How To Tie A Kundalini Turban

Do you want to learn more about Kundalini Yoga? Do you want to go to class with your head covered? Myrah Penaloza demonstrates how to tie a turban in the “house holders” method in this video. She's wearing the Indigo Turban, which may be found in the Sacred Adornments section of our website.

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Why do you wear a turban in Kundalini?

When you walk into a Kundalini Yoga session, you'll notice a lot of people wearing white scarves and turbans around their heads. Many religious and spiritual traditions, including Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism, wear head coverings as a sign of faith. Kundalini Yoga, which has its roots in Sikh Dharma, borrows some of the faith's customs, such as mantra chanting, early morning sadhana (practice), not shaving one's body hair, and wearing turbans, to name a few. Although head coverings are not required in Kundalini Yoga, here are some reasons why you might want to consider wearing one.

Covering the head focuses the energy at the third eye.

Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the West, stressed the necessity of wearing a head covering during practice to focus and contain your energy as well as clarify your thoughts, resulting in a meditative focus at your third eye, or Ajna Chakra.

A snugly-tied turban creates a natural cranial adjustment.

A neatly tied turban, according to Kundalini technology, stabilizes the many small bones in the skull that affect our neurological system and electromagnetic field. A light pressure on the cranium, according to proponents, induces a sense of serenity and wellness.

A turban can symbolize your devotion to your practice.

Covering your head and sitting in front of an altar or sacred area, for example, might help establish the tone for a deeper practice by indicating a shift from the physical to the spiritual realm. When I sit in front of my altar, which is decorated with photos of gurus and departed loved ones, light incense, anoint my wrists with essential oils, and cover my head, I find that I am preparing my body and mind to relax and embrace my practice with joy and reverence.

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Why wear white?

According to Yogi Bhajan, your aura extends nine feet around your body, but the color white extends it by an additional foot, offering more protection from bad energy and allowing you to send your positive energy outward to inspire others and attract prosperity into your life.

How do I protect my crown chakra?

You may be wondering what a healthy and balanced crown chakra looks and feels like right now.

The crown chakra is the seat of our soul and our gateway to enlightenment, according to yogic philosophy. While you won't necessarily become enlightened as a result of crown chakra repair (don't rule it out! ), you will notice a significant increase in inner calm and clarity. You will also no longer feel so isolated from the people around you, and instead, a sense of belonging and interconnectedness with all of life will replace that sense of isolation.

Your perspective will be revitalized, and you will be able to appreciate the beauty of existence once more, rather than feeling bored or fed up with life. You'll feel more light, flexible, and fun if you're struggling with egotism and a rigid identity. You'll be able to perceive the larger picture of life and live more in the moment as a result. If you've battled in the past to connect with your Higher Self or Soul, you'll now be able to experience and live from that sacred area. Overall, your reality will be defined by a sense of expansiveness and peace.

While these significant improvements may appear to be thrilling, please keep in mind that crown chakra healing takes time. As a result, don't expect any of the following practices to be “quick fixes.” Commitment and patience are the two most crucial tools you'll need for this job.

There are fifteen crown chakra healing treatments available to assist you in balancing this energy center:

Meditate, meditate, meditate

Meditation is the process of recognizing or discovering one's real self. Sri Chinmoy (Sri Chinmoy)

Meditation's popularity as a spiritual technique has become cliched for many people. However, there's a reason why meditation is so popular: it works! And when it comes to crown chakra healing, it's probably the most significant strategy for restoring balance to this precious energy center. There are numerous meditation techniques available, including breathing techniques, mantras, and moving to colorful images. Osho's The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within is an incredibly informative book on a wide range of meditation practices that I highly suggest. To assist you get started meditating, I also recommend the mobile app “Calm,” which provides a number of simple and free guided meditations and breathing exercises.

Stop believing your thoughts

I realized that I suffered when I believed my thoughts, but that I did not suffer when I did not believe them, and that this is true for every human being. That's all there is to it. Byron — Katie

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At first look, the above title ( “Stop believing what you're thinking”) may appear unusual and perplexing. “But I am my thoughts!” you could object. There is a basic misunderstanding here. If we don't have control over our thoughts, how can we be ourselves? You can find out for yourself by doing the following:

Sit quietly and focus your attention within. Begin to pay attention to all of the thoughts that race through your mind. Did you intend for these thoughts to arise? Did you intend to scheme, plan, or develop any of them?

You will notice that you do not, in reality, originate any of your thoughts if you pay attention. They just appear out of nowhere in the enormous depths of your thoughts. As a result, how can you be yourself? What is it, nevertheless, that is witnessing these thoughts? Your essential Essence is the power that witnesses these thoughts (and forgets that it is the witnesser).

Meditation (as indicated above) is a great method to start seeing and disconnecting from your thoughts. Disbelieving your thoughts is another approach to achieve a sense of vast tranquility inside oneself. This technique is known as self-inquiry, and it entails asking yourself a question “Is that correct?” Byron Katie, an enlightened teacher, has a straightforward and straightforward way for testing and denying ideas that cause suffering. Another Youtube teacher with a similar style of self-inquiry is Noah Elkrief.

Energy Work

The health of your crown chakra can be improved by any sort of energy therapy. Qigong, falun gong, reiki, yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, EFT, and many other techniques are examples.

Educate yourself

By broadening your thoughts and stepping out of dead and confining perspectives, you can open your head chakra. Read books, view videos, and listen to podcasts on a variety of self-development topics. Identify any areas of ignorance or bias you may have (it takes guts to be honest with yourself about this), and further your education in these areas. “The more I learn, the less I realize I know,” stated the renowned philosopher Socrates. To put it another way, the more you educate yourself, the more humility and open-mindedness you develop toward yourself and others.

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”

Make your environment as simple as possible. You don't have to be a minimalist to strive for less clutter in your life. Excessive possessions and clutter have been shown to cause mental and emotional anguish. Go through your stuff and sort them into three piles: those you want to keep, those you want to donate, and those you want to get rid of. You can achieve the same level of purification within yourself by cleaning and simplifying your environment. This process of energetically clearing your exterior environment frees up space within your thoughts and considerably aids crown chakra healing.

Hum or chant the sound “OM”

The vibration of the crown chakra is matched by this sound. Make noises out of the letters, such as “ommmmmmmmmm” or “auuuummmmmmm.” You might also enjoy listening to binaural beats (a type of music healing therapy that uses alternating sound waves to activate and clear all of the chakras). These chakra-healing tunes are a good place to start.

Explore plant medicine

Plants can be sacred teachers, providing us with direct encounters with the Divine. Shamanic travels have provided me with some of the most wonderful and life-changing experiences I've ever had. Make sure you do your homework and identify a shaman with experience with plant teachers like the San Pedro cactus, Psilocybin mushrooms, or Ayahuasca. Plant medicine is particularly effective in both opening and purging the crown chakra and the rest of the energy system. (Please keep in mind that plant medicine should be addressed with respect and a well-prepared and balanced mind.)

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Commit yourself to your own spiritual practice

You are the only one who can establish a strong connection with Spirit. Designating a tiny portion (or even a room) of your house to your daily spiritual practice is one of the simplest methods to start your own spiritual practice. You could want to make a personal altar for yourself, using candles, books, stones, bones, incense, and other symbolic items. You don't need to spend a lot of money to establish this space; simply utilize anything you currently have around the house that is meaningful to you and put it there.

Spiritual practice is as varied as people themselves. You will have a fully distinct spiritual practice. It could involve things like meditating, practising yoga or qigong, praying, performing rituals, reading and studying religious texts, singing, drawing tarot cards, volunteering, producing art, watching nature, practicing visualization or self-hypnosis, and so on. Just make sure you're doing what feels right to you. There's no need to imitate anyone else. Make a regular routine that feeds your soul.

Practice the power of prayer

It is not necessary to pray in a religious manner. You can pray to your Spirit Guides, Ancestors, God/Goddess, Universe, Life, Spirit, or Soul, or to whatever or whomever you believe in. Prayer is not only easy to do, but it is also incredibly useful. The feelings of thankfulness we experience when we give thanks (which is just one function of prayer) have been scientifically demonstrated to have a variety of health advantages. Prayer also develops an energetic link between your crown chakra and yourself. The more you pray, the more the Eternal enters your crown chakra. Prayer can be thought of as a key that unlocks the door to greater consciousness.

Use crystals

Use crystals as energetic totems to help you balance the energy of your crown chakra. Consider meditating or carrying selenite, danburite, charoite, labradorite, amethyst, or nuummite crystals.

Be open to guidance

Look for synchronicity, indications, and Spirit-directed communication. Guidance is all around you at all times; all you have to do is be open to it. The link between your mind, body, soul, and surroundings is severed when you are cynical. Allow for the possibility of a mistake. Question your assumptions and be brave enough to actively seek and listen to assistance when it arrives. What are the bad thoughts that are leading you to shut down? Do you believe you are not deserving of help? Insecurity and a sense of worthlessness are at the root of most cynicism. Investigate your feelings of poor self-worth and attempt to overcome them.

Dreams, unusual coincidences, daydreams, recurring numbers or symbols, and intuitive gut emotions can all provide guidance – and this list isn't complete! As a technique to help you enhance your attentive awareness, help is provided in a delicate and nuanced manner. Take each day as an opportunity to seek out the assistance that the Universe has to offer.

Authentic affirmations

Infuse your mind with encouraging and loving affirmations every day. Choose a statement that has a strong emotional resonance for you. Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about: “I absolutely accept myself,” “I am free of limiting ideas,” “I am connected,” “I am at peace,” “I am divinely supported,” “I honor the divine inside me,” “I trust my intuition,” “I embrace letting go,” “I listen to the Universe,” and so on.

Do a crown chakra visualization

In your crown chakra, imagine a throbbing or swirling ball of brilliant violet light. Feel the violet energy ball within you dissolve any obstructions, sluggishness, or hostile energy flows. You might also attempt the violet flame meditation, which is an effective approach to increase your spiritual awareness.

Use the following herbs

Herbs including holy basil, lotus, gotu kola, and lavender can be used. These plants can be diffused, burned as incense, applied topically (in a diluted form), or consumed.

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Herbs can be taken as tea, which is one of the most effective ways to consume them. For the crown chakra, I recommend Buddha Teas' Crown Chakra Tea, which is calming and 100 percent organic and can be purchased here. The essence of amethyst has been added to this tea.

What is the meaning of Ra Ma Da Sa?

One of the most important mantras in Kundalini yoga is Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung. “Sun, Moon, Earth, Infinity: All that is in infinity, I am Thee,” says Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hang. This is a relatively new phrase, having been heard for the first time in the summer of 1973. The Siri Gaitri mantra is another name for it.

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is a healing prayer that invokes all of the world's components for self-healing or to send healing energies to someone else. Its practitioners believe that the usage of earthly materials allows the healing energy to travel to others, making it incredibly effective.

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is a favorite among yoga and spiritual practitioners. It's frequently linked to Kundalini Yoga and current tantric activities. This mantra can also be spelled Ra Ma Daa Saa Saa-Se So Hang, while the more prevalent phonetic spelling is Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung.

What does wearing a white turban mean?

Vattan Wali Turban, Amritsar Shahi Turban, Barnala Shahi, and Taksali Dumala are the most common turbans worn by modern Sikh males. Darbara Singh Dummala, Dastar Bunga (the Khalsa's initial turban), and Puratan Nok Pagg are some of the more traditional Turban forms.

Blue, white, and black are the most prevalent turban colors worn by Sikhs, while other colors are also popular. Blue and yellow are very prestigious colors, and they are frequently worn during religious occasions like Vaisakhi. The white turban denotes a saintly person who lives an exemplary life, whereas an off-shade color of white denotes someone who is learning the Sikh religion. The blue turban represents a mind as vast as the sky, devoid of prejudice. The black turban denotes humility and acts as a memorial of the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre. The Basanti, or yellow turban, is connected with the revolutionary struggle, and Sardar Bhagat Singh donned one for this reason as well. Royal blue is typically worn by Sikhs who are well-versed in the faith and proud of their heritage and culture. Green is a color associated with farmers. The orange turban is a symbol of bravery and wisdom. Sikhs from Akali Nihang adorn their blue turbans called Dumallas with miniature weapons known as shastars. Although none of the prominent turban colors are exclusive to any single group of Sikhs, the color of the turban may reflect identification with a specific group of Sikhs. Pink is the chosen color for Sikh weddings. Families use all hues of this color for the happy event, from magenta to baby pink. For weddings, some people like scarlet, maroon, or orange turbans, but pink is by far the most popular. In Sikhism, turban colors are largely a matter of personal preference, with many Sikh men selecting colors based on fashion or taste, or to match their clothing. Some colors have a history; for example, orange and black turbans are commonly worn at political protest rallies, whereas red and pink turbans are used at weddings and other joyous events.

Do you have to wear white to Kundalini Yoga?

When wearing white clothing while doing Kundalini is encouraged for greater results, it is not needed.

Yogi Bhajan is a Kundalini Yoga instructor who introduced the discipline to the United States in 1968. He lectured about the impact of wearing various hues of clothing.

White light has a unique and profound effect on our conscious and subconscious thoughts since it is a blend of all colors.

Consider the amount of energy you associate with each hue. All of the colors are available to encourage and enhance meditation when you wear white clothing.

Is Kundalini awakening permanent?

Kundalini awakening can be long-term or short-term. Kundalini awakening is permanent if it is triggered in the right way.

It is caused by an intentional effort to lead oneself into enlightenment, which is what temporary Kundalini awakening is. It is not created by swallowing any medicines or a sudden by-product of practising yoga.

Permanent Kundalini looks to be an endless electric current, and everyone who has experienced it knows it will never stop.

These people's lives are considered to have been irreversibly altered. This is comparable to electricity flowing 24 hours a day.

The majority of people describe it as “a constant companion,” rather than a rush, a transitory mood, or a long-lasting recollection.

Which chakra makes you smarter?

Intelligence, intuition, insight, and self-awareness are some of its characteristics. When it's out of whack, it can make you feel insecure and fearful of success, or it can make you more egoistical. Physical symptoms of an imbalance include headaches, hazy vision, and eye strain. When this chakra is active and balanced, a person feels more spiritually and emotionally alive and confident. Without the dread of death, one becomes his own master and loses all attachment to earthly possessions.