Jesus restores us in the midst of our brokenness, failures, sin, mistakes, and hurts in this world. To restore literally means to bring back, return, and retrieve, as well as to reorganize and reassemble.
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God's kindness and grace were the driving forces behind Jesus' decision to go to the cross, shed His blood, and rise again.
Your restoration is only possible because of the crucifixion and the resurrection.
God's provision and willingness to restore anything you need, whether it's a relationship, your finances, your body, or your friendship with God, is achievable.
When God heals you, He does not return you to the state you were in before you were shattered.
God is far better than that; his restoration makes you a better person than you were before.
According to Zechariah 9:12, “Even now, I announce that I will give you twofold.”
God takes the sorrow, hurt, and brokenness that you or others may have caused and puts your life back in order, corrects what is wrong, and brings you to a place of incredible healing and wholeness.
When Jesus heals your life, you will always be better than you were before.
You may bear scars from your experiences, but they are merely a testament to God's love and strength.
Jesus was crucified and buried, yet He was entirely restored when He rose again.
Jesus' scars indicated that He had been hurt and broken for the sake of the world, but His resurrection repaired His body, allowing Him to ascend to heaven.
After the resurrection, Jesus was better in human form because He now had a tale to tell about God's power and love, and He paved the way for forgiveness and restoration for those who believe in Him.
As you may recall, Peter denied Jesus three times because he kept a safe distance from him.
Peter wept terribly because he felt he lacked the courage to be courageous for Jesus, and he had betrayed His loving Savior.
In that point, he recognized he was not strong enough to live totally for God, and he lamented his failure to closely follow Jesus during the struggle.
Jesus had already risen from the grave when we read today's text, and He met face to face with Peter.
After breakfasting with him and the disciples, Jesus returned to the source of Peter's denial.
Jesus asked Peter three questions and exhorted him three times for every time he denied Jesus.
Jesus restored Peter's faith and empowered him to be the leader that Jesus had called him to be.
Jesus did not condemn Peter, but rather restored him to his rightful station, and Peter totally recovered.
In this emotional moment, when Jesus restored Peter, he said once more, “Come with me” (John 21:19).
Jesus was concerned about Peter's well-being. There was nothing Peter could do to prevent Jesus from loving, forgiving, healing, and restoring him. What's the end result? Peter was in better shape than he'd ever been. He totally followed Jesus by travelling to Jerusalem and waiting for the Holy Spirit's promise. On the Day of Pentecost, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke his first sermon. Because of Peter's fearlessness in standing out and witnessing for Jesus, three thousand people were born again. Peter never looked back; he was an apostle who performed numerous miracles in Jesus' name for the glory of God.
How do I restore spiritually?
What does it mean to resurrect? Simply expressed, it means “to restore the functionality or validity of anything.” So, what about your spirit has become inactive or has lost its validity? Here's a simple test to see if you're ready: Do you find yourself ruminating on minor irritations in your daily life? Do you have a hard time recalling the last time you felt truly happy?
It's possible that your inner spirit requires a “waking,” and spring is an excellent time to assess your situation and take steps toward a more positive, anxiety-free outlook!
Here are three suggestions to help you rekindle your spirit, as well as “5 Inspiring Quotes” from our Cancer Fighters members to get you started.
1. Work on your core
Our entire being is conditioned to perform better emotionally, mentally, and physically when we focus on growing our spirit, the core of who we are. Some exercises to build your spiritual core may include the following, depending on your personal interests:
Any action that brings you closer to rather than further away from your thoughts and feelings might help you live more cheerfully in the present moment. These activities are referred to as “mindfulness” by some specialists. Mindfulness has been shown to increase overall mood, boost emotional, physical, and social well-being, and reduce anxiety, despair, and rage, according to several studies published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Percy McCray, Jr., Director of Faith-Based Programs at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), warns what can happen if we don't take the time to build our spiritual health in his blog, Revive Yourself, Your Spirit, and Your Health.
“It's critical to take a breath and reflect. If we don't, we'll waste our time shopping, eating, drinking, and socializing in vain attempts to resurrect our spirits.” “Instead of re-energizing us, these pleasures might leave us feeling languid and aimless,” explains Rev. Percy. Every human, however, has a thirst, hunger, and yearning for true meaning, value, and purpose in life.
2. Re-establish (or re-establish) healthy relationships
Living with cancer provides many people a new perspective, one that prioritizes relationships over all else. Given the stress of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, it's not unexpected that problems in relationships, particularly between couples, occur frequently. “Fight the cancer, not each other,” says Michael Uhl, MA, MDiv, LMFT, a Mind-Body Therapist at CTCA in Zion, Illinois. He suggests the following ideas for constructing a house:
- Maintain open channels of communication and draw on previous expertise. Whenever a crisis occurs, make an effort to improve communication. Mutual understanding, not necessarily agreement, should be the goal. It may be painful to discuss feelings, yet it is unshared feelings that cause relationships to suffer.
- Make sure you have a strong support system in place. Bringing friends and other family members on board might provide a much-needed reprieve from caregiving obligations, even if your partner is ready to do it all. Both patients and caregivers require “down time” to manage the plethora of experiences and emotions that accompany cancer treatment, recovery, and survivorship.
- Speak with a therapist who has experience with cancer. Speaking with an unbiased therapist who has worked with other cancer patients can assist couples in expressing their emotions and confirming that the sentiments they are experiencing are normal. Discussing all of the emotionsfear, anger, and griefeither together or separately brings them to the surface and aids in the development of useful coping mechanisms.
Relationships with people you care about a spouse, family, or close friends and doing things you both enjoy are stimulating. They have a regenerating and restoring effect.
3. Control Your Thoughts
What do you think about when you're not working? It's only normal for people to inquire “When confronted with a catastrophic sickness, one would wonder, “Why me?” Focusing on this question, on the other hand, can leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. Focusing your thoughts on things that give you hope, on the other hand, might make you feel empowered and revitalize your spirit.
We invited members of our Cancer Fighters group, many of whom are cancer survivors, to provide encouraging remarks “It lifts their spirits.” The following are five of them “To motivate you, here are some “Inspiring Quotes”:
“According to Ardua.”
This Latin phrase translates to “The McIntyre family motto is “despite trials.” Richard A. McIntyre, Hanover Township, Pennsylvania, shared this.
“God is in control of the cancer; the cancer is not in control of me!” Viola Jones of Olathe, Kansas, shared this.
David Brown and Kathy Mosley, a patient and caregiver from Fairbanks, Alaska, believe one of Baha'u'llah's Baha'i prayers in the Baha'i Prayer book brings them much comfort and peace:
“O my God, memory of Thee is my remedy, and Thy name is my mending.
My aim is to be near Thee, and my companion is love for Thee.
Thy mercy to me is my salvation and healing in both this world and the next.
“Truly, you are the All-Abundant, the All-Knowing, and the All-Wise.”
Kimalea Conrad, a cancer survivor from Telluride, Colorado, says Bible verses inspire her; one of her favorites is the one below. “To me, this verse signifies that cancer has no ability to make me terrified unless I allow it,” Conrad explains.
“God did not give us a fearful spirit, but a spirit of strength, love, and self-control.” Revelation 2:7
Surviving cancer typically demands a heroic amount of physical, mental, and spiritual courage, as any survivor or caregiver knows. “Rev. Percy believes that connecting to a greater source of power can bring that balance, stability, and grounding. “Many of us overlook the most obvious sources of meaning, worth, and purpose: service, forgiveness, hope, peace, and faith. Connecting to these global forces of empowerment is, in many ways, the simplest method to rekindle our spirit.”
What is the definition of restoration in the Bible?
Restoration is always abundant in the Bible. It is always better to restore something than it was to begin with. A better way, a better life, and a brighter future for ourselves and our loved ones is God's promise to us.
God will take what is broken and put it back together, making it better than it was before. He will take the shattered pieces of our lives, bind them together with his love, and strengthen them where they were previously weak. Yes, God's promise of restoration includes an abundance of blessings.
What is the meaning of divine restoration?
By restoration, we imply the process of replacing or restoring anything that has deteriorated over time. When David, the Psalmist, realized he had missed the mark and had truly lost something valuable, he cried out to the Lord.
Who was restored in the Bible?
Elijah, the prophet of God, came to this widow's house and brought them restoration and healing. There is life restoration wherever people of faith are. In another story, Luke 7, Jesus and his disciples arrived in Nain just as a funeral procession was departing.
What does Jesus say about restoration?
10 1 Peter 5:10 And when you have suffered for a short while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
Why the restoration is important?
Over the last three decades, significant progress has been achieved in both the research and practice of restoration, with specialization in ecosystems as diverse as tropical forests, grasslands, rivers, mangroves, seas, urban habitats, and so on. In numerous areas, such as seed science, soil conservation, and invasive species control, functional specialization has increased.
For many degradation situations, including extreme ones such as landslides, mining, forest fires, and so on, restoration strategies have been created all over the world. The scope of projects is likewise expanding, from small-scale initiatives to large-scale initiatives.
The publishing of the guidelines for the practice of ecological restoration by the Society for Ecological Restoration, the subject's premier global body, was a significant milestone for the profession. These guidelines, which are universally applicable, establish the fundamental concepts and foundation for restoration.
The ecological recovery wheel (left) and the social benefits wheel (right) are tools for assessing a restoration project's ecological and social implications.
They also contain cutting-edge monitoring techniques for assessing the ecological and social impacts of restoration efforts.
The Bonn Challenge proclamation and the United Nations declaration of 2021-30 as the “Decade of Ecosystem Restoration” have elevated ecological restoration to the top of the global biodiversity and climate change agendas.
Biodiverse ecosystems are significantly more successful at sequestering carbon than monoculture plantations, according to research. This should inspire climate change programs to incorporate restoration ideas in order to meet biodiversity targets at the same time.
In India, ecological restoration is still a new field with a small number of practitioners and projects. The majority of initiatives are small and limited to a single location. The demand for restoration, on the other hand, is significant and urgent.
Most woods outside of protected areas, for example, have been damaged as a result of intense human pressure. Invasive alien species, for example, have an impact on our protected regions.
Around 40% of our woods may need to be restored, according to a rough estimate. If we extrapolate this to other ecosystems, we can see that there is a great possibility to improve biodiversity, human life quality, and animal habitat. Restoration also has the potential to produce significant rural incomes and lessen human-wildlife conflicts.
By 2030, India has set a lofty goal of repairing 26 million hectares of damaged land. Certain critical enablers must be in place in order to meet this goal.
To begin, a significant number of well-trained restoration practitioners will be required to achieve this scale. Restoration ecology is currently underrepresented in Indian academic curricula, and this has to change.
Separate methods will be required to train field-level individuals who will be in charge of program implementation and monitoring. Second, we must ensure that initiatives adhere to restoration's key ideas. International standards, with appropriate adaption for Indian situations, can assist in this area.
Finally, a typical restoration effort lasts five to six years and necessitates consistent funding and attention. These enablers will determine whether or not the restoration is effective.
Junglescapes, a grassroots NGO focused on forest habitat restoration in South India, is managed by the author, who is a licensed ecological restoration practitioner. He is a member of the Society for Ecological Restoration's Board of Directors.
The author's opinions are his or her own, and do not necessarily reflect those of Down To Earth.