In her article titled “A Definite Key to Supply,” Mary Baker Eddy presents a definitive keynote to supply “God gives you His spiritual concepts, and in turn, they give you daily supplies,” she adds (p. 307) in “Miscellaneous Writings.” Never ask for tomorrow: divine Love is always there to aid; and if you wait, never questioning, you will have what you need at all times.”
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Recognition of spiritual principles, obedience in their application, and a never-doubting expectation of God's promises all come into play when this fact is applied in human experience.
Spiritual unfoldment leads to a deeper comprehension of spiritual concepts, with each stage bringing new joy, vision, and inspiration. “Ideas are emanations from the holy Mind,” Our Leader writes on page 88 of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” lifting cognition out of the realm of the human sense of good. She goes on to say: “Thoughts, whether they originate in the brain or in matter, are mortal mind offshoots; they are mortal material beliefs. Ideas are spiritual, ethereal, and timeless.” Looking to the appropriate source, we learn to perceive these thoughts in quiet moments of contact with God, through our ever-developing spiritual sense. They may seem as angelic messages encouraging us to do good things, or as patience, tolerance, and forgiving. They may also occur as a warning to increase one's fidelity and devotion to Principle, or as a sudden revelation of the unreality of enmity and personal wrongdoing, like as when the angel struck “the hollow of Jacob's thigh.” We can always feel the love, calm, quiet, and confidence they convey, no matter how they appear.
Tenderness, meekness, humility, fidelity, confidence, courage, and other attributes were mirrored in daily interactions and relied upon to address human needs, according to one student's first sense of the meaning of these principles. She had a better understanding of the spiritual realities about God and His creation as a result of her further studies, and she realized what it meant to rely completely on Mind and its thoughts for the healing of any problem that appeared to develop.
The highest level of allegiance to God is required for the proper application of spiritual ideas. It necessitates the surrender of one's illusory sense of selfhood in favor of a constant awareness of and claim to one's spiritual identity as the image of a loving Father. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,” and “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” are commandments that must be followed every day and hour. This necessitates ongoing vigilance, as well as rapid rejection of any bogus or incorrect suggestion, because we cannot truly “service God and mammon.” True love for God forbids a desire for material things that He is unaware of. Rather than worrying about the future, seeking “first the kingdom of God” demands us to learn the beauty and delight of a simple, childlike confidence and reliance on our heavenly Father. After experiencing the freedom that comes with letting go of the illusory feeling of existence independent from God, we could never wish for anything else. Worry and care disappear from our shoulders as we accept meekly the reflecting of God as our only business when we know for a certainty that all is Mind, Spirit, and that there is no matter.
The correct expectation of the fulfillment of Love's promises is to “wait, never doubting.” Waiting on Love brings forth virtues like patience, trust, and unwavering commitment to Truth, and it establishes a foundation of faith for us that can withstand any adversity that comes our way. This authentic and active waiting necessitates a constant realization of our spiritual selfhood, which is always receiving good, as well as a constant dwelling in the certainty that spiritual thoughts are present to meet every need, no matter how great or unexpected.
The angel thought required will always be received by the listening ear, regardless of how it manifests in human form. One student's desire for sorrow recovery was addressed by following spiritual guidance, which led to her comforting another. As she obeyed the urge to donate all of her current supplies to one whose need looked greater than her own, her material needs were amply met. We discover the meaning of substance, which is completely independent of matter, in this way.
“You will have all you require at all times.” What a comfort and delight it is to wait on God and “never doubt”! What peace to human fears: no material hurrying, no frustration and disappointment, but the calm we've yearned for when we learn to accept the promise of the day without asking for tomorrow!
What is divine substance?
1 The concept of being; universals and particulars; being and activity; the concept of absolute un. and the doctrine of the Trinity; ousia in Greek philosophy and in the Fathers; the ter. homoousios; and some concluding reflections are all covered in my forthcoming book Divine Substance (Oxford 1975-6)
What does spiritual stagnation mean?
I'm not sure I'd be able to tell you what it is, but I know what it is when I see it. I've seen it in folks who, although going to church, have ceased gathering with other believers on a regular basis. They simply aren't a member of the group, don't participate, and remain stagnant.
I've seen people who have just given up attempting to learn stagnate. They either believe they know everything or simply do not want to learn more. People seek the mountain top experience and fail to appreciate the simple day-to-day growth, which eventually aggregates higher than any single event since day-to-day learning never ends.
It occurs when people believe that there are more essential things to do than participate in God's church. Many parents believe that having their child participate in a Sunday sport is more important, even if it will only endure till they are a teenager or graduate high school, whereas learning to be with God will last for the rest of their lives.
It can happen when people are confronted with an issue and simply give up because they are overwhelmed. But they always come to a halt.
Most essential, we must realize that God is trying to keep us alive and flourishing through his Holy Spirit. We grow as a result of the time we spend in his word as he educates us. We develop and mature as we follow him to those moments with other believers where we share together, learning that faith isn't just about us, but also about others. We grow as God leads us to practice the art of loving others via our hands-on work. The main thing is to understand what stagnation is and how to avoid it.
There are two types of death in the Christian faith. One type will result in death. The other form of death results in rebirth.
When the Apostle Paul said, “… if by the Spirit you put to die the crimes of the body, you will live,” he was referring to the dying that leads to life (Romans 8:13). Sin death produces life!
When Jesus spoke of his own death and the spiritual community that would develop from his resurrection, he used the phrase “death that leads to life.” “A grain of wheat will remain a single seed unless it falls into the ground and ‘dies.'” If it dies, however, it generates a large number of seeds” (John 12:21).
The form of dying that leads to death is spiritual stagnation. The prophet Zephaniah described spiritually comfortable people as being like stale wine, indifferent to God and unmoved by pain (Zephaniah 1:12). Spiritual vitality is restored through purposeful rest and recovery, yet spiritual stagnation occurs when a person is lazy, disinterested, or purposeless. The spiritually stagnant, according to Zephaniah, are people who don't care because they believe God doesn't care.
When water collects and stops moving, it becomes stagnant. When people isolate themselves from God and stop responding to the needs of others, they become stagnant.
Spiritual self-absorption leads to spiritual stagnation. It results from no longer being moved by the pain of others. A selfish individual is suffocating himself. Action suffocates inaction. That's when spiritual disease and decay begin.
When I was in college, I had a profound, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for several wonderful men who came beside me and taught me to never “pool,” but to keep flowing closer to the God whose image mankind wears.
What is substance and examples?
Examples of substances include iron, which is both an element and a substance. Methane is a substance since it is a compound.
Non-substances include things like salt water, which isn't a substance. It's made up of two ingredients: sodium chloride and water. Its composition, and thus its properties, are not set in stone. The term “gasoline” does not refer to a material. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons, and the qualities of gasoline vary based on the makeup of the mixture.
How do you overcome stagnancy in life?
Stagnation occurs when nothing excites you enough to motivate you to take action. It's not unexpected if you're feeling stagnation if you don't have a habit of establishing objectives and instead prefer to focus on the daily grind.
What would you do if there were no constraints? What would you choose if you could have anything you wanted? The answers to these questions will give you the fuel you need to keep moving forward.
However, even if you are a seasoned goal-setter, there will be moments when the goals you set in the past no longer appeal to you. It's quite natural, and it happens to me as well. We can lose sight of our goals when we are in a different emotional state than when we originally set them. Our priorities shift from time to time, and we no longer desire to focus on those objectives. However, we are not aware of this, and as a result, we delay on our goals until they become a significant problem.
What causes stagnancy in life?
We all need a certain amount of challenge in our lives to help us grow, but it shouldn't be the majority of what we do.
A stressful lifestyle leaves you feeling empty, uninspired, and unable to cope.
Whatever you choose to call it, stress is what it is. It's anything that gives you mental or emotional distress. We're discredited much too often because our worries are dismissed as trivial. It makes no difference where stress comes from; the result is the same. You are in pain.
Your mind is flooded with negative thoughts, your self-esteem plummets, and you never feel good enough. As a result, your stress response is triggered, which can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and respiratory sickness. It triggers your inflammatory reaction, resulting in acne breakouts, as well as weakening your immune system, making you more susceptible to infection.
If nothing changes, the world will miss out on you, exactly as you are. You begin to feel as if you are at a halt.
Stagnation occurs when there is nothing in your life that encourages you to take consistent actions toward it.
- Feeling apprehensive about trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone?
This is not the same as the tiredness that comes with starting a new chapter in your life, such as having children or starting a new work. Those alterations are accompanied by a sense of anticipation. Stress in little doses can be useful. It motivates you to attain your objectives.
It has more serious consequences when it gets out of hand. It depletes your spirit. It endangers your entire health and can lead to despair and suicidal ideation.
When your delight starts to leave your body, you've hit your maximum. Your skin gets dull and dry, and your eyes begin to sink. Seeing friends and going through the motions of daily life becomes a chore.
It occurs when you are unable to sleep or when you sleep for the entire day. Comfort foods, such as pizza, pasta, and sweets, are craved by your body. You'll use anything to take your mind off the pain, whether it's drugs, booze, or sex.
It's sometimes necessary to take a risk and attempt something new. You must question what you've always done. You must visualize a new step that will lead you to your desired destination.
We become burned out when we fill our life with too many superfluous items, projects, or tasks. We strive to achieve goals that are not imposed on us. It occurs when we impose outcomes rather than allowing them to occur naturally.
This isn't to suggest that they don't take effort; nonetheless, some skills come more readily to some people than others.