What Is The Spiritual Cause Of High Blood Pressure

One of my Facebook friends asked me for guidance for her hypertensive sister (high blood pressure). I didn't recommend a statin or blood pressure medicine as a first line of defense. While variables such as high blood pressure or a hectic lifestyle might contribute to hypertension, I highlighted that the main reason is sometimes profound emotional tension from the past.

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Healing Hypertension: Annemarie's Story

I write about my colleague Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D., a pioneer in the whole foods movement and founder of the Natural Gourmet Cooking School in New York City, in the Wisdom of Menopause (2012). Annemarie was diagnosed with hypertension “out of the blue” in the second half of her life, despite eating a primarily vegan, organic diet for decades.

Annemarie had heard of Samuel J. Mann, M.D., professor of Clinical Medicine at the New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center's Hypertension Center. Over the years, Dr. Mann has seen thousands of patients with excessive blood pressure. He writes in his book Healing Hypertension: A Revolutionary New Approach (Wiley 1999) that he has noticed a pattern throughout the years that does not fit the prevalent concept of hypertension as stress-related. “Even individuals with severe hypertension did not appear to be any more emotionally upset than others,” he noted. They appeared to be less worried.”

Their elevated blood pressure seems to be linked to avoiding rather than confronting their feelings. Mann came to the notion that his patients' high blood pressure was caused by ancient, unhealed, buried traumas. I agree that hypertension and many other “unexplained” ailments are caused by our hidden emotions—those we don't feel.

Annemarie Colbin, in any case, found herself suddenly dealing with episodes of extremely high blood pressure (as high as 220/110), as well as insomnia. She opted to see Dr. Mann rather than accepting the standard therapy, which would have required her to take medicines for the rest of her life. She was urged to examine any repressed feelings she might have. It didn't take her long to realize that her difficulty was caused by a “energetic imprint” of childhood trauma, as I call it.

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Annemarie spent three years as a kid, between the ages of two and five, in Hungary during WWII. Her father had been forced into a labor camp, so she lived there with her mother. She and her mother spent several nights hiding from bombs and grenades in cellars and basements with 30–40 others. She claimed she had no recollection of the incident. She went for a walk one day and found herself “waiting.” She had no idea what it was for.

She then remembered her mother telling her about a time when they had to stay in a cellar. Her mother had been summoned upstairs for a party by the occupying army, leaving her alone in the basement with strangers who didn't care about her. She was instantly terrified that her mother would not return. “I remember knowing that if she did not return, I would die,” she added. I didn't have a home, family, or friends. There were only the two of us. I'm quite sure I stayed up all night waiting for my mum. And now I was reliving it in my sleepless nights.”

“I lay in the grass, on the safe ground, and trembled and cried, feeling and releasing that old horror,” Annemarie says after this epiphany (while walking). I calmed myself, got up, and went home, strangely relieved, after a while of shivering and crying. I then took my blood pressure. In one hour, it had dropped to 137/82.” Her blood pressure ultimately stabilized at a normal level over the next several months as she cleared out extra, old emotional baggage.

We are living in an era where the sun is shining brighter than ever before. As a result, holding on to our inner darkness—our old, unhealed sorrow and terror—is much more difficult. Failure to fully release those old dark emotions raises our risk of being ill, whether it's from high blood pressure or anything else. We've been taught to be terrified of crying, fury, and grief. These, however, are not the issue. It's keeping them bottled up that's the problem.

For some of you, simply reading this will trigger feelings that need to be released. Others may require the assistance of a qualified therapist or bodyworker. Regardless, here's an affirmation to assist you release whatever it is that needs to come up and out.

Please, Divine Beloved, transform me into someone who can readily release any negative emotions I may be harboring—even if I'm not aware of them. Assist me with feeling and then releasing whatever that has to be released. Everything is well with me.

Please send me a remark here or on my Facebook page once you've given it some time to practice and tell me about your experience.

What is the root cause of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure can be caused by food, medicine, lifestyle, age, and heredity. Your doctor can assist you in determining the source of yours. High blood pressure can be caused by a number of circumstances, including:

  • Kidney and hormone disorders, diabetes, and excessive cholesterol are all chronic illnesses.
  • High blood pressure runs in your family, especially if your parents or other close relatives have it.
  • Getting older (the older you are, the more likely you are to have high blood pressure).
  • racial discrimination (non-Hispanic black people are more likely to have high blood pressure than people of other races).

What chakra is related to high blood pressure?

Anahata, the heart chakra, regulates blood pressure, circulation, and the health of its coordinating organs in concert with the heart, lungs, and upper extremities. When Anahata is out of balance, it can cause respiratory problems, high blood pressure, and poor circulation in the arms and hands. An unbalanced heart chakra can cause feelings of insecurity and unworthiness, as well as manipulative conduct and codependency. Know that you're not alone if you're feeling this way. You are cherished. There are also techniques to assist oneself in getting through it. Continue reading to learn how!

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Can Prayer lower blood pressure?

Prayer is significant in the healthcare setting simply because it is so frequently practiced. “Surveys reveal that approximately 90% of patients with serious sickness will engage in prayer for the reduction of their suffering or condition,” says Dr. Wayne Jonas. Prayer is the most extensively practiced healing modality among all forms of supplementary medicine. Prayer is the second most prevalent technique of pain management (after oral pain medicine) and the most common non-drug method of pain management, according to research undertaken by Dr. Christina Puchalski, Director of the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health.

The following explanations have been given as to how prayer aids in health improvement:

  • Prayer produces the relaxation response, which decreases blood pressure and other stress-related parameters.
  • Secondary control – prayer transfers control to something bigger than oneself, which helps relieve stress associated with the urge to be in command.
  • The placebo effect – prayer can boost a person's hopes and aspirations, which can have a good impact on their health.
  • Prayer can provide a sense of spiritual or loving presence, as well as union with God or immersion into the cosmic unconscious.
  • Prayer can evoke positive emotions such as appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, and hope, all of which are linked to healing and wellness.
  • Prayer that uplifts or relaxes the mind and body slows the release of cortisol and other hormones, lessening the detrimental impact of stress on the immune system and facilitating recovery.

Can anger raise blood pressure?

Answer: Questions concerning your health are important to ask, and many individuals can help you with them, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Before we get into why your blood pressure rises when you're upset, it's important to understand what blood pressure is in the first place.

Your heart beats at a regular rate to circulate blood throughout your body. Blood travels through arteries and veins, which are tubes that carry blood. Arteries carry blood out from the heart, whereas veins carry blood back. Blood pressure is a measurement of how easy or difficult it is for your heart to pump blood via these tubes to every region of your body. Someone at the doctor's office has most likely taken your blood pressure before by wrapping a cuff around your arm, pumping it up till it squeezes it, and listening to the blood flow using a stethoscope. It's critical to check your blood pressure on a frequent basis to ensure it's not too high or too low.

There are a variety of factors that can raise your blood pressure. One of these, as you indicated, is being irritated or offended. When your body is faced with a stressful scenario, it releases hormones that prepare your body to deal with the situation. Adrenaline is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. Perhaps you've heard the terms “adrenaline rush,” “adrenaline surge,” or “fight or flight.” All of these terms allude to the release of adrenaline by your body in a stressful scenario, such as when you're upset. Adrenaline causes your heart to beat quicker and arteries and veins to constrict, raising your blood pressure. Once you are no longer furious or the stressful incident has passed, your blood pressure normally returns to normal.

If your blood pressure is excessively high for an extended length of time, it might cause difficulties, so try to avoid feeling irritated in the first place. Other ways to maintain a good blood pressure include eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, avoiding junk food such as chips and fast food, and exercising every day.

Clinical Assistant Professor of Ambulatory Care, Binghamton University's Department of Pharmacy Practice

Spending time with family and friends, traveling to new places, reading, and volunteering are some of my interests and hobbies.

How can I bring my blood pressure down immediately?

Contact your doctor right away if you experience any consequences from high blood pressure, such as a stroke or heart attack. In such critical situations, avoid attempting home treatments. If you have high blood pressure (hypertension) but no other symptoms, the first thing you should do is relax and lie down. Set aside the activity at hand and gradually begin to take deep breaths. This stress-relieving strategy aids in the reduction of blood pressure to some level. If relaxation techniques don't work, see a doctor right away. Also, if your blood pressure is not managed by lifestyle modifications or food, don't forget to take your antihypertensive drugs.

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The most common treatment for high blood pressure is medication. Medication can be gradually reduced as blood pressure improves as a result of lifestyle changes. Stroke, heart attack, and other consequences are reduced when medications are combined with a balanced diet.

Can blood pressure be cured?

High blood pressure has no known treatment. Treatment, on the other hand, can help to lower high blood pressure. If your high blood pressure is mild, you may be able to lower it by adopting a better lifestyle.

Is there a permanent cure for high blood pressure?

It's natural for your blood pressure to rise and fall during the day. Blood pressure changes naturally in a variety of scenarios, including excitement, physical activity, sleeping, and waking up. When you stop exercising, your blood pressure should return to normal.

A normal blood pressure reading is one with a systolic pressure of less than 120 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of less than 80 mmHg. The measurement of blood pressure from your heart beats is called systolic pressure. When the heart is at rest between beats, it has diastolic pressure. Although there is currently no treatment for high blood pressure, you can take efforts to manage it without using medication. Here are seven natural strategies to reduce your blood pressure:

  • Exercise! Regular exercise is beneficial to your general health and can also help you lower your blood pressure. Regular exercise helps to maintain your heart healthy and powerful. It's also a natural stress reliever, because stress is a significant cause of hypertension.
  • Alter your eating habits. Blood pressure is harmed by diets high in fatty, sodium-rich meals. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables, lean meats, high fiber, and whole grains are recommended.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight for your body will lessen the amount of strain on your heart and assist manage your blood pressure.
  • Consume as little salt as possible. Sodium is found naturally in many meals, but it is also added to most processed foods. To help lower HPB, look for foods that are low in sodium or have none at all.
  • Reduce your level of anxiety. You can lessen your stress levels by meditating, finding a relaxing pastime, exercising, or doing anything else that relaxes you.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption can raise your blood pressure, so if you drink, keep an eye on your intake.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking cessation isn't just excellent for lowering blood pressure; it also has a number of other health benefits, such as better lungs and a lower risk of heart disease.

Can lack of sleep cause high blood pressure?

A lack of sleep can trigger hormonal changes, which can contribute to high blood pressure and other heart disease risk factors.