Resurrection, also known as anastasis, is the concept of resurrecting after death. A dying-and-rising god is a deity who dies and then rises again in a variety of religions. Reincarnation is a similar concept proposed by other religions, in which the same person or divinity returns to live in a new body rather than the same one.
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In Abrahamic religions, the resurrection of the dead is a common eschatological belief. It is employed as a religious concept in two ways: as a belief in the current and ongoing resurrection of individual souls (Christian idealism, realized eschatology), or as a belief in a solitary resurrection of the dead at the end of the world. Some individuals think that the soul is the vehicle through which people are resurrected.
The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus are important to Christianity. Theological controversy rages in Christian circles over whether a spiritual resurrection with a spirit body entering Heaven or a material resurrection with a restored human body is true. While most Christians believe Jesus' resurrection and ascension to Heaven occurred in a physical body, others think it occurred in a spiritual body.
What is the purpose of the resurrection?
Editor's note: We just celebrated Easter, or as many call it, “Resurrection Sunday,” and in today's piece, Dr. David Turner, a New Testament professor, comments on why this day is so important to the gospel.
The Christian message is centered on Jesus' resurrection. What a pity that church services may only emphasize the empty tomb on Easter Sunday or even simply during the Eastertide season. Another source of concern is Christians' typical practice of summarizing the gospel by discussing only Jesus' death. Without the resurrection, Jesus' ministry is doomed to failure and disappointment (Luke 24:21). But if “He isn't here!” everything changes. He has risen from the grave, as he predicted” (Matthew 28:6).
Because it is at the heart of redemption, the resurrection concludes the passion narrative in all four Gospels. Without it, all one can do is feel sorry for Jesus as a martyr whose great ideas were tragically misconstrued. With it, one must be in awe of the exalted Messiah, the Son of the Living God, who offered His life as a ransom for many, who now reigns at God's right hand, and who will come in glory to restore this shattered world one day.
Paul stated flatly that our faith and message are meaningless without the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:12-19). Considering how dreary and worthless any so-called “Christian” life would be without the resurrection should encourage us to think about it even more:
- Without the resurrection, Jesus' death would be devoid of divine meaning and approval. The Father's unambiguous indication that Jesus is the great Son of God who has defeated death and rules as Lord of all is the resurrection (Romans 1:4; 4:25). The resurrection proves that Jesus' death was not in vain “His followers are saved from their sins by the “blood of the new covenant.” There would be no purpose for the cup of memory at the Lord's Table without the resurrection, because there would be no reason to expect the cup of new wine in the Father's Kingdom without the resurrection (Matthew 26:28).
- None of Jesus' promises would be reliable if he hadn't been raised from the dead. If Jesus does not rise from the dead after repeatedly promising to do so (Matthew 12:40; 16:21; 17:9, 23, 20:19; 26:32), He should be despised or mocked, rather than believed and obeyed (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:16-19). As C. S. Lewis put it in his book, “He would have been deluded or a deceiver if he had believed “mere Christianity.” But now that His most spectacular promise has been fulfilled, how can we not trust and live by the rest of His promises?
- There would be no apostolic foundation for the church without the resurrection (Matthew 16:18). The resurrection of Jesus restored trust in his followers who had wandered away (Matthew 26:31-32). The unbelievable-yet-true news conveyed to them by the two women who first discovered the empty tomb and later by the risen Lord Jesus Himself drew the scattered disciples back into the fold and emboldened them to bear testimony (Matthew 28:7, 10, 16-20). Even today, the message of the resurrection has the potential to convert doubters into believers.
- There would be no example of sacrificial living without the resurrection. Jesus personified and exemplified the oxymoron of the crucified life, demonstrating that a self-centered life is a life of pain, and that truly abundant living can only be found when one dies to self-interest (Matthew 10:38-39; 16:24-28; 20:26-28; 23:12). Paul went on to explain that Jesus' disciples died with Him to the old life and rose with Him to a new life (Romans 6:1-11). But if Jesus' agony did not lead to His resurrection and celestial reign, this transforming model of the cross leading to the crown is a farce. The account of Jesus, centered on how His past humility led to His future elevation, is Paul's foundation for instructing the Philippians to live in humility and togetherness (Philippians 2:1-13).
- There would be no eschatological shalom to remedy all worldly wrongs and regenerate the world without the resurrection (Matthew 19:28-29). The martyrs' blood, which cries out for justice from the earth, will never be vindicated (Matthew 23:35; Revelation 6:9-11). Human beings have committed uncountable millions of injustices throughout history that will never be rectified. There would be no final punishment for sin, and Satan would triumph in the cosmic struggle. The resurrection, on the other hand, ensures that the disciples' model prayer will be answered God's will will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). God demonstrated to all people that they will ultimately answer to Him for their actions by raising Jesus (Matthew 16:27; John 5:28-29; Acts 17:31).
To be sure, the crucifixion was at the center of the apostolic gospel proclamation (Galatians 6:14; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; 1 Peter 1:19; Hebrews 2:9, 14; 9:12-14; Revelations 5:6, 9). However, without the resurrection, the meaning of the cross is at best ambiguous. Any presentation of Jesus the Messiah's good news must emphasize His resurrection as the necessary explanation for His death and demonstration of its saving power. Any “gospel” that does not include Jesus' death and resurrection is not the genuine message of Jesus and his apostles.
Jesus is a living, reigning, returning Lord to be adored and emulated in both current pain and future reward, not a dead victim to be pitied (Philippians 3:10-11).
Consider the apostles' teaching on the power of the resurrection in passages like these as we go through Easter and into the summer:
What is divine resurrection?
The ability to be resurrected as a god or god-like entity after death with the use of a supernatural catalyst. Self-Resurrection in a transcendental form. Demonic Resurrection is the polar opposite of this.
What does resurrection life mean?
Preachers and theologians alike frequently use the resurrection to defend the historical account of Christ's resurrection as well as Jesus' deity. While both of these statements are true, they overlook the most significant component of Jesus Christ's resurrection and the reason for His resurrection. The Christian Gospel's ultimate goal and hope, which was realized in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is far more than simply going into paradise and having a glorified body. It's to allow God's life to be restored to man in Jesus Christ, allowing His life to be lived out in our actions RIGHT NOW, on the route to heaven.
The incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection are the three major events in Jesus' life, according to all Christian theology. Incarnation was required in order for the Son of God to identify with humanity as the God-man, who was both entirely God and fully man. Only a man could be tempted and only a man could die, thus Jesus had to be entirely human. The crucifixion was required because Jesus Christ had to voluntarily submit to death in order to take the death consequences of all sin upon Himself in a vicariously and substitutionary manner. The resurrection was required to bring God's vitality back to man through a restorative spiritual rebirth.
It's critical to remember that the incarnation and crucifixion are only part of the story! If God's only works on man's behalf were the incarnation and the crucifixion, the gospel would no longer be good news. “I came, I corrected the problem of sin, you are fixed, now go and do a better job of living than you've been doing,” God would say to man. That's not a good sign! That is a horrible lesson! Only the incarnation and crucifixion serve to further condemn man. The biggest requirement of mankind is Resurrection Life!
Christianity is a message of what IS, not just what has been and will be. It is the essential dynamic of the resurrected Christ “God's “I AM” is the one who restores all of creation. We do not grasp the gospel unless we understand how the historical event of Jesus' resurrection ties to the present reality of Jesus Christ in us through the indwelling presence of His Spirit. The Christian faith is defined by the Resurrection. According to I Pet. 1:3, “God has enabled us to be born again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, according to His great kindness.”
FAITH, which is our openness to His activity, is how we appropriate and receive Christ's resurrection life. Everything that can rightfully be termed Christian is founded on the Resurrection. The dynamic life of Christ continues to affect the Christian only through the indwelling activity of the risen Lord Jesus. There is no gospel, no spiritual life, no salvation, no righteousness, no holiness, no hope, and no godliness without the Resurrection. The character of Christ is forced out and into Christian behavior, right now, through Resurrection Life. There is no Christian living without the Resurrection. The resurrected Life of Jesus Christ in us fulfills all of God's promises and fulfills all of man's expectations! As stated in Col 1:27, Christ in you, the hope of glory, is the riches of the glory of this mystery.
What does it mean to have resurrection power?
On January 12, 2018, the single “Resurrection Power” was released. He discussed the purpose of the song in an interview with Billboard. “‘Resurrection Power' is the authority we have over the same power that raised Jesus from the grave. I don't know about you, but I don't have that energy when my feet hit the floor in the morning; you have to claim it. It's actually quite simple; we're God's sons and daughters, and we have the ability to let God lead us and remove the burden off our shoulders. He teaches us how to be in charge of our own lives, overcoming addictions and leaving whatever darkness we're in behind. This song is what it's all about, because we don't have anything if we don't believe in Jesus' resurrection. It returns to the basics and reminds us of the foundation of our faith, which is that you have been made alive “He told Billboard about it. “We needed to sing, and we needed to be reminded of this, I felt. The resurrection power of God, according to Scripture, is what brings us back to life. That has the ability to break addictions and save marriages. When my feet contact the ground, I don't say to myself, “I have the resurrection power of God,” but that is exactly what I believe.”
He confirms that the album will be comparable to the subject of the lead single.
“Clearly, our country is deeply split, and we are more separated than ever,” he continues. “Every little thing becomes a point of contention, and everyone takes sides. The church, if there is one place that should be a place of oneness and togetherness, I feel it is the church. ‘Your people be one,' Jesus prays to his father in the Bible's final prayer. That is exactly what people desire all throughout the world. That was the goal we needed to strive towards.”
Who will be resurrected?
The treatise from the first century ‘Not everyone will rise, but, as it is said, “The Lord will come, and all his holy ones with him,”‘ Didache adds (16.7)
Many Evangelicals believe in a global resurrection, but one that occurs twice: first at the Second Coming and again at the Great White Throne. The Evangelical Alliance's Doctrinal Basis affirms belief in “the resurrection of the body, the judgment of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, with the eternal blessedness of the virtuous, and the eternal punishment of the wicked,” according to the Evangelical Alliance's Doctrinal Basis.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that God has a plan for redemption. The spirits of the dead are said to live in a location known as the spirit world until they are resurrected, which is comparable to yet fundamentally different from the traditional concepts of Heaven and Hell. In the hereafter, it is said that the spirit retains its wants, beliefs, and desires. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds that Jesus Christ was the first person to be raised, and that all persons who have lived on the world, regardless of their goodness, will be resurrected because of Jesus Christ. According to the Church, not everyone will be resurrected at the same time; the righteous will be revived in a “first resurrection,” while unrepentant sinners would be resurrected in a “last resurrection.” The Church holds that the body (flesh and bone) will be rendered entire and incorruptible, a state that includes immortality, after the resurrection. In Latter-day Saint religion, it is also believed that a few remarkable people were taken from the earth “without tasting death.” This is known as translation, and these people are thought to have kept their bodies in a pure state, though they will eventually have to be resurrected as well.
Some millennialists believe that the Book of Revelation calls for two physical resurrections of the dead, one before and one after the Millennium.
Mortalists, or Christians who do not believe that humans have immortal souls, such as Martin Luther and Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan, may believe in a universal resurrection. Some mortalist faiths, such as Seventh-day Adventists, believe in a universal resurrection of all the dead, but in two resurrection occurrences, one at each end of a millennium. Other mortalist denominations, such as Christadelphians, deny a universal resurrection and believe that the dead are divided into three groups: those who will never be raised, those who will be raised to condemnation and a second final destruction in the “Second Death,” and those who will be raised to eternal life.
What is the difference between resurrection and reincarnation?
The rebirth of a soul into a new body, human or animal, is defined as reincarnation. The returning back to life after death is known as resurrection. The shape is determined by previous behavior.