Spiritual Midwives are companions or advisers who assist people going through tough physical, emotional, or spiritual transitions. A Spiritual Midwife understands the process of “giving birth to something new” and sees it as holistic, with physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects all connected.
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What does the Bible say about spiritual midwives?
God bless the midwife. It's possible that it's because God is the midwife. As we are led to pray in Psalm 22, it is written: You brought me out of the womb; you taught me to trust in you even at my mother's breast.
What does midwife mean in the Bible?
My first discovery while searching the Bible for references to midwives was that there are comparatively few references to midwifery in the Bible. The Hebrew Scriptures contain all of the references (the Old Testament). The Hebrew name for “midwife” (hameyaledet) directly translates to “woman who assists in childbirth.” The singular form of this phrase is ( “Only three times does the word “midwife” appear in the Bible: in Genesis 35:17, Genesis 38:28, and Exodus 1:16. The plural version is ( “Only seven times in the first chapter of Exodus does the word “midwives” appear: in verses 15, 17, 18, 19 (twice), 20, and 21. That's all there is to it. In the Bible, there are only 10 clear references to midwives.
Why is spirituality important in midwifery care?
A concept analysis of spiritual care in nursing. Spirituality is increasingly being recognized as a fundamental component of our humanity, an aspect of our being that allows us to experience self-fulfillment, peace, and the ability to confront the problems of healthcare.
What can a midwife do and not do?
No, a midwife isn't a physician. Despite their extensive training, registered and certified midwives are unable to perform cesarean sections on their own. They have the ability to provide epidurals and labor-inducing medicines, but they are less likely than doctors to do so.
While midwives can attend low-risk births without a doctor present, if a complication arises, such as an emergency C-section, they'll need to contact an on-call physician. Midwives are required to work in collaboration with doctors in some states, although they can can work alone in others.
Is a midwife a nurse?
A midwife is a skilled health care provider who assists healthy women during labor, delivery, and postpartum care. Midwives can deliver infants at birthing centers or at home, but the majority of them can also deliver babies in hospitals. They have had no difficulties in the pregnancy of women who have chosen them.
- Registered nurses who have completed an accredited nurse-midwifery education program and passed a national exam are known as certified nurse-midwives (CNMs). They have the ability to practice in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia.
- Non-nurse midwives who hold a bachelor's degree or higher in a health profession, have finished an accredited midwifery education program, and passed a national exam are known as certified midwives (CMs). Only a few states allow CMs to work.
- Non-nurse midwives who have passed a national exam and have training and practical experience in childbirth, including birthing outside of the hospital, are known as certified professional midwives (CPMs). CPMs are not allowed to practice in all states.
What is the meaning of Exodus 1 21?
“When you support the Hebrew ladies in labor and observe them on the delivery stool, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live,” the king of Egypt instructed to the Hebrew midwives, Shifra and Puah. 17 The midwives, on the other hand, feared God and did not do as the Egyptian monarch had instructed; they let the boys live. 18 The Egyptian king then called the midwives and questioned, “What was your motivation for doing this? Why did you allow the guys to live?”
19 “Hebrew ladies are not like Egyptian women; they are robust and give birth before the midwives arrive,” the midwives explained to Pharaoh.
20 As a result of God's kindness to the midwives, the population grew and grew. 21 Because the midwives feared God, he blessed them with their own families.
Discussion Questions
- The wording is a little unclear about whether these midwives are Hebrews themselves or midwives who assist the Hebrew population. Do you believe it makes a difference? What impact might their ethnicity, whether Hebrew or non-Hebrew, have on how we interpret their actions?
- Because they fear God, the midwives defy Pharoah. What does “fear of God” mean to you? Is this a motivator that you can get behind?
- Would you describe Shiphra and Puah's conduct as civil disobedience? Why do you think that is?
What is a doula in the Bible?
The feminine form of the Greek word doulos, which means slave or servant, is doula. It appears throughout the New Testament. Though I was grateful to Patty for being my doula, the term “doula” is not an emotional one. Slavery is about obeying a master, not about emotional thanks.
What does Moses name mean?
The name “Moses” stems from the Hebrew verb “to take out/draw out,” according to the Torah, and it was given to the infant Moses by Pharaoh's daughter when she saved him from the Nile (Exodus 2:10) It has been speculated since the rise of Egyptology and the decipherment of hieroglyphs that Moses' name, which has a similar pronunciation to the Hebrew Moshe, is the Egyptian word for Son, with Pharaoh names like Thutmose and Ramesses roughly translating to “son of Thoth” and “son of Ra,” respectively.
The Hebrew name of Moses is pronounced in a variety of ways, including Mausheh in Ashkenazi western Europe, Moysheh in Eastern Europe, Moussa in northern Islamic countries, and Mesha in Yemen. Moishe, Moysh, Maish, Moeez, Mo, Moyshee, Musie, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishe (pronounced Mooziyeh).
In the languages of the countries where they were born or lived, Jews with the Hebrew name Moses had a similar name. They were given the names Maurici, Maurice, Morris, and Mauricio throughout Europe. They were also known as Mustafa in Arabic-speaking nations, in addition to Moussa, which is the Arabic word for Moses.
Why use a midwife instead of a doctor?
Many women prefer a midwife to a doctor because they want more emotional support before, during, and after the birth. During your pregnancy, a midwife will get to know you, your family, and your preferences.