Why Kundalini Yogis Wear White

When you walk into a Kundalini Yoga session, you'll notice a lot of people wearing white scarves and turbans around their heads. Many religious and spiritual traditions, including Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism, wear head coverings as a sign of faith. Kundalini Yoga, which has its roots in Sikh Dharma, borrows some of the faith's customs, such as mantra chanting, early morning sadhana (practice), not shaving one's body hair, and wearing turbans, to name a few. Although head coverings are not required in Kundalini Yoga, here are some reasons why you might want to consider wearing one.

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Covering the head focuses the energy at the third eye.

Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the West, stressed the necessity of wearing a head covering during practice to focus and contain your energy as well as clarify your thoughts, resulting in a meditative focus at your third eye, or Ajna Chakra.

A snugly-tied turban creates a natural cranial adjustment.

A neatly tied turban, according to Kundalini technology, stabilizes the many small bones in the skull that affect our neurological system and electromagnetic field. A light pressure on the cranium, according to proponents, induces a sense of serenity and wellness.

A turban can symbolize your devotion to your practice.

Covering your head and sitting in front of an altar or sacred area, for example, might help establish the tone for a deeper practice by indicating a shift from the physical to the spiritual realm. When I sit in front of my altar, which is decorated with photos of gurus and departed loved ones, light incense, anoint my wrists with essential oils, and cover my head, I find that I am preparing my body and mind to relax and embrace my practice with joy and reverence.

Why wear white?

According to Yogi Bhajan, your aura extends nine feet around your body, but the color white extends it by an additional foot, offering more protection from bad energy and allowing you to send your positive energy outward to inspire others and attract prosperity into your life.

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Do you have to wear white to Kundalini Yoga?

When wearing white clothing while doing Kundalini is encouraged for greater results, it is not needed.

Yogi Bhajan is a Kundalini Yoga instructor who introduced the discipline to the United States in 1968. He lectured about the impact of wearing various hues of clothing.

White light has a unique and profound effect on our conscious and subconscious thoughts since it is a blend of all colors.

Consider the amount of energy you associate with each hue. All of the colors are available to encourage and enhance meditation when you wear white clothing.

Long-Sleeved Peasant Tops or Tunics

Yogi Bhajan advised his disciples to dress modestly, gracefully, comfortably, and with flexibility of movement in mind. To glide in and out of positions without exposing their midsections, many Kundalini yogis today wear kurtas—traditional Indian-style blouses—or long peasant-style tops. The Parvati Peasant Top from Spirit Voyage is an excellent example of a simple yet sophisticated Kundalini Yoga blouse.


Kundalini Yoga is known for its head coverings. During yoga and meditation, Yogi Bhajan taught his students that tying hair on top of the head and covering it allowed them to harness the inflow of energy, eliminate thoughts from the mind, and focus. Long Time Sun Apparel's Modern Cotton Turban is a less difficult-to-tie alternative to a traditional turban.

Flowy Pants

Kundalini yogis cover themselves in white from head to toe. That means wearing comfortable white pants is essential, especially when sitting in meditation for up to 62 minutes at a time! The 3 Tier Flow Pants from the Om Collection are form-fitting but modest, with three layers that prevent see-through.

Elegant White Tops

Yogi Bhajan was born in traditional India, a matriarchal society in which women were revered as goddesses and mothers were regarded as their children's first teachers. Throughout his teachings, he maintained this sacrosanct image of women. The White Bat Top from Aryasense is elegant yet relaxing, with plenty of freedom for a complete range of arm movements.

Harem Pants

Harem pants are a Kundalini yogi's best friend since they are flexible, comfy, and modest. They allow your legs to easily transition from full Lotus to backbend to Plow. Many Kundalini yoga movements need you to hold your legs up in the air, and harem pants' fitting ankles prevent them from sliding down. White Harem Pants from Spirit Voyage Yogi are a good option.

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What is white tantric yoga?

Tantra Yoga in the form of White Tantric Yoga is a type of Tantra Yoga. Before you get too aroused, keep in mind that this isn't about sex. (That's Red Tantric, by the way.) White Tantric is an ancient group meditation method, according to Kundalini Yoga practitioners, that can help you remove deep subconscious obstacles and heal your body and spirit. Furthermore, proponents claim that it works quickly—one day of White Tantric Yoga is believed to be equivalent to a year of meditation alone, and the effects can endure up to 40 days.

Dark Tantric, on the other hand, may be dubbed “black magic”—manipulation yoga performed for selfish ends.

What is God in Kundalini Yoga?

It's a safe bet that Kundalini Yoga would still be unknown in the United States if it hadn't been for Yogi Bhajan. Yogi Bhajan experienced the hippie cultural revolution in California in the late 1960s, many of whose concepts he recognized from his own Sikh culture. He made two observations. #1) Young people in America yearned to experience God, as shown by their yearning for enlarged consciousness. #2) They were going about it all wrong, aided by drugs and half-baked mysticism.

Outside of the holy Indian lineage, Yogi Bhajan recognized it was illegal to teach Kundalini Yoga. On a weekend vacation to Los Angeles in 1968, however, he got a vision of a new spirituality that merged ancient knowledge with modern practicality during a meditation. He was inspired as he awoke from his meditation. “It is everyone”TMs birthright to be well, happy, and holy, and the practice of Kundalini Yoga is the way to claim that birthright,” he would assert as he taught Kundalini to the west. His weekend trip to Los Angeles grew into a year-long stay. He would found the 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) Foundation and the Kundalini Research Institute within the next two years. He hadn't even begun yet.

Yogi Bhajan”TMs effect is not limited to yoga. He authored several books, founded Foreign Peace Prayer Day, and collaborated with a number of international governments on programs aimed at promoting peace and mindfulness in the globe. Yogi Bhajan felt that through practicing mindfulness and compassion, we can all help to improve society, and he committed his life to making his vision of practical spirituality a reality. Following his death, a bipartisan resolution recognizing his services to the world was passed by the United States Congress.

“Kundalini Yoga is the science of bringing the finite and infinite worlds together.”

Yogi Bhajan is a devotional song written by Yogi Bhat

Let us trace the history of Kundalini Yoga back to the Upanishads, which were the first historical works to mention it by name. The Upanishads (similar to the Vedic literary writings) are a collection of oral teachings on the spiritual nature of reality written by various unknown writers over the duration of 500 years (between 1,000 and 500 B.C.).

The Upanishads are the foundation of Eastern spirituality, having been passed down from masters to students following deep contemplative insights. The Upanishads are where Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religious traditions get their ideas. Kundalini feels the same way.

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The philosophical objective of Kundalini, as the “yoga of awareness,” is to awaken your Higher Self. Each individual is thought to be a Brahman energy center (God-like creative consciousness). We can disengage from the worldly Ego and connect directly with Universal Brahman by applying the scientific procedures developed by Kundalini masters over thousands of years.

The essence of God, according to Kundalini Yoga, is the same essence of ourselves. God is the creative awareness that flows through everything, including ourselves. Because Brahman is already a part of us, we can reach it. To put it another way, we are all expressions of the same collective energy. Kundalini is a technique for releasing our false Ego story of separation and experiencing the genuine nature of our being. Isn't that good for a little stretching?

Why do yogis wear loose clothes?

Wearing Loose Clothes Can Help You Feel Less Stressed Yoga incorporates breathing exercises and meditation in general. They're necessary for gaining more control over your mind and body. While you go to a yoga class when you're anxious, wearing tight clothes can only make things worse.

What is the hardest type of yoga?

Even the most seasoned yogis will find Ashtanga challenging. It's Vinyasa yoga in its purest form, with some of the longest and most arduous yoga practices you'll ever encounter.

It will, however, make you as strong as hell if you are prepared. Anyone who makes it through the primary series, in my opinion, is a superhuman.

Is it suitable for you? Ashtanga yoga may be appropriate for you if you're a seasoned yogi wishing to challenge yourself and truly embrace a strong yoga lifestyle.

Where is Kundalini yoga from?

Harbhajan Singh Puri, a Pakistani-born economics major, boarded a plane with a one-way ticket from Punjab, India to Toronto, Canada in 1968. At the age of 16, Yogi Bhajan, as he would later be known around the world, was declared a master of Kundalini yoga, and he was the first to openly teach Kundalini yoga to the public, revealing a lineage hitherto shrouded in secrecy. Yogi Bhajan founded the 3HO, which stands for “Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization,” a nonprofit dedicated to spreading Kundalini yoga principles, in 1969.

Kundalini is a technique that is a bit outside the box for most Westerners who equate yoga with a flowing physical activity. While physicality is one facet of Kundalini yoga, it also incorporates spiritual elements, such as mantras like “Sat Nam,” which means “truth is my essence,” pranayama, or breath control, meditation, and kriyas, or repeated body motions designed to enhance energy flow. Turbans and white garments are worn by both teachers and students. According to Yogi Bhajan, the color white is cleaning, expands the aura, and protects against negative energy. The crown chakra, the physical body's topmost energy point, is protected and contained by the head covering. Kundalini yoga can be performed by anyone, regardless of age or physical fitness level, due to the range of practices offered in a Kundalini class, particularly those that draw more on the subtle body.

Kundalini has an interesting and fascinating history. The technique is derived from Raj Yoga, which has been practiced in India since 500 BC and is recorded in the famous Vedic collection of scriptures known as the Upanishads. Kundalini yoga is distinct from other kinds of yoga in that it is descended from a Sikh tradition, a religion created in 15th century Punjab that promotes love, equality, and service to others and is distinct from Hinduism and Islam. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, studied and practiced yoga, and Yogi Bhajan, a Sikh, combined their teachings. Many of the meditations in the Kundalini practice stem from the Sikh tradition, thanks to the junction of yoga and the Sikh heritage through Guru Nanak. For example, Guru Nanak's enlightenment experience while learning with the yogis inspired him to employ the mantra Sat Nam in Kundalini yoga.

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Can beginners do Kundalini Yoga?

While anyone can practice Kundalini yoga (unless they have a pre-existing medical problem), this kind of yoga is especially beneficial for those who want to combine a spiritual practice with a physical workout.

Although Kundalini yoga is a demanding practice, its physical and mental benefits make it an excellent choice for both beginners and seasoned yogis. There's a reason the discipline has exploded in popularity, attracting everyone from yoga aficionados to celebrities.

What is red tantric yoga?

Tantra is separated into two types: red tantra and white tantra. White tantra is a solitary practice that combines yoga and meditation. The sexual practice of red tantra is called red tantra.

While both techniques make use of sexual energy, the goals of the two are very different. The purpose of red tantra is to form a stronger link with a partner, whereas the goal of white tantra is to form a stronger bond with yourself.

According to Piper, you can't have red tantra without white tantra, despite what the Western practice of tantra might suggest.

“Red tantra is your chance to apply all you've learned in your solo practice to a conversation with a partner,” Piper explains. Is there no time for solo practice? There's no way you could bring that up with a partner.

“Tantric yoga may still make you a better lover,” adds Rose, who has helped clients overcome addictions to porn or erotica, premature ejaculation, and erectile problems through the practice.

What is black tantra?

The Perfect Matrimony, or The Door to Enter Into Initiation, is the first of Samael Aun Weor's approximately seventy works. It was first published in 1950, then in 1961, it was amended and expanded.

It covers esoteric doctrines such as alchemy, tantra, kabbalah, Maya secrets, Aztec mysteries, ancient Egyptian mysteries, Tibetan mysteries, and Essene mysteries, among others. Every religion it discusses emphasizes the sexual side of religion, declaring flatly that “the theme of this book is purely Sexual Magic.” The synthesis of all religions is presented as sexual magic. From the 1960 edition's introduction:

The author examines a wide range of religions and mystery schools from an esoteric perspective, exposing evidence that has typically been overlooked or understood in an unconnected way. The main theme is that all real religion, yoga, and occultism are built on the foundation of upright sexuality, as illustrated by sexual magic.

The Perfect Matrimony is a talk on how to use sexual transmutation to change sexual energy into its higher forms. According to it, there are three forms of Tantra, or sexual magic: black, grey, and white. White Tantra always opposes any loss of sexual energy, in other words, without orgasm or ejaculation, while Black Tantra involves the ejaculation of semen, and Grey Tantra sometimes culminates with orgasm or ejaculation. It solely promotes White Tantra as a means of achieving “self-realization” and “cosmic consciousness.” This classification system is not found in any traditional Tantric writings, yet it is true that tantra yoga has historically been gupta vidya, or esoteric knowledge not found in books.

Maithuna, sexual yoga, and urdhvareta yoga are all terms used to describe sexual magic.

According to The Perfect Matrimony, Jesus was married and engaged in sexual yoga with his wife.