What is the flaw in a solely spiritual perspective? Spiritualism that is excessively spiritual denies materiality and the human body. Our moral deeds, according to Christianity, are acts of both the body and the soul.
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What is the ultimate end of the soul?
Heaven and mortal existence are the soul's ultimate destinations. Our life's objective is to get to paradise, and following in God's footsteps will help us get there. Man's spiritual character is revealed through his quest for knowledge, truth, personal fulfillment, and a meaningful life.
How can Catholics have assurance that the teachings of the Church are correct?
How can Catholics be sure that the church's moral teachings are correct? God promises that the church's teachings are correct. The Magisterium communicates the church's moral teachings, which are revealed in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
What is the link between happiness and moral behavior?
Moral greatness is aided by virtuous behavior. A pleasant existence can be enhanced by moral greatness. As a result, living a happy life necessitates being a moral person. Possessing the dispositions (i.e., tendencies) to make the correct decision at the right moment and in the right way leads to happiness.
What aristotles argument for there will be an ultimate end?
Emerson writes in his essay Nature that the universe is made up of people “exists to satisfy the soul's need for beauty. This is what I refer to as an ultimate end” (42). He also mentions that “Primary shapes such as the sky, the mountain, the tree, and the animal thrill us in and for themselves” (42). These two sections reminded me immediately of Aristotle's views on happiness. Happiness, according to Aristotle, is the single ultimate goal for which all of humanity strives. It is the ultimate goal because we want happiness just for the sake of happiness; no other human notion or activity has the same quality. However, he goes on to suggest that contemplation may be the truest form of happiness; one might seek it in and for itself, as Emerson also states (42) and it is also self-sufficient.
“Beauty in nature is not ultimate,” Emerson continues, nor is it “the last or highest expression of the final cause of Nature” (47-48).
However, can't both behaviors be authentic forms of enjoyment (and hence an ultimate purpose) because we enjoy the “basic forms” of nature “in and for themselves” (42) and according to Aristotle we enjoy contemplation in and for itself?
Nature enjoyment, like contemplation, is self-sufficient; in the end, we can only rely on ourselves for happiness, and living with our eyes open to the beauty of the natural world will undoubtedly assist us in that endeavor.
What is the summum bonum of human existence?
Summum bonum is a Latin word that means “highest or ultimate good,” and was used by the Roman philosopher Cicero to describe the underlying concept on which some ethical systems are founded that is, the goal of activities that, if pursued consistently, will lead to the finest possible existence. Since Cicero, the word has taken on a secondary meaning as the essence or ultimate metaphysical principle of Goodness itself, or the Form of the Good, as described by Plato. These two interpretations are not always mutually exclusive. Epicurean and Cyrenaic thinkers, for example, believed that the ‘good life' always strived for pleasure, without implying that pleasure was the meaning or substance of Goodness outside of the ethical realm. Cicero analyzes and compares the ethical doctrines of numerous Greek philosophical schools, including as Stoicism, Epicureanism, Aristotelianism, and Platonism, in De finibus, based on how each defines the ethical summum bonum differently.
In medieval philosophy, the phrase was employed. The highest good is commonly characterized as the life of the virtuous and/or the life lived in connection with God and according to God's precepts in the Thomist synthesis of Aristotelianism and Christianity. It was employed in Kantianism to define the ultimate importance, the one and overarching goal that human beings should strive for.
What does the Catholic Church say about being saved?
“Have you been rescued?” That's a question that many well-intentioned Christians ask when they wish to assist others learn about Jesus Christ. We can appreciate their good intentions and admire their desire to talk about God as Catholics whose religion is based on Him.
Even so, we can have a hard time figuring out what their question is truly about. What do individuals mean when they say they're already there? “reserved”?
Most Christians who have this question regard salvation as a past event that occurred when they professed faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. They believe that this act of faith has now guaranteed them a place in paradise, regardless of what they do for the rest of their lives. They will never have to suffer the consequences of their sins in hell.
A Mistaken Notion
The Catholic Church's teachings assist us in realizing that this is a faulty notion of salvation. Jesus Christ came to provide us far more than an everlasting fire insurance coverage. Salvation, in its broadest meaning, is a never-ending process that will not be completed until we die. It is still possible to turn away from God in the meanwhile.
When people ask if we're “saved,” the best short answer is probably this: “Well, I'm doing what the apostle Paul says in the Bible: I'm ‘working out' my salvation day by day” (see Phil 2:12).
If we want to elaborate on that answer, we can assure the inquirer that we do believe in Jesus Christ, that we acknowledge Him as our Savior and Lord, and that our ultimate desire is to be counted among the saints in paradise one day.
But why should we stop there? Try this strategy if you want to take it a step further. “Now I'd like to ask you a question: We both know that Jesus saves us from sin.” But for what are we saving?”
This question redirects the conversation's focus. Exploring the answer with the other person can help the other person understand what it means to be rescued more fully and properly.
What Is Salvation?
We aren't merely saved from sin, according to the Catholic doctrine of salvation, which is based on Scripture. We've been saved to spend eternity with God.
What was the purpose of God creating us in the first place? He created us to be sons and daughters who live in fellowship with Him, in some ways like himself, able to think and choose. God created us for the sole purpose of knowing, loving, serving, and enjoying Him now and forever.
We have, however, rebelled against God and rejected His relationship as a result of our sin. As a result, His resemblance in us has deteriorated, and we've become estranged from Him. Because He is the Source of all that is good, alienation from Him can only lead to suffering in this world and the next.
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to deliver us from such a dreadful fate because He loved us so much. Through the forgiveness of our sins, Jesus' life, death, and resurrection bring us salvation from eternal damnation.
That's not all, though. He also reconciles us to God, allowing us to fully restore our relationship with Him.
In this way, Jesus initiates the process of total renewal of God's likeness in us, as well as the healing of sin's brokenness. So salvation is more than just a way to avoid damnation or a past event.
Salvation, on the other hand, is God's new creation in its entirety. To redeem us, He transforms us into His image a lifetime process that requires our cooperation so that we might think and love as He does. Only in paradise, where eternal existence is lived in perfect harmony with Him, does this process come to a close.
Those who are eternally united with God in the deepest possible love communion will fulfill their highest destiny. They will be able to realize their deepest desires. They'll grow into the people they were meant to be.
Shipwreck Survivors
We're like survivors of a shipwreck in the middle of the ocean during a storm. We've been saved from drowning and welcomed aboard the Church, a ship we call home. That ship is now transporting us to a secure haven our eternal home with God in heaven.
So you might say we've been together for a while “Saved” refers to being rescued and transferred to a safe vessel. However, we can't really talk of being “Until we arrive at our goal, we are “saved” in the full sense of the word. We must humble ourselves and recognize that we are far from flawless.
Meanwhile, we must accept the sobering potential that, God forbid, we may choose to jump overboard again at some point in the future.
Salvation isn't guaranteed just because of what we've done before. We still have free will since it is part of God's likeness in us. As a result, we still have the option of turning away from God.
It's a terrifying prospect. It shouldn't, however, make us fearful of being condemned despite our greatest attempts to grow in grace. We can have trust in God's desire for our salvation and His willingness to assist us. If we're tempted to abandon Him, He'll give us the strength to reject it.
Every day, we make decisions that either bring us closer to God or pull us further away from Him. It's for this reason that simply believing in Jesus isn't enough. Friendship with God, like any other sort of friendship, involves more than just getting to know each other. It entails making a succession of long-term choices to love in order to establish a committed relationship.
Then faith is worthless if it isn't accompanied by good deeds. Because both our intellect and will the whole likeness of God must be renewed if we are to be saved in the end, God requires our active involvement.
If you discuss these points with Christian friends who inquire about your salvation, you may open up a whole new way of thinking for them. What if the conversation comes to a halt after your initial response? Even yet, the time you've spent contemplating what salvation actually entails might help you grow in faith and draw closer to God.
What must a Catholic do to be saved?
As you may be aware, Pope Francis recently visited the United States, and the most previous papal visit prior to his visit was in 2008. During Pope Francis' lengthy and politically heated visit, we've all seen photographs of the Pope being adored by people as they gathered in vast groups to catch a glimpse of him. As he rode around the streets in his “Pope Mobile,” he blessed the masses with the sign of the cross. One person's video from Fifth Avenue in New York, where they obtained footage of the Pope riding across the city, may be seen below.
I just published an article in which I posed the question, “Are Roman Catholics Christians?”
Today, I'd like to talk about the Roman Catholic Church's salvation theory.
With over 69 million Roman Catholics in the United States, this is a topic that must be addressed.
“Pope Francis, what must I do to be saved?” someone might inquire.
What would his reaction be?
The False Salvation of the Roman Catholic Church
It is a difficult undertaking, according to official Catholic doctrine, for a person to be saved. It entails actions like as genuine grace, faith, good acts, baptism, sacramental participation, penance, indulgences, and obedience to the commandments. In short, the Roman Catholic Church's theory of soteriology is a works-based system in which a person must earn their way to God. The following are some citations from the Catholic Church's Catechism.
Faith is fundamental to Christian theology, yet it is only one part of the Roman Catholic Church's salvation system.
They write in their Catechism, “According to their Catechism:
- “To be saved, one must have faith. ‘He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned,' says the Lord himself (Mk 16:16). (Source: CCC 183).
Faith is required for salvation, according to the Roman Catholic Church's official teachings. That's great, but it doesn't end there. In Catholic theology, faith is only the beginning. They expand on that foundation by adding human deeds to faith, such as participation in “the Church” and tradition.
- “The Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim here on earth, is required for salvation, based on Scripture and Tradition.” (CCC 846, CCC 847, CCC 848, CCC 8
- “The Passion of Christ has merited for us justification. It is given to us as a result of our baptism. It makes us correspond to God's righteousness, which justifies us. Its objective is to bring praise to God and Christ, as well as the gift of eternal life. It is the crowning achievement of God's benevolence” (CCC 2020).
- “Baptism is required for salvation for individuals who have heard the Gospel and have had the opportunity to receive this sacrament.” The Church is unaware of any way other than Baptism that guarantees eternal bliss…” (1257 CCC)
As you can see, the Roman Catholic Church considers baptism to be a requirement for salvation. “The Church does not know of any means other than Baptism that secures admittance into eternal beatitude,” they declare in a heretical manner. “The Church,” as they refer to it, is a reference to the Roman Catholic Church. Any other church is not recognized as legitimate by them. Their assertion is based on their view that “baptism erases original sin by giving the life of Christ's grace” (CCC405).
- “Let him be anathema who says that the impious is justified by faith alone; in such a way as to imply that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to gain the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will” (Council of Trent, Canons on Justification, Canon 9).
Take note of how they put “faith alone” squarely in the crosshairs of their teachings. They are adamant in their opposition to Scripture's teachings that salvation is obtained alone by trust in Jesus Christ. They also claim that human will prepares us and collaborates with God in order to bring about justification. This is in direct opposition to the Bible's teachings.
True Salvation in Jesus Christ
The doctrine of salvation is clearly stated in the Bible. That was, after all, the core point of the Reformation: salvation comes alone by grace, by faith alone, in Christ alone, for the forgiveness of sins. Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the castle door at Wittenberg over 500 years ago. Luther remarked, “If any one attributes even the tiniest aspect of salvation to man's free choice, he knows nothing of grace, and he has not properly studied Jesus Christ.” The Reformation's 5 Solas were founded on this plain teaching: salvation is a gift from God.
The Reformers based their beliefs on the Bible alone, rather than the Catholic Church's traditions and teachings, from the outset.
The Bible is God's Word, and we must rely only on it for guidance.
Was it our deeds or Christ's deeds that satisfied God?
It was Christ's work, according to passages like Isaiah 53 and 1 John 2:1-2.
As he writes to the church at Ephesus, Paul makes it very apparent that our salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our own efforts:
You have been saved by grace through faith. And this isn't your doing; it's a gift from God, not a product of your efforts, so no one may boast (Eph. 2:8-9).
This paragraph provides a simple refutation of Papists' frivolous cavil, which they use to avoid the argument that we are justified without works. They say Paul is talking about rituals. However, the current issue is not limited to a single type of job. Nothing is more obvious than this. Man's entire righteousness, which is based on works, is thrown aside, as is the entire man and everything he may call his his. We must be aware of the contradiction between God and man, grace and works. Why should God and man be pitted against each other if the issue is only about rituals?
There will be no bragging of our works in front of the Lord.
Attending and becoming a member of a church is insufficient.
The group's work “Sacraments” isn't enough.
The human will to cooperate is insufficient.
All of these deeds and acts are really feeble attempts to appease God.
In our flesh, we can't please God.
We have nothing to offer Him that would satisfy His holy justice or impress Him.
That's why Paul stresses the point so forcefully – “Not as a consequence of labor, so that no one can brag” (Eph. 2:9).
Our human will is dead before salvation, according to the Bible (Eph. 2:1).
We are not born again by our own free will, according to John 1:13.
How does the Roman Catholic Church teach that we must collaborate with God in order to receive justification since the human heart is deceitful and desperately evil (Jer. 17:9)?
John Calvin writes about Ephesians 2:10 in his commentary:
What remains of free will if all of our good actions are acknowledged to be gifts from the Holy Spirit? Allow godly readers to consider the apostle's remarks carefully. He makes no mention of God's assistance. He doesn't imply that the will is prepared, but rather that it is left to its own devices. He doesn't say that we are given the ability to choose wisely and then left to make our own decisions. Such is the frivolous chatter that individuals who do everything they can to minimize God's grace are prone to engage in. The apostle, on the other hand, affirms that we are God's work and that everything good in us is his creation; by this, he implies that the complete man is fashioned to be good by his hand.
As a result, we must infer that salvation is a gift from God, bestowed on guilty sinners out of simple mercy and love, rather than on the basis of any performance or work that we bring to God.
Everything we do in worship and service to God is through a changed heart that God wrought in us and planned to do before the world was created (Eph. 1:3-7).
I've heard Roman Catholics state that they don't believe in works-based salvation and instead rely solely on Jesus Christ.
My question to that person is simple: why do you continue to attend a church that teaches a concept of salvation that is blasphemous to God, devalues Christ's work on our behalf, and robs Him of His glory?
Why not get away from Rome for a while?
Unless you're fully devoted to them, don't bother “If you believe in “true Church” theology, you should leave Rome as soon as you recognize the Roman Catholic Church's false salvation.
The well-known English Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon once said:
Every Christian is obligated to pray against the Anti-Christ, and no rational person should have any doubts about who that Anti-Christ is.
There is nothing in the world that can be called Popery if it is not found in the Church of Rome…because it wounds Christ, because it robs Christ of His glory, because it substitutes sacramental efficacy for His atonement, and substitutes a piece of bread for the Saviour, and a few drops of water for the Holy Ghost, and substitutes a fallible man like ourselves as the Vicar of Christ on earth; if we pray against it, because it is
What is the difference between positive and negative morality?
Typically, “moral stories” conclude in such a way that the positive behavior (good action) is rewarded, while the negative behavior (bad action) results in some type of punishment, social criticism and rebuke, and moral scorn.
What is natural moral law a level?
St Thomas Aquinas is most famous for his absolutist view of Natural Law (1224 -1274). It is based on Aquinas' core notion that, in order to obtain fulfillment and satisfaction in life, humans are intrinsically motivated to do good and avoid evil (Synderesis Rule). The Basic Principles.