been conducted in Iran on the subject of spiritual health (5, 7), experts believe there are not enough studies on the definition of the term. Because of the relevance of the topic, the paucity of literature, and the necessity to include multiple perspectives on spiritual health, this study was undertaken in Iran to investigate the definition, components, and indicators of spiritual health from the perspective of specialists.